Peoples Tonight, Apr. 1, 2019, Sgma Cites China's Growth In Hainan Confab.pdf

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 240
  • Pages: 1
Gloti Maci p"s"t-a'*fo-'ii'""t;-, itry&WffiW i".it"a i" i,,r""-iL h-:; ,;;lxCffi

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she n-oted that china's ..:ffi! rn. ruta titu -,.,,:,,.l:'iffi**F:'r'. remarkable growth partic$tH.$;THtj:t:iil ;1.:y,,:,lHnfl^*j; " rurcrffir._mnovo Hainan)'speiGr ctLinai^"


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rn ,government, and tha[ -the diversity o'f with the rest oi the i"liI l""9"tt ald academlc intustoncal conditions deler_ in_ historical Jhe fhe meetins meetine *r. ?g:TSs" a:r,tq academjc was one df sutuuons :_u,$ tuou€nouf Asia mlnes the development "#';; the hishliehts"of the CFA ru srlarc metr thoughts on palhs that countrieg could Armual Cdnference 20t9

ure r(usr rssue9 in cnoose. lhe Soeak", .< ^n k6, _i InehreFonpr€]ssrng and the world: "China has given us the ai m.tii" rhe Boird ;i l;; B-i;: _^.9"Tq,q9 p"ghfB, An] iesson rhar theie is iusr nor w h ch ga r he is'-to'se"til; lflf iXT,;cHll; J"ilT; 8l:"r*jl J:Lil";,8f n:t e\perience, it wa5 tholrsht that the only way to dev"el_ oPmenl ts fhe western second y'ear i

style model of leffersonian

democrdcy and couDled w

tth a lree market..But

Ltuna has shown the world Lhd tj/ou can ha ve you_r own model of develop,mmt u-s_ mg your orvn historicdl ex_ perjence, especially China ul the tast 40 yeais. SirLce

lhe opening 6f Chind 40 years ago, it has trans-

tormed itself, it is rhF worid's leadins erowth unmatched in"historv,,

Aroyo said.

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