October ('05)8 - Spoken English

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-Ñ-Ø√-úø’ Mahesh: Hi Ramesh, you can sing, can't you?

àçöÀ problem? ´÷ cousins Ñ weekend Ééπ\úø Ramesh: Of course I can. Why, what's the matÖçö«®Ω’. ter? Kishore: ¢√∞¡x†’ èπÿú≈ ´’†ûÓ ®Ω´’t†’. Å´¤†’. áçü¿’-éπ-úø’-í∫’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤? Kumar: ¢√∞¡Ÿx ®√™‰®Ω’. ¢√Rx-éπ\-úÕéÀ -ã interview -éÓÆæç Mahesh: You can participate in the singing -´Ææ’hØ√o®Ω’. ¢√∞¡x-é¬-¢Ë∞¡ interview ÖçC. competition at college next week. Kishore: -†’-´¤y -™‰èπ◊ç-ú≈ -ØË-Ø√ picnic enjoy -îË-ߪ’´îËa-¢√®Ωç §ƒô-© -§Ú-öÙ §ƒ™Ô_-†-´îª’a. ™‰-†’. -†’-¢Áy-™«Èíj-Ø√ ®√-´-ú≈-EéÀ -v°æ-ߪ’-Aoç-. Ramesh: Oh, no. I can sing but not in a com- Kumar: ´÷ cousins Ééπ\-úø’-†o-°æ¤púø’ ᙫ ®√í∫©†’? îª÷ü∆lç. ¢√∞¡Ÿx Í®§Ú, á©’xçúÓ petition. phone îË≤ƒh®Ω’. correctí¬ á°æ¤p-úÌ-≤ƒh®Ó? Åçûª ™‰ü¿’. àüÓ §ƒúø-í∫-©†’ é¬F §ÚöÙx ü∆Eo-•öÀd Fèπ◊ îÁ§ƒh†’. ´÷vûªç é¬ü¿’. Mahesh: O come Ramesh. Tell yourself you Kishore: †’´¤y ††’o E®√-¨¡-°æ-®Ω-îª-´ØË (disappoint) ņ’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o†’. †’´¤y ņ’-èπ◊çõ‰ ûª°æpéπ can, and you will. ®√í∫-©´¤. ´’†-Ææ’çõ‰ ´÷®Ω_ç Öçô’çC éπü∆. ®Ω¢Ë’≠ˇ, Ø√ ´÷ô N†’. †’´¤y §ƒúø-í∫-©-´E Kumar: §ÚF picnic postpone îËÆæ’éÓ-™‰-¢√? Fèπ◊ †’¢Ëy îÁ°æ¤péÓ, §ƒúË-ߪ’-í∫-©´¤. Picnic miss Å´-úøç Ø√éπ-Ææ©’ É≠ædç ™‰ü¿’. Ramesh: I am not so sure. (Åçûª- †-´’téπç Ø√èπ◊ ™‰ü¿’) ®Ω-¢Ë’-¨¸, †’´¤y §ƒúø-í∫-©´¤ éπü∆?

Kishore: Kumar:

Mahesh: You can try at least, Keep telling yourself you can, and you will be able to do it.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 61

؈’ §ƒúø-í∫-©†’, §ƒúø-í∫-©†’, ÅE îÁ°æ¤pèπ◊çô÷ (ņ’-èπ◊çô÷) Öçúø’. †’´¤y §ƒúøí∫-©’í∫’-û√´¤. (keep telling - îÁ°æ‹h-Öç--úø-úøç – continue äéπ °æE îËÆæ÷h

Öçúøôç) v°æߪ’-Ao-≤ƒh†’. °j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ ûÓ Ö†o †’ í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆. ´’†ç éÀçü¿öÀ ™ ûÁ©’-Ææ’èπ◊†o Å®ΩnçûÓØË Ééπ\úø †’ ¢√ú≈ç. Åçõ‰ 'í∫©— ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ – ≤ƒ´’®Ωn uç ûÁL-ߪ’-°æ®Ω-îËç-ü¿’èπ◊ ¢√ú≈ç. Ñ îª÷úøçúÕ. ™ Å-ØË èπ◊ îËߪ’-í∫-©†’ ÅØË Ææ´÷-üµ∆†ç É´y--ú≈-EéÀ ÅE °æ‹Jhí¬ Å†èπ◊çú≈, Åçõ‰ ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’çC. îËߪ’-™‰-éπ-§ÚûË Åçö«ç. °æ‹Jh ņç.



èπ◊ F íÌ°æp-ûª†ç ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿ç-ö«¢√?

¢√∞¡x®Ωnç îË≤ÚéÓ-™‰ü¿’. ؈’ Çúø-í∫-©†’, é¬E Çúø†’. îª÷¨»®Ω’ éπü∆? Spoken English ™ can, can't (can not) -ûÓ äéπJ ability (≤ƒ´’-®Ωn uç) í∫’-Jç-* áçûª-ÊÆ-°æ-®·Ø√ Ææ綵«-≠æù ï®Ω-°æ-´îª’a. Now, Practise the following aloud in English. a) Kumar: Hi Kishore, Kishore: picnic weekend Kumar:

àçöÀ N¨Ï-≥ƒ©’? Ñ ¢√®√çûªç èπ◊ ´≤ƒh¢√? Ñ ã °æC-´’ç-CN’ ¢Á∞¡ŸhØ√oç. Ñ ¢√®√ç-ûª´÷? ®√™‰-ØË¢Á÷.



Å-Eo -à®√p-ô’x -îËÊÆ-¨»ç. -Éçéπ -á-™« postpone -îË-ߪ’-´’ç-ö«--´¤? Kumar: Ok. äéπ\-®ÓV Çí∫’. Í®°æ¤ îÁ§ƒh à N≠æߪ’ç. Kishore: †’´¤y ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈ ´Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤. b) Bhavan: Hi, congrats Bhaskar. Bhaskar: Bhavan: prize

üËEéÀ? FÍéüÓ ´*aç-ü¿E ¨Ïê®˝ E†o Ø√ûÓ ÅØ√oúø’. Bhaskar: Åü∆. ÅüË-´’çûª °ü¿l N≠æߪ’ç é¬ü¿’. ´÷ college §ÚöÙ x Åûª ’u-ûªh´ ’ ¢√u≤ƒ-EéÀ prize ´*açC. Bhavan: †’´yçûª ¶«í¬ ®√ߪ’-í∫-©-´E Ø√èπ◊ ¶«í¬ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Å®·ûË Fèπ◊ prize ´*a† N≠æߪ’ç -¨Ï-ê®˝ îÁÊ°p-´-®Ωèπ◊ ûÁ-L-ߪ’™‰ü¿’. îÁ°æ¤hØ√o éπü∆. ؈’ F Åçûª ¶«í¬ ®√ߪ’-™‰†’. ´’®Ó≤ƒ-J ÅGµ-†ç-ü¿-†©’. Bhaskar: †’´¤y ††’o ´’K §ÒT-úË-Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤. Thank you. F cricket practice ᙫ ÖçC? Bhavan: í∫ûª ¢√®Ωç ®ÓV-©’í¬ practice îËÆæ’hØ√oç. Ééπ tournaments èπ◊ Ø√-©’í∫’ -®Ó-V™‰í¬ ÖçC. Ø√ fielding éÌçûª ¢Á’®Ω’-í∫’-°æ-ú≈-Lq† Å´-Ææ®Ωç ÖçC. ´÷ team finals ü∆é¬ ®√í∫©-ü¿ØË †´’téπç Ø√èπ◊çC. Bhaskar: £j«vü∆-¶«-ü˛™  éπü∆ Ñ tournaments. O’È®-°æ¤púø’çö«®Ω’ Åéπ\úø 1st matchéÀ? Bhavan: 22´ û√K-ê’†. ´÷ 1st match ê´’tç team ûÓ. Bhaskar: OK. ´’J Ø√èπ◊ time Å®·çC. -¢Á-∞«}-L. All the best. Bhavan: Thank you.

1) Rajani has to work along with Ravi Rajani is to work along with Ravi 2) They have to hold the programme They are to hold the programme 3) The SP, Naveen Chand who was to attend as a chief guest in this programme was not / had not/ did not come yesterday. is/ has to, how to/ are to, was/ had

°j ¢√é¬u-™xE -Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’ éπÈ®Íéd-Ø√?-N-´-Jç-îªí∫-©®Ω’. – Å•’l™¸ ´·Ø√°∂ˇ, †çC-éÌ-ô÷\®Ω’



1) Rajani has to work along with Ravi Rajani has to –

Answers: a) Kumar: Hi Kishore, What news? Kishore: How about coming for a picnic / joining a picnic this weekend? will you come for/ will you join a picnic this weekend? Ten of us are going. Kumar: This weekend? I'm (I am) afraid I can't (cannot) come. Kishore: What's (What is) the problem? Kumar: My cousins will be here this weekend. Kishore: Ask them to join us too.

b) Bhavan: Hi Bhaskar, Congrats. Bhaskar: What on? Bhavan: Sekhar told me yesterday (that) you had got/ won a prize. Bhaskar: O, That's nothing. I got that prize for the best essay in the essay writing competition. Bhavan: I Know you can write very well/ I know you are very / quiet good at writing. But I didn't know that you had got/ won the prize until sekhar told me. let

How can we..

telling. keep doing something / continue to do some thing -

Ramesh: Ok, I'll try. can verbs lesson can (ability) can response (reply) Ramesh: Of course, I can. conversation can you do something? question I can do it, I can I can't (cannot) sentence Bhaskar: I can play cricket very well. In fact I can play better than some of the players in the Indian team. Bhavan: Oh, can you? Bhaskar: You think I can't (cannot) ? Bhavan: (Do) You mean the selectors don't know your greatness? selectors Bhaskar: They can't. Moreover, I can, but I don't play.

-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 23 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2005

Åçõ‰ – ®ΩïE ®ΩNûÓ °æE-îË-ߪ÷-L/-°æE °æE îËߪ÷L. á´-JûÓ?– Ç¢Á’-éÀîËߪ÷Lq Öçô’çC. Ééπ\úø *a† Çïc-´©x/ Ç¢Á’-èπ◊†o Å´-Ææ-®Ωç-´©x/ °æJ-Æœn-ûª’© v§Úü¿s-©ç-´©x– Ñ é¬®Ω-ù«-©™ üËE-´-©x-ØÁjØ√ Ç¢Á’ ®ΩNûÓ °æE-îË-ߪ÷-L/ -îË-ߪ÷Lq ´Ææ’hçC ÅE. has to †’ he, she, it ûÓ ¢√úøû√ç. have to †’ I, We, You and they ûÓ ¢√úøû√ç.

Kumar: They can't (can not). They are coming here for an interview. They have an interview that day. Kishore: I can't (can not) M. SURESAN enjoy the picnic without you. Do try to come/ try to come. (Do try -

í∫öÀdí¬ îÁ°æp-ú≈-EéÀ Å-™«

Åçö«ç) Kumar: How can I come when my cousins are here? Let's (let us) see. They will phone/ call / ring me tomorrow or the day after, when they will be/ will come here exactly. Depending on that I'll (I will) let you know. Kishore: I'm (I am) sure you will not disappoint me. If you want you can come. Where there is a will there is a way, you know. (you know Kumar: Why don't you postpone your picnic? Kishore: We have made all arrangements. How can we postpone it? Kumar: Wait for a day I'll let you know tomorrow. Kishore: You are coming definitely. (Definitely) certainly -


me tell you. I can't (cannot) write so well as you. congrats again. Bhaskar: O, You're praising me too much/ that's praising too much. How is your cricket practice?/ How is your cricket practice going on? (That's praising too much- spoken English Bhavan: We have been practising for the past one week. only four days are left for the tournament. My Fielding needs some improvement. I am sure our team will make it/ reach the finals. (make it Bhaskar: Isn't' (Is not) the tourney (tournament in Hyderabad?/ the tourney is in hyderabad, isn't it? when will you be there for the first match? Bhavan: On the 22nd. Our first match is with the khammam team/ the team from khammam. Bhaskar: Ok It's time for me to leave. All the best. Bhavan: Thank you. Vocabulary / Expressions: (Prn- Pronunciation) 1. Attend (Prn: attend/ school/ college/ place of work

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(àüÁjØ√) îËߪ’-í∫-©í∫-úøç)

èπ◊ ÉçéÓ-´÷ô)

Åõ„çú˛– õ„ç ØÌ-éÀ\-°æ-©’-èπ◊û√ç) -– £æ…ï®Ω-´-úøç– (´’†ç ´%Ah/ NCµ E®Ωy-£œ«çîË îÓôxèπ◊ ¢Á∞¡}-úøç/ We have to start now to meet him - Åûª-úÕ-E éπ-©’Ææ’éÓ-´-ú≈-EéÀ ´’†ç É°æ¤púø’ £æ…ï-®Ω-´-úø-ç)/ Marriage/ meeting/ dinner/ party/ •ßª’-©’-üË-®√L– ÉC ´’† Å´-Ææ-®√Eo/ °æJ-Æœn-ûª’© -äAh-úÕE Ææ÷*-Ææ’hçC. celebrations etc. Oô-Eo-öÀéÀ èπÿú≈ £æ…ï-®Ω-´-úøç, She has to stay at office from 10 to 4. ®√´-úøç, ¢Á-∞¡}-úøç ÅØË Å®√n-©ûÓ come, go, be Ç¢Á’ Office ™ 10 †’ç* 4 ´®Ωèπ◊ Öçú≈L– NCµ. present •ü¿’©’ attend áèπ◊\´ ¢√úøû√ç. She has to take care of her child, so she is unable to come. a) E†o-¢√úø’ School èπ◊ ®√-™‰ü¿’. Ç¢Á’ °æJ-ÆœnA (Gúøf†’ îª÷Ææ’éÓ-´-úøç) Ç¢Á’†’ ®√E-´y-ü¿’.He didn't (did not) attend school yesterday. You have to be here at 10 – O’J-éπ\úø 10éÀ Öçú≈L– ÉC Çïc. b) O’®Ω’ °-R}-Èéç-ü¿’èπ◊ ®√™‰ü¿’? 2) Rajani is to work along with Ravi – Rajani Ravi ûÓ éπ-LÆœ °æE-îË-ߪ÷-L/ didn't you (did you not) attend the mar-îË-ߪ’-¶-ûª’ç-C/ -îË-Ææ’hçC– Ééπ\úø ÉC ï®Ω-í∫-¶-ßË’-ü∆Eo í∫’-Jç-* -îÁ-•’-ûª’ç-C. ÉC Why riage? ïJÍí Å´-鬨¡ç ü∆ü∆°æ¤ éπ*aûªç. Åçõ‰ Åçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ îËÆæ’èπ◊†o à®√p-ô’-´©xé¬F, Ç Rajani, Ravi ©èπ◊ ´*a† Çïc´©xé¬E ¢√∞¡Ÿx -éπ-LÆœ °æEîËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’/ îË≤ƒh®Ω’ c) Æ涵ºèπ◊ î√-™«-´’çC ´î√a®Ω’. ÅE. have to/ has to Åçõ‰ îËߪ÷L– îË≤ƒh®Ó, ™‰üÓ ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’. am to/ is to/ A large number (of people) attended the meeting. are to/ was to/ were to N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ Å®·ûË îËߪ÷L, îËÊÆ Å´-鬨¡ç î√™« d) Í®°æ¤ dinner éÌÆæ’h-Ø√o®√? áèπ◊\´, îËߪ’-úøç ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’çC. Will you/ are you going to, attend the dinner 3) ´·êu-Å-AC∑ †O-Ø˛-îªçü˛ ®√´-©-Æ œçC/ ®√-¢√-Lq-†-¢√úø’, é¬F Çߪ’† ®√™‰ü¿’, ÅE DE ¶µ«´ç. Ñ Å®Ωnç correct í¬ ´îËa-ôô’x îÁÊ°p sentence- The SP, Navin tomorrow? / Are you attending the dinner éπ*a-ûªçí¬).

Chand who was to have attended as the chief guest did not come yesterday. was not comeEnglish had not come



Ééπ\úø ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’.


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