Poverty: Not A Word Only

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,944
  • Pages: 4
Introduction: The way of looking of different people in the world does not depend on their eye-sights. It is our nature to see everything around, though relatively, yet we see, even someone with blind eyes depicts his visuals. We see, although this action does not depend on our choices, as there we have to. We see Black & White, Good & Bad, Beauty & Ugly, and in turn, we see God & Devil. Each one of us looks separately and tries to admit everything or sometimes accepts emphatically. Yet an unaesthetic emotion screams inside that enough is enough. From the core of everybody’s heart a question evokes- How long these will come to our vision? Where is the way to get rid of those? How far these to be accepted? And, in the oldest country like India, poverty is such a sight. There may come many subjects for the Artists and Litterateurs with these visuals and those aesthetical exercises and practices may enhance many to the peak of pride, but those narrations and visual ties bear fatal poison perhaps more powerful than an Atom bomb. Poverty is not merely a problem for India; rather it has become the part of luxury and compassion for comparatively richer community of the society. In such a big democratic country, our leaders are also bound to exploit the existence of poverty in maximum extent and, in turn, there is return of relative deprivation and dimensional degradation of the situation. It is the complex and overlapping knitting of our constitution that unwillingly allows the situation to happen. So, we are happy with the country saying that we are developing a lot in the context of poverty and we find no alternative as we are better habituated along these well-set practices. We feel pride in saying that we, the people of India, are born poor and followers of the same route of the so called developed countries in the world, nay; we are bound to accept the facts made by ourselves. In the very beginning of starting of the wheel of this nation, we are allowed to make such mistakes. For that, we are not only introduced to the truth yet but also we are well equipped with our magic believes. Nevertheless, we never give these ill habits up, for those who think that they are not poor enough, do not want to become so, otherwise, they are bound to be deprived off the sights of poverty. Poverty & Starvation: Starvation is caused not for that our country does not produce sufficient food for her people but it is surely for the fact that there is a big misdistribution from the supply part. Corruption in the very micro level may be one of the causes, but at the planning stage itself that can be rectified. Anyway, the absence of food supply is kept to preserve the economic balance of the country; otherwise, the set-up would have been defected. Actually there is no place for the lives to mobilize the Nation’s so called progress but there need some well-managed strategies for the sake of our selfishness. Starvation is not a way to accomplish one’s selfishness; unfortunately, it is the absence of minimum essential food-stuffs to live on. It may be kept boldly by saying that starvation is one of the several parts of the phenomena, for, the other parts attribute more to that. Any religion may preach that it is possible to become a Buddha or a Christ by starving in

through some well-managed practices and by concentrating on one’s own navel, but little dreaming that starvation from the very beginning of birth, or a diet for once in every three days from the starting of one’s life, not only losses one’s mental strength but also it drags to the grip of malnutrition. It is needless to say, a malnourished human from his very starting point can never succeed in any practices. The great philosophical doctrines or the name of any personified God to a starved one is simply a place to express the emotional intellects of those who get relatively excessive to eat. A hungry one can never be taught anything. The beautiful writings of the great poets, the fabulous works of the great artists, immense properties with shining shoes and colorful cloths of us, the remarkable scientific inventions and the rapid progress of technological world are beyond the reach of a hungry one, nay, in a country like India we can not even escort the small quantity of food to break one’s fast, we are so trained expert. If I take myself for instance, it would be inappropriate to define me as a starving one. Any young man comparable to me never suffered in starvation, as, first of all my father was a government servant and I have had enough than my necessity and still have more that are excess to my needs. Secondly, my grandfather was also a government employee and along the same line my father too is not a starved one. Thirdly, the strength of several survival strategies I could learn without the empty stomach and under economic security, hints that I am not accomplished with the definition of a fasting child whatsoever. It is very clear that starvation in a particular generation caused by hierarchy. Take, for example, a born beggar who is able to take food once in a day ever or simply not at all for days, an offspring who would be coming is bound to fall in starvation or sure to be malnourished at least. Because the economic chain of the new comer does not indulge him in this little luxury. It may be argued that the substantial increase in the population compels many to starve, but it is observed that, in India, the rate of growth in food grain production is much more than that of the population. We all have heard of famine, even many of us have experienced the pathetic ness of it and that at that very time we stopped the extent of our thinking. We often satisfy ourselves by thinking that famine is a natural calamity, and, as a matter of fact, it is not so. In fact, a faulty distribution in the supply of food leads to a famine. When huge storage of food-grains is available in the country and export to the foreign countries is unimpeded, there exists no little cause for such happenings. Those who want to make a safeguard for themselves by thinking that people suffer from poverty as a result of their fore-deeds or everything is a play of the Almighty or a consequence of their old actions or a certain revenge of nature, are not at all exposed to the fact that everybody might have come from the God and the God is not a symbol of misfortune. God is not an alien, is not merely an icon with several hands, is not a distorted form who is someone superior than us, is not someone who is ruling us simply sitting on the sky, or even is not an efficient fate-maker who lives in a Temple or a Mosque or a Church; And if I realize Him a fraction, I may feel bold to say that He is not even a curse throwing broker who is cursing somebody and blessing others simultaneously. If the God is there, He is perfectly impartial. Nevertheless, some may argue by telling that god himself will make everything beautiful and rescue everybody from the poverty and deficiency in time, but that time never comes, as god is beyond the logic and is not at all responsible for

anything. When the responsibility comes on our shoulder, we always try to make it corrupt and make it fuzzy taking the name of god and so-called religious doctrines. I have seen that the poorest are more theists in their nature; even they are pity beggars to the God for their both ends meat. Because, instead keeping faith on us, they feel better in that. They know in core of their mind that they are born to live with sufferings and troubles, and that only is their fate and fortune. It is certainly appreciable for such believes when fortune is confined within the boundary of concepts like Parliamentarydemocracy and Secular-state. Poverty and Relative Deprivation: It will not be very pleasure to think that, even in that age of tremendous scientific progress, there are near about fifty two countries in the world with economically poor people, rather, it is to say that there are fifty two deprived countries in the world; and it is more convulsionary that the half of the total population of these deprived countries live in India. So, our country is not at all below in the chart, on an average counting, in any further sense. I believe that not even single of us does want death to be there in the ever increasing check-list of daily demand. There is no place of death in our every day’s demand list and, if death is to put there it is then meaningless whatever others are therein. With our all efforts, we all are always trying to live eternally, even knowing that how impossible it is, we are trying to be survived from the death; and at the moment when the richest among us tries to touch every point of his demand-list, then and there, on the other side, approximately ten to fifteen percent people of the total population deprived of their basic needs of life. Anyway, it is our birth right and we should say with boasting heads, we are the citizens of a free country; we have built the biggest democracy in our own hands. But, I would like to argue that, as far as the discussion of that free, democratic and secular country is concerned, there can be seen that up to thirty years of age, in every age stratum, the rate of deceased females is more than that of the males. It may possible that for the very cause of child breeding, the death-rate of females is higher, but the causes of infant female deaths would be then totally unexplained. We should not make a safe-guard for us by relishing the daily news on the mysterious deaths of house wives and female child. Apparently, the blame can be kept on the negligence of health and nutrition of females, if not totally, then surely for the infant female deaths. There are other examples of relative deprivation due to the fact of gender biasness; and possibility of a missing woman to get back is probabilistically very much lesser than that of a missing male. The negligence in the female health care, treatment under pregnancy and the nutritious food of new-born can be firmly kept as examples, but whatsoever happens, it is probably not a desirable scenario of the world’s largest democratic country. There are so many other evidences and proofs in favour and in against of that, there are possibly hundred-thousand different issues also, but the fact is that it is rather easier to search for such discrepancies rather than discussing the causeeffect debates. Once the cause is determined, I believe, that can be eliminated with unbiased plans and policies, and that too will help to wipe out the ill-effects. Let us stop searching the symptoms of the diseases, if we really wish to agree with others, rather search for the very cause of such randomly expressed symptoms.

I think, it is easy to cover the feet with some protection to get rid of dust, rather than covering everyplace where dust is present and keeping feet is necessary.

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