Saved August 2009 Issue

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executive editors letter EDITORIAL To Our Friends,

practical solutions to everyday problems PUBLISHER

Victor Morales EDITOR


We pray you are having a blessed summer! Know this: there are definitely better days ahead of us! Be sure to read the article, Growth in a Down Economy. We also have a new column in this edition, Sales Moves, by sales professional Jeffery Gitomer. In each issue, we will be bringing you his insight and wisdom to help boost your business and sales. Our vision is always to help you be the best that you can be.

Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne Joyce Meyer Jeffrey Gitomer Alandra Morales

Seize this day! Make the very best of it because you won’t get it back. We pray this issue inspires, encourages and lifts you up. Remember, God has great things in store for you. The best is yet to come!



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Victor and Diana Morales // Publishers

Tony Geers Lesley Geers


(956) 686-9925


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All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent from Saved Magazine and/or its affiliates. Saved Magazine reserves the right to edit, rewrite and refuse editorials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions, or consequences arising from it.  Saved Magazine shall be held harmless indemnified against any third party claims.   Advertisements appearing in Saved Magazine present only the viewpoint of the advertisers.  We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication.  All correspondence and submissions by readers/advertisers to this publication become property of Saved Magazine. Printed in the U.S.A.

Celebrate! Christian Revival Center

contents saved magazine | july/august 2009


Growth in a Down Economy When it appears that there is no way that growth can come into your life, God’s Word says that with the Lord you can begin to expand every area of your life.


The Force of Faith


Your Tongue Steers Your Life

Faith is a powerful force. It can move mountains, calm storms, and conquer kingdoms. The Bible instructs us how to put this force in operation in our lives.

The Bible compares our tongue to the rudder of a ship. Just like a rudder steers the direction of the ship, your tongue steers the direction of your life!


Do Yourself a Favor… Forgive by Joyce Meyer Forgiveness is the key to breakthrough in every life.



God’s Word is the Final Word! Man will always tell you how things “are”, but God’s Word is the FINAL word. Read about our very own story as parents who put our faith in God.


Marriage 101 – Part 2


Sales Moves by Jeffrey Gitomer

HOW TO BE HAPPY By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

Happiness comes from this very simple attitude and action. Put it into play in your life and watch how everything around you takes on new meaning.

Most people are always looking for the right spouse, but seldom spend the time necessary becoming the right spouse.

BUSINESS NEWS: Learn a powerful approach to increasing your sales with existing clients and exposure to new ones.

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GROWTH in a down economy By Victor Morales

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke 6:38). In a down economy, this does not make sense; yet, in God’s economy, it is the best way to overcome all shortages. The Bible tells us in Genesis 24 that Isaac, Abraham’s son, sowed (gave away, planted) in a time of famine. That same year, God multiplied him 100-fold! In 1 Kings 17, again in a time of famine, a widow woman was commanded by God to sustain Elijah, the man of God. In return for her obedience, she and her son never ran out of food while everyone around them was in lack. When we put God’s purpose before our own, we will always have God’s abundant supply. What is God’s purpose? His purpose is to establish His Kingdom on the earth, to reach out to the lost. Basically, God’s purpose is to populate Heaven with souls of men and women. God’s heartbeat is people. His Word says, Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things (needs, wants, desires) shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). Here is a prophecy given to the Israelites in Isaiah 54:2-3 Enlarge the place of thy tent, 6

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and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited. This was a declaration to the Israelites that there was an inheritance of souls (nonbelievers) coming to the Kingdom of God through the new covenant with Jesus. Isaiah was telling them to get ready to increase, to expand, to not hold anything back, but rather to be seed-minded when it comes to the things of God. This Word from the Lord came with a promise. The promise was that as they enlarged the place of their tent, by making room for God’s inheritance, God would provide a blessing to them and cause them to break forth (be blessed) on the right hand and on the left. In other words, everywhere they turned, a blessing would be awaiting them. Sometimes it seems illogical to give in a down economy—yet it is the best time to do so. Each time we give to others, we are actually placing a demand on God’s blessing. It is a biblical law, the law of sowing and reaping--giving and receiving. This is the best time for growth and expan-

sion. Most businesses can take advantage of the fact that a down economy means that there are more problems out there to solve. This is the time to ask God for wisdom in solving people’s problems.

us when we die, except the souls of men and women. Also, the Bible says to lay up heavenly treasure that cannot be stolen or eaten away (Matthew 6:20). Investing in souls is heavenly treasure.

Mike Murdock says, “You are rewarded by solving someone’s problem.” Today, there is a big problem. People all around us are headed for an uncertain eternity. In addition to so many others, that is one big problem needing to be solved. Did you know that 16 of the 30 Dow Industrial Average companies were birthed in a down economy? Ironically, some of these companies like Procter & Gamble, Disney, McDonald’s, General Electric and Johnson & Johnson are still thriving today because they chose to expand, and realized that they had answers to many problems in that day despite what everyone around them was saying. Moreover, they are all companies that give in a big way today.

One way you can expand is to give to those around you that are not as fortunate as you are—even if you, too, are going through a famine. You always have something to give to someone who has less than you do. Another way is to partner with a ministry dedicated to souls— the very nature of God. Purpose to be a continual blessing to others, and begin to enlarge your borders--coming out of your comfort zone and into a place where God can really begin to bless you. When you focus on a harvest for God, God will then focus on a harvest for you!

How can you prepare for expansion in your life and an inheritance of souls? Well, for one thing, we can’t take anything with

God’s Word says, He who wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30)! There is wisdom awaiting you. Go forth and expand, enlarge, build and establish God’s inheritance on the earth, then watch God turn around and do the very same for you!

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the force of


By Victor and Diana Morales

Now FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses] (Hebrews 11:1 AMP). Faith is substance, assurance, and proof— of what you are believing God for, yet have not seen manifested with any of your five senses. Faith is a force. It is a force that will completely turn your life upside down, inside out, and in an amazing direction that you never imagined it could go. The Bible says, Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). This verse also goes on to say that faith is your affirmation that God exists and that He will reward you if you seek Him with all your heart. When you have true faith in God, you are telling Him, “I totally trust in you and not in my own strength. I totally believe that everything you say is true and anything contrary to what you say is not true. I totally believe that you reward me every time I seek you and trust you with all my heart.” Many times, we think that God is moved by our need. The Bible does not say that “need” moves or pleases God. It says that true Bible faith moves God. God’s desire is 8

July/August 2009

to be believed, never doubted. In fact, the Bible says that if we are not in faith (or exercising faith in our lives), we are in sin (Romans 14:23). Faith is such a powerful force because it can move mountains, heal our bodies, increase us, promote us, restore our families, turn an entire situation around in another direction, and so much more! So, where does true Bible faith come from? Romans 10:17 says So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Real, mountain moving, body healing, miracle working faith comes by hearing the word of God, on a continual basis. The word “hearing” is actually a progressive form of the verb which means, “hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing,” etc. One of the main reasons we publish this magazine is so that you, the reader, can have the Word of God right in front of you anytime you need it, and so that your faith will grow as you hear His Word. Read His Word. His Word is the source from which you build your faith! Going to a Bibleteaching church regularly where you can hear His Word is another source of hearing. Try to be there every time the church doors are open, so that you won’t miss

anything God is wanting to teach you. Hebrews 11:33-34 specifically speaks of some amazing things faithful people manifested: Who through faith conquered king-

Hebrews 11 is known as the “Faith Chapter”. We highly recommend you read it. It shows you what all the men and women of faith were able to accomplish because of it. doms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. God’s Word says that He is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). In other words, what he does for someone else, He can do for you. What kingdom do you need to conquer today? What kind of justice

do you need in your life? What promise do you need fulfilled today? Are there mouths of lions that keep tormenting you that need to be shut? Are you weak, and do you need to be made strong? God is willing and able to deliver you today. Can you completely trust Him in faith? Can you begin to exercise your faith, and really fulfill the scripture that says, I live by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)? Start by making this promise to yourself and to the Lord: Lord, today I choose to live my life by faith in you and not in what I see. I believe that You can turn everything around for me. I believe that if it is written in your Word, it is a promise for me, and I will stand on it. Begin to rejoice as you live your life in complete faith in God. There is a powerful force waiting to be released by you as you exercise your faith. God will always meet you where you are, and He will help you grow until you are a mighty tower of faith, where many people will run for safety.

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Your Tongue Steers Your Life

By Diana Morales

We are the greatest creation God ever made. In fact, we are the only creation with the ability to speak. There is nothing more amazing than the power that lies in our tongue. With it, we can bless or curse, build up or tear down, create or destroy. Our tongue determines whether we will have a good day or a bad day, whether we will live in peace or strife, or whether we or our loved ones will be encouraged or discouraged. In James 3:4-6, the Bible says Take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. The Bible compares our tongue (our mouth, words, what we say) to the rudder of a ship. Have you ever seen the rudder of a large cruise ship or ocean liner? It is tiny compared to the whole ship. Yet, that small, seemingly insignificant object steers the direction of the vessel! In the same way, we are like the captain of our 10

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own ship (our life), and our rudder (our tongue) determines which way our life will go. Proverbs 18:21 says Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Our tongue will either bring death (negative conditions, hatred, sickness, lack, depression, strife) or life (good things, love, health, prosperity, happiness, peace). If you take inventory of your life, everything that has happened up to this point, you have spoken into existence, whether good or bad, positive or negative. God has taught us this by example. Read through Genesis Chapter 1. You will note that that throughout the chapter, all of the creation verses begin with, “And God said” and whatever He “said” came to pass. Take a moment and reflect on situations in your life and see if you haven’t helped “contribute” to those situations by how you speak. Some people would say, “That’s not true--how can you say that?” Take this for example. Maybe you are miserable with your job. How often do you talk about the misery? Whatever your profession, one day you announced to the world, “This is what I’m going to do…”

Someone else goes to the doctor and they get a bad report. What is the first thing most people do? They call someone up and tell them all the bad news, then begin to say, “I have this disease. I’m probably going to die, because my grandma had it, and my great-grandma had it.” And on and on they go on talking, manifesting, giving more life to the disease with the spoken word! Maybe you have a situation that has been worsening over time. Is it possible that you have been contributing to the “fire” that has seemed to blaze out of control? There is good news! Each day you have a choice to make. Deut. 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Today, you can begin to change some situations or circumstances that have surrounded you.

Today, you can choose to speak life: positive, faith-filled words over any situation. It is just like watering a plant that is wilting and dying. If you water that plant each day, prune off the dry leaves and begin to really “watch” out for it, that plant will begin to spring forth with life. The same thing will happen with your life. Watch your words. Begin to speak what you want to see in your life. If you have lack, begin to speak words of prosperity. . If it is sickness, begin to speak words of life and healing. If you have children with issues, begin to speak what you want to see manifested in your kids’ lives. If you begin to speak positive words filled with life and goodness, you will see each situation take a turn for the better. You posses great power with your tongue, use it wisely!

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I heard another report the other day about researchers investigating the causes of happiness. Everybody wants to be happy—we spend our lives chasing happiness. We think we know what will make us happy, but more often than not, once we achieve those things, we find out that we are not at all happier than we thought we would be! People think money, and the things it can buy, will make them happy. In one study, in another nation, they found out that in fact the more money people had, the less happy they were!

remained grateful to the Lord—grateful that He would even count him worthy to be in the ministry. Instead of being mad or complaining—he was thankful! When he and Silas were arrested, thrown in a dungeon, and tied up in stocks, they chose not take it personally and ask, “Why me Lord?” Rather they chose to rejoice and praise God in the midst of their circumstance. Because they praised instead of complaining, God supernaturally delivered them. Gratitude does not By Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne


One of the things researchers have discovered is that one of the main sources of happiness is not money, possessions, intelligence, good looks, popularity, climate or health. They found out that the main source of happiness is gratitude! Gratitude is not something found outside of yourself. Gratitude comes from within. It’s not what’s in your hands, but what’s in your heart. Gratitude is an attitude—an attitude you choose to have and display. Gratitude is a decision—you can choose whether or not to be grateful. I give thanks to Him Who has granted me [the needed] strength and made me able [for this], Christ Jesus our Lord, because He has judged and counted me faithful and trustworthy, appointing me to [this stewardship of ] the ministry (1 Tim. 1:12 AMP). Even though Paul endured horrific persecution, as well as physical, mental, and emotional challenges, to fulfill the call of God, he 12

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consider the problem—gratitude considers the solution. Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will] (1 Thess. 5:16-18 AMP). No matter what you are going through, be happy and give thanks to the Lord. It is His will that you would be happy and be thankful. Don’t be dominated and defeated by your circumstances. The more you allow your situation to get you down, the more entrenched in the mess you will be. Start to thank God for the way out; thank Him for the answer; and soon the solution will come and your circumstances will change. Don’t talk about your financial lack or how you can’t afford what

All rights reserved. Used by permission. Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne with Revival Ministries International are currently on a nationwide crusade to bring REVIVAL to America with their Great Awakening Tour. To attend one of these life-changing events and find a city near you, log on to

you want and need. Thank God that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, and that you will lend to many nations and you will not borrow! Speak your hopes and your faith, not your doubt and unbelief. Understand what God’s will is and, at all times and for everything, praise and give thanks to the Father, in the Name of Jesus. Look for reasons to thank God and be thankful. Remind yourself of His blessings and what He has done for you. Don’t wait for the pie in the sky before you’ll be happy. With the help of the Holy Spirit, start to be happy and to enjoy your life right now.

Deuteronomy 28 says, All these curses shall come upon you and shall pursue you and overtake you till you are destroyed, because you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. If you turn this scripture around, you could read it like this: “I am abundantly blessed, because I serve the Lord my God with joyfulness of mind and heart, in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He has blessed me.” Make a decision to serve the Lord with joyfulness of mind and heart. Make a decision to be grateful not only for what the Lord has already done for you, but also for what He has promised He would do for you, and see what wonderful things will open up in your life!

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Do Yourself a Favor...

FORGIVE By Joyce Meyer

July/August 2009

Did you know that unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping someone else will die? When you choose not to forgive someone, you’re not hurting them—you are only hurting yourself and ruining your own life. You don’t “make them pay” by staying angry. You only make yourself miserable. When you choose to hold on to unforgiveness, it’s like waiting for someone to pay you back even though they don’t have the ability. It’s so frustrating to try to collect from somebody who cannot pay. Believe me, I know. I used to have a job as a credit manager at a food company, and I had to call people and try to collect past due debt. Finally, after many, many phone calls and dozens of attempts to collect the debt, we often realized that it was cheaper and easier just to write it off. Maybe you’re in a similar situation. Maybe you have some stuff in your life that you’ve been carrying around that you just need to write off. The fact is, those who wronged you can never pay you back completely and undo what they’ve done. When you choose not to forgive them, all you’re doing is tormenting yourself.

was only one person able to do that, and that was God Himself. Isaiah 61:3 is known by some people as “The Great Exchange.” It says that God came to give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. God wants to take all that old junk away and give us beauty in return. But you can’t have His beauty if you won’t give up your ashes. Are you holding on to your ashes, just in case you have a bad day? Do you get them out and feel sorry for yourself, remembering how badly you’ve been treated all your life? Understand that you’ll never have the beauty if you don’t give up the ashes. You must give up the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the resentment. It’s all got to go.

God wants to pay you back for all the things you’ve lost. He wants to take your pain and your bitterness and give you joy.

Let me give you a personal example. My father sexually abused me throughout my childhood. I never got to be a “normal” kid. I never went to a ball game at school. I never went to a party. I had a miserable, miserable childhood, and I felt like somebody owed me. I kept trying to collect, which made me bitter, angry and resentful with a chip on my shoulder. My father was responsible, and I wanted him to pay me back for all those years he’d stolen from me. In fact, without realizing it, I actually felt like other people, who had nothing to do with the situation, owed me too. But how could my father give me back what he took? How could he give me back my innocence? How could he give me back my childhood? The truth is, there was no way he could pay me back. There

You see, learning to forgive others is critical. In this life, you are never going to run out of people who will hurt your feelings…there will always be someone you feel has done you wrong. But in order to live free from bondage with the oil of joy and the garment of praise, you must learn to forgive. Be determined to let go of what is behind you and press forward into God’s great plan for your life. Maybe it’s time for you to adopt a new attitude. Refuse to be miserable even one more day. Do yourself a favor and forgive others so you can be free. Make a decision today to get rid of all the rotten junk in your life that you are holding on to, trying to collect what someone doesn’t even have to give. Write it off and say, “I’m done with all that. I’m not going to live like that anymore!”

For more on this topic, you may order Joyce’s four-CD series “Do Yourself a Favor…Forgive” by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting Author/teacher Joyce Meyer has been helping people overcome life’s problems through biblical keys to practical Christian living since 1976. Her radio and television programs are broadcast throughout the United States and much of the world. For additional information, you may contact Joyce Meyer Ministries at P.O. Box 655, Fenton, Missouri 63026 or visit

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Alandra “Lani” Morales

By Diana and Alandra Mo


Man will always believe that his is the last word on anything. The truth is that God’s Word is the Final Word! Romans 3:4 says Let God be true, and every man a liar. Numbers 23:19 says God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Following is the account of one of our own family stories. We believe that it will help encourage anyone that has been given a negative report. God’s Word says, Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed (Isaiah 53:1)? Alandra’s Story I was born with craniosynostosis (the fusing of the cranial bones). Part of my skull had to be removed when I was a baby. The doctors told my parents that I might have some speech delays. I had a great time in pre-school up until I went to the 1st grade. In the 1st grade, my teacher told me that I could not learn how to read. My parents found a private school where I quickly learned how to read and began to learn other things. Two years later, I started 4th grade through the Florida Public School System. At the end of the year, the teacher suggested that I should repeat the 4th grade. I felt so sad because I did not want to be in 4th grade again. After that summer, I went back to school. 16

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I would cry every day when my mom picked me up from school. I felt that I wasn’t smart enough or special. Sometimes, the other kids would make fun of me. I felt terrible. When they held me back, I felt like I would never be able to go on to the higher grades. In November of that same year, my parents advised me that we would be moving back to Texas. I felt great because my mom told me that she was going to take over my education and with God’s help, we would catch up to the grade level that I was supposed to be in. I couldn’t wait to move! I felt it was a new start for me. My mom home-schooled me for the next two and a half years. During this time, I learned more; I completed my wor k; and I didn’t cry about anything. Sometimes I did have a little trouble, but I would get through it. I stood on this scripture that my mom would tell me to believe, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). In August 2008, I began my 8th grade education (on grade level) at Travis Middle School. I was so excited, because I would be with kids my age! I passed every one of my classes this past year, with the Lord’s help! I was even nominated as a Student of the Six Weeks, after the first six weeks. The teachers told me they nominated me because I always listened, did my work and did not complain. I was thrilled! I was also involved in Sports and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I even have my own

cookie business. I am now getting ready to go to 9th grade and I trust the Lord that I am going to have a great year! I give all glory and honor to Him, and I thank my parents because they made a difficult but necessary decision to do something that would help me out in a big way.

with, “No child of mine will fall through the cracks—not without trying everything in our power to see her be everything she is called to be and more! My God has promised us that He will have the final say.” Then, I went to pray. And, I knew I had heard from God about what I needed to do.

Mom’s Story Our daughter, Alandra has summed up her story and what God has done through her. I can tell you from a parent’s standpoint that prior to our decision to do whatever it took on our part to catch her up where she needed to be academically, we, too had a heart-wrenching time seeing her hurting the way she was. This was not just about academia, this was about building selfconfidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. We made a decision that we did not have to receive man’s report.

As parents, we have to fight for what belongs to us; fight for the promises God has made to us. No man has the right to take that away. We are so proud of Alandra today, and most importantly, we are so thankful to the Lord for what he is doing in her life. We stand on Philippians 1:6 He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. I pray that you are encouraged, and that you, too, will stand on these scriptures. God is very much in the miracle-working business, and He wants to show Himself strong on your behalf!

Back then, the “professionals” had advised me that she would probably have to be retained twice, and they were very blunt about telling us, “These kids just fall through the cracks”. I simply responded

Numbers 23:11 The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”

Business Empowerment Luncheon for Leaders, Employers & Employees Learn God’s Scriptural Answers for Success Last Wednesday of the Month 12 noon - 1 pm Outback Steakhouse McAllen, Texas For more information, please call (956) 686-9925 HostedMagazine, by Victor Morales Ministries International To advertise in Saved please call (956) 328-6117

Marriage 101

Spoil your spouse.....not your children. -Unknown Most people would roll their eyes at the thought of spoiling their spouse. “I think I do enough for him/her. What more could I possibly do? I’m only one person, and I have lots of things going on in my mind.” In marriage, it is easy to talk about or complain about the other spouse and what they do or don’t do, or what they did or didn’t become. Rarely, do we look within ourselves to say, “What can I do to make my marriage better? What can I do to be a greater blessing to my spouse?” In a marriage, there will always be areas that each person must work on. Marriage is really two different worlds coming together to form one new world, one new household, one new family. Of course, there is going to be adjusting— sometimes years of it. Barnet R. Brickner said this, “Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.” (Emphasis mine) How many times do we wake up in the morning and ask ourselves, “How can I be a better mate to my spouse, today?” Yet, if we took the time to do this each day, we would see our marriages turn around for the better. In fact, the other spouse will probably be shocked at your new treatment of them, but really begin to like it. There is not one person on the face of the earth that can resist love, a gentle word, or an act of kindness. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:8, Love never fails. This is a direct promise from God! Will it feel 18

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Part 2

By Diana Morales

natural at first? No, probably not. It has taken years to get to today’s routine, so it will take effort. It is said that anything done repeatedly for 30 days will become a habit. Give it some time, until it becomes natural, and trust the Lord along the way. Let the wife make her husband glad to come home and let him make her sorry to see him leave. -Martin Luther God’s way is to always give! Give of our time, resources and ourselves to others. This is most true when giving and sowing into our spouse. If most people focused on being the right husband or wife, we would have more successful marriages. Today, why not think about the ways in which you can be a better spouse. Maybe that means carving out more time in the day just for your significant other, or maybe it means doing something special that you know will bring a smile to their face. Pray and ask the Lord to help you with this. His greatest desire is to see your marriage succeed and grow into the union he has blessed it to be.

Victor and Diana Morales with Victor Morales Ministries International have been called to bring encouragement, hope and revival through Jesus Christ to the lives of the people in the Rio Grande Valley. They are Pastors, Evangelists and Publishers of Saved Magazine.

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partnering with God for the growth of your organization, partnering with God for increase in your life, partnering with God for personal and family blessings, partnering with God for whatever you need from Him according to His Word. When the plowman plows (breaking forth ground) and the thresher threshes (supports), they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest (the benefits or consequences of an action). -1 Corinthians 9:10 No other tool of advertising promises blessings, peace, and immeasurable rewards.

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The Vision… The Valley… The VICTORY!

With God ALL things are possible! Matthew 19:26 If you have never given your life to the Lord or received Jesus into your heart—this is a prayer you can pray and receive His free gift of salvation. God’s Word says that If you confess with your mouth that “Jesus is Lord” and you believe with your heart He rose from the dead—you will be saved. (Romans 10:9-10) This is the only way to get to heaven. If you want to experience this hope to live forever with God, pray this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Take away my stony heart, and give me a heart of flesh. I repent of my sins and receive your free gift of salvation for my life. I turn my back on the world’s way of living and turn my life over to you. Thank you, Jesus for coming into my heart today. If you prayed this prayer for the first time, we would love to give you a free gift. Please call us at 686-9925 or e-mail us at [email protected] and tell us, “I just prayed the prayer of salvation.” The Bible says that all heaven is rejoicing over YOU! Praise God! To advertise in Saved Magazine, please call (956) 328-6117


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Evangelists Broc and Holli Patnode have spent the last two and half years traveling with Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne and the Great Awakening Tour. They have preached in 50 cities across America stirring the churches up for the next Great Awakening. In 53 cities, The Great Awakening Tour has seen 30,000 soul-winners trained up and over 1 million decisions for Christ. What will God do in the Valley? Don’t miss out! For more information, please call Victor and Diana Morales at 686-9925 or Awake the World Ministries at (817) 253-4627 for additional information.

act of value.” There are huge benefits that will accrue from this gesture. Here’s what’s in it for you: • You will get product training that comes from the people that actually use it. Imagine actual on-the-job, at-the-customer training. After a day, you will be craving more. This is certainly more valuable than a day in your classroom.


By Jeffery Gitomer

Spend a day giving help, you may just help yourself. I read that several political hacks predicted that the economy would bottom out by late 2009. Please tell me this: HOW DO THEY KNOW? This is empty rhetoric from people who have never had a real job, much less run a business. I have an idea that I believe makes sense, and I’m asking you to try it a few times. It has nothing to do with the “stimulus package.” It has everything to do with your “relationship package” and your “customer loyalty package.” HERE’S THE IDEA: Spend a day at your customer’s place of business, helping them in any way you can. NOTE WELL: One of the reasons you are hurting is because they are hurting. This idea will work for anyone. You included. If you sell a product or a service, if you sell business to business or business to consumer, if they call on you or you call on them, this idea will work. And it will create amazing and instant results. Create a name for your offering. Economy Booster Service. Customer Goodwill Mission. Thank You Service to Loyal Customers. Call your best customers and ask if you can work there for a day. Free. No strings attached. Gratis. Por nada. The concept is to HELP THEM, not sell them. The objective is to be of genuine service. One way to define it is a “random act of kindness.” My way would be to define it as a “random 26 July/August 2009

• If you offer a service, you get to see what happens after the service has been performed. • You will learn how they use and profit from your product or service. Not just the good stuff, but also the challenges. You will discover a wealth of opportunities, and more wisdom than you’ll know what to do with. • You will learn why they bought from you. Customer’s motives to buy are often subtle (even hidden), but they are the most valuable aspect of the selling process. You will also learn how much (or how little) your price figured into the equation. (HINT: way less than you currently believe) • You will build a relationship with them that goes all the way to friendship. Your customer will be so flattered, so floored, and so thankful, they will be at a loss for words. Just respond with a simple: “My pleasure.” • You will eliminate competition. Do they have a chance of even getting in the door after your service? If your sales are slow, and you have some time to invest, why not invest it in a sure thing--your present customers? It might just get you some business, it might just get people talking about you, and it might just get you referred. Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts Internet training programs on selling and customer loyalty at He can be reached at 704/333-1112 or e-mail to salesman@ © 2009 All Rights Reserved – This document cannot be reproduced without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer, Inc. • 704/333-1112

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