Rha Minutes 10-06-08

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RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION at the New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stanley Gawlik, President – [email protected] Elizabeth Lee, Vice President – [email protected] Michael Gonzalez, NCC – [email protected] Grace Lee, Secretary – [email protected] Patrick McGrail, Treasurer – [email protected] Christopher Ojeda, Public Relations Officer – [email protected] Karen Quackenbush, Advisor - [email protected] Website: http://web.njit.edu/~rha E-mail: [email protected]

Residence Hall Association Minutes – October 6th, 2008 I. II.


Introduction i. Called to order at 11:44am Approved Minutes Reports i. President a. E-Board update – meeting yesterday, Sunday 10/6/08, talked about RHA agenda for 10/6 meeting, held mini constitutional review open to all RHA members from 8pm-9pm in Cypress 114 (10/6) b. Meeting with Senate and SAC this week to establish communication connections ii. Vice President a. “Dorm Storm” with Dr. Bloom – NJPIRG (New Jersey Public Interest Research Group), voting for NJIT students in the Newark area (for those who cannot go back home to vote during presidential elections), setting up a polling area in Newark where students will be transported and can vote, tonight and Wednesday 10/8 (7:30pm-10pm, need more volunteers) iii. National Communication Coordinator a. CAACURH – “cheerleader camp on acid”, proposal in new business iv. Treasurer a. Budget – revised and reformatted v. Public Relations Officer a. Town Hall Meeting – on the CC green, students voice concerns and opinions about NJIT life, encourages involvement of students who don’t go to RHA, perhaps work with programming committee vi. Senate vii. Hall Council Representatives a. Redwood – first meeting was success (27 ppl), RHC logo program running (end this Wednesday 10/8/08) b. Cypress c. Laurel – first meeting Wednesday, Kavita working on flyers d. Oak – first meeting was success, event list is being created viii. RA Representatives a. Redwood – Munish : C is for Commons (10/28 and 10/30 @ 9pm Redwood), Public Safety meeting tonight @ 9:30 Redwood Lounge b. Cypress – Johanna : CAPE tutoring, salsa/ dancing program, roommate contest (how much do you know your roommate) c. Laurel d. Oak


IV. V.


Committees a. BGA b. NRHH – Munish 10/23/08 is application deadline c. Programming – Liz talking with Bob Moran today @ 2:30pm to talk about joint Halloween program with Senate and Athletic Center d. Food – met last Friday 10/3/08 @ 7:07pm, went through some complaints, figuring out a system to bring them up to Fischbach, Chris sent email to Fischbach e. Fundraising – RHA booth this Saturday, 10/11/08 at NJIT Day Carnival, “Big Bucket Toss” Old Business New Business i. Peter Fischbach a. open door policy (come in an discuss suggestions) b. omelet switching stations is under way (instead of having breakfast entrees on the same side as the omelet making, move the omelet making to the grill so that the line for the entrees is reduced) c. price change (will consider changing price when entrees are out vs when they are not, had problem with that before bc people were paying for “off” hours and staying until the entrees were given out) d. contact immediately if any problems via email or in person ii. Constitutional Review a. Nishant’s proposal last year applies? – no, it was an amendment to the old constitution before we found the most recently ratified one, thus it doesn’t apply to this constitution b. Ratified iii. Amendments a. Motto change (Mike G., Pat, Grace) – on the basis that it is unused and unknown by residents and organizations 1. passed b. General Voting Rights (Mike G., Pat, Grace) – on the basis to clarify “unexcused absences” and to reset absent count once 3 consecutive meetings are attended 1. denied – eliminate “unexcused absences” altogether, or have only Karen decide upon the validity of “unexcused absences” instead of the E-Board c. Membership Organization Recognition - (Mike G., Pat, Grace) – on the basis that RHA wants membership organizations and does not want to put an extra burden on organization’s members 1. passed d. Allocation of RHA Funds (Ken Shreihofer) - on the basis that RHA should not allocate funds to programs in the past of proposal date 1. proposal screening system so that proposals are ready to be looked at by RHA General Body to be voted on (eliminates proposals that cannot be voted on because of details) – tabled 2. passed iv. CAACURH – Mike G., to bring a team to learn about other RHA policies, programs, procedures from around the region, 9 RHA members going including President, NCC, Advisor, held Nov 1416, need to register by 10/10/08, asking for $2,916.00 a. passed Open Floor and Services Issues Kudos and Shout Outs i. Membership ii. All approved proposals


iii. Mike, Pat, Grace, Ken for amendments iv. Everyone for ratifying Constitution v. Karen for being Karen Announcements i. NJIT Day 10/11/08 – $3 wristband + 5 free game tickets until Friday, $5 at door Adjournment at 12:48pm

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