Reinventing Milton Keynes

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NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 26

NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 27

Milton Keynes, the English new town that was tailor made for the car, is entering a new era of growth. Adding a further 100,000 to the existing 200,000 inhabitants implies a step change in the approach to new development, and successful implementation of the proposed measures means changing the hearts and minds of the residents and the council. Transforming the way people move around impinges on the very nature of this community. Milton Keynes is about to discover the advantages of propinquity.

Impression ot the new station concourse. (source: gemeente Utrecht / ProRail 2006, design by Benthem Crouwel Architecten)

all the flows very effectively. To the east, the terminal will have

and the new tower extension of the Rabobank headquarters. Not

to be connected to the Hoog Catharijne shopping centre and the

bad at all, given the regulatory situation.

Impression of the upgraded shopping centre ‘thecentre:mk’.

Reinventing Milton Keynes

Nieuwe Stationsstraat (New Station Street), and to the west to Jaarbeursplein. To free Westplein from all through traffic, the light

However, it is proving difficult to find an equilibrium between public

rail from Nieuwegein will be moved to the western side of the

and private interests along the Centre Boulevard that everyone can

station, parallel to the railway.

agree to. The crossing of the extension of the Hoog Catharijne shopping

Frank van der Hoeven, Delft University

towns can proceed as before: the additional

and patterns, spatial planners had to provide

centre with the Catharijnesingel is burdened by the constant pressure

of Technology / Urbanism, Lead Partner

urban growth will have an impact on the

maximum accessibility that would allow

After the final assessment of the masterplan by the City Council

of sky high expectations of financial yields by the owner and a

Connected Cities

town centre, the infrastructure, the density

people to develop their own networks. The

in December 200, the spatial ambitions were fixed. Parallel to the

laborious design trajectory involving the City Council. The ambiguous

photos: Frank van der Hoeven (unless indicated otherwise)

and the very identity of the communities

translation of such ideas into reality led to

political process, contracts were drawn up with the three largest

analysis of the problem and the resulting unclear concepts are not

involved. It will also make them less

a different kind of city.

private parties: NS-Poort, the privatised development company of

bringing the process any closer to a favourable outcome.

NS; Corio, the owner and developer of Hoog Catharijne; and Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs as the developer of their own land. These contracts,


Just after the second world war the general

dependent on the mother city. This is

perception was that large metropolises like

particularly clear in the case of Milton

In traditional towns and cities, main roads

London, Paris and the Randstad were not the

Keynes in England.

or boulevards often form the backbone of

known as bilateral agreements of intention (bilaterale intentie-

Another notable development is that the complex planning

right environment for people to live in. They

overeenkomsten or BIO), are the bases for further cooperation.

strategy of integrating different functions for different clients has

would be better off in well planned mid-sized

The development of Milton Keynes new

major buildings, institutions or prominent

They were signed on the  March 2006, just ahead of the local authority

been reintroduced on the west side of the terminal. There is a proposal

towns at a secure distance from the mother

town started in the early 1970s. Milton

residential blocks. In Milton Keynes these

election, and are the first in a series of agreements: intention,

for a new municipal office building with its main entrance on the level

city. The new towns (or villes nouvelles in

Keynes helped to accommodate the growing

things work differently. The town is designed

development and project agreements that are to be signed with

of the terminal hall, a large volume over the hall itself and a public

France and groeikernen in the Netherlands)

population of South East England, and in

along a system of segregated grid roads that

each party and eventually for each individual building project.

route through the middle. This has uncovered an issue that we intended

were based on this notion. Most of these

particularly that of London. Located halfway

provide a high level of accessibility. There

urban life and are lined with the fronts of

to avoid while working on the masterplan: this kind of complexity

new towns grew to what was considered

between London and Birmingham, it grew

are no buildings located along these grid

A statutory structure plan was also drawn up in parallel to the political

is directly related to building costs and rental levels. A particularly

their optimal size, about 0,000 inhabitants.

into England’s largest new town with well

roads. Drivers move through landscaping

process for the assessment of the masterplan. Unfortunately,

intelligent architect (Dirk-Jan Postel of Kraayvanger) has been appointed

Thirty or forty years after their conception,

over 200,000 inhabitants. It is known for its

and greenery with little that refers to the

a detailed zoning plan (bestemmingsplan) proved to be a step too

to produce a synthesis for complexity, good design and feasibility

a handful of these new towns are now

system of segregated grid roads and the 10

urban areas and their communities, which are

far because of the new European rules for particulate matter (PM10),

within the Utrecht context. His task will not be an easy one.

entering a new cycle of growth. They are no

roundabouts that connect them. The town

located within the grid blocks. Single and dual

longer dependent on their mother city; they

was designed along the ideas of Melvin M.

carriageways run between the communities

Netherlands. This problem will have to be solved largely by central

What gives us hope is that the plan as a whole is not collapsing under

have matured and have acquired the

Webber, a California-based urban designer

rather than through them. The absence of

government. Because Utrecht has been chosen as a pilot project in

the strain of such problems. They can be solved ‘locally’ by analysing

potential to become cities in their own right.

who introduced the idea of ‘community

road-fronting buildings, cyclists or pedestrians

the search for solutions to this problem, some projects can go ahead.

them within their own specific context of either the existing

Milton Keynes in England, Sénart in France

without propinquity’. Webber argued that

along the often elevated grid roads allow for

At the moment, mid 2007, work is proceeding on the detailed plans

environment or the situation proposed in the masterplan. The credo of

and Almere in Holland are good examples

propinquity (or nearness) was no longer a

maximum speeds up to 100 kilometres or

for projects on both sides of the railway: on the city side the new

the masterplan – repair, connect and give meaning – is holding up well.

of communities set to enter a new phase in

necessary condition for social and economic

more per hour. Most inhabitants move in this

their development. Renewed growth does

networks. Instead of trying to pre-programme

way from the one grid block to the other,

not mean that the planners of these new

such networks by using classic urban forms

all measuring about one square kilometre.

which are currently blocking planning procedures throughout the

Music Palace and a retail block on the Vredenburg square; on the west side the Holland Casino, a hotel, a multiplex cinema complex

Reactions to: [email protected]



NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 28

NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 29

24,000 surface car parking spaces in Central

Larger single use blocks may also be accomodated

Private courtyards and gardens for residential blocks

Milton Keynes. Initially, parking was even free in the town centre. ‘We’ve got a city

30m Larger block can be subdivided into smaller blocks

es at G

86 per cent of the trips in this town are

entertainment, civic and cultural uses. – To remain as the ‘heart’ for the local


community, supporting the needs

homes and accommodate 70,000 jobs.

and requirements of all residents of 20m

western and eastern expansion areas with

Surface level car parking reprovided


6500 and 4000 new homes. It also includes


Central Milton Keynes, with its 6500 new

86 per cent of the trips in this town are travelled by car

400,000 square metres of office space,

Private areas enclosed within the block including parking and servicing

60,000 extra square metres of retail, and other cultural and leisure facilities.’

secure the economic success of London and the

s rd in multi storey blocks va e ul

A finer great street pattern

apartments and town houses, an additional

in 2003. These growth areas are designed to

to Milton Keynes as whole.

thirty years Milton Keynes will build 70,000 The first phase of this growth includes the

Milton Keynes from the air. (photo: Milton Keynes Council)

spread economic employment benefits – To be the focus for major retail, leisure,

travelled by car. Right now we are planning a next generation of growth. In the next

– To create an environment to attract quality employment opportunities and

population that expects to drive. So, don’t be surprised that most people do drive:

objectives for central milton keynes (cmk)

Densification plan for Central Milton Keynes. (illustration: Karin Dekker, Amsterdam)

Milton Keynes, including their social and cultural needs. – To cater for the needs of local businesses, and contribute to the success of the local economy. – To provide new city centre living, adding to the culture, vitality, vibrancy and sense of community within the centre. – To become a mature, vibrant and truly

South East over the long term. This summer

central milton keynes

I met with David Hackforth, head of planning

Many of the changes will take place in

‘Recent development in CMK has been more

development comes in higher densities, with

and transport Milton Keynes Council and

Central Milton Keynes (CMK), which has been

balanced, continues David. ‘Leisure, culture,

building heights between six and twenty

to visit, to ensure people will visit time

Kevin Whiteside, the council’s chief highways

very successful from the outset. As in other

apartments and town houses are coming in.

stories – whatever the market will bear.

and again.

mixed-use centre that is accessible to all. – To remain a comfortable and safe place

and transportation engineer, to discuss what

new towns, the centre was little more than

First, the Xscape was built, Europe’s largest

To make way for such developments parking

Cyclists and pedestrians depend on their

this ‘second generation of growth’ will mean

an office park with a large shopping mall.

indoor ‘real snow’ ski slope. It also houses,

is increasingly being provided in multi-story

own infrastructure, the redways, which use

for urban development and overall mobility

CMK is still dominated by what is now called

under the ski slope, an indoor rock climbing

car parks. The time of unlimited surface

underpasses or bridges to cross the roads.

in Milton Keynes.

‘thecentre:mk’. With a glass construction

wall, a 16-screen multiplex cinema and a

parking is over.’

Fast and slow traffic are highly segregated

David explained that Milton Keynes is built on

almost a kilometre in length, thecentre:mk

family entertainment centre. The Xscape

and as a result people perceive the overall

the principle that people are free to do what

is one of the longest covered shopping areas

was attracted by the site that was available

The Council has produced a vision for the

transport network in Milton Keynes as safe.

they want. That includes driving. The grid roads

in Europe. It offers high street stores and

in the centre and by the fact that half the

central part of Central Milton Keynes, Central

The Milton Keynes grid clearly favours the

with their speeds up to about 100 kilometres

smaller, specialist shops, and attracts nearly

population of England lives about two hours

CMK. ‘It recognises what this part of town

car over any other means of transportation.

per hour support that, together with the

thirty million visits a year.

drive away. This attraction, coupled with the

means for Milton Keynes, for its citizens and for

The main public transport service in town is

new theatre district, has created a growing

the region. It also outlines the opportunities

provided by buses. Although ridership has

demand for visitor accommodation. Two

for contemporary urban living there. The vision

‘Central CMK will develop into a traditional

been steadily improving, the overall number

commercially driven hotels are also now

comes with a long list of objectives. These

centre, although I don’t know whether

of bus journeys is relatively low and the bus

being built, but there is clearly a growing

follow a wide-ranging public consultation

everybody would agree. I expect only five per

service is not generally held in high regard

need for a cheaper hotel.

programme. I think that most of us will

cent of the people understand the implications

agree with these,’ David concludes.

of their own wishes. This isn’t about small

by the community. As a result, the bus serves mainly those without a car. Cyclists constitute

‘The construction of 1,900 apartments has

a group small, representing only 3 per cent

also begun at the flagship West End

of the trips made in Milton Keynes, and pedestrians are found in large numbers only

– To deliver useable sustainable forms of transport and encourage walking, cycling and bus usage. – To become a more pedestrian friendly area with a high quality public realm. – To deliver the highest quality design.

changes. We are dealing with fundamental traditional city centre

change. One of the principles is getting more

development, the first project of its kind

activity on the street. To do so, we will add

in Central Milton Keynes. The council was

into a traditional city,’ comments Kevin

more and diverse functions to the centre

in or near the town’s shopping mall. It is

nervous about whether there would be a

Whiteside, the Council’s Chief Highways

and we will narrow most of the grid roads in

here, in Central Milton Keynes, where the

demand for this type of housing because

and Transportation Engineer. Kevin recently

Central CMK. We are also moving away from

most visible changes are taking place.

Milton Keynes has always been a single family

moved into Milton Keynes. He used to work

the underpasses and implementing signal

‘It is a recipe that turns Milton Keynes

home community. The first projects are now

for the Audit Commission, an independent

crossings. Believe me, these are controversial

second generation of growth

nearing completion. All the apartments have

public body responsible for ensuring that

and expensive issues. The segregated road

been sold and the nervousness has evaporated.

public money is spent economically,

system is generally perceived as safe. When

of the four ‘growth areas’ designated in the

It is now clear there is a ready and buoyant

efficiently and effectively. He was one the

it comes to pedestrians this is indeed the case.

Sustainable Communities Plan published

market. The prospects for housing next to

Commission’s inspectors and performed an

Things are a bit different with cars. When we

Campbell Park look good. The new

audit on the Milton Keynes council.

speak with people about moving away from

Milton Keynes and South Midlands are two

by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Pedestrians are a rare breed outside the shopping centre.


NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 28

NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 29

24,000 surface car parking spaces in Central

Larger single use blocks may also be accomodated

Private courtyards and gardens for residential blocks

Milton Keynes. Initially, parking was even free in the town centre. ‘We’ve got a city

30m Larger block can be subdivided into smaller blocks

es at G

86 per cent of the trips in this town are

entertainment, civic and cultural uses. – To remain as the ‘heart’ for the local


community, supporting the needs

homes and accommodate 70,000 jobs.

and requirements of all residents of 20m

western and eastern expansion areas with

Surface level car parking reprovided


6500 and 4000 new homes. It also includes


Central Milton Keynes, with its 6500 new

86 per cent of the trips in this town are travelled by car

400,000 square metres of office space,

Private areas enclosed within the block including parking and servicing

60,000 extra square metres of retail, and other cultural and leisure facilities.’

secure the economic success of London and the

s rd in multi storey blocks va e ul

A finer great street pattern

apartments and town houses, an additional

in 2003. These growth areas are designed to

to Milton Keynes as whole.

thirty years Milton Keynes will build 70,000 The first phase of this growth includes the

Milton Keynes from the air. (photo: Milton Keynes Council)

spread economic employment benefits – To be the focus for major retail, leisure,

travelled by car. Right now we are planning a next generation of growth. In the next

– To create an environment to attract quality employment opportunities and

population that expects to drive. So, don’t be surprised that most people do drive:

objectives for central milton keynes (cmk)

Densification plan for Central Milton Keynes. (illustration: Karin Dekker, Amsterdam)

Milton Keynes, including their social and cultural needs. – To cater for the needs of local businesses, and contribute to the success of the local economy. – To provide new city centre living, adding to the culture, vitality, vibrancy and sense of community within the centre. – To become a mature, vibrant and truly

South East over the long term. This summer

central milton keynes

I met with David Hackforth, head of planning

Many of the changes will take place in

‘Recent development in CMK has been more

development comes in higher densities, with

and transport Milton Keynes Council and

Central Milton Keynes (CMK), which has been

balanced, continues David. ‘Leisure, culture,

building heights between six and twenty

to visit, to ensure people will visit time

Kevin Whiteside, the council’s chief highways

very successful from the outset. As in other

apartments and town houses are coming in.

stories – whatever the market will bear.

and again.

mixed-use centre that is accessible to all. – To remain a comfortable and safe place

and transportation engineer, to discuss what

new towns, the centre was little more than

First, the Xscape was built, Europe’s largest

To make way for such developments parking

Cyclists and pedestrians depend on their

this ‘second generation of growth’ will mean

an office park with a large shopping mall.

indoor ‘real snow’ ski slope. It also houses,

is increasingly being provided in multi-story

own infrastructure, the redways, which use

for urban development and overall mobility

CMK is still dominated by what is now called

under the ski slope, an indoor rock climbing

car parks. The time of unlimited surface

underpasses or bridges to cross the roads.

in Milton Keynes.

‘thecentre:mk’. With a glass construction

wall, a 16-screen multiplex cinema and a

parking is over.’

Fast and slow traffic are highly segregated

David explained that Milton Keynes is built on

almost a kilometre in length, thecentre:mk

family entertainment centre. The Xscape

and as a result people perceive the overall

the principle that people are free to do what

is one of the longest covered shopping areas

was attracted by the site that was available

The Council has produced a vision for the

transport network in Milton Keynes as safe.

they want. That includes driving. The grid roads

in Europe. It offers high street stores and

in the centre and by the fact that half the

central part of Central Milton Keynes, Central

The Milton Keynes grid clearly favours the

with their speeds up to about 100 kilometres

smaller, specialist shops, and attracts nearly

population of England lives about two hours

CMK. ‘It recognises what this part of town

car over any other means of transportation.

per hour support that, together with the

thirty million visits a year.

drive away. This attraction, coupled with the

means for Milton Keynes, for its citizens and for

The main public transport service in town is

new theatre district, has created a growing

the region. It also outlines the opportunities

provided by buses. Although ridership has

demand for visitor accommodation. Two

for contemporary urban living there. The vision

‘Central CMK will develop into a traditional

been steadily improving, the overall number

commercially driven hotels are also now

comes with a long list of objectives. These

centre, although I don’t know whether

of bus journeys is relatively low and the bus

being built, but there is clearly a growing

follow a wide-ranging public consultation

everybody would agree. I expect only five per

service is not generally held in high regard

need for a cheaper hotel.

programme. I think that most of us will

cent of the people understand the implications

agree with these,’ David concludes.

of their own wishes. This isn’t about small

by the community. As a result, the bus serves mainly those without a car. Cyclists constitute

‘The construction of 1,900 apartments has

a group small, representing only 3 per cent

also begun at the flagship West End

of the trips made in Milton Keynes, and pedestrians are found in large numbers only

– To deliver useable sustainable forms of transport and encourage walking, cycling and bus usage. – To become a more pedestrian friendly area with a high quality public realm. – To deliver the highest quality design.

changes. We are dealing with fundamental traditional city centre

change. One of the principles is getting more

development, the first project of its kind

activity on the street. To do so, we will add

in Central Milton Keynes. The council was

into a traditional city,’ comments Kevin

more and diverse functions to the centre

in or near the town’s shopping mall. It is

nervous about whether there would be a

Whiteside, the Council’s Chief Highways

and we will narrow most of the grid roads in

here, in Central Milton Keynes, where the

demand for this type of housing because

and Transportation Engineer. Kevin recently

Central CMK. We are also moving away from

most visible changes are taking place.

Milton Keynes has always been a single family

moved into Milton Keynes. He used to work

the underpasses and implementing signal

‘It is a recipe that turns Milton Keynes

home community. The first projects are now

for the Audit Commission, an independent

crossings. Believe me, these are controversial

second generation of growth

nearing completion. All the apartments have

public body responsible for ensuring that

and expensive issues. The segregated road

been sold and the nervousness has evaporated.

public money is spent economically,

system is generally perceived as safe. When

of the four ‘growth areas’ designated in the

It is now clear there is a ready and buoyant

efficiently and effectively. He was one the

it comes to pedestrians this is indeed the case.

Sustainable Communities Plan published

market. The prospects for housing next to

Commission’s inspectors and performed an

Things are a bit different with cars. When we

Campbell Park look good. The new

audit on the Milton Keynes council.

speak with people about moving away from

Milton Keynes and South Midlands are two

by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Pedestrians are a rare breed outside the shopping centre.


NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 30

NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 31

Legend Little Linford

Existing development

Newport Pagnell



Stony Stratford


Old Stradford



Central Milton Keynes




To the South

Stanley Wood Turtron Lake

Westcroft Whaddon

Howe Park Wood


Whaddon Chase

Great Hotwood

Newton Longvile


Little Hotwood


60 per cent increase in traffic in the next

City Centre (CMK)

thirty years. With all the extra workplaces,

Existing landscape areas and woodland

homes and shops in Central Milton Keynes,

Parkland and connection to rural surroundings

getting there will become an issue, especially

Strategic reserves sites

when the population of the town increases.


It will no longer be possible to drive to the

Strategic extensions to lineair park structure

centre like people used to do. We have to work

Potential new growth areas

on reducing travel demand, on home working,

Town Centre

on better public transport and on more

M1 Junction improvements

walking. Changing the modal split around

Neighbourhood Centre

is technically possible. It is a question of

Grand Union Canal



To Oxford Winslow

Expansion areas

Drayton Parslow

To London

The New Plan for Milton Keynes. New connections according to ‘

A Strategy for Growth to 2031’. (source: municipality of Milton Keynes)

What worked until now will not work in the next thirty years

A roads

‘What we are experiencing is the classic curve


where the leaders are already over the top

Existing East-West Rail

but the people are still climbing. We feel the

New East-West Rail spur to CMK

need to engage the community. The people

New Highways and public transport

in Milton Keynes are not convinced we have

connections to Growth Areas

to change when we say there will be a huge

across the grid roads, but the stops are

parking their vehicles. However, as soon

A421 Improvements

problem. People do get around and the overall

difficult to access. They are often elevated

as people understand what the necessary

Strategic City Roads

journey time is low, but they do not understand

and located in the middle of the greenery,

measure are about, they object. They don’t

Core public transport route

that gridlock will happen suddenly. In winter

out of sight of homes and businesses.

see the consequences of what they are asking

West Coast Mainline (strategic rail corridor)

with heavy snowfall a ten minute journey

Directing bus services through the grid does

for. People want incompatible things – they

Existing railway stations

can instantly become a three hour trip. Such

improve ridership, but restricts customers to

want to have their cake and eat it.’

Possible new railway stations

things will occur increasingly as long as car

captives because it makes the services too

Potential new platform at CMK station

traffic increases – and it will. Unfortunately

slow for those with an alternative.

new urban form

Key project areas and destinations

we can’t wait until congestion finally affects

Potential park and ride

peoples lives. The measures to reduce or

east-west public transport spine

Milton Keynes to the west and east and

solve congestion take years, if not decades,

transforming Central Milton Keynes. These

to implement. At the same time we have a

implement a better bus system,’ continues

areas offer a great opportunity to showcase

The new urban image of Central Milton Keynes, the hub:mk.

‘We have a clear plan in place on how to

Part of the growth strategy is expanding

responsibility towards the new inhabitants.

Kevin: ‘a bus rapid transit. We will develop

concepts based on a new kind of urban form.

the segregated road system their reaction is

emotional and political difficulty at that point.


We can’t confront them with a growing traffic

an east-west public transport spine that

The new plan for Central Milton Keynes clearly

generally that what we are actually proposing

It’s about changing the hearts and minds of

crisis because we stopped communicating

connects the western and the eastern

shows what this will mean for the existing

will make Milton Keynes less safe.

the people and the council. The confidence

now will not work in the next thirty years.

our message to the current population.’

expansion areas with Central Milton Keynes.

centre. In existing areas the width of the

in the grid road system verges on an article

The grid can deal with another 25 per cent

It serves the three parts of town where

boulevards will be reduced and a fine-grain

‘People see in all of this the first sign of a

of faith. Changing it seems to be almost a

increase in traffic. After that we will face

not built for buses

17,000 new homes have been built, plus the

street pattern introduced. The quality of public

decline of the segregation. We face an

form of heresy.’

increasing gridlock. Overall we expect a

accommodation for extra workplaces, retail,

space will be improved, surface level parking

to see change. People do say they want better

culture and leisure. The Midsummer

will be replaced by multi-storey blocks and

public transport. Kevin agrees: ‘Even without

boulevard in Central CMK will be the public

the bus system upgraded. The new expansion

the issue of growth, a better bus service is

transport hub along that spine, but it won’t

areas will no longer be based entirely on the

better for all. The grid seems great, but things

be a traditional bus station. We are planning

segregated grid system. ‘From the very

work less well for those who are marginalised,

superstops with the quality you normally

beginning we will build dedicated lanes for

for those households that have to do without

find at light rail stops, such as better

Bus Rapid Transit and take care of public space.

a car, which is about 20 per cent in Milton

shelters and dynamic travel information.

Once we get the quality in we can show that a

Keynes and in some wards close to 40 per cent.’

We’ve got the road space for a dedicated

different urban structure based on a balanced

It is not easy to operate public transport in

fast route into the city centre, but we also

mix of transport modes works better. If it

Milton Keynes. Densities are comparative

need priority at crossroads and additional

doesn’t work out with these new areas, well…

low and workplaces are spread out. There is

measures to reduce the ease of taking the

[both men laugh] then we are looking for

no real congestion outside the peak. Because

car. We have to take out eight roundabouts

a new job’.

of the grid there are only a few main routes

and replace them with signal crossings.

with a very frequent service. Buses can run

In Central CMK people will pay more for

Urban plan form for Central Milton Keynes. Existing buildings are purple, new buildings are orange and red.

‘One thing is clear to us: what worked until

But David emphasises that people do want

Reactions to: [email protected]


NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 30

NovaTerra Connected Cities / september 2007 / 31

Legend Little Linford

Existing development

Newport Pagnell



Stony Stratford


Old Stradford



Central Milton Keynes




To the South

Stanley Wood Turtron Lake

Westcroft Whaddon

Howe Park Wood


Whaddon Chase

Great Hotwood

Newton Longvile


Little Hotwood


60 per cent increase in traffic in the next

City Centre (CMK)

thirty years. With all the extra workplaces,

Existing landscape areas and woodland

homes and shops in Central Milton Keynes,

Parkland and connection to rural surroundings

getting there will become an issue, especially

Strategic reserves sites

when the population of the town increases.


It will no longer be possible to drive to the

Strategic extensions to lineair park structure

centre like people used to do. We have to work

Potential new growth areas

on reducing travel demand, on home working,

Town Centre

on better public transport and on more

M1 Junction improvements

walking. Changing the modal split around

Neighbourhood Centre

is technically possible. It is a question of

Grand Union Canal



To Oxford Winslow

Expansion areas

Drayton Parslow

To London

The New Plan for Milton Keynes. New connections according to ‘

A Strategy for Growth to 2031’. (source: municipality of Milton Keynes)

What worked until now will not work in the next thirty years

A roads

‘What we are experiencing is the classic curve


where the leaders are already over the top

Existing East-West Rail

but the people are still climbing. We feel the

New East-West Rail spur to CMK

need to engage the community. The people

New Highways and public transport

in Milton Keynes are not convinced we have

connections to Growth Areas

to change when we say there will be a huge

across the grid roads, but the stops are

parking their vehicles. However, as soon

A421 Improvements

problem. People do get around and the overall

difficult to access. They are often elevated

as people understand what the necessary

Strategic City Roads

journey time is low, but they do not understand

and located in the middle of the greenery,

measure are about, they object. They don’t

Core public transport route

that gridlock will happen suddenly. In winter

out of sight of homes and businesses.

see the consequences of what they are asking

West Coast Mainline (strategic rail corridor)

with heavy snowfall a ten minute journey

Directing bus services through the grid does

for. People want incompatible things – they

Existing railway stations

can instantly become a three hour trip. Such

improve ridership, but restricts customers to

want to have their cake and eat it.’

Possible new railway stations

things will occur increasingly as long as car

captives because it makes the services too

Potential new platform at CMK station

traffic increases – and it will. Unfortunately

slow for those with an alternative.

new urban form

Key project areas and destinations

we can’t wait until congestion finally affects

Potential park and ride

peoples lives. The measures to reduce or

east-west public transport spine

Milton Keynes to the west and east and

solve congestion take years, if not decades,

transforming Central Milton Keynes. These

to implement. At the same time we have a

implement a better bus system,’ continues

areas offer a great opportunity to showcase

The new urban image of Central Milton Keynes, the hub:mk.

‘We have a clear plan in place on how to

Part of the growth strategy is expanding

responsibility towards the new inhabitants.

Kevin: ‘a bus rapid transit. We will develop

concepts based on a new kind of urban form.

the segregated road system their reaction is

emotional and political difficulty at that point.


We can’t confront them with a growing traffic

an east-west public transport spine that

The new plan for Central Milton Keynes clearly

generally that what we are actually proposing

It’s about changing the hearts and minds of

crisis because we stopped communicating

connects the western and the eastern

shows what this will mean for the existing

will make Milton Keynes less safe.

the people and the council. The confidence

now will not work in the next thirty years.

our message to the current population.’

expansion areas with Central Milton Keynes.

centre. In existing areas the width of the

in the grid road system verges on an article

The grid can deal with another 25 per cent

It serves the three parts of town where

boulevards will be reduced and a fine-grain

‘People see in all of this the first sign of a

of faith. Changing it seems to be almost a

increase in traffic. After that we will face

not built for buses

17,000 new homes have been built, plus the

street pattern introduced. The quality of public

decline of the segregation. We face an

form of heresy.’

increasing gridlock. Overall we expect a

accommodation for extra workplaces, retail,

space will be improved, surface level parking

to see change. People do say they want better

culture and leisure. The Midsummer

will be replaced by multi-storey blocks and

public transport. Kevin agrees: ‘Even without

boulevard in Central CMK will be the public

the bus system upgraded. The new expansion

the issue of growth, a better bus service is

transport hub along that spine, but it won’t

areas will no longer be based entirely on the

better for all. The grid seems great, but things

be a traditional bus station. We are planning

segregated grid system. ‘From the very

work less well for those who are marginalised,

superstops with the quality you normally

beginning we will build dedicated lanes for

for those households that have to do without

find at light rail stops, such as better

Bus Rapid Transit and take care of public space.

a car, which is about 20 per cent in Milton

shelters and dynamic travel information.

Once we get the quality in we can show that a

Keynes and in some wards close to 40 per cent.’

We’ve got the road space for a dedicated

different urban structure based on a balanced

It is not easy to operate public transport in

fast route into the city centre, but we also

mix of transport modes works better. If it

Milton Keynes. Densities are comparative

need priority at crossroads and additional

doesn’t work out with these new areas, well…

low and workplaces are spread out. There is

measures to reduce the ease of taking the

[both men laugh] then we are looking for

no real congestion outside the peak. Because

car. We have to take out eight roundabouts

a new job’.

of the grid there are only a few main routes

and replace them with signal crossings.

with a very frequent service. Buses can run

In Central CMK people will pay more for

Urban plan form for Central Milton Keynes. Existing buildings are purple, new buildings are orange and red.

‘One thing is clear to us: what worked until

But David emphasises that people do want

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