Grace & Glory August Newsletter

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grace&glory M I N I S T R I E S

August 2009


We are shining the light in Brazil! Being able to go where others can’t go and letting your light shine in the midst of darkness is the essence of what is it is to be an ambassador of Christ. On these trips we have the privilege and joy to represent the love of Jesus...We are light in the midst of darkness! What good are you if your light is not turned on...or hidden under a basket? We are the light of the world; we are the ones with a Commission to bring hope and joy those who are hurting. As you brightly shine His light, everything around you becomes illuminated. As a result, freedom reigns and those held captive by darkness are set free of their bonds! This light is Christ in you and the hope of glory. Let him live and move and have his being in you. Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Being a christian requires that you “work out your salvation daily with fear and trembling.” It requests a daily dying to self and giving of yourself as a living sacrifice; a daily sacrifice of crucifying your flesh and its desires. Matthew 16:25 “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” As a Christian, we have given up the “rights” to govern ourselves as we would like to. A Spirit-filled, and Spirit led life does not allow us to cater to fleshly pursuits. We do not have the option to not let our light shine; this is our reasonable servicenot to mention our privilege! Our Savior left us with all of the

“equipment” necessary to fulfill our commitments to Him: He gives you the power and ability to do of his good pleasure. He has given us the Counselor that empowers us to do His will. He has given us His promises! You see, we have all the ingredients required to live the life that produces ultimate success: “Well done thou good, and faithful servant...enter now into the joy of the Lord”. However, it is entirely up to us to put our hand to the plow and cultivate the fruit. Know this, on that day, each one of us will give an account for every area of our life, for every talent we possess, for every word spoken, for everything that has been entrusted to us. Friends, each of us must personally examine ourselves and ask this question: Am I allowing the light of Christ to shine in every area? Am I using my talents and resources to the fullest potential in Christ? Is every area of my life submitted and surrendered to the will and purpose of Christ? This is the consecration He wants from us! Thank God for His grace and mercy as we transform into His image and likeness more every day. Lets challenge ourselves this day to be the light in the darkness...Every part of you can shine for Him! If it can’t shine for Him, then get rid of it! As we continue to minister here on the grounds in Brazil, we are working to adjust ourselves to produce a more powerful impact and a brighter light. Your prayers, support, and resources are fueling and influencing the light shining in this nation. Darkness is losing its grip and cities are being shaken to the core...Continue shining! Lets crank up the heat and turn up the light- darkness doesn’t stand a chance! “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you” (Isaiah 60:1) We love you and pray that you would be a reflection of His light in everything you do! Alex & Lauren Burgos

Grace & Glory Ministries Int’l | 2804 Coastal Range Way | Lutz, FL 33559 | (813) 909-9184 |

Crusade Itinerary - International August 6-18 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil US Missions Team Arrives Humanitarian Aide/Evangelism Outreach

August 13-16 Jurujuba, Brazil Proclaiming Your City For Christ Crusade

Itinerary is subject to change. Log on to for updates.

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