Rha Minutes 10-13-08

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RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION at the New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stanley Gawlik, President – [email protected] Elizabeth Lee, Vice President – [email protected] Michael Gonzalez, NCC – [email protected] Grace Lee, Secretary – [email protected] Patrick McGrail, Treasurer – [email protected] Christopher Ojeda, Public Relations Officer – [email protected] Karen Quackenbush, Advisor - [email protected] Website: http://web.njit.edu/~rha E-mail: [email protected]

Residence Hall Association Minutes – October 13th, 2008 I. II.


Introduction i. Called to order at 11:43am Approved Minutes Reports i. President Report a. E-Board update – meeting yesterday, Sunday 10/10/08, talked about RHA agenda for 10/13 meeting. b. Oct. 20th business meeting suspension for Luncheon with Senate, SAC, CoCs. c. Meeting with SAC went well, resident rep. is creating door hangers, RHA can post events there also, idea of co-sponsoring Java Houses, idea of Greenbucks with SAC caring for commuters, RHA caring for residents. d. Meeting with Senate went well, offered help with Holiday Dinner for use of extra flex, old Senate resident rep resigned, new rep is Dominick Cirillo. Cabinet meetings every 1st Monday of the month for clubs to discuss what’s happening. e. NJIT Carnival: Big success, will be giving the tickets to exchange for money with Ms. Minnich this week. ii. Vice President Report a. Midnight Madness, Nov. 6, will need volunteers to set-up, more information soon as it is available. b. NRHH lunch meeting will be Wed.1:00pm to establish better communication. c. Oct. 23rd & 24th, tabling in Campus Center from 10am-2pm by NJPIRG for absentee ballots, need volunteers, especially 1 to wear donkey costume, 1 to wear elephant costume. iii. National Communications Coordinator a. CAACURH update, list of people going: Martin Craig, Kati DiRaimondo, Lydia Eaves, Stanley Gawlik, Michael Gonzalez, Grace Lee, Patrick McGrail, Joseph Rios, Ruby Rogers. b. Green Team meetings, Sun. 9pm. Sign interest list to attend or just receive updates on what’s going on in the campus iv. Treasurer Report a. Updated Budget to include allocation for Midnight Madness. v. Public Relations Officer a. Carnival was fun and a success. b. Town Hall meeting is tentatively during the week of Nov. 2, will be at Programming meeting to work out details, will be like a larger RHA meeting, open discussion on concerns and points. c. New Publicity Committee will be formed to help better advertise RHA.

IV. V.

vi. Senator at Large vii. Hall Council Representatives Reports a. Redwood – First proposal has been passed, door decorating contest starting Oct. 23rd, judging will be Oct. 24th. b. Cypress – Interesting in doing a culture fest, video gaming nights, had roughly 20 people in the first meeting. c. Laurel d. Oak viii. RA Representatives Report a. Cypress – 10/15 at 9:15pm Poker Tournament 8th Floor Lounge, 10/19 at 7:30pm Pool Tournament TV Lounge, 10/21 at 9pm CAPE study session Cyp. 115, 10/25 at 9pm Shopping trip & Saw V Newport Mall, 10/26 @ 9pm TV Lounge Let’s Chill w/ Ice Cream, 10/27 at 8:30pm TV Lounge Pool Tournament and at 9:00pm Ping Pong Tournament, 10/28 at 9pm Cyp. 115 CAPE study session, 11/1 Canned Food Drive All Month, 11/1 NYC Architecture Trip 12pm. b. Redwood c. Laurel – Room inspections, going over problems and concerns. d. Oak ix. Committees a. BGA b. NRHH c. Programming – Liz talked with Bob Moran today and received approval for funding part of the Halloween Bash to allow commuters and other volleyball attendees to enjoy the fun, new update on prices: RHA pays $627 vs. $692, CoCs/CARS pays $143 + cost of caramel. d. Food – Took requests and concerns, meeting Friday at 7:07. e. Fundraise – NJIT Carnival Big Bucket Toss was a success, tickets will be counted this week and exchanged for money. Old Business i. Constitution amended, amendments will be posted on the web this week. ii. Grace made a template for proposals to avoid confusion. New Business i. Festival of Lights for Diwali - Chetna Engineer and Jackie Bunner a. Equivalent to the Indian New Year, includes authentic Indian food, candle making, dance, traditional music. Will be promoted in all 4 halls through RA’s and door hangars, residents showed high interest when RA’s asked, good turnout last year in Redwood – ran out of supplies, want to extend to the entire campus. b. Approved ii. E-Board Luncheon ideas and concerns a. To unify major student organizations. b. Extension of programs and campus-wide issues can be tackled by all 4 united. c. Need to break down barriers, RHA is small, but can’t be suppressed by larger organizations, RHA represents a large population. d. Reps from each organization meet once per month instead of E-Board? e. Presidents meet instead of E-Board? iii. Hershey’s a. Peter Fischbach mentioned shorter hours, Hershey’s not used often. b. Concern – No one’s at Hershey’s, generally empty, no ice cream, long wait if you wanted ice cream or shake. c. Not marketing Hershey’s correctly d. If not making money, can we correct it or change it to something else?

e. Poll residents? Green Team a. Use of Kill A Watt to measure energy usage, sign out through Mike. v. BGA Concern a. BGA not present, Jimmy contacted Mike he can’t make it. b. Suspend/Freeze BGA’s allocation for equipment? c. Timeline for proposed allocation to be spent? – varies individually. d. Vote on freeze of proposal allocation for equipment until BGA gains voting rights again, unless end of semester, de-allocate the money. e. Vote passed, Mike will notify them. vi. Room selection meeting a. 10-15 students attended b. Discussed lottery #, receive points for all organization membership, not only for one c. Idea of giving away top 5 lottery spots. d. Additional points for E-Boards of Hall Council and RHA. Open Floor and Services Issues i. Internet Connection 2nd floor Cypress down ii. 5-8th floor internet down, switch problem Oct. 12-13 iii. 3rd floor Cypress disconnecting last week. iv. Document date and time and call 973-586-2900 HelpDesk to report Kudos and Shout Outs i. Students who did the “Dorm Storm” ii. Everyone who helped at the booth in the Carnival, especially Jaime, Grace, Chris, Liz. iii. Highlander Games Teams iv. Karen for being Karen! v. E-Board for doing a great job vi. MARK (My Arms R Kut) team of Cypress Announcements i. No meeting next week ii. Lynn Riker – Sign up for Go Cross Campus where colleges are taking over the U.S. to win a prize for their CS department, Baker is commander and has commands updated daily. Adjournment at 12:46pm iv.





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