contimres .q_GMARoll-
AFTER vi€igag her
G -
l journey
in tbe prisidenirn2ooe s groeyrh ""il;.;"J_r".f,,ii,,;",. ll;y.-r#plolry* and.urban-poor bousing 1,il.; ;";; .o *" ,r,"'""liiil"htrfi$i ff_ projects, former presi_ laslrimp rwantto-go to my .n"" ii'ii" b.j.i",""1"" n'o{ecrs. or *"; ;l;;'-;;"":;1"i"tnrormatron anrr ( omff*"ti-:::-?g:1 {a'o1rc. Gtoria Macapagalrtrroyo t"";;;#'** munjcation Technologr. procoDtiDued ber .senti- * *; .;"Ti-uP-.tdusor my proudeat viding investor support tr4eDtsl jou"'ef ioumarr' h; * ri m_ -_^*-,,^" "^e'tsr ffiffril"jJklilfl"":i ir'g to the Erst Busiiress """._"r;.il",;#;; tr,i. 1'i.", il.:,Yts^l'' 1*;T*9: was a -"" first in buildiogE used bv the .ml,rocess ouLsourciag -"-1i,, augurated when sbe was
op"led dustrv completion of hfiai" vi*"-.! ft-;";*ffi,Yh"l *u*",viaitstructure proiects like ai-rregion lasr Sunday-frfii il;;ti.:i 1Yl{ zoro when r poris and traioins vouche aav *rore hdti,rg.'-# ;;TJ;l n"gp",g,g p.eb"i"c"=;;: ;fi ,t?rH-:I t-j*"'" :;l"Ji:".ff tHf",::BHl;;1'f-gS: T"g: , Arroro'has be-en crear. .*, e,.l-,"i6"J""ni ** r-be
(BPo) offc.e
HiffiT#"#,ffi ;H'ri""ffi8";";olff
es,ab,ished. v6a)€s and
ir$p"l.T*iifi."i!3 o,#"j"X'l'""rins.
4r' #*" ffilijL,tx fs#"#"i#rr,
initia' *'" nro i"JLJ1,-gi'
; ili il,}fl ;ff"H; "ffi; e9 *!t -l__hr y io it* pr,"no,o"J
;1 "H# JJ$'Xtr*"'l ilri ffi?j*rr:,r,ir"j *r
rucul ruruvoE rasDn,lr vear
;l.lT"'ifl "'H6ff,T
Ryar ponce pacpaco
PC9C q