Peoples Tonight, Apr. 3, 2019, Yellow Power Alert Hit.pdf

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 211
  • Pages: 1
maD and Makabayan

senetoriel crndidete Neri Cotmeaar6e aad

Bayan Muna


Carlos Ieagani Zarate

exprcseed ooncern on

the Yellow Alert atatu8 of the countty's powea eituatior due to the oupposed orrtages of power plalrt6. "This is suspect


sidering that this is t}te first tlay ofApril and this yellow alert would again jack up power rates this month. In March at least 3 yellow alerts were

raised end we are still

awaiting Meralco's bill annoulrcement," said Colmenares.

"What is infuridting thoush is that the De-


-of tfiergy

even aesured the Dublic

that we have

erioush supply of electricity ti-is

summer. Information

from the website of t}Ie country's grid operator also indicates a normal pd$er situation in Lu-

zon.' the Makabavan senatorial bet added: -lhe recdnt unscheduled plant shutdowns


not he Dscd trv Mprsleo or ERC to advince their agenda to ram dovm the public throat their overpriced power supply

agreements which we have questioned in th'e

Suprerne Court. The

power Plants it wants constructed are cleariv the very power plant!

awaided with the onerous PSAs by their parent firm Meralco," said Colmenares.

, " Consumers should be more vigilant because Meralco may u€e this as

pretext ror a pretexf, for aDorner another power rate hike," said zarate. ?oE< Il

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