Searching For The True God 4

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,540
  • Pages: 4
Searching for the true God (The Fourth Attempt) No father tolerates his offspring when it goes astray from the way he knows as normal, after he had invested in it all he had: wealth, hope, his soul and life. There is not even a drug addict who brought joy to his parents by his physical, intellectual and moral degradation to which he had exposed himself willingly. No alcohol addict, toxin addict, criminal or any other leprosy of society has gladdened his ancestors by the ugliness which he embraced. And no squander has rendered happy those who had brought him to life and ensured his growing up by his habit of wasting away the fortune that they saved their whole life by labor and sweet, carrying it to bawdy houses and casinos. No craftsman rejoices in the work of his hands when it proves to be of a quality inferior to that he meant for it, regardless to the labor and expenses invested in it. No writer finds pleasure in the masterpiece he created when that one does not correspond to his expectations. No rent giver tolerates the tenants of his goods when those ones trample them underfoot destroying and black biting them by their abominable attitude towards them. And no master ignores when his servants get out of their wits and abuse of his benevolence, neglecting absurdly their duties. The justification of the expectation parents, craftsmen, writers, rent givers and masters invest in their children, works, masterpieces, tenants and servants is the only thing which pleases them, the thing that can be implemented only by important achievements and a refined way of life from children’s behalf, and by fulfilling the task for which they were designed as works, masterpieces, tenants and servants. - What do parents who are disappointed of their children do? Deny them. - What do craftsmen frustrated by the works created by them do? Erase them from the surface of the Earth. What do rents givers do when their tenants do not behave themselves civilly towards the things they got into utilization? Extort compensations from them. What do masters who are driven out of their wits by the folly, impudence and disobedience of their subordinated do? Skin them up. Now, what are you going to boast with before your Father, Craftsman, Architect, rent Giver and absolute Master, Who has concentrated the attention of the whole Universe upon your deeds and achievements? By the fact that you are quiet babies and eat, sleep and ... in time? Has the Master of the Universe created you for such sort of feats? – Do you think that what you do is enough, or even too much, to reward Him for the Goods, confidence and goodwill by which He has entrusted you? Take care not to exaggerate in your perseverance, offering to God more than He deserves from you for His merits, so that He would not fatten of your thanks and leave the Universe without His Holy presence! What else does God want from your majesty if the things which you perform are not the ones that please Him? Have you got any opinion concerning this matter? In order to be allowed to enter the West European states and have a walk through the city of “lights”, you have to fulfill one thousand and one conditions, from which none is light. In order to be allowed to penetrate into the territory of USA and peep at the buildings demolished by George Bush, nicknamed by his people Ben Laden, you have to fulfill two thousand and two obligations and duties, one more spoiled by the evil eye than another. Neither americans, nor europeans and not even your fellow country-men give a penny for your merits and heroic deeds. Neither your own family is fascinated by them.

- Does your majesty think that the Master of the Universe will let Himself be impressed by your insignificant efforts and offer you the citizenship of His Kingdom on their account? No, He won’t! What does God claim from people since He does not need their money and services? Let those who use their brains as hat substitute think that He needs their hands and lips lapping, not those who can think. He does not need churches, flocks, mobs and sittings even as much as the things mentioned above. He does not need peoples grumbling, bleats, cacklings and yells, baptized singings of praise, at all, and He does not need their alms, too. If you were in God’s place, what had you pretended from the beings created by you then? Imagine yourself that you are the owner of a countless wealth, that you have into your possession boundless lands, that you are the creator of incomparable beauties, but you are alone, there is nobody to use your riches, there is nobody to master your lands and there is nobody to admire the beauties you have created. Imagine yourself that you are an altruist, not an egoist, that you are a generous person, not a greedy one, that you are a joyful person, not one who kills the other men’s desire to live, and that you are, at the same time, a proud, reparatory and truth loving man, not a haughty, traitress and cunning one. After you have imagined yourself all these things, suppose that you want to put your wealth at the disposal of as many people as possible, as a manifestation of your generosity, kindness, altruism and the desire to live, so that you find pleasure in their happiness. What would be your pretensions to those who would express their will to beneficiate of your offer? Will you disperse them to the left and to the right blindly, or you will conceive a certain selection for this purpose? Take into consideration, please, the fact that I have not told you to imagine yourself mad, crazy, stupid or anything of this sort and kind. On the contrary, imagine yourself that you are the wisest person. Thus, as a wise person, you will never accept the idea of throwing your estate to dogs and pigs, letting it slip into the hands of the litter and the abortion of our society, but will advance a bill of pretensions before those interested to use it. - What would be your first demand to them? - To believe in Jesus Christ, to respect the Jude, the Iscariot, to trust in Jude, the son of Israel, or to know, respect and obey you? Accept the reality as it is, not as you imagine it, and understand the fact that neither Jesus, nor those two Judas, and not even the pope from Rome are your brothers, friends and acquaintances, neither to you, not even to God. What answer follows in this case? That the claimants must know, respect and love you, not somebody else. Concerning those who spread the pretension that they are the successors of Peter, that Peter is the hair of Jesus and Jesus is the son of God, ask the Buddhists, the Muslims, the Hindu, Jews and the followers of other unchristian doctrines what they think about them, for they represent more than four billion people from those six which live on the surface of the Earth at present, that is more than two thirds. If they agree to that pretension, then offer your wealth to Jude, the son of Israel, for he embodies all those four personages taken together. If they abstain of pronouncing themselves in its favor, then refrain yourselves from mean and fool thoughts and intentions, too. - What other requirement would you have to those interested to form your “family”? - Must they sing, dance, play football or to do all these things at once in order to enter in your grace, or to commit themselves to beneficiate of your riches as rationally as possible, that is

to pledge themselves not to destroy them, not to steal them and to slaughter nor one another because of them? I congratulate those who have chosen one of the first four variants, as they proved to be the greatest nincompoop from the Universe, as there is no doubt that his chosen ones will smash his head by their football skills, will dance “the dance of death” on his skull and will sing “may he rest in peace” on his grave. There are no doubts about the fact that you, as a wise person, have chosen the last alternative, that one which compels the claimants to a rational behavior. Isn’t it so? In order to avoid getting drowned as fools before reaching the cliff, leaving the deciphering of God’s requirements towards people unfinished, you have to imagine yourself one more thing: fancy that the foes of human beings and civilization found out about your riches and you became the target of weakly visits of... not of Jehovah’s witnesses, don’t worry, ... you became the target of weakly visits of rackets, bandits, thieves and other mentally handicapped villains who suck the blood and the life from honest people. And you are an honest person. - What other pretensions will you have, in these circumstances, to those who hurry up to share from your wealth? To wait until the redeeming pope comes, that very pope whom a whole world has expected for two thousand years while he never came? To show to the gangsters where you keep your treasure, so that you would not extenuate yourself doing it? To help the brigands soothe you by the pressing iron on your back? Or to take whatever they can handle as a weapon and rescue you? Not even if you were out of wits you will prefer another choice but the last one. Maybe you have a lot of other pretensions towards your fellow-beings before you give them a crumb of bread, while the Master of the Universe pleases Himself with those mentioned above, plus or minus one two. By your permission, let’s summarize and memorize them as well as possible. The first thing which God pretends from men is to know, respect and love Him. - Do you know God? - What is His name? There are hundreds of persons whom people worship as Gods: Krishna, Shiva, Brahma, Allah, Zeus, Apollo, Ishtar, etc. – Whom of these Gods do you know? According to the way of their life it is clear that the majority of people know and worship that god who gives them money, first of all, authority, coca-cola, war, exterminating camps, famine and many other things of this sort and kind. Him who offers people eternal life, health and happiness, only few men know. Very few persons know Yehowah, although He is the only true God and the Master of the Universe. The name of your god, that is of him who gives you money and cool sensations, is Azazel. The second thing which God wants from the human kind is to use His creation as rationally as possible, all it: the Earth and its natural and mineral resources, the animal and the vegetal world and us, the human beings. - Do you conform yourself to this requirement of God? Which way do you do it? You do no evil and that’s all, isn’t it? Neither plants do any evil, at least at the first sight, still you do not consider yourself a plant, but a man, therefore the difference which nobody denies that exists between men and plants must express itself in your way of life too, not only in theory.

The third thing which God would be Glad to see in men is their determination to face evil everywhere and at any time, and the liability to struggle always for Him who created them. Be considerate, pious christians, young and old ones, to the following fact: all existent religions from the Earth converge upon the fact that God has an enemy, a mortal foe. Neither your religion denies this thing. It is also stated, by the majority of religions, that in order to defeat His enemy God was supported by His angels, morally and military. The war between God and His foe is not over, yet. We are in its final stage. The last battle, the biggest, the most awful and the decisive one is approaching. Both Yehowah and Azazel prepare Their forces. From those more than six billion people, almost seven billion people stand for Azazel. Jesus Christ, the only person who is expected to fight foe God is nowhere. Contrary to his promises of coming back soon, there are more than two thousand years since nobody knows anything about him. He either fled away, when realized that he was alone on God’s side, or meditated a little longer upon Azazel’s offer, who gave him half of the kingdoms of the Earth into his possession and now he finds himself in the camp of God’s foe. There is one thing which is certain about him: since he went, he is gone. He gave nobody any sign about his existence anymore. If angels behave themselves like men and intend to fight for God as human beings please to do it, God’s chances to win that war are... What chances He can have when He is compelled by circumstances to fight by Himself against the whole Universe and when He does not have even whom to fight for? You are waiting for Jesus Christ to struggle against the armies of evil instead of you. Jesus left Peter to fight instead of him. Peter has died. The pope who pretends to act under the authority of Peter stands on the side of Azazel. - Who is to fight for God, worthy sir? The greatest requirement which Yehowah has to men is to be ready to fight for Him, ready indeed, not only imaginary, and prove this disposal by concrete deeds. In case you agree with the pretensions which I prescribe to God, undoubtedly you are interested to know the modality by which the Master of the Universe will detect those who prove to have the above mentioned qualities and fit to His will, and who does not. - Do you know the way by which the selection of claimants will be done? If you were instead of God, what would you do? - Would you ask the claimants ant trust in them by their word of honor? - Would you offer them the possibility to demonstrate you, as our politicians demonstrate to their voters, who they are and what they are concerned to do? Or you will conceive special tests of revealing their personality and, without anybody supposing anything, will check the candidates in similar conditions to those you want to put at their disposal? Do not hesitate too much upon choosing the answer, for only the last alternative can provide you the complete, truthful and useful information which you need in this situation. - What do you think; does not God use this proceeding too? - Are you sure He does not? - If you are sure that He does not do it, then what is your life, according to your opinion? - And, how do you certify your determination to fight for the Master of the Universe?

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