Peoples Tonight, Mar. 25, 2019, Sgma Cites Ffccll Role In Ph-china Friendship.pdf

  • June 2020
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Download & View Peoples Tonight, Mar. 25, 2019, Sgma Cites Ffccll Role In Ph-china Friendship.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 206
  • Pages: 1


pagal-Arrolro has ex-


Quotiag tl@ wo.rds of

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predsdl glatitude to the

Chinese Chonbei of

Conperce adhdurdrv. Iac. (FICCCII) for oro-

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stG to th€ Philrppines in !si! l+o""nte., Sp"atiil ofr

Federstioir of Filioirro

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will be held iD Manna this

coming AFil 22 and 2A, with the theme "Coocert ed lictim

For ComEon Develodment -

In lbe New Era "

lhe forum will

be sDon_

sored try tbe FFCCCTT

The Boao Forum :for Asia fBFA) is a aon-pmfit orgaqization that hosts F

higbJevel forum for leaders from the govemment, birsi_ nese and a€ademia in L;

and othet contiDents to shaie their visiou oa


most pressitg iesues in the

d,'oamic region and the . world at large. Arroyo said the coder_ eace .ai:ors to belp visitins -

Chinese entrepreneurs bei ter lmderstaod t}Ie bDsinese

envirodinent and relaterl pollcieq o{ thq philippines.

-Ryfrn Ponce Pacpaco

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