Review Questions Pg. 268 And 272

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Villalobos Period C

Eamon Barkhordarian 2/18/09

Review Questions pg. 268 and 272 Page 268 1. Reading Focus a. What early changes promoted German unity? i. Napoleon made important territorial changes in German-speaking lands. At first, some Germans welcomed this change, but after a while the Germans resented it. As people fought to free their lands from French rule, they began to demand a unified German state. Germany remained politically fragmented, and so liberals met in the Frankfort Assembly demanding German political unity. They offered the throne of a united German state to Fredrick William IV of Prussia. The Prussian ruler, however, refused because the crown was offered from “the people” not princes or other of the upper class. b. How did Bismarck unify Germany? i. Bismarck’s success was partly due to his strong will. He was a master of Realpolitik, or realistic policies based on the needs of the state. Power was more important than principles. Bismarck strengthened the Prussian army by using a lot of money, and he was ready to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. In the next decade, Bismarck led Prussia into 3 wars, with each war increasing Prussian power and paving the way for German unity. H made an alliance with Austria in 1864 and together liberated two largely inhabited German provinces. The Austro-Prussian war then began, Prussia won, and in forth was awarded several other north German states. Bismarck dissolved the Austrian-led German Confederation and created a new confederation dominated by Prussia. He allowed Austria and four other German states to remain independent. c. What was the basic political organization of the new German empire? i. Princes from Southern German states and North German confederation persuaded William I of Prussia to take the title Kaiser, or emperor. A constitution drafted by Bismarck set up a two-house legislature. The upper house was appointed by the rulers of the German states. The lower house was elected by universal male suffrage. The real power remained in the hands of the emperor and his chancellor. 2. Identify a. Zollverein i. Prussia created an economic union called the Zollverein. It dismantled tariff barriers between many German states. Still, Germany remained politically fragmented. b. Otto von Bismarck

Villalobos Period C

Eamon Barkhordarian 2/18/09

i. He came from Prussia’s Junker class, made up of conservative landowning nobles. Bismarck first served Prussia as a diplomat. In 1862, King William I made him chancellor, or prime minister. Within a decade, the new chancellor had united German states under Prussian rule. c. William I i. King of Prussia. In 1862, he made Bismarck prime minister of Prussia. Princes from Southern German states and North German confederation persuaded William I of Prussia to take the title Kaiser, or emperor. 3. Define a. Chancellor i. Prime minister b. Realpolitik i. Realistic politics based on the needs of the state c. Annex i. Take control of d. Kaiser i. Emperor e. Reich i. Empire

Page 272 1. Reading Focus a. What marked Germany as an Industrial giant? i. Germany’s spectacular growth was partly due to the fact that it had iron and coal resources, the basic ingredients for industrial development. A disciplined and educated work force also helped the economy, and a rapid growing population provided a huge home market along with a larger supply of industrial workers. The new nation also benefited from earlier progress. Previously Germans founded large companies and built many railroads. German industrialists were the first to see the value of applied science in developing new products such as synthetic chemicals and dyes. After 1871, the German government issued a single currency for Germany, reorganized eth banking system, and coordinated railroads built by the various German states. b. Why was Bismarck called the Iron Chancellor? i. Catholics made up approximately 1/3 of the German population. They were believed to have their first loyalty to the Pope and not to Germany. In response, Bismarck launched a battle of civilization. His goal was to make Catholics put loyalty to the state above allegiance to the Church. Bismarck also saw a threat to his empire with eh growing power of socialists. Bismarck believed these

Villalobos Period C

Eamon Barkhordarian 2/18/09

socialists would undermine the loyalty of German workers and make them revolt. As a result, Bismarck passed laws that dissolved socialist groups, shut down their newspapers, and banned their meetings. c. What policies did Kaiser William II follow? i. Kaiser William asked Bismarck to resign, for he believed that “there is only one master in the Reich, and that is I.” William seriously believed that his right to ruler came from god. He resisted efforts to introduced democratic reform. William II lavished funds on the German military machine, already the most powerful in Europe. He launched an ambitious campaign to expand the German navy and win and overseas empire to rival those of Britain and France. 2. Identify a. House of Krupp i. Germans had found large companies and built many railroads. The house of Krupp boomed after 1871. It became and enormous industrial complex that produced steel and weapons for a world market. b. August Thyssen i. Germans had found large companies and built many railroads. Between 1871 and 1914, the business tycoon August Thyssen built a small steel factory of 70 workers into a giant empire with 50,000 employees. c. Iron Chancellor i. The name Bismarck was given. On the domestic front, Bismarck applied the same ruthless methods he has used to achieve unification. He sought to erase local loyalties and crush all opposition to the imperial state. He targeted two groups, the Catholic Church and the socialist. In his view, they both posed a threat to a new German state. 3. Define a. Kulturkampf i. “Battle for Civilization” b. Social Warfare i. Programs to help certain groups of people

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