Newsletter - September 20, 2009

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Denver First Church September 20, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Bob Huffaker Interim Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Trunk or Treat 2. news update i. important info… ii. “kotchadoingood” iii. board perspective iv. timely news for the congregation…

v. how you can help… vi.a final word... 3. calendar of events: September 20-26

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, September 13th was “National Back to Church Sunday.” Far more than that, our new Lead Pastor, Shawn Siegfreid, gave his inaugural message. As he challenged us with the “Principle of One,” he said that we should adopt the very heart of Christ, where our focus is not so much on the 99 who are safely in the fold, but on the one that still remains out there. He encouraged us to have eyes that see and ears that hear. He mentioned the traffic that passes by us on Hampden. I paused last week and counted traffic that was passing by in front of our church. It was not a particularly busy time of the day, but in a span of 15 minutes, I counted 273 cars that passed by in either direction. Looking at those cars, listening to them as they passed by, and seeing them through our Lord’s eyes changes perspective and helps us to see the vastness of the need that lies before us. Let’s pray that we would be people who are in hot pursuit of those in need around us. Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. Evening Service

Divorce Care

A Taste of Christmas

See You at the Pole


Women of Faith

Singles go to the Rockies Game

Coats, Boots and Blankets Drive

Bake Out

Ladies Book Club

Tennyson Center Kids

Prayer Walk

Casting Crowns/Matt Redman Concert Today’s publication will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation and How You Can Help

News Update “kotchadoingood!” Kickoff Sunday Thank you to the many people that helped make Kickoff Sunday a great day! Thanks to those who set up the kids’ jumpies, canopies, and chairs, to those who did face-painting, cooking, and tearing everything down -- and that’s just to name a few of the responsibilities involved in this type of event! It was a wonderful example of the Body of Christ working together. Thanks especially to the DFC Facilities Crew led by Shane Becker (the crew includes Marc Quinn, David York, Bronson Klassen, Tim Brown, Tim Henry, Matt Foster and Ryan Axlund). Not only do they put forth extra effort on special Sundays like Kickoff Sunday, but they also are consistently on top of their game. They are one of the strongest facilities teams we have ever had at DFC. They work hard with great attitudes. Thanks, guys! Worship & Arts Another “thank you” goes to Scott Nauman and the Choir & Orchestra. We are so glad to have you back on Sunday mornings leading our congregational worship. Pastor Shawn Pastor Shawn’s message was exactly what we needed; a call to refocus, to put first things first, seeking those who are lost in our community and being agents to win them to Christ. Mid-High Ministry Wow! The word that we are receiving is that a particular middle school is being impacted by the spreading of the Gospel through the efforts of two of our mid-high students. Two exceptional young ladies have passed out over 100 salvation bracelets to 7th graders at their middle school and have shared the Gospel with them. Please pray for the ministry of evangelism that is being carried out by these remarkable mid-high students.

News Update Board perspective... Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I sincerely hope you were able to experience last Sunday's wonderful first message from Pastor Shawn. It was both convicting and inspiring as Pastor set our focus firmly on the lost sheep. It is my desire, shared by the Board, that hearing and seeing his passion provided confirmation in your spirit that all the prayer, time and effort invested in the process to call just the right shepherd was worth every last ounce! If you missed the message for some reason, check out the audio or video available at the DFC website. If I may, this week I would like to talk about the future of this e-blast contribution, however long or short that "future" might be. I've received feedback on a number of aspects of the piece, either directly or indirectly. I'm working to incorporate that feedback to enhance these weekly communications so they remain both informative and edifying. I have tried in the past to use the first paragraph to communicate any important facts you need to know, allowing you to "opt out" of the rest of the article if you so choose. I will redouble my efforts to try and condense the relevant information into those first few lines. Then, for those who choose to read on, I will elaborate and attempt to tie current events in the life of our church to a Biblical thought. I understand your time is precious, and I want to do everything possible to respect your investment of that time into reading the e-blast. Thank you to those of you who have shared so many kind words about how one of these articles has impacted you. All of the glory goes to the Lord Jesus if anything appearing in one of these columns has reached you. I have nothing to say of myself, but am humbled when He chooses to say something through me. May God continue to bless you. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... Traditions Service The guest speaker last Sunday night was Dr. Daniel Roysden. He is new to the congregation of DFC. He is a retired Navy chaplain, a former Nazarene pastor and is currently an associate professor at Regis University. Dr. Roysden gave a powerful and stirring message last Sunday night about how our lives are a hymn to be sung to those around us; that we have a message to convey of the power of Jesus Christ in our lives. His message was a strong holiness message and one that needs to be heard by all. Friends, it’s time that we take advantage of the splendid opportunity that we have for a deepening worship experience on Sunday nights. We now have a pastoral team of Pastor Bud Curry, Pastor Stephen Abbott and Dr. Daniel Roysden. These are three very strong, yet distinctively unique preachers for Sunday night. We encourage you to take advantage of these services. Calendar Items September: Sept 18

Senior Singers (Intro session) Divorce Care & DC4K (Divorce Care for Kids)

Sept 19

NazzCar Event

Sept 20


Sept 26


Sept 27

Bake Out Sunday

Sept 29-Oct 1 October:

IN Group Fall Colors Trip

Oct 2

Casting Crowns Concert (See Details Below)

Oct 4

Pastor Shawn will speak in our AM Service

Oct 17-27

Nicaragua Missions Trip

Oct 18

Pastor Shawn’s Installation Service (10:00 am)

Oct 25

Bake Out

Oct 30

Fred October (Youth Outreach) NazzJazz Concert (7:30 pm)

Oct 31

Trunk or Treat Mission:Denver

News Update timely news for the congregation... Casting Crowns/Matt Redman Concert October 2nd – Casting Crowns “Until the Whole World Hears Tour” will be at DFC at 7:00 pm. Tickets are on sale in the DFC Bookstore or at Mardels. Artist Circle: $50 (in advance) and General Admission: $30.00 (in advance). (Please put link) Posters and flyers are available in the East and West Foyer, Breezeway and Reception Desk. Please pick some up and help us get the word out! Interested in volunteering at the concert? Contact Lynn Nauman at 303/909-3351. Please continue to pray that God would bring those who need to hear His message to the concert. Wednesday Marked Launch of Fall Programming at DFC A new men’s study, “Tender Warriors,” led by Stephen Abbott started last Wednesday in Room 201. We were very pleasantly surprised to have 16 men present for the first class. For all men interested, please join us next Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Military Support Group For the past 6 years, we have had a Military Support Group that occurs on a monthly basis, led by Pinky Sloane. Pinky serves our church in so many ways. He is also our churches liaison with the Gideon Organization and a dedicated usher. Pinky has a profound understanding of military strategy and current events happening within the military, as well as keeping his finger on the pulse of the young men and women of our congregation who are serving their country. If you are interested in attending this support group, it will be meeting on October 4 at 4:30 pm. In addition, we are launching a new article in our weekly eblast that will appear from time to time, written by Pinky, that will give us updates, as well as keeping before us the needs of our service men and women so we can keep them in prayer. Coats, Boots & Blankets Drive Next Sunday, September 27 is the day to bring in new or gently worn (and clean!) coats, boots and blankets. Bring them to the church and we’ll load up a trailer-full for Mission:Denver. For more info, contact John Bruneau at 303/3287303.

News Update timely news for the congregation... Divorce Care Begins This Friday, September 18 Our fall session of Divorce Care begins on Friday, Sept. 18th! We meet Fridays from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Our leadership team, Keith and Tina Weber, have a particularly compassionate approach to ministering to people in the throes of divorce. New this session - we are offering a class for kids as well that will run simultaneously with our Divorce Care Class!! If you know of anyone with children who are suffering through the sorrows of divorce, bring them to this class. For information contact Randy Smith’s office at 303.806.2625. Women of Faith Conference The Women of Faith conference will be September 25 & 26 at the Pepsi Center. Contact Elsie Ellison at 303/806-0248 to purchase tickets. The special musical guest will be Steven Curtis Chapman. MMADmen (Men Making a Difference) MMADmen has been led over the past 6 months by John Carveth. The focus of this group has become more narrowly targeted on the needs of widows and they have been doing an outstanding job. If you are a widow in the congregation of DFC, please contact John at 303/986-5759 with needs that you may have. We are calling this team, MMADmen Team I. Team II has recently begun and is being lead through the Refuge Class by Rick Smith and Jon Tinniswood. This group is planning to address a broader spectrum of needs, including needs at DFC’s facility, within the church body, and needs outside the congregation. Celebration of Life for Alice York Funeral services for Alice York were held in St. Louis a couple weeks ago, but to allow her friends and family to come together and celebrate her life, Bud and Bonnie York are hosting a drop-in memorial get-together at their home this Sunday, September 20th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Their address is 15514 E. Prentice Lane, Centennial, CO 80015.

News Update how you can help... Pastor Shawn called on Tuesday to ask for prayer for his sister, Kristen Smith. Please see the following note from Pastor Shawn for more info: Dear friends, I am requesting prayer on behalf of my sister, Kristen Smith. The surgeon believes the diagnosis of her recent medical problems is brain cancer. They have scheduled surgery for noon Central Standard Time tomorrow, Friday, September 18th. I am asking that people pray for a miracle on behalf of my sister and our family. A year ago last Saturday, September 12th 2008, her husband, Don lost his battle with Leukemia. I especially ask for prayer for her two daughters, Kassandra, who is 19 and Katrina, who is 11. Of course I am bewildered why and how this could happen; our family is stunned. Yet in speaking with my sister this morning, she is positive and ready for whatever lies ahead. She has a strong faith in Jesus! She has been a born again believer for years. I am asking God to show Himself mightily through this devastation. He knows about her situation. I am pleading for prayer warriors to take to prayer, please, for my sister. I am asking the Body of Christ to intercede for her and our family. I know whatever happens God will be glorified! Shawn A. Siegfreid (Pastor Shawn just called and updated us on his sister’s surgery. They are very thankful and feel that the results of the surgery are an answer to prayer. Kristen spent a couple hours in surgery. The doctors now believe that the issue in her brain is either the most treatable form of brain cancer or the beginnings of multiple sclerosis. That is very good news because, before the surgery, they believed that it was an extremely aggressive form of brain cancer, and thankfully, that is not the case! With either of the new possible diagnoses, the prognosis is very good and she will have the chance to live a long, full life! Praise the Lord!)

News Update how you can help... Casting Crowns Concert For many in our congregation, the style of music presented by Casting Crowns may not be their music of choice. In the spirit of what Pastor Shawn was challenging us to on Sunday morning, this is an obvious outreach opportunity for us. This is an area in which we can all become involved by purchasing tickets to be distributed for the benefit of others. Or, if you would prefer, you can send any amount of money and designate it as money to be used for Casting Crowns. That money will be applied to ticket scholarships for those in need. Donate Your Car If you have a car that you would like to donate to the church, we have a person that has an urgent need for transportation. If you would like to donate your car, please call Rich Cantwell in our Business Office at 303/806-2603. Moving Help Due to the nature of the economy, there are an increasing number of people who are moving from one address to another. The need for movers at this time in our congregation has greatly increased. If you would be interested in being a part of a team helping people to move, please contact the office of Randy Smith (303/806-2625). The nature of the help can include those interested in helping people pack as well as those in a position to load and transfer boxes and furniture. DFC Pantry Thank you, as a congregation, in supporting the DFC Food Pantry by providing so generously in recent weeks. As you well imagine, we are experiencing an inordinate number of requests on our Pantry. We continue to have strong needs for additional donations. Presently we are running low on many things including: canned salmon, tuna, canned goods (large variety needed), veggies, soups and pasta as well as spaghetti sauces, flour, sugar and other baking needs. We also low on paper goods and diapers (all sizes) and personal care products (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.) Please give generously; your assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated. You can drop donations off at the Reception Desk or at the Missions Booth any time.

News Update how you can help...

All Church Work Days October 10th & 17th from 8:00 am -12:00 pm The work day will be followed by an all you can eat food bar! Please give four hours to make DFC shipshape for Shawn & Sherri…and Shawna, Shayli and Shaden! Our facilities team is a crack force; they have done an incredible job and continue to do so. But due to the hail and water damage that our west wing has experienced and all the additional demands on their time, our team has been stretched to the very limit. Pastor Shawn’s installation service is scheduled for October 18 and we would like to give him and his family a wonderful welcome that says we are ready for business! We are asking for 100 volunteers to help us on October 10 & 17 -- whether you are an indoor or outdoor person, we have plenty of work for all. On the inside, we want to oil the beautiful wood panels in our back corridor, do paint touchup, and other detail work that our facilities crew is not normally able to address. On the outside, we have an enormous amount of work to be done in terms of weed control, cleaning out flower beds, edging and other work. Please sign up at the Hot Booth this Sunday or call Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625. Let’s work together as a team.

News Update A Final Word...

A couple of weeks ago, JaneAnn and I celebrated our anniversary. Being a hopeless romantic, and a guy how really knows how to treat a lady, I proposed we celebrate by climbing a fourteener (it was a mutual decision really!). On the way to the Collegiate Peaks, we took a side-trip to inspect the Crags campground trailhead for Pike’s Peak. Five minutes after we arrived, our Jeep was having a hiccup -- spewing noxious vapors and otherwise misbehaving. People helped us all along the way: a young lady at the campground; a worker down the road at the Mennonite Camp; the team of mechanics in Divide, CO; and many more. The whole experience was pleasant and moved uncommonly smoothly. And then it occurred to me why that was so: all along the way, the people we encountered -- at every juncture -- were Christians. The attitude of each radiated Christ. Each one was letting his light so shine…to the glory of the Father. Friends, as believers, we really do make a difference in the world. That difference is palpable. It is measurable. Today, in all of our interactions, let’s represent Jesus…letting our light shine to the glory of His Name. Randy Smith

Calendar of Events September 20-26 Sunday, September 20: 8:00 am:

Praise Team Sound Check

8:30 am:

Choir & Orchestra Sound Check

Wednesday, September 23 (continued): 6:30 pm:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Youth Prayer Time 9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

Choir Rehearsal

Nursery & Preschool open

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

Tsunami/Collaboration Perform at West Campus 10:30 am:

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room)

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Men’s Study - Tender Warrior (Room 201)

Nursery available

MASH Men’s Bible Study (West Diehl Chapel)

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 2:00 pm:

Rock Band Practice

3:00 pm:

Tsunami Band Practice

4:00 pm:

Collaboration Band Practice

5:00 pm:

Puppets Kickoff

6:00 pm:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel)

7:00 pm:

Rock at the Lucero’s (Youth)

Children’s Activities (all ages) Thursday, September 24: 8:30 am:


6:15 pm:

Praise Team Vocals & Rhythm Choir Rehearsal Childcare (Room #5)

7:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

Praise Teams & Choir Orchestra

Monday, September 21: 9:30 am:

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room)

Friday, September 25: 9:00 am:

Mission:Denver Cooking (Main Kitchen)

Tuesday, September 22: 7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (Fellowship Hall) Divorce Care (Community Room)

Women of the Word Childcare (Room #5) 9:30 am:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

7:00 pm:

Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, September 23: See You at the Pole 4:30 pm:

Hang Time in the Youth Café

5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

6:00 pm:

Youth Accountability Class

6:15 pm:

Nursery Open (ages 2 and under)

Saturday, September 26: 7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room) Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking Lot)

8:00 am:

Mission:Denver (Youth attending)

4:45 pm:

Singles Go To The Rockies

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