Grace & Glory September Newsletter

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grace&glory M I N I S T R I E S

October 2009


Dear Friends and Family, I am writing to you from our base here in Brazil; We have just marked another year of full- time ministry...Having now completed eleven years of productive ministry, we step into year number twelve. We are so excited about what the future holds! Literally, we are seeing God’s Word touching the nations...This equates to the lives of hundreds of thousands of precious souls who are eternally grateful because now their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This also translates into churches and pastors being set ablaze with the power of God; Christians and national leaders being discipled and taught the incorruptible Word of Almighty God. This means the love and mercy of God has gone forth, touching people when and where they need it the most as this ministry has been passionate about meeting practical needs of suffering humanity through the delivery of tons of humanitarian aid. We would like to take a moment and say a special thanks to ALL of you who have co-labored with us in this ministry. Every life touched is your harvest and is credited to your heavenly account. Words cannot express the love and joy we feel when we stand looking into the eyes of people among the nations knowing that you are standing right there with us in that eternal moment! Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like [o]something precious buried in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field.  I can’t help but smile when I read the scripture highlighted above...The reality of it rings true in so many ways. We feel like we are starting to understand the beginning of that joy that the Father felt when He found what He considered precious. Imagine finding something of such priceless value that you would be willing to sell everything you own to pursue that treasure...Jesus did this for us when He came from heaven to the cross. We do this for Him when we consecrate our life to Him. However, there are times when this parable is more than just that- a parable...There are times when a figurative parable becomes reality.  What happens when the treasure you find literally requires you to sell everything you own to acquire it? Friends, the answer may look something like selling your house, your belongings; leaving “normal”, “comfortable” life; taking a family of four, twelve suitcases, a few plane tickets, and a dictionary to a foreign country...We have found ourselves in that very situation, looking at the field we have bought with shovels in hand, ready to unearth the precious treasure in the nation of Brazil.

As we step into our 12th year of ministry, we see how this parable has unfolded over the years. During the past 11 years we have plowed the field in multiple cities through Brazil and other nations of South America. We have surely found the treasure- the treasure is the people, the souls, the eternal destinies that are forever changed with the Gospel. Likewise, we have found the treasure in personal relationships with capable leaders and we have invested so much of our time and life into their families and ministries. Truly, we have found the treasure! In this land we have found the heartbeat and compassion of God; we have received the joy that He feels for this people! Now, that is only the beginning...We found the treasure; we have the tools to reap the treasure; we have the purpose and passion for this treasure...but the final ingredient is to pay the price for the treasure. There is a cost involved when something precious is at stake.  Just as Jesus endured the cross for “the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before Him”, He asks us to take up our cross to follow Him. Everyone has a different price to pay, but honestly, the joy outweighs the sacrifice by leaps and bounds.   We share this with you because you are equally a part of this ministry. We stand now on the brink of a mighty harvest of souls in the nation of Brazil. We are poised and ready to shake city after city. Its a big field with a lot of treasure:190 million inhabitants. We are going to need a lot of shovels! It is indeed, a “team” effort to unearth this treasure in this field that we have bought...You have certainly helped us buy the field and we want you to be a part of reaping the harvest!  Consider sowing a special seed and year-end gift into Grace and Glory Ministries to help propel us forward into the next year. Normally, we hold a special banquet and fundraiser around this time but with us living on the ground here in Brazil, that will not be possible this year. Your love, prayer, encouragement, and friendship means more than ever both to us personally and to those we are sent to reach! May the promises of Deuteronomy 28 follow your heartfelt obedience: “The Lord shall open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” We love and miss you all dearly! Lets keep each other lifted up in prayer...Together we minister by His grace and for His glory, Doug, Janet, Alex, Lauren, Ragan & Nathan

Grace & Glory Ministries Int’l | 12728 Longcrest Drive | Riverview, FL 33579 | (813) 672-1056 |

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