From Paoe
hi6 signature to ihe 2019 General ApDroDriations Bill witn aiibiv;tencn or
Seuat€ President on-the
ompletely autlrorized and
rolled copy of th'e national budget is a lesal act.
is ill-advised by his law- The imprimatur-of the yers. The lettdr he serlt to the President
ing his strong
res'ervatrons as annotation in tjic 2019 national budeet en-
rolled ba$is.
has no" leeal is ju-st a perso;al
requ$t, {rhich the Precident may or mav not take heed." said igmarines Sur Reo. Rolardo
Andaya, the 6anel chair-
men, in down:_Dlaving Snito's "with reservaiion? on-
sition in sienins the ig"
tional budget.
Andava said that -ia
f,lrc gist of the arguDent I communicated to Executive Secretarv Salvador
enrolled bill cannot be rcal, qrammatical and ,riminish€d by his etrons printiDg erfois. as well a€ rebervations. which ari the necessary adjustcompletely unwarranted." ments as a consequence Andaya erplained. olthe aoEindments." said "Also, I point€d out Andava ' Andaya added ttrat the Senat€ hesident canaot interferc vith tlre Omnibus Motion stso the exercise by P.esident plicitly stated: 'In caseerof Duterte of his veto pow- conllict the Coner by €uggestiDg what fe4nce between ComDitt€e ReDort item8 should tx vetoed in and the Printed Cooi, of ao enr:olled bill, which the Bi.ll, the latter ;hsl bears his siqoature." he prevail." added"CoDsequentlv. Andaya pointed out printed House vd;ionthe iF tbe arsuhents raiAed
by tbe Se;ate hesident
in his letter are coooletelv
Actins baselecs Secretarv Janet Abuel rif "For one, t}le realienthe Department of Bud- ments he cited were ;dget and ManaseDent tbrough separate-letters dat€d March 28. 2019."
"In my letteis. I emphasized that there is no such thing as conilitional signine of an enmlled bill The Senate canaot clotfte
reads: Technical Stafr o'f lhe House committee on appropriations and Seaate commifte€ on finance are author.ized to effect corrections of tlaograph-
dissent. Sigirhe an en-
Senate President
ditional Omnibus Motion-
compliant wit}r the ratified
Bicaneral Reoort. li ehould be und'erscored
that the generic term- ad-
justDents eubsuaee ie-
justments authorized bv alignh.nts and allied m.xtno less than the Bicarn'- ficatiors. Budget adiusteral Conference Commit- meot refers to anv ;ddi-
Rupo"t, wbich was ao-
proled and signed by tlie
tion or reduction madp in
the budget budset while budget brdqat both r@lignment is the prodss chambers. The Conmit- of adjustins tlre o;einal tee Report included a tra- budget," saii Andavi