Mike Crook Flyer

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,332
  • Pages: 2

A member of the ALP for 20 years, Mike recently joined the Socialist Alliance, having become increasingly disenchanted with the ALP's antiworker, pro-corporate agenda. Mike became radicalised when working on mining and construction projects, becoming active in the unions and quickly seeing how most employers had no interest in the safety of their workers, witnessing horrific accidents. Mike recently participated in a brigade to Venezuela, and seeing participatory, grassroots democracy, was convinced that the future lies in mobilizing people for socialist change. Mike has been a steering committee member and activist on the Your Rights At Work campaign committee which was instrumental in kicking out the Howard government, and has campaigned tirelessly for industrial rights.

People before profits Planet before profits

Why vote Socialist Alliance?

Why vote Socialist Alliance?

1. Make public transport free and

1. Make public transport free and

frequent. We can afford it, we can do it. Solve Brisbane's shocking congestion once and for all without more tunnels and bridges. No to duplicating the Houghton Hwy - extend rail services to Redcliffe.

frequent. We can afford it, we can do it.

2. Quality universal health care

2. Quality universal health care

and housing for all - starting with a full, truly independent restructure of QLD Health not cover-ups and corruption. Fewer bureaucrats, more frontline health workers. Embark on a massive expansion of public housing to address waiting lists and homelessness.

and housing for all - starting with a full,

3. Genuine justice for Indigenous Australia, not shameless implementation of damaging and racist policies inherited from the Howard era. Pay stolen wages immediately and in full.

4. A government genuinely accountable to the people. Community councils and referenda, not fake “consultation”. An end to cronyism and the pollies' gravy-train, and an end to corporate interests buying favour and manipulating democracy. Why are so many highly-paid lobbyists former ALP M.P.s and bureaucrats?

5. Create a green economy for QLD - as the biggest coal producer in the world, QLD must lead the fight against climate change and a just transition for workers in the move to renewable energies.

Mike Crook in Sandgate

Vote 1


Solve Brisbane's shocking congestion once and for all without more tunnels and bridges. No to duplicating the Houghton Hwy - extend rail services to Redcliffe.


A member of the ALP for 20 years, Mike recently joined the Socialist Alliance, having become increasingly disenchanted with the ALP's antiworker, pro-corporate agenda. Mike became radicalised when working on mining and construction projects, becoming active in the unions and quickly seeing how most employers had no interest in the safety of their workers, witnessing horrific accidents. Mike recently participated in a brigade to Venezuela, and seeing participatory, grassroots democracy, was convinced that the future lies in mobilizing people for socialist change. Mike has been a steering committee member and activist on the Your Rights At Work campaign committee which was instrumental in kicking out the Howard government, and has campaigned tirelessly for industrial rights.

People before profits Planet before profits

truly independent restructure of QLD Health not cover-ups and corruption. Fewer bureaucrats, more frontline health workers. Embark on a massive expansion of public housing to address waiting lists and homelessness.

3. Genuine justice for Indigenous Australia, not shameless implementation of damaging and racist policies inherited from the Howard era. Pay stolen wages immediately and in full.

4. A government genuinely accountable to the people. Community councils and referenda, not fake “consultation”. An end to cronyism and the pollies' gravy-train, and an end to corporate interests buying favour and manipulating democracy. Why are so many highly-paid lobbyists former ALP M.P.s and bureaucrats?

5. Create a green economy for QLD - as the biggest coal producer in the world, QLD must lead the fight against climate change and a just transition for workers in the move to renewable energies.

Mike Crook in Sandgate

Vote 1


People before profits Planet before profits

People before profits Planet before profits



Bailout the people, not the corporate system!

Bailout the people, not the corporate system!

Despite facing the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression of the 1930s, both the LNP and Labor have only one, tired answer – bail out corporations. With our money no less.

Despite facing the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression of the 1930s, both the LNP and Labor have only one, tired answer – bail out corporations. With our money no less.

Socialist Alliance says: it's the corporate system that enriches the few at the expense of the many that has put us into this mess. We need a massive, public “Green new deal” that puts billions into renewable energy, public transport, public health and education, and public housing.

Socialist Alliance says: it's the corporate system that enriches the few at the expense of the many that has put us into this mess. We need a massive, public “Green new deal” that puts billions into renewable energy, public transport, public health and education, and public housing.

The Socialist Alliance is a campaigning, socialist party. That makes our approach to politics and election campaigns different from other parties. We believe in real democracy – community control, not just an election every three or four years with advertising financed by developers and speculators.

The Socialist Alliance is a campaigning, socialist party. That makes our approach to politics and election campaigns different from other parties. We believe in real democracy – community control, not just an election every three or four years with advertising financed by developers and speculators.

We don't just pop our heads up at election time. The Alliance acts all year round to build all movements for progressive change. The alternative we're fighting for can only grow through strengthening people's participation in all movements for justice. Election campaigns are just one part of this process.

We don't just pop our heads up at election time. The Alliance acts all year round to build all movements for progressive change. The alternative we're fighting for can only grow through strengthening people's participation in all movements for justice. Election campaigns are just one part of this process.

But to build a real alternative to the Labor / Liberal “coalition” we’re faced with in this no-choice election, and every election, good people need to stand up and be counted. So join the movement for a better Queensland and a better world - join Socialist Alliance!

But to build a real alternative to the Labor / Liberal “coalition” we’re faced with in this no-choice election, and every election, good people need to stand up and be counted. So join the movement for a better Queensland and a better world - join Socialist Alliance!

" Yes! I would like to join the Socialist Alliance. Enclosed is wage $30 low wage $15 concession for annual membership.

I would like help staff a polling booth on election day for Socialist Alliance. I would like to support Mike’s campaign & make a donation to Socialist Alliance. $ I want to help with Sam’s campaign - I can help with

" Yes! I would like to join the Socialist Alliance. Enclosed is

$60 high $5 high school student


info stalls


wage $30 low wage $15 concession for annual membership.

$60 high $5 high school student

I would like help staff a polling booth on election day for Socialist Alliance. I would like to support Mike’s campaign & make a donation to Socialist Alliance. $ I want to help with Sam’s campaign - I can help with


info stalls



Address: Post Code:


Post Code: Email:

Send to: PO Box 547, Fortitude Valley, 4006 or contact (07) 3831 2644, 0401 234 610, [email protected] Authorised by E. Saunders, 74b Wickham St, Fortitude Valley for Mike Crook (Candidate)

Send to: PO Box 547, Fortitude Valley, 4006 or contact (07) 3831 2644, 0401 234 610, [email protected] Authorised by E. Saunders, 74b Wickham St, Fortitude Valley for Mike Crook (Candidate)

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