O.w.e. On Building Construction

  • Uploaded by: DIPANJAN SEN
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,040
  • Pages: 13

INTRODUCTION When building a house, ideally, the weather will be perfect, all the materials will arrive on time and intact, and the trades people will be ready and on time. Unfortunately this is a very rare occasion. The weather could take a turn for the worse, materials could be late or items missing, the electrician could be held up at another job, or any number of things could go wrong. The point is that building a house can be a chaotic event.

OBJECTIVE Reducing the environmental impact of the construction process begins with managing necessary demolition responsibly. Many materials can be salvaged for reuse or collected for recycling, often by specialized waste receivers. These services can actually save money for the contractor or owner, because transportation costs and dumping fees are reduced and some items are worth cash. Protecting the site from undue damage to soils, vegetation and air quality and preventing stormwater contamination during excavation and construction is the second part of responsible construction. The third part is ensuring that construction waste is minimized, recyclables are recovered and toxic releases on site are minimized. The final part is ensuring that building occupants are protected from construction-related health hazards during renovations, or during first occupancy after completion.

METHODOLOGY At first we browsed the internet to get the sites for building and construction. We then collected the required information for our project. Then the slides were prepared on power point. The slides were then sorted accordingly.

GET STARTED 1. Financing: Before we start anything we must talk with our bank to make sure that we are able to get the money needed to complete the house. 2. Plans: You could either find a suitable building lot and then a plan to suit the lot, or if money is not a problem and you have your heart set on a specific plan, first get your plans and then a lot to suit the plan. 3. Subdivision: The developers often control many aspects of what goes into their subdivision. You must decide if their building scheme is within your budget and lifestyle. Most subdivisions will have to approve of your building plan before you may apply for a building permit. 4. Lot: Put an offer on the lot, subject to financing and in certain subdivisions subject to the building scheme. 5. Estimates: Get cost estimates from all the sub trades needed to complete the job. 6. Financing: Arrange suitable financing. 7. Building permit: After your plan has been approved by the developer of the subdivision take your plans and a Plot Plan to City Hall for the building permit. 8. Getting Organized: While you are waiting for the permit you have time to get organized

TEN STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL BUILDING PROJECT 1.TO BUILD: first we have to decide in our mind to build or not to build. If to build then we have to follow the steps. 2.BUILDING PROGRAM: Before a new building, a building addition or a building remodel project can be designed, the design requirements must first be established and documented. The document containing the detailed requirements for the design is called the Building Program. Building Program will include information such as design criteria, area & space requirements, relationship of spaces, equipment, site work, budget and schedule requirements

3.SURVEY AND ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITION: if a building site has already been selected then a site survey will be required. 4.PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT: good project administration & management will be represented by a proactive approach to communications and coordination of engineering and other design professionals during the design phase. 5.SITE DEVELOPMENT: Site Development Planning and Site Utilization Studies can be a critical element in the overall design of a facility. On phased projects, for example, a master plan may be required in order to optimize the utilization of the site

6.DESIGNE:for a small project a single designer or architect may have the ability to complete the entire set of design & construction but for a larger project it is not possible. 7.NEGOTIATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: after the construction documents have been prepared, and the authorities having jurisdiction over the project have approved the plans, the next step is to hire a general contractor to construct the project.

8.CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: after the construction contract has been awarded to a general contractor, the contract must be administered in order to insure that it is constructed per the contract documents. 9.POST CONTRACT SERVICES: after the construction of a project, additional facility-related services are often desired by an owner. Services such as Operation & Maintenance Program Review, Building Commissioning, Record Drawing Services and Warranty Review can add value to the success of a building project.

10.SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES:. Supplemental Services are available to meet special requirements of some building projects. Tenant related services, furnishings & equipment services, arts & crafts procurement, graphic design, renderings, scale model construction, photography, life-cycle cost analysis and energy studies are among the many supplemental services that can be provided to meet project requirements.

ANALYSIS Before we choose a plan, we should take into account our lifestyle and our budget. It is very easy to go over budget or choose a plan that looks ideal on paper, but does not suit our family. There are many design books on the market or we could hire an architect or a home designer to design a house for us. We must make sure that we have enough copies of our plan, 10 would be really nice. our building permit will take 2 or 3 copies and we will probably have to leave a plan at our place of lending. That leaves us with 6 or 7 copies . Many of the sub traders need a plan to price out their work, so we must make sure we remember who has a plan and get it back when they are finished with it. Most subdivisions will require a set of plans.


We would here by like to conclude that if all the steps of construction are followed from the very beginning to the end then the whole work can be completed quite easily avoiding all sorts of unfavorable situations.

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