The True Religion Of God

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 34
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BY r.A . . P h ilips (PhD Theology.University ofW ales.U.K.)

R evised edition


o _ _ ant. n._ote_ ...

S'L 'nce e Noble Qurm was reve ed in abic m d is dis nct in s le m d eloquence, it is m lm

y i possi 'ble to b m slate m to ano er age. As a gener le, its texc shoutd be

wn'tten in its oj

al abic fo , then its

em ing could be m slatcd inco m o cr Im age. Bccause wc felt at e .subject should be rief m d con , w e decided to exclude e Arabic tem m d co leave e

n ish m sla on ofits mem ing.

C O N T EN T S .

_ . . ._ _ . .. .._

._ _ _


ich is eTrue Reli 'd on olG od t

TheReli on'sN




G od nd C e 'on


The M essage ofFd se Religions


Univenali4 ofGod'sRelid un


Recoeni'on ofG od


Thc Si s ofG od





IC H IS TH E T R u E L IG Io o F G o D ? . Gach person is bom in a circum stance w hich is lot uf his ow n choosing. The

reli on ofhis f ily or the ideolo ofthe state is thrust upon him from the vey beginning of his ej stence in this world . v thg tim e hc reaches his teens, he is u iu

ty fully brain washed into believine

that the l7eliefs of his p icular society are the com ecc heliefs that evey one should have. ttuw cver, w hen som e peopte m ature d are expnsed to nthRr beligfsystem s, thev begin to question the

vaJidi4 ofthgjrown beliefs.The seekers or truth often reach a point of confusion upon re i ing that each and eve

religinn. scct, ieolo m d philosoph

cl m s to be the one and only con ect way for nl . lndeed , thcv l encour e peuple to do good. Sn, hi ch one is jghc? . They cannot lhe jght since each cl m s l uthers arc w rong. Then how dnes the seeker ofrruth choose the jght ay?.

Lirctc r u s , il m inclx ncl inlclirr! ,s tl) ih to ))3,)kc lt:is rci:L ;)J ;{c :s,l),: !t ! .s t t)c );1rJxc in.E7nic,n( rlccisin)) ir. rhr ! iItr . nf i h un),3I) t)ci)? .R ' E i r ) ) l t d . c t t r nL , ! s h: . , íL)tu ie, 'r In srru r.T .)ti;.r ch d rvrn c)nr nf u s m Llst Ex rn1n. ' c ;i s? ,yssic}n,)celi thc ,) rvidcncc rcscntcc3 nd ctiunsc w h )l .iIi)c) <:iIc1cncc y7}E:cc.)s cr ttr ! . il uc)Iil ILi rises. .

c.rL2l 7lc


Likr e\en r:thcr rcli ic,n c)) E:h Ic. soph?. lsth) lsc) c'l:t)m. s to he t. c ;)nr nLlc)nh t(. ! tn tt;jS t'(',i '{'t j! , i. S f3r) trU? W t' t{J {ì( (liîf ren t fI(}l)j ()tt.Lr !(,;;s ..' . h( t()k ti intcncls In E:rniic1c s m c r\irlcr,rR fc;) the c:)lir{:! ). ì :h ,it Li:lin ., t:n\c ic c. )t m u s L 1t rs t)( k(. in u)Ir) i! ,,,c ,)n( n unth c)rCcìmi nr :hc 1)):L p,! .1;):\ 1)uttcc)ci, :1,sirlc th i ci c:tic:nx ,!,;rì ;:icjL)c3)rrï .' . rt i: c7t' cen ,: lin (! . u. s :n IL:.! .f , hc,), .)n ii . )n i\ rhrr., c)ll \cr t:r hlr '! ,n L :sr )u) (ìcic 1giirn i))(rllieeq)cc yn;l )..:;kr ,L ):3ti,n: 1l :;nrl rnrrLccrlcci .sil 7n, .





' .

'hcrr ,:rr sriL,:)J :J g:1m rn (s \ch i .ch

m:3; t)c:3cl): 3nrccl! ,,lx! ,::E: icis! ,:\m's rl )? .. '

tc: hr thc

tr):c .


r! .i g.nri

uf í'io(! T h,L .

follow ing are on ty threc uf the m nsI nhviou s. The first eu m ent is tased on the divine njgin of the n, 1m e nf the relieion j the com prehensiveness of its m ean ing. Th e second de s w ich rhe u niqu e and uncom p cated teachings conccIning the rela(innship t)cM een G od, m , d creation. The thir gu m ent derives frum the fact that lst is uni ers, d l? L att na le l}y l m cn ac l tim Cs. ìhese e the three basic com ponents nf w hat logic d reasçn d ictace necessq for a reIiginn to be

considc,rcLi che true religion ofCind.The fullow ing p es w ill dcvelop concepts in som e detail.


T H E R E LIG EO N 'S N A M E TtT(: Fir. st thiii.L, tt);I c)n r sh()\lI! .j I.IlJ\i , d clearly underst, 3ncl3ln<\t Isl:, .I,! .is l.h:.tthc w ord "IsIQm" itsllfm caT;s 't,c , 4i,ll)ir word "ist ~ ine s tt)t s\\I;\:,s,;ir)r or sum enJRr of or,('s \tiIt tn 1 ,lic unlv ( e .

God,known in r i\:! .' , 7i ,is'.1ll.ti.{) c ho sut)m its his wiltIcJ(i(J(lis l(i\\iecl in Arahic 3 UM uslim ~. Th<: i lit, ()n n1 lslam is nnt n ed after . persur) rr ,if;enple,nnr was it d(.ci{l(cl t7tTa latcr c c\.,tinn of m ,< 3s

in thc casi of Christi itv which was \) ed fterJesus C'hnst,R cldhism ter G auc a H uddha, Confuci, ism aJter Conf M amthc ism trit : l M arxd! Juc 1muci smus, d ter 7etei nf' K Jud3h Hinduism

, 3ftei


H indu, s.


(subm ission t() thc will nf 'oclt is the ieli ;on w hich vas gi en to nd, ,thc nrst m an and the rirst rnphet of ricml, and it w as thc relim' rJn nf 3llthe pr(lphets sent bv

hv nll: tü man nd. Furthe urc, iis n n) e as chnsen hvCind lim. selfand this is cle lv me,ntiune in the n , scjr)turc which He reve ed (o m .In Ihat Fin

rcvela on, caJled in An bic the Q ur , Allah statcs the follow ing;

"Thj day l h reIigion Jor you, co upon you, and l Islam


perJe ed yR r l ed My fnuour chosen for you

r reIigion.''

1C l:lLn í.1t

''IJ nnyone de R a R ligion oth than l5lam (subm j sion to God), n r llitbe accepted oJ HiR ~ í()L:r:ul. 3;K.i1 H ence, Isl new rcligion

does not cl m tn be a brought bv Prophet

Moh med into Arabia in ìhe seventh centu n , but rather to be a rc expression in its Final fonn or the true religion of Alm ightv od, Atl , as it w as origin lv

revc e

to Adam

and subseque t

prophets. At this point w e m ight com m ent brienv

on two otherreligions thatclaim to be thi true path. Now here in the Bihle w ill you nnd G ud rc.vcaJing to Prophet M oses'

people or their descend its (h3t thci! relieion is catled Jud sm , or cn rhe follow ers or Ch st that their religion is called Chrisci, anity. In ocher w ords, che n es 'J uc1 sm " d 'Chj scian it hart

no divirie ujgin or aI}prov, al.It w s not u ntil Inng after Jesus'deparcure thar che n c 'h risti itv was eh cn to his . relieion. W haI, then, w as J esu i religion in acru fact, as distin ct from its n ' .' ? ttis religirJn wc as renected in h is teach in es,

which he ur6ed his followers to accc:pt s guiclin6 pj nciplcs in lheir relatin7iship w ith Ciorl. ln lsl , Jesu s is a prophet sent by Allah and his A ra bic nu ne is esa. Like the µrophets t7eru1e hi1n , he c le u pon thc pc()ple to sun ender their

w illto the w illufCiurl(which iswhatlslani mc . st. For ex ple, in the New -

' 0o!h Mc


mc 'J us' d U1c K9n1e ' t1ns1' K dci1cd

fron1 Hebm :vnrds. ( hrou GRck.nd L (1n JcsusIs1Ilr En6t1sh .r1d L 11n fun11 of (hc C rLh k Icsous' hlch 1n

Hcbm w rs v'cshw 'or Yctloshwa'(J h1Q) 1cCTR kword chnnos'Is. LM s 1lon or1hr Hrbrriv 'I11css , h'.1ylrIrl11s,1 1IUc n1c n. '( h oln(cd' J

Test ent it is stated that Jesus taught hiS followers to pra.y to God as follow s. ~

rfather in henueq

n am e, M Uy your m

JJowgd by your

' ((be done on ea h as ir

is in heauen."

( uke 2l.2/M atthew 6.9-10) ThiS concept w as em phasi2ed bv gsus

in a nUmberofhjs, statemgntsrec rded in the G ospels. He raught, for gx ple, tha( Dnly thUSe w ho subm itted w outd inhg ( paradise. ~

NonR of those who (( me r Lo ' (J M ngdom oJ Cod,butunly t one w does the un' lloJmy Fatherjn ~ (M atthcw 7;2lt R nt ert

JeSUS So pointed out that he him self subm itted to the w illofGod . '

ICanllotdo clnyt 'rq of myseJ f I dge as

lhenr and mym dgmentis honesrbec use I Um nut . seekirg my ow n 'J( buc r ' ((

nJt(im w ho sentme.^ John S:23

There e m y repon s in the Gnspels w hich show that Jesus m ade it clear tu his folow grs that he w as noc the one true God. Fur exam ple, w hen speaKing about che naJH our,he s d . ~No-one know s bout the doy or hour, not e n the rq els ' n he uen,nutthe son,buf the F ther.'



Thus, Jesus like the prophets before him d the one w ho c e tgr him , caught the religion nfIsIRm .su bm ission to

cheWilloftheone true God.


c o D A N D C R E A T IO N Sincg thg tot subm ission ofone's w illto riod rgpresgnts the essencg of w orship, the basic m es e ofGod's divine religion . IslRm .is Ihe w orship ofGnd Rlone.It so requires the avoidance ofw orship direcred to any person , place or thing other than

God.Sinceeve? hingotherth God,the crgatorof lthi things,is God'screation, ic m av bc s d that lst

, in essence,

caJls man away from worship ofcrgation and invites him to w orship only his C reator. He is the only one deserving of m s w orship,because it is only bv His . w i1lthat praygrs are answ ered. Accordinglv, if a m L

prays to a tR e

d hisprayìrsareanswgred,icisnutthe

tree w hich 'answ ers his prayers but G od , ho lows thc circum stan es prav or _ ed f to t e ptace. U ne m ight say. "'rhat is o0vious". I ow ever. tu tree-w orshippers. it m ight not bc so. S , im itartv, prayers to

Jesus, E3uddha, or Kjs na or Saint C hj stopher, or Saint Jude or even to M uh m ad, are nnc sw ered b} chem , l2


e answered by Go


Jesus did nof

tcll his follnwers t wnr. ship him

ut to

wnrship God,as che Quran scates. '' 11d JJgJol I Elah roiII suy. 'O

thc 5on o Mny . lDid you suy to



w orship m e nnd m y m other as gods besidcs lInh ? .'. H LJ w ill sny. 'CiIoy tn you, l co11td rrm r suy w hat 7 flud 1lo .

rigfIt(to snyJ.''' II,I ;.. ,

T) , ij,l l

Nor did Jesus w orship him self when he w orshipped, but rather he w orshipped God. A nd Jesus w as reported in the G ospels to have sm d, Y is w Ren. 'W ors j the and se e H im onJy ' "

rd your Cod


(Luke4.8) This basic pjncíple is cont ned in the

openin$ chapter of the Quran, known as Soon h al-Faatihah .verse 4.

'You aIone do uJe

n hip nnd Jrunr

you ulonc do w e seck heIp .'' lJ

Elsew here, in the finU

book o(

revelacion,rhe Quran,Gud Uso said. '' nd your

rd s ys. 'CRlI on M e

nd I

will nsweryour r yer).''' ()iliíji) (I.I)(1j

tt is w orth em phasi ing that the basic

m es e ufisl (nam ely,the orship of Cìod U one) U su procl m s that God and H is creation are distinccly enci es.God is neithcrequU to lis creation nor a partof it, nnr is His creation enu to H im or a partofH im . This m ieht seem obvious, but m an 's w orship of creation,instead of the C reator is to a 1arge degree based on i orance, o r neglect, of this concept. lt is the belief that thc essence of God is eve here in

His cre6tion nrthatHis divine heing is or w as present in som e parts of H is creation,

which has provided juscincation for the w orship of G od's creation and n ing ic the w orship ofG ocl.H ow ever, the m ess e of Isl , as brought by the prophets of G od,is to worship onl_v God and to avoid l4

the w nrst)tJ of H is creation either directl_v or indirectly.

In the Quran God clearly states; ''For u redly sent m ongst peop e n p rophet, w ith the com

W orship Me nd nuoid J

y nd.

e h ds.'' !

()il1cll lti..3(iI

, .

W hen idolw orshippers e questioned as to w hy they bow dow n to idols created bv m en, the inv able reply is that they

e not actu lv worshippìng the stonc ,

im age, but God w ho is presenc w ithin ic. Thev cl m that the stone idol is only a

foc pointforGod'sessence and isnotin itself Godl O ne w ho has acceptcd the concept of Ciod m ing present in any w ay w iIhin His creation ill be obliged tn accept this argum ent for idolat . W hereas, one w ho understan ds would never ee to idolary no m arcer how it is ration i ed.

Tho w ho havg ç1 m ed diyinih for them selves dow n through the æ es 'have l5

orten based their claim s on the m isL en bRliRr that G ocl is prescnt in m .Taking one step furthcr, thev claim that G od is

mnre presentin them than in the restof us, d chac nther hum an s should thcrcfore subm it to chem d w orship thcm as Ciod in person or as G od cnncentrate,d w ithin their persuns. Sim il ly, those w hu havc assertgd the

godhood ofothers tcr theirdeaths have found fertile 6round am ong those w ho acccp( (he f se belief of Ciod s presence in m


It shoutd be abundantly clear hy now th< at l}nc w hu has grasped the basic m cysagc of Esl and its im plications could never ree to worship anoIher hum an heing under v circum stance. God's rcligion, in esseilce, 'is a clear c l lo thc w urship of the Creator and rhe

re)ection of crcation worship in any form .

Thisisthe me, aning nfthemotto oilslam : '

"lmn ilnnha illna llah"

(There is no God bu tAllaht l

'l'tlR sincRre dectaraIion uf this phrasR m rl the, acccptan cc of prophe,thood autom atic ly bring one w ithin the folcl uf

Islym ,and iincere betiefin itguarantees one Purndise. Thus, the nn


Prophet nf

(p.b.u.h.Jis reporced to have said,

''Anp one

bo s8ps: Tbe e is uo God

but All8b,aDd dies bolding tb8t m elie w W eDte p8radise."

elief in this decluru on o ruilh requires that nne subm it his/her will tu God in the w ay taught by the prophets of

God.I( so requires thë believer Io $ive up rhe w orship of raJse ¬ods.



THE M SAG E O F FU S E R E LIG IO N S l'here are so m any sects,culcs, R li ons philosophies,and m ovem ents in the w orld, d lofw hich ctd m to be the right w ay or the only true path of Godl How can one det mi w hich con oneect is com ector hether in er fact ,ne aJl ? . One m ewrhod by' w hich the sw er can be found is to clear aw ay the supem iciaJ dineR nces in the teachings of e van'ous ct ts to the

ulU' te truth,

d identih the centn l

object ofwonhip upon w ich


dírectly or indiR ctlv. F se religions

, l

have in common o e basic concept with reg to God. they eíM R cld m th8t d l m en are gods, or that speciFic m en w eR God,or thatnature is G od,or that God is a Fi entofm an's im æ a on . Thus. it m ay be stated that the basic m es e offd se religion is that G od m ay be w orshipped in the fo ofH is creation.

Fd se reli ons invire m an to the worship of creation by caJling the crea on or som e aspect of it God. For ex ple, prophgt l8

Jesus invited his follow ers to w orship God, but those w ho cl m to be Jesus foJlow ers today c l people w orship Jesus, cl m ing thathe was G od. Buddha w as a refonner w ho introduced a num ber of hum anistic pj nciples in the religion of India. He did not ct m to be G od, nor did he su est to his followers

that he be an ob)ectofworship.Yettoday m ost B uddhists w ho are to he found outside ofIndia have t en him to be God and they prostrate them selves to idols m ade in their perception of his likeness.

By using the principle ofidenIif ng the object of worship. we can easily detect f se religions and che contrived nature of

theirojgin.As Cod s d in the Qur . ''ThQt w hich you w orship be des H im Qre on 7y nQ s Qnd you nd your


in nted Jor which

IlQh h sent down no Qutho ty; the com nd belongs on7y to IlQh. H e h com m nded thQt you w orship H im thQt is the ght reIigion, lt m ost m en do not under Q nd.~ l t ! l1,I \l ) ;r;.r .


It m ay be argued that aJl retigions teach good thing,s, so w hy should it m acter w hich nne w e Follow 7 . The rcpl y is thac aJl f sc religiuns teach the greatest evil The worship uf crcation . Creationwors ,hip is the greatest sin that m can com m it because it contradicts the ve purpose of his creation . Man wascreated to w orship God one as Allah has .

explicitly statcd in the Quran: '' lh

onIy cre ted j nM nnd J h

thnt thy

y w orship

e. '' '

Il,::.:,,:: ;i

iI:I ,


Consequentlv, the w nrship of creation

which is the essence ofidolat isthennlv' unfnrgivahle sin One who dies in th s .

state ofidolatry, has se ed his fatc in the next life. This is not an opinion , hut a reve ed fact stated by G od in his Fin revelation (o m .

''Vc Iy II h wílI not Jorgi the joining oJ pnrtners u ith tIim, lw t tlc y Jorgi (sinsJ Icss thnn tll t Jor w ho


r e w ishcs. '' ! ,I);l, . ;, .: .


i .

,,. , l .


. ,

OFG0D, S RSL1 Ty c I oN

Since the con quences oCfoltow;ng a r

rC on

e So rc ave, the ( e religon ur

GOd m ust have been un;vers lv Underst dable and univgrs lv ac( nabi e in the past d itm ustcon( egtem l y to be UndCrst dable d atc nable th Ughout the en re world. 1n other WOrds, thP true retjgjon of r,od c nu( be COnrlned to y one people, place, or periOd oftim e. Nor ís it logic (hat such a religiun ShoUld im pose condi(ions chat havc nothing to do w i(h che rclat;onsh;P Of m w ith G od , such as baptism , or belief in m as a sav;or, or an inte edi . W ithin the ccnIr p ncipte

Of Isl its c3erinitjon f(he surrender oF One' S Will tU God) lie the roo(s of 1s1 n s UniVerS i .W henevgr m com es (o the re tion that G od is one d distinc( from His creation , d subm its h;m selr (o God, hc becom es a M usijm in bod.y d Spirit d is eligible ror p adjse.


Consequently, yone at any tim e in the m osc rem ote regions of the w orld can becom e M u slim , a follow er of G od's

religion, Islam , by m erely rejecting rhe w orship of creation and turning to God one.It should be noted,how ever,that in order to actuaJly subm it to God's w itl,one

must continu ly choose between right and wrong. Endeed, m an is endowed by G od w ith the pow er not onl co distinguish ght From w rong but aJso to choose betw een them . These God given pow ers c w ith them im portant responsibilit}, n ely, rhat m an is sw erable to G od For the choices he m es. It follow s, then, that m shoutd t? his u tm ost to do gnod an d avoid evi1.

These concepts are expressed in the rinal revetation as follow s:

''VeriIy, those uho beIie (iI tt.E Quran), urld those Iuho JoIlou, t. te e sh Juith. nnd the lIris 'nns, und the S iuns (rlngcI nrld strr ruorship r t rny oJ thcse w ho be Ii in Ila h rlnd thc t Dn / n Jlrl I1Jork j hteoIls ,css slIn lI hcl r. thci7 ll


th their lD rd . Thy

he o rco

w ill rtrf

byJe rurgrief.'' !I I Il.Jt! .! . ;(I

If, for w hatever rcason , they f l co accept the rin m essage aJtcr it h s been clearly explained to them .they w ill be in grave danger.The lastProphets d: ''W ho er A ong tbe Christians and Je s bear Df iuc hut does ot afrir his beliel iu hAt E brougbt a d dies tb .stAte w W hc anlong tbc inbAbitants uf HcLI.'' C


It ''.

, .








Æ C O G N IT Io N o F G o D The question w hich 'ses here js. H ow can l people be expected to be2ieve in the une true G od, given their v 'ng backerounds, societies d cuttures7 . For people to be held rgsponsible for w orshipping the one t e G od , they 2 need to have access to know tedge nf Him . The rin rgvetation teaches thar 2 hUm an s being have the rgco ition of the one true G od im p nted on thejr souts a.s a p of their vey nature with w hich they are created.

In the seventh chap(er of rhe Quran (Al-Arac 1f,ver s 172-l73 ,God expl ned that w hen H e creatgd Ad , H e cau sed l nf Ad 's dgscend ts to com e ;nto eXiStCnCe and H e took a pledgg from them

sa ng. '' m I not our LD rd ? .' 1o w hich thq

Rllre, rlicrl. ' es,Iue tc. m ' to it.''' Allah then expl ned w hy H e had tof m ankind be w itness that He is thejr l

crea(or d thc (nlv true w orship.H e s d. .

od w nrth t of .

~7hat ín c0 e you (nw nkinq shouId say on the y oJ Rc m ecti 'on, CVe Iy we weR una re oJ aIlthts.'^ ( tLl(.(()í.liI 'rhat is to say,we c not cl m on that {iav (hat w e ha(J no idgg that A llah wgS ' ou r God and thgt no one told u s that we vgre only supposcd tn w orship Allah

ong. AIj

went on to further expl n

chat. 'Jt also in c e you sh ld say, 'Ce ainIy it w our ancestors w ho


ers (wíth llahJ and


onIy their descendants; w tlI you then


y w Jor w hatthose líars did? .'" (,C,titr; n ^i. t^ i. 'i

Thus,gvgv (;hild is horn with a ngtural helier in Ciod d in l}orn inclination to worship l3im alnne. This in born helief d jncJingiiçn is c Jgd in Argbic the KF'itr ^. 5

The Prophet M uh m ad reported that nllah s d, ~I cre8ted p g


bt re

oQ, b t d


tbe go 8 b 8p." The Prophet so g 'd , ~ 8cb cb d b 8 t8te or Pib 8b ' TbeQ bb p e t8 8 e b 8 Je , 8 C ti8 or 8 ro8 b t ." If the child w cre left aJone, he w ouId w orship G od in his ow n way, bur l chi1dren are ected hv thc environm ent. So,justas the child

bmits to the physic laws which Allah has imposed on näture,in the s e way s

his soulalsn subm ics natur ly to the fact that Allah is his rd and Creator. But, if his p ents t?' to m e him fotlow a different path , thc child is not strong


in the eartv sr es nf his life to

resist or oppose thc'wi 'llofhis p ents. In such cases, the religion w hich the child follows is one of custom and upbringing d G od does noc hotd him to account or' punish him for his religion up to a cRrtain stage ofhis life.




Throughout people's liies, from chilr3huurl until the rim e the? c1ie, s .igns uf the unc cl unlv crue Ciocl e show n (u ther in

lregicìns or(hc carth anclin thelr o n souls,untititbecnm es clear that there is onlv one truc God (Allah I.Gud . s, 1.js in thc


''W e IuiII sfIow tfiem our si ns in tk

m rthest m gioM (of the e rth) nd in their sou Is, untiI it becom es clenr to the thnt th is the t th.'' I(,, : ,. I , l,i ',(I .

The Follo g i. s ex nple ur 1 re ealing hv a 0 to nne m an che ecTnr cr hisidol-wnìship. In thR sDuth-eastem region

nf lhe Am, n jungle in Am ejca,a p Io housc repM n ne cM a on. Thc

il, S
iti ve tjbe eg ted a ncw hut the m idol Sk ha(ch thc supR m e G od of ' fotlow g day a ),nung m an

enteRd e hutto pay hom e tn e Chd, d whilc he w as in prns a on tc}w har hc

had been (aum t u 3s his Cm c 1tnr , c' i ,

Sust ner, a m an old nea jdden dog slunk to e hut. The voung m tuoked

up in time to g Me d g liA his h d l and pass ujnE on the idol.Ou


youth cham 1 M e dog out of e tem pte;hut w hen 's e died down he r ' d at e idol could not be e LD rd uf the Univerx . G od m ust bc el where, he concluded. As stn nge as it m ay g m ,the dog um aced on e idol w as a from God for that young m an. This si cont ned the divine m es e atw hat he was wors pping w as f . Itlihen ted Crom slavis y foUo g his di on l y lc ed

wors pofar god.AsaNsult,Misman was given a choice. ei er to seek thc c god or to con nue e em r ofhis ways. Allah m en 'ons Prophet Abraham 's quest for God as e ple of how M o w ho follow H is signs w illm jghUy ided . "So

lso did

E sho

br h m t

po r nd the ws of thc he ns nd the e rth th t hE m ight ( 'th unde ndim ) uc cErtí dc.


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i s was nlentinnect earliRr. prnphRts havc hccn scnt to hc n tiun {1 trihe tr; suppor1 m 's naturm telief iri Cìnd L rl in ;.n '.s in hr)rn inclin;i1ii;n trt ;7rshift LlIni.

as w ellas to reinroR e the divine truth in the U 'ly si s reveated by G od.Although

much ofthe prophet tiachingsbecome jiston ed, po inn. s reve ing their G odinspired m essages hnve rem ned un( ntgd d hnve ed to ide m ankind in the choice betw een jght m d wrong. The inßuence of God-inspired m ess es down chrough the es cm be seen in the Ten Com m m dm ents of Jud sm 's Torah which w eR later adopted into Chjstim ity's teachings, as well as in the e stence of law s 6g nst m Urder, steaJing and adultey in m ost societies throughout the m cientm d m odem w orld. A s n result of God's signs to m m kind through the a6es com bined with H is revetation rhrough tlis prophets, atl m m kind has been given a ch ce to recogni e the one rrue Ciod. Con uently, evey soul wi 'll m held accountahle for its m Lief in God m d its

ac p ce of the t e R Li on of God, n ely Isl .which m eans totalsubm 3 'ssion ro the lnfAllm . 1.U

C O N C k U S Io N The E: lR ' e pm n ta un hcs (IeM ur)xcr t q . Lt thR n e of thr R lic on uf ts;, ,)n m SX S ISt; '. S M Ust rentr prin ripl(. SU hM iSSion to Ciod , 1n(l th;c ctj n c A l. sIn m w s ch usen nr)t t}v M , hu c t)h .


Gn(l,acCording t(} the hni sc pcurcs f lslc3m .lth s su been sh wn ch t tst, 1m ,

one te chRs th? linin!lRntss uf r o(l , c! H iS attjbuteS m cl {njoir3s thR w urshiIj (t CioCl ufone r1Jiffm 11t 'rqfl R inn , tìin,tt, .

dUe tu the diinRly jnstiIl?d incljn:qciur3 ijf


lcJ w(:rshiti Cud , 1nrl th{ si s

reVR cd hy Cod 1h rr7ughnu t ;he ;iers tr) chilch in divi(lu: ,lst;m m ,{v t)( ctlj?hc(l t), d linen ( lltim es. ..


In short, thc sign .nr; cp r)r i , ch? i(a7nR . (suIJm issjo cu {ìr)d , m s fund, (n tal L 1c nw I(cEgpr33(rlc l)t ' ch( Ilnj4u Rr3Rss ufCìud , (1 lsl;un x ;3rcLssit)itjc to itJl m nd 1 :3tl tirnrs c()nvir3Lir3,4i v xllppurt Ist: 's cl, 1jrn ch t frui33 c .c beginnine uf tim r in w hatRvpr languw ( 1( w s e.E:rRss(cl. lsl; :)l()nr h:ts t 7e n,;u)c3 w illhc the tru p rplig?(7n ()f'Cì()rl,








ln conclusion w e ask Allah, rhe Ex ted, to keep us on tbe right path to which He has guided us, an d to bestow on us H is blessings and m ercy, for H c is indeed the M ost M erciful. Pr se be ro Allah . the rd of the w or)ds, d peace and biessings be on h ophet M uham m ad d on aJl the prophets of G od and their righteous follow ers.


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