SGMA to CPA: Sto p collecting fees asked the CPA to lower
its share collection io 2070 upon the expiratiol of the tion oversight comrEitt€e on ttre Roll Off Roll On Port st'stem led by Sperker Gloria Macapagal-Ar" royo hes mioved to stop the Cebu Port AuthoritJr
(CPA) from collecting questionable port fees
frrom a Cebu port Dudng tfe ovesiEht hearing Tuesday iD Tabuelan, Cebu, att€nded by Aroyo
end Cebu Reps. Peter
Unabia (Chairman), Gwen Garcia and B€nhur SalimbaDgon, the committee foiDd out that the CPA has been for the five years questionably collecting its share
the port fees in Tabuelan without any leqal basis.
was established that tlrc CPA and tle
lccal govemment of Thbuelan entered into a ten-year com-
pmmi€e agr€ement that allowed the CPA to collect a 40 per€ent shar€ ftom the fees collected in TabuelanThe lacal goverunent of
Tabuelan had formallv
co6pr0mise agreement in 2014 but it has yet to b€ acted upon by the bodyDespite the lapse
compromi8e a.qreeEent,
"Ihis is a sh'ange siiuation we are finding ourselves in. You continue to colle.t on the tea-year MOA that has long expt€4 file years ago. Ae you not dlpped now? Why
drc,ouco €cting? How is this the jtr8tifid?' said Garci&
CPA has continued to collect its 40 percent share of the revenues, Ttris pmmpted Garcia to express dismay over tlie arrar€emmt, saying it has unduly caused sutrerings to tlre people ofTabuelarr who bad been depdved of the inaoEe
to which they vere legally entitled to as early as 2014.
Gdrcia said since 2004 w-hen the complomise agrEe-
ment expired, the CPA has
unduly collected soEe P35 million frorn Tabuelan without any legal or documen-
tary basis to do
She then moved to stop CP. A from firrther collecting its rl0 percent share until a
new agreeinent is forged
between the agencv and the
local government of Tabuelan. This was adopted by members of the committee, including Arroyo.