Searching For The True God, Three

  • Uploaded by: Eduard Rudenco
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,270
  • Pages: 2
Searching for the true God (The third teaching) When ten people speak differently about the same object, although look at it from the same point of view; when they pretend that they relate the unique and the undisputable truth about it; when they claim that there is no other truth but the one they stand for and accuse those who share other opinions of falsehood, of impudence and of the sin of the leading people astray – what conclusion would you make for yourself from such a state of matters? - That all they are in right, all ten, or that only one of them is in right, or none of them, while the other nine or ten are in wrong? In the case you are a philosopher, a scholar or , (doamne fereste), a fool, you can admit that all they are in right, but if you are, even by far, a normal man, you won’t doubt that only one, or none of them is in right. - What do you think, if instead of those ten persons there were ten thousands, divided into ten almost equal camps which repeat the fault of those ten, sharing their points of view and confronting themselves, is the logical deduction concerning those who are in right and those who are not different from the previous one or not? - What about that situation when those ten ideas are shared by a billion people each, does the scales of justice incline in favor of any of them? The answer is negative in both cases, even if an idea brings together more supporters than the other. Now, what would you advise those ten persons, and those ten thousand persons and even those ten billion persons to do in order to find the truth? - Would you advise them to fight among themselves until the truth reveals itself alone? - Would you advise them to pull one others hair until they get wise enough to know the true truth? - Would you advise them to wage war against one another until there remains only one true opinion on the whole surface of the Earth? - Or you would advise them to use their brains properly and find the desired truth without lost of human beings and material goods, without sorrow, trouble and pain, letting at the same time no prejudice or old women counsel influence them? The last choice is that one which would be chosen by every sound person. - Are you of another opinion concerning this? - What would you do if you find out that seven billion of human lives depend on the truth that was mentioned above? What would you urge them to do: - to give up its searching or to insist on it until they succeed in finding it? - What would you have done if you were instead of them? You wonder will be enormous when you’ll find out that the example about which I have told you until now is not even by far only an example, but represents the image of reality that surrounds you viewed from one of it’s most important aspects; Your surprise will be even more enormous when you realize that the importance of knowing the truth about the meaning of the human life is vital indeed, both for the existence of humanity and for your own life; You will be astonished by the fact that you are one of a billion people who share one of the innumerable ideas concerning the purpose of human life. - Don’t you want to believe this thing? It’s up to you to do it or not; anyway reality does not pay any attention to your opinion. You better don’t hurry with conclusions, as you have the possibility to convince yourself personally of the veracity of this fact. There are more than seven billion people on the surface of the Earth at the time being. The number of the most important religions is almost the same. By chance or by the Divine providence, to each of those six big religions amounts almost the same number of clients. Each of those six religions imposes itself to the humanity as the only one and the exclusive way to God, pretending that only it is in right and that all the other religions are false. - Does this real fact differ even by the least from that which I presented to you in my example? - And what is your conclusion now? Alas the things in fact are even worse than in my example. Besides the millenary contradiction between the biggest religions, each of them is, in its turn, divided into ten, hundreds or even thousands of confessions and sects of different type and size that pretend, all as one, that only it is the chosen, the unique, the bride, the

most righteous and the most beautiful religion of the world, accusing, at the same time, even the most appropriate beliefs of the same group and family as their’s of falsehood, of vanity, and of lack of Divine blessing. And we get to the end that not only six, but a hundred of times six religions confront themselves for the supremacy of the world and for the place at the right side of God, while you pretend that you are only an innocent ewe from someone’s small cattle and simulate that you hear and see nothing of what happens around you. - What are you waiting for, man? Are you expecting the Lord to come to milk, to shear and to skin you up? Beware not to be taken by surprise by the Horses’ Easter, or even worse, by the Wedding of the Lamb on a wrong foot, that is in a wrong religion, otherwise you’ll eat no holy wedding cake as you do not see the back of your own head without a mirror. God save you from being chosen by Jesus as his only ewe when you are not prepared to being so! You’d better put an end to your life by yourself now, until it is not too late, than enter into his hands then! But let us leave the preparations for the wedding of the holy lamb aside and see what has happened to the advice which you were almost ready to give to the people from my example: - has it remained unchanged or it has altered when you found out that it addresses to you too and that you also must follow it? It is easy to spread advises, everybody knows it: - it is much more difficult to follow them. Even the pope allows to himself to give everybody advises he never intends to follow. What pretensions would anybody have to you when you are neither a priest nor even a saint? Nobody has or will ever have any pretensions to you concerning the way you squander your life, but the fact that your majesty has all the chances to be at lost and repent bitterly if you do not condescend to think in time about those things which surpass the limits of your psychological and sexual needs is more certain than the fact that two plus two equal four not seven or even five. Therefore reflect a little more time upon the advice you intended a little time earlier to offer to those ten billion of spiritual scatter-brains. I mean the council of imposing their brains to work. – Do not doubt even the least that you also have to follow it! Not some other time. Immediately. Starting now and for ever.

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