53 A Rf,SOLUTIONBY THE CITY COTJNCILOF THE CITY OF PELICAN BAY, TEXAS,APPOINTINGT'INANCIALADVISOR AND BOND COT]NSELFOR THE CITY, A-I[DAUTHORIZING EXECUTIONOF A FINANCIAL ADYISORYSERVICES CONTRACTAND A BONDCOUNSELENGAGEMENTLETTER WHEREAS,the City of PelicanBay, Texas(the"City") is consideringthe constructionof a sewersystemandthe purchaseof a water system,andthe iszuanceof obligationsto finance suchprojects; andin the best that it is necessary WHEREAS,this City Councilhasfound anddetermined interestof the City to appointandretaina financialadvisorandbondcounselto representthe City in connectionwith the issuanceof bondsandotherobligationsof the City; and WHEREAS, it is officially found anddeterminedthat the meetingat which this resolution hasbeenconsideredand acteduponwasopento thepublicandpublicnoticeof the time, place andsubjectof saidmeetingwasgiven,all asrequiredby Tex. Gov't CodeAnn. ch. 551;Now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVEDBY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TTIECITY OF PELICAN BAY. TEXAS: Section1. The firm of First SouthwestCompayis herebyappointedandretainedas financialadvisorfor the City. The Mayoris herebyauthorizedanddirectedto executea financial advisoryservicescontractwith First SouthwestCompany,in theform andsubstance presentedat this meeting,settingforth the termsof zuchengagement. Section2, The law firm of Fisher& NewsonqP.C.,is herebyappointedandretainedas bondcounselfor the City. In connectionwith eachseriesor iszueof bondsor otherobligationsto be iszuedby the City, the City andFisher& Newsom"P.C., shallexecutean engagement letter settingforth the termsof suchengagement witl regardto eachseriesor issueof bondsor other obligations. The Mayor is herebyauthorizedand directedto executean engagement letter with Fisher& Newsom,P.C., in theform andsubstance presentedat thisineeting,settingforth the termsof suchengagement with regardto the financingdescribedin lhe first paragraphof the preambleto this resolution. Section3. This Resolutionshalltake effectimmediately upon its adoption.
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, City of PeiicanBay, Texas
-ietdry,City ofPelicanBay,Texas ICITY SEAL]