Sa Recruit Dl 5pp (low Res)

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 980
  • Pages: 2
What is the Socialist Alliance?

I want to join the Socialist Alliance

The Socialist Alliance is a broad socialist coalition. Anyone who agrees with the general approach of our policies is welcome to join, any organisation that agrees with them is invited to affiliate.

Name(s) Address

The socialism we support is based on five principles: • Solidarity and collaboration—not dog-eat-dog competition and rivalry

Town/City State


• Environmental sustainability—living in harmony with the planet

Telephone Email

• Participatory democracy—not just voting for “representatives” every three years

Annual membership dues     

• Social economy—putting people’s needs before corporate profit

$5 high school student $15 low waged/tertiary student/welfare $30 waged $60 high waged $100 solidarity

• True equality—between peoples, nations, religions and the sexes We believe that this society will be achieved by people taking action and working together in their workplaces and communities.

My payment Annual membership dues

$ __ __ __


$ __ __ __

My Green Left Weekly subscription $ __ __ __

(details over)

$ __ __ __


The Socialist Alliance looks to work with all left, progressive and socialist forces to help achieve these goals.

I am paying by

 Cash  Cheque  Money order  Credit card  Mastercard  Visa

Subscribe to Green Left Weekly

Card number

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __

Green Left Weekly, Australia’s leading radical voice and alternative to the mainstream media, also publishes news, statements and analysis from the Socialist Alliance. On joining the Socialist Alliance you will receive four issues of Green Left Weekly for free, after which you will have to subscribe.

__ __ __ __

Expiry __ / __ Cheques payable to: Socialist Alliance

 I want to make a regular contribution to the Socialist Alliance. Please contact me to organise payment.

Green Left Weekly subscription rates are: Introductory (7 issues) $10 3 months (11 issues) $22 6 months (22 issues) $44 1 year (44 issues) $83 2 years (88 issues) $154

$ __ __ __

Return this form to your local Socialist Alliance branch or to the Socialist Alliance National Executive, PO Box A2323, Sydney South 1235. Or email us directly at: [email protected].



For this reason, Socialist Alliance members participate in progressive movements for change and help to build them. We also stand in elections, not to “represent” people’s movements, but to strengthen them and help them win their demands.

Enter details of your subscription payment in the clip-off over Authorised by Dick Nichols, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale NSW 2008 Printed by Inpress, 61 Birch St, Condell Park NSW 2200



is possible…

Join us in fighting for it!!

Titles for identification purposes only

Ti m Gooden

a ns R a c h el E v Community Action Against Homophobia

Secretary, Geelong Trades Hall Council

g Ja m ie Dou

h n ey

Senior Researcher, Victoria University Victorian President, NTEU

Nat ash a M

oo r e

Bea Bl eil e Socialist Alliance National Co-convener, Lecturer in Mathematics, UNE

Sa m Watson Socialist Alliance Indigenous rights spokesperson

Aboriginal Rights Coalition Perth

Join us in fighting for a socialist Australia! The Socialist Alliance is an anti-capitalist party, formed in 2001 by eight socialist groups that saw an urgent need for greater left unity to fight attacks on the rights and living conditions of workers and the poor. The Alliance stands for socialism – a democratic society run by and for working people, not the greedy, destructive elite that now rules. We put people before profit, the millions before the millionaires. We believe that a society based on this principle is entirely realistic, and necessary if humanity and the planet are to survive. Since 2001, members of the Socialist Alliance have been active in campaigns on a wide range of issues, from workers’ rights and global warming to civil liberties, from refugee and gay and lesbian rights to justice for Aboriginal Australia and international solidarity. Socialist Alliance members are recognised leaders in these movements. The Alliance is made up of people who, like millions of others, are sick of being ruled by warmongers, racists, union-bashers, and nearly identical Liberal and Labor politicians. We believe that

people themselves, by acting collectively in the workplace, the community and the street, can develop the power to create a just and environmentally sustainable alternative to profit-driven capitalism. Mass people’s action helped throw the toxic Howard government into history’s dustbin. It was a big relief, but the Rudd government –

like other ALP administrations state and federal – is only a very small step forward. In the face of the global financial and environmental crises, it continues to put the needs of big business before the environment, working people and our communities. Powerful people’s movements are needed under Labor just as much as under the conservatives. The Socialist Alliance stands candidates in elections at every level of government, but unlike other parties we don’t see parliament as the main vehicle for social change. If elected, our candidates will take only an average worker’s wage, donating the balance to struggles for a better society. Join the Socialist Alliance today to help build a better Australia: one where the economy provides useful jobs and overcomes poverty, where politicians put people first, where the country is a world leader in ecological sustainability, and where ordinary people not corporate boardrooms make the big decisions about the future we need.

For more information go to: ww

Ju st in e Ka m pra Organiser, WA branch, AMWU


Soubhi Isk an der Australian-Sudanese Human Rights Association

a Pip Hi n m


Activist, Sydney Stop the War Coalition

Ni c k Soud a

k of f

Mel Barn es

Organic farmer, Canberra Students Against the Pulp Mill, Resistance

Mik e Crook 20 year ALP member, fighter for workers’ rights

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