Newsletter Sept 2009

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STEVEN’S FAMILY in concert "Singing in Harmony ... Sharing a Heritage"

September 13th 9:30am Other upcoming ministries include: Sept 11 Roast Pork Dinner To benefit church general fund 4:30-7pm at church Cost: free will offering Local deliveries available

Sermon schedule 9/06 Sermon series # 3 Gospel of John Twice Born John 3:1-21 9/20 Sermon series # 4 Gospel of John Just Add Water John 4:1-26 9/27 Sermon series #5 Gospel of John Following

Oct 4th 3pm - ? Harvest Party for all! Come celebrate the season with games, food, and autumn fun Dinner cost: $1.00 To benefit Compassion child Keile Verenice

--------------------------------------------------------------------------NORTH BLOOMFIELD UMC 8840 PARK DR PO BOX 68 N. BLOOMFIELD, OH 44450 (440)685-4304 EMAIL: [email protected] PASTOR: JODY BAKER




9:45AM Summer Kid’s Sun school 11am Sunday school for all ages!! 6PM Sun Nights 6th-12th grade 7PM Tuesday Evenings 9AM Wednesdays (call for location) 7:00PM Thursdays

11:00AM-2PM 4TH Sat of Month (at N. Park Rd location) UM WOMEN MTG 7:00PM 4th Wed of month

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith” Ephesians 2:8 NORTH BLOOMFIELD UMC SERVING IN ALL DIRECTIONS Presence Attendance at Worship: July 26: 80 Aug 02: 72 Aug 09: 58 Aug 23: 71


Gifts ($1518 needed weekly for operating budget)

Attendance at Simply Worship: Aug 11: 14 Aug 25: 22

Your faithful giving has allowed many to know and grow in Christ. Your continued support will help grow God’s Kingdom on earth-please help us serve! 07-26-09 $1761 general fund 08-02-09 $1456 general 08-09-09 $1079 general 08-16-09 $1641 general 08-23-09 $ 992 general Many support opportunities continue: Land: More pledges needed to pay off property debt within next 3 ½ years! Pledge cards at church or call for mailer

FINISH THE RACE: Check out all of the opportunities to be a part of ministry throughout this news letter. See something interesting, take a leap of faith.

Budget: The end of the year is always a test for the budget team to finish off strong in paying end of year costs. Please remain faithful in your stewardship as we witness God’s love.


Prayers Please pray for the following concerns: • Fall Sunday school in the making of disciples • Our new District Superintendent Dave Scavuzzo • Helen Zadunajsky • Seminatore family

Attendance at Youth Group: Aug 07: 20 overnight camp out Aug 09: 08 Aug 23: 23



SUNDAY SCHOOL HELP NEEDED Help is needed for adults to tag team with others to help serve our children and youth during our 11am Sun school this fall. Please see Debbie Brzyscz if interested, or sign up in the sanctuary

(please submit prayer requests by the 20th of month for newsletter)

Sunday worship Greeters needed! Let Ellen Vossler know if can help. Sunday Worship offering counters: Sept 06 Baugher/Shipman Sept 13 Sprague/Fenton Sept 20 Starling/Beran

Calling All Men: Join our prayer time Thursday nights at 7pm! Come pray for each other and grow in the Lord!

Cleaning the Church: Sept 06 week: Beran Family/Brzyscz Sept 13: George/Eleanor Smith Sept 20: Shipman Family Sept 27: Mark/Yvonne Smith Oct 04 : Rod/Anne Sprague

Prayer Mission: Prayer is so important to, well, everything. We must call upon the Lord consistently. Let us “ask, seek, and knock” that the for may be opened to revival in our community and beyond!

We thank God for your service in the Kingdom!


“Prayer is the backbone of Ministry”





YOUTH MEETINGS: Our (NEW) weekly meeting time is Sunday 6pm at church. All youth grades 6-12 are welcome! HAPPENINGS: Sept 19th we will travel to Mt Vernon, OH for an all day outdoor concert with festivities featuring Switchfoot. Cost is $15 + food. Then, we will head to Columbus on October 30th for YOU-09 which is a day of great stuff including Sanctus Real concert and more. Then, November 13-14 we will head to Youth Explosion in Willoughby Hills. Get ready for an amazing year! WHAT A KICKOFF: 23 youth + 5 adults kicked off our new YOUTH GATHERINGS year of youth group. We even met in the new youth room via the new property house next door. What a start. Don’t miss Sundays 6pm at Church out each week, Sundays at 6pm. Upcoming Youth Schedule: THE BOYS ARE BACK: We want to begin a weekly ministry Sept 06: NO Youth Group to boys 4th – 8th grade which would include sports, a devotional (due to Labor Day) time, food of course and more in which godly men help mentor Sept 13: Youth Group 6pm boys in their faith. Interested, see Pastor Jody so we can get Sept 19: SonFest Mt Vernon, this ministry running asap! OH—all day event CONFIRMATION 09 Join us Sunday at 11am starting Sept Sept 20: NO Youth Group 27th for an hour of confirmation prep! Don’t worry, it’ll be Sept 26: Skating Party 5pm painless, even fun. So join Pastor Jody for 4 weeks of digging Sept 27: Youth Group 7pm into your faith! Oct 04: Youth Group 7pm

COATS FOR KIDS 09 MISSION Join us in helping in a unique way this year through our Coat Tree. We supply new coats, about 25 per year, to any child in need. Be Christ to a child and help us by giving financially, before Oct 1st. Mark your envelope/check for “coats” to NBUMC. note: each coat cost $25-any amount given will help!


Fall Kidz Klub starts September 29th from 3:30-5pm each Tuesday. This quarter, we will learn about LIVING INSIDE OUT starting with:GOD’S NATURE and RESPECTING OTHERS. All kidz will be joining together to start every week and then breaking into groups based on age for the lesson. With bigger and better games, crafts and snacks, this is going to be our best year yet. Please join us by picking up a registration form or calling Pastor Jody for a mailer. Also, if you attend Mespo Elementary, please fill out the bus form (with registration) if you want your child dropped off at church during Kidz Klub!


Starting September 20th, we will begin our fall Sunday school kickoff from 11am till noon each Sunday throughout the year. Age appropriate classes for all children and youth up thru 12 th grade will be available. Please join in the fun or if you are an adult and want to help as a teacher or crew leader, we would love to have your service. Let Debbie Brzyscz know if you are interested and we can get you connected. This is going to be a great year as we look to review the basics from each area of the Bible starting with “In the beginning” through Revelation by year’s end.


“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.” Romans 1:8 Though summers often witness a less active ministry schedule in many churches, these last three months did not slow many of you down. It is difficult maintaining the intensity of a full church schedule when so many are vacationing and working with summer planning, but I noticed much fruit these past three months in the church body. In Romans chapter 1, Paul thanked God for the Christians in Rome because of their faithfulness to the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ. There work was fruitful as Paul noted that their message was being spread through the entire world. As I look back on a busy summer, one in which I found myself tending to much personal business, I discovered just how much I could count on my church family to continue and grow the work of Kingdom building. And, I am very thankful. Truly, God is using your faithfulness to spread the Gospel. I witnessed much fruit in the hard work of so many to pull together our 2nd annual FamilyFest. From setting up, to sharing, to cleaning up, over 50 people had some hand in making this day happen. And, from the crowd size, I know our goal was accomplished in sharing Christ with the community and beyond. I thank God for you! On a mission trip in June and two other Sundays, I was able to count on the leadership to bring the Word to teens and the congregation while I was tending to my father and family. Again, I thank God for you! Ministries such as summer Sunday school, ME Time, youth group, clothing ministry, UMW and the back to school supply give away did not miss a beat due to your faithfulness, despite being summertime. I thank God for you! The church is the body of believers coming together to be Christ to our world and each other. You have been the church, not only to me and my see our website updates: family, but to so many others. Let us keep up the Good work of the Good News this fall (videos, slideshows, more) In His Grip,

Pastor Jody

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