People: Drive Our Thinking

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  • Words: 1,961
  • Pages: 29
People drive our thinking VP Niitamo, UDOI RDI Dir. Solsona, 30.09.2009

Company Confidential 1

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Global / local

Screen: Pilkington 2008.

Decentralisatio n

Screen: MAPES 2008.


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© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials


Nature as a model

Decentralisatio n

From consumers to creators

Logo: Creative Commons 2008.

Closing the loops

Logo: Freecycle 2008.

Peer-topeer distribution

Logo: Grameen Bank 2008.

Cooperativ es

Graph: Kalundborg Centre for Industrial Symbiosis 2008.

New accountability Logo: 2008. V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

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© 2008 Nokia

Open source

Logo: Viva Favela 2008.

The themes • Internet is in the Core of Change • Open Connectivity and Open Platforms as basic enablers •

MultiCognitiveRadio, ”multiplatform”

• 3rd party Innovation – the Soul of mobile Internet •

Open Source, Social mobile networking

• New Service Enablers • Livinglabs as a solution to realize human driven innovation in early adaptor lead markets • Eco sustainability driving consumer beh. change

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© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

A ”Living Lab” is a ... citizen-business-public partership operating in real life/work environment providing human-centric (user-driven) innovation service





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(The term ”Living Lab” was created by Bill Michell, MIT, around 1995)

Origin Living Labs • MIT, Boston, Prof William Mitchell •

MediaLab and School of Architecture and city planning

‘Living Labs as a research methodology for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining complex solutions in multiple and evolving real life contexts.’ Applied in Europe in folllowing;

1. Bringing laboratory based technology test-beds into real-life user focused environments for validation. (INFO SOC Research on Application and Research test beds/FIRE, Future Internet Research) 2. Developing MOBILITY SERVICES for citizens in a lead market environment with early adaptors or in premarket demonstrations. Focus in an user centric co-design/co-creation process and Public Private Partnerships.(IST SO e-Government..ref.Intelcities, e-inclusion and edemocracy ,AAL) 3. COLLABORATIVE LivingLab Networks which are becoming global and where regional public players are driving developments and concurrent models for adoption attracting private sector for investments and participation (ENoLL and LL-Europe,Innovative city dialogues,Telecities etc.) 4. NATIONAL and regional networks such as in Finland, Sweden,Netherlands, Slovenia or in Catalunia, Nordic/Baltic, Northern Kalot. In Finland initiative came from Industry/DIMES to create national beta-testing capability, where in 13 innovation locations to validate new mobility services in a real user centric models called LivingLab-Testbeds Open User driven Innovation (LITE-Open) and supported with Tekes technology and innovation program(SHOKS).

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186 december 2008V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials © 2008 Nokia


Living Lab – Short Definition

 A Living Lab is a system for building a future economy, in which open usercentric “co-creation” will be the normal development technique for new products, services and contents  A Living Lab instruments and stimulates users to drive and take active part in research, development and innovation, in their normal real-life environment  Living lab is user driven open innovation ecosystem Mikael Borjeson and Alvaro Oliveira

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Living Labs Types

• Local Living Labs • Regional Living Labs • National Networks • Sectorial Living Labs • Crossborder Living Labs • European Network of Living Labs • Thematic Sub Networks Living Labs • Global Network Living Labs

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Thematic Sub Networks Living Labs • Health and Well Being • Sustainable Energy • Inteligent Mobility • Creative Media • e- Inclusion • Thematic Tourism • e-Government • Rural development • Regional development • Automotive

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EU Presidencies Roadmap for ENoLL Swedish Presidency Cross Border Networks Autumn 2009

4th Wave ENoLL , Autumn 2009 and spring 2010

Czech Presidency Rural Networks, Spring 2009

French Presidency bringing Innovation to citizen level ,Autumn 2008

2nd Wave ENoLL, Autumn 2007

Slovenian Presidency Challenging cross-border and Pan European level Open Innovation Spring 2008

3rd Wave ENoLL, Autumn 2008

Portuguese Presidency Renewing Lisbon strategy for people Autumn 2007 German Presidency emphasising Regional innovation(Bremen & Munchen LLs),Spring 2007 Finnish Presidency Launching Helsinki Manifesto 2006 Autumn

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1st Wave ENoLL, Autumn 2006

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129 ENoLL Members

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Vision for ENOLL – Enabled Innovation Systemic Innovation extended in Networks of PPCP Environments Enabling Institutional Infrastructure Enabled Social Innovation

Systemic Innovation validated by users in environements of PPCP

Pan European Network of LL

European Network of Living Labs

Enabling Technological Innovation

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Enabling Technology Platforms

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Roadmap in user engagement in UDLL Nokia stack towards UDOI Research;Lablets R&D:Nokia Forum, Maemo, Testbeds

User producing

RDI:Nokia Alpha and Betalabs, LLs, Maemo etc Early/Lead market initiatives: Livinglabbing, Maemo etc..

User designing

User collaborating

User participating

Users monitored/u-data simulation Company Confidential 13

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials


Layers of LivingLab Human Level ”Neighbourhoods or Self organising virtual LLs” Usage Level ”Testbeds and other trial platform” Local Level ”Local Innovation Service Provider” Thematic Level ”Network of thematic LivingLabs” European Network of LL ” CoreLab service in EU ” Global Level ”Global LivingLab Company Confidential 14 Networks” © © 2008 2005 Nokia Nokia V1-Filename.ppt V1-Filename.ppt/ /YYYY-MM-DD yyyy-mm-dd/ /Initials Initials 14

A missing link in innovation

Phase 0 Research

Phase 1 Solution proposal

Research push

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Phase 2 Prototype

Phase 3 Pre-commercial product/service

Innovation “no man’s land”

Phase 4 Commercial product/service

Market pull

Innovation funnel towards sustainable market Research Research lab

RDI(R&D+Innovation) R&D lab

Public R&D funding Venture funding Pre-market innovation funding

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Lead markets Living labs

SHO(C)Ks – For Open Innovation in Finland , DIMES driving national LL uptake European (ENoLL) and Global Networks

Business ecosystem Technology networks

Tech no logy dr iv en inn ova tion

Global LL collaboratio n RSA,Brazil,J ap,TW, China

Standards, IPRs

Company Confidential 17

Bilateral (SWE,BE,SLO NL) LivingLabs Collaboration

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials


BETA CULTURE Test Beds & Living Labs

Lead markets User driven inn ova tion Emergent agile networks

Nordic/ Baltic Networks

Potential Lead Markets in 7 regions of Netherlands • Emerging markets for testbed and living labs • Health and well being (Health valley LL) • Energy and durability (Climate Street) • Mobility and workplace (Virtual workplace) • Amsterdam,Leiden,Almeere,Groningen,Twente,Delft,Rotterdam,


economic development

Social and technological innovations



Prerequisites for innovation, innovation environments

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Rural life and technology use

Rural Development is NOT ONLY about Agriculture

Product/Service Development with Rural People and Visitors

The overall objective of the rural lving labs is to make room for rural areas in the innovation system while keeping rural development in focus. Company Confidential 19

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Regional Actors Collaboration with Global Actors in LLs for Rural Development Industry

Software/Applications Public International and regional partners


Services Academia - Research

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Situational Use

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Synchronized research

Use – Behavior- Product - Use Innovation with Rural People/Entrepreneurs SMEs Industry Software/Applications Situational Use

Basic Research / Applications


Synchronized research and regional development

Company Confidential 21

Business/Operation models

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Regional Typology of RURAL


REGION Areas with Alternating Degrees of Access

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• Technology related to turism • Technology related to service delivery

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

ArchipeLabo- LL for situational use USE – BEHAVIOR – PRODUCT -USE

Diagnosing and RLL experiments preparation

Joint Learning and knowledge creation

Deployment, Testing Training the users

Use, co-creation, validation, evaluating


LL infra Data layer

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ArchipeLabo ©

Experimentation •Purpose, scope •Implementation •Observations, report •Video •Pictures •Recommendations, changes

Product/Service Development with Users Methodology for real life experimentation cycles Feedback Type and Source

Evidence Presentation

Feedback to Implementation

User Interface

Changes desired

New prototype version

Captured in video



Captured in notes

Check of SMS functionality

New testing cycle in use with more farmers

Source: Farmer 1

Real life use - check by farmer 2 - feed-back based efficiency in use

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ArchipeLabo ©

Rural Living Lab at Homokhátság Small Region (Mórahalom)

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41 products, 20 Billion EUROS annual turnover

Mórakert Purchasing and Service Co-operative, Mórahalom

The co-operative is very good example, how an agricultural cooperative can achieve some of the potential advantages, solving many “traditional” TCE (Transaction Cost Theory) and agency problems and serving its members with a continuing growth.

The main aim of the co-operative is to purchase input materials and to sell vegetable and fruit products produced by the members. In line with this main aim the cooperative is endeavoring to establish secure markets for the long term. It offers services and organizes the buying of input materials and the functioning of selling outlets in a more coordinated way, therefore promoting farming for the small-holders through better market prices. Providing information is also very important with respect to the success of the co-operation between the co-operative enterprise and its members. Another basic aim is for the co-operative to be a kind of non-profit organisation, so it runs according to the business at cost principle. After the subtraction of deposits and cost from the surplus made annually the co-operative reimburses members in proportion to their turnover with the cooperative.

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MÓRAKERT PO as a motor of the Local economy in HOMOKHÁT Small Region

Fruits and vegetables purveyance, marketing, provide technical expertise, machinery service, quality assurance (EUREPGAP). The People of Mórahalom recognized the advantages of sale and obtaining in collaboration several years before the co-operative funding "fever". Without any state support, with common decision they established the Mórakert Purchasing and Service Co-operative. Company Confidential 27

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

Hungarian Rural Living Lab Services for the Open Innovation • User Integration RTD development and coordination by USZ • Concept testing on Mobile Spray Diary by the end users: Mórakert Producer Organisation • Usability Testing with the end users: Mórakert Producer Organisation • Infrastructure ( i.e. Wireless Mesh Network) by Homokkert Kistérségi Integrációs Kht., USZ – Department of SW Engineering • Investment and Policy advice by X10D International IT Services Ltd. • Innovation funding map (via National Innovation Strategy,3Q 2007) • Support mechanisms (via Economical Operational Program of • Public the Structural Funds, 3Q 2007 ) • Private

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The Nokia Eco Sensor Concept includes a range of built-in sensors to help you monitor your health, environment and weather. Challenges for Europe 2. Is there an European dimension in UDOI in managed environments such as LivingLabs 3. Do we have national and European instruments to drive early market RDI 4. Can we drive smart regulation for global leadership in new emergent global businesses 5. Can we attract global investments and other innovation resources to European regions 6. Do we have a rapid single European market for ramp up 7. How to collaborate with emerging markets such as Brazil; by individual countries or European front. Company Confidential 29

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

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