Prayer Letter - October 2

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 535
  • Pages: 1
Bangor The CUs events in freshers’ week went well, although some were more successful than others. Highlights were the BBQ, film night and global café; all of which were well attended and provided opportunity for meeting new people, building friendships and sharing the gospel. Many freshers have joined the CU and the numbers are good at the weekly Thursday night meeting. Please pray that they’d understand the purpose of the CU and that their desire and efforts to reach the lost would continue to grow.

Glyndwr (Wrecsam) UCCF Team Wales!

weekly CU events in north Wales Mon

CU @Glyndwr Uni, Wrecsam Bible study night, Bangor Uni


CU @Llandrillo College Global café, Bangor Uni.


CU @Yale College


CU @Bangor Uni.

The work in Glyndwr is small and can be frustrating. We have been meeting to study Philippians on Monday nights (6-7pm) and the studies have gone well. We have seen about twelve different students, but never more than four at a time! It’s a hard place to have a CU since most students travel in for lectures and are not around outside of the working day. But there is potential for a good work. Please pray for the christian students to have a vision for the CU and a burden to reach the lost there. Pray for us as we try to organise some suitable outreach events before Christmas.

Colleges There are also CUs in colleges at Llandrillo and Yale (also in Wrecsam). They meet during their lunch breaks to study the Bible and pray. A few at Yale in particular have the desire to reach out with the gospel, which is great to see. Pray for them to be strong and to grow in their faith during their late teenage years.

Praise & prayer I’m thankful for… • God providing all my financial and material needs so far. • everything He is teaching me through the study. • friendships and settling in to Bangor life. • Meeting encouraging students, watching them reach their friends and grow whilst at uni.

coming up… 21 Oct 24-26 Oct 26-30 Oct early Nov 10-11 Nov 11 Nov 13-15 Nov

In Menai College Family wedding, Dorset ‘One Vision Wales’ week starting book group team days in Swansea evangelistic talk, Bangor North Wales CUs weekend away in Quinta

uccf:thechristianunions UCCF Office 38 De Montfort St. Leicester LE1 7GP

T 0116 255 1700 F 0116 255 5672 [email protected]

Registered charity number 306137

prayer for CUs… • CUs across North Wales from Bangor to Wrexham. • One vision week. • Christian students, especially freshers, to have the desire and the courage to live and speak for Jesus. • Students who don’t know God. That He would draw them to himself and use the CUs to reach them. prayer for myself… • My time with individuals – that God would use me in their life. • Settling into church life. • My relationship with Una. • Disciplined and fruitful quiet times. • Making more non-christian friends and having a powerful witness. • Putting the preaching & training into practice. Thank you for your love, kindness, prayers and support in the work of CUs and in my own life.

Jon :)

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