Newsletter - November 15, 2009

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Denver First Church November 15, 2009

keeping in touch...

DFC Ministerial Staff Shawn A. Siegfreid Lead Pastor

Stephen Abbott Young Adult & Family Pastor

Rich Cantwell Business Administrator

Bud Curry Hospital Chaplain

Tina Hayhurst Student Ministries Pastor

Scott Nauman Pastor of Worship & Arts

Jerry Nelson Minister of Instrumental Music

Randy Smith Christian Education Pastor

Marvin Suyen West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board John Bruneau Bob Cheney Curtis Clay Glenn Domokos Troy Edwards Vini Giannatala Bryant Jaggers Judy Jones Gregg Moran Gene Rakes Bud Roe Kathy Tate Jim Webb Ron Williams Bonnie York Denver First Church 3800 E. Hampden Avenue Englewood, CO 80113 303/761-8370

Table of Contents 1. Power Surge 2. news update i. important info… ii. board perspective iii. timely news for the congregation… iv. how you can

help… 3. calendar of events: November 15-21

News Update Important info... Dear Members and Friends of DFC, What an incredible sight. It was Monday night in Denver and I had the opportunity to be at the Denver Broncos/Pittsburg Steelers Monday night football game. Over 76,000 people jammed into the stadium to see two very good football teams battle it out. I learned a couple things at the game. First of all there were a lot of Steeler fans in Denver. This did make some Denver fans upset. But they had a ticket and were entitled to their participation. I also learned that ordinarily quiet people turn into outlandish demonstratives, and sometimes overaggressive humans, in the arena of cheering on your team. There were times of great exhilaration and also moments of crushing grief. You would have thought, for some Bronco fans, that their best friend had died. We often make this point when we Christians have observed people at sporting events, but for many of the 76,000, it was a night of spontaneous worship and applause! I was amazed at the demonstrations of praise for a good catch, a crushing tackle or a scored touchdown. We seem to be people who have a need to praise something. As I said last week, “Christians should be happy.” We have so much to praise God about! I have joyfully observed that DFC is a celebrative community. Though I would not encourage some of the demonstrations and emotions displayed at the ballgame, I want to encourage all of us to praise Him with all our might! He is worthy of our praise! Why waste it on athletic events? Thank you for being a people who praise the King! Just a reminder: this Sunday we will be baptizing people in our morning service. If you want to be baptized please meet Angie outside the Orchestra Room on Sunday morning at 10:00 am. I would love to baptize anyone who has made that faith connection with Jesus. What a great day we are going to have Sunday. Please join us and bring a friend! See you Sunday! Pastor Shawn Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events. IN Group Banquet A Taste of Christmas Nazz Jazz Finale Concert Single’s Christmas Party

Shoebox Christmas Evening Service Tennyson Center Ministry Power Surge

Today’s email will cover the following topics: Board Perspective, Timely News for the Congregation, How You Can Help

News Update Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Board perspective...

We at DFC have always had a strong missionary focus. Our Missions Council continues the emphasis on missions with local activities like Mission Denver and international Work and Witness trips, such as the recent trip to Nicaragua. We are part of a denomination that is committed to missionary work both at home and abroad. The Church of the Nazarene has hundreds of missionaries in 155 world areas. Each year thousands of volunteers (over 11,000 in 2008) participate in missions activities. In just a few weeks we are praying for an offering of $75,000 to go to the World Evangelism Fund -- the fund our denomination uses to take the Gospel around the world. Please continue the missionsminded tradition of DFC and participate generously in this offering. Scott Nauman and I were given tickets to see the Broncos play the Steelers Monday night. I had a little hike from the closest Lightrail stop, and I arrived just in time to see about the only offense the home team would put up the whole night. So, we watched the orange and blue struggle through the game, and we had a chance to visit and enjoy each other's company. My interest began to turn from the game to the fans seated in the vicinity. There were the newlyweds dressed in their Steelers regalia with a towel that read "Just Married." There were the half dozen guys who were escorted from the stands at the end of the first quarter for fighting, giving a whole new meaning to "a waste of money." But what really caught my attention were the people right near me. Seated directly in front of me were two twenty-something ladies who were clearly a couple. Then there was the middle-aged lady and her husband (or date) seated to my left. Her speech was slurred by the time I arrived during that first drive of the game, and they continued to consume several more beers throughout the evening. I was surprised at my internal reaction to my observations. A friend who specializes in counseling women with same-sex attractions has told me of the tragic childhoods that often lead to same-sex female relationships. I found myself agonizing over the pain they might have experienced. I wondered about the emptiness the lady seated next to me might be desperately avoiding. When I looked past the smile she wore, I saw eyes bearing an all too-familiar pain I've seen in the eyes of others close to me from the bottom of a bottle. And Pastor Shawn's words resonated in my head, "They're all just trying to get home." There was no judgment. I didn't experience disappointment. I wasn't repulsed. I simply felt compassion. I wanted to reach out and tell them there is an answer for the pain that won't go away regardless of their efforts to anesthetize it. I would like to tell you that I was fast enough on my feet to strike up a conversation and invite them to church. Unfortunately, most often I'm much better in hindsight than in the moment. But what I know is that the Spirit of God sees the pain of the lost surrounding me each day and He grieves. Am I ready to be devoted to teaching, fellowship and prayer so the Lord can add to our number daily those who are saved (Acts 2:42,49)? I pray it is so. Serving Him Alongside of You, Vini Giannatala

News Update timely news for the congregation... "ROCKY MOUNTAIN PRAISE CHOIR" IS BACK! In the mid-90s, at DFC we put together a "community" choir which, for the next six years, ranged from 350 to 500 members! Each year we performed a concert and recorded a CD. It created unbelievable excitement as singers from 125 Rocky Mountain area churches came together. Well, once again DFC is hosting this major happening on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day, at 6pm. However, this time we are producing a full concert-length DVD of the performance. Let's answer some of the questions that are probably popping into your mind: Q: Who is eligible to sing in the choir? A: Anyone who has ever sung in a choir. For this event, there is not an audition. Simply come well-prepared. Q: Is this strictly a choir concert? A: No. Among the features of the concert will be •

Jerry Nelson performing with choir and orchestra.

The Dueling Pianos of Garrett and Nelson will make a rare appearance.

To add levity to the occasion, "Earl Pike" of Punkin Center will make a return visit. You'll also witness more people playing the piano simultaneously than you've probably seen before. Scott Nauman will be conducting this massive choir and full orchestra.

Q: What kind of music will the choir be singing? A: Because one of the main objectives is community outreach, the concert will kick off with an incredible lineup of titles from Broadway such as "Sound of Music," "Climb Every Mountain," plus selections from "Phantom of the Opera" along with Jerry playing an extended medley of love ballads appropriate for the evening. The evening will also include some Praise and Worship, plus a new arrangement of "A Mighty Fortress" . . . and more.

News Update timely news for the congregation... "ROCKY MOUNTAIN PRAISE CHOIR" continued…

Q: Will singers need to memorize the music? A: You may use the music supplied, or the lyrics appearing on the rear screen. Q: How do the singers learn the music? Is it difficult? A: Once they've committed to join, they will receive a packet of music along with a rehearsal CD containing all of the music they will be singing. This will enable s ingers to do most of the learning on their own time. The arrangements are very powerful but are written very "user-friendly" and quite easy to pick up using your music and rehearsal CD. Q: What does the schedule look like? A: Glad you asked: Jan 5

7:00 - 9:00 pm


Jan 9

7:00 - 9:00 pm


Jan 30 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Audio Recording Feb 13 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Dress rehearsal and 5-camera video shoot Feb. 14 4:00 - 8:00 pm Warm up rehearsal, then concert with final video shoot Q: Is there a cost, either for the choir or the audience? A: There is no charge for either; but because of the strong possibility of a full house, "Artist Circle" seats will be sold after the first of the year ensuring audience seating. Q: I'm convinced. How can I join? A: Go on line to the Website: (you can bypass the opening page). On the home page, click "Contact" in the upper right corner. Enter your name on the Contact page, just as you would want it to appear on the inner liner of the DVD. Indicate your part (Sop, Alto, Ten or Bass). We will email you all of the details. If you then decide to be on board, you will be notified how to pick up your music. Caution: There is a strong chance of exceeding capacity quite early. So, you are strongly urged to sign up within the first week. Thanks! We hope to see you in the choir.

News Update timely news for the congregation... 31st Annual IN Group Banquet—Sunday is Last Day to Buy Tickets!! This event will be on Saturday, November 21st at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The theme is “Around the World with Dr. Jim Diehl.” Tickets are $20.00 (reserved by table number) and are available at the IN Group Booth (south entrance). Music will be provided by Van & Miriam Owen accompanied by Linda Jackson on the piano. Note: Semi-Formal dress. The IN Group is now open to all adults. The reception area will be open at 5:00 pm in the Community Room. There are only a few spots left, so hurry and get your tickets so you don’t miss out! Shoebox Christmas Christmas is just around the corner and our tradition at DFC is to fill "Shoeboxes" for the needy in our world. This year boxes will be delivered to the Navajo Nation in Arizona and Jesus of Nazareth Compassion Center in Denver. Boxes will be distributed November 15th with boxes returning on Sunday, November 22nd when we will celebrate Thanksgiving with an Offering for World Missions & "Building the Wall" of gifts. We will also have opportunity to reach out to our Military with care packages. Those instructions will be distributed at a later date. Nazz Jazz Finale Concert This concert, on Sunday, November 22nd at 6:00 pm, will be the “Finale” concert for Nazz Jazz and Jerry Nelson prior to his embarking into full-time concert ministry. Bring your friends and hear Nazz Jazz in full stride as you’ve never heard them before. Free admission -- no tickets needed. A Taste of Christmas Our ladies Christmas luncheon, “A Taste of Christmas” is Saturday, December 5th. Tickets are on sale TODAY for $12! See Gay Borrego at the booth near the South Entrance. The cut-off date to buy tickets is November 29th at 2pm (or until tickets are sold out). Our special speaker this year is Dr. Diane Dike. Check out her website for more info (

News Update timely news for the congregation... Kid’s Corner Look Up, Look In, and Look Out The theme for the past several Sundays in the 5th & 6th grade area at DFC has been “Look Up, Look In, and Look Out.” If we were to ask our 5th & 6th graders to draw pictures of what they learned through this study, we would see illustrations of children praying, reflecting, and reaching out to others. On Wednesday evenings, the 5th & 6th graders have been immersed in “Survival Training.” For the girls, this has meant learning kitchen safety, crocheting, and sewing. For the boys, Survival Training has meant building a shelter, food and water procurement, and signaling. Both the boys and the girls have learned map reading and how to follow directions. In a day and age where we seem to let technology take the lead, our kids have been given an opportunity to learn some practical life skills. As the 5th & 6th graders move forward to the months of November and December, their new theme, “Compassion and Service,” will be easily implemented. Why? A solid foundation has been set, specific skills have been acquired, and the hearts of our preteens are ready to serve. Clearly, our 5th & 6th graders (who we affectionately call DOGS) are learning what it means to be Disciples of God. Sincerely, Susan Foster

News Update how you can help... Decorating for Christmas We are pleased to announce that Dixie Whittaker and Linda Jackson have once again consented to lead the charge in the organizational aspects involved in decorating the Sanctuary for the holidays. But, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Please circle these dates on your calendar—Nov. 20-21—and come join us for an exciting time of giving DFC an “extreme makeover “for the holiday season! Thank you! Help Support Our Youth, It’s Easy! Want to help support the youth of DFC and send a student on missions? It’s easy! Order King Soopers and other gift cards through the Youth Department. For every $600 worth of gift cards, $25 is applied to a student of your choice or it may be designated as a scholarship. Pre-order forms for gift cards such as Panera, Wal-Mart, Bath and Body, iTunes and Blockbusters are available now! Pantry No one wants to be hungry -- no matter what time of year it is, but inevitably, the DFC Pantry is much busier during the holiday season. We depend on your contributions to help those in need. If you are able, please donate non -perishable food, hygiene and paper goods to the Pantry. Right now, we are running low on oatmeal, canned salmon, peanut butter, canned veggies and soup, tomato paste, spaghetti sauce, crackers, toothpaste, soap, shampoo and all sizes of diapers. We truly appreciate your donations. A Taste of Christmas - Saturday, December 5th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Gentlemen, you are invited to be a participant this year for A Taste of Christmas! As in years past, we are relying on you to help serve food & beverages and to fill in where extra hands are needed (before, during and after the event). Please let Cheryl Gallentine know if you would be interested in helping ([email protected] or 303/795-0500).

News Update how you can help... Thanksgiving Offering: An Historical Context Over the course of years, the Church of the Nazarene has been notably a church of small congregations. For many decades, the average has been somewhere between 50 and 70 in congregational attendance. It was observed early in the church’s history that our local congregations would not be of the size to support individual missionaries from their local congregations. So the approach was taken to pool missions giving from all of the churches and through that means to support a missionary work of significant proportions. That has been the Missions funding strategy over the course of years. And today, the Church of the Nazarene has 650 missionaries in 167 countries around the world. Over half of those mission posts are now populated by indigenous people; leaders from those countries who have been raised up and trained and are now leading major mission works. For the Church of the Nazarene in general, and Denver First Church specifically, Thanksgiving and Easter offerings have been particularly important times for receiving missions offerings. This year, DFC’s goal is $75,000. Please consider the far reaching impact of your contributions in terms of changed lives around the world. Remember that in the Sudan area today, the Church of the Nazarene is growing at the rate of approximately five new congregations per day. Please invest deeply in the ministry of changed lives as you give liberally to the Thanksgiving Offering, 2009. God bless you. Thanksgiving Baskets If you would like to help prepare or distribute the Thanksgiving baskets this year, please call Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625. These baskets are filled with food for families in need. Preparation will be November 18th and delivery on November 22th.

News Update how you can help... Support Our Recent High School Graduates As the end of the semester and the holidays approach, we want to remind you of your commitment to our recently graduated seniors. We encourage you to pray for them, send them a note of encouragement or even a much appreciated care package! As a congregation, we want to show our college students (here and away) that they are still a part of the DFC family. If you need information about a student, please contact the Youth Department at 303-761-8370 ext. 478. Austin Brink This fall I plan to attend Olivet Nazarene University on a baseball scholarship. I will be majoring in Mass Communications with an emphasis on Film Studies.

Terek Campbell I have been accepted to the College of Engineering and Applied Science at CU/Boulder and plan to get a degree in Computer Science.

Kevin Fiorini I plan to attend the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

News Update how you can help...

Alex Jordan I plan to attend Colorado State University to get a Masters of Business Administration and then go into Advertising & Marketing. Justin Leatherwood I plan to attend the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Derek Lee I plan attend Arapahoe Community College while working.

Tyler Lister I plan to attend Southern Nazarene University to play soccer and major in Physical Education and Coaching.

News Update how you can help... Melissa Lucero I plan to attend the University of Northern Colorado to swim and major in English, with an emphasis in Secondary Education, and minor in Spanish. I would like to, one day, be a High School Teacher.

Jake Newman I plan to attend the University of Great Falls in Montana, studying Programming and Softwear Design. I would ultimately, one day, like to work in a Game Production Studio. Brittany Russell I plan to attend the University of Northern Colorado to study Nursing.

Kyle Russell I plan to attend the Point Loma Nazarene University, possibly majoring in Pre-Dentistry.

News Update how you can help... Cody Sanford I plan on going to YWAM this July in Kona, Hawaii. Then in the fall 2010, I plan to attend Metro State University.

Josh Sihombing I plan attend a semester at Metropolitan State College, then Colorado State University to study Business Management. One day, I hope to open a restaurant with a stage in front to perform nightly dinners and shows. Ethan Torpy I plan to attend Vanderbilt University in Tennessee to major in BioChemistry and possibly one day go to medical school.

Daniel York I plan to take semester off to work, then go to YWAM in January, hopefully in Ireland. Then I plan to go to Metro State.

News Update how you can help... Elizabeth York I plan to work full-time at Starbucks until attending YWAM Amsterdam in January for six months discipleship training school. In the fall 2010, I plan on attending Metro/UCD.

David Zimmerman I plan to attend the University of Northern Colorado and major in Business Administration. I hope to be able to walk on and play football or rugby.

Calendar of Events November 15-21 Sunday, November 15:

Wednesday, November 18 (continued):

8:00 am:

Praise Team Sound Check (Sanctuary)

8:30 am:

Choir & Orchestra Sound Check (Sanctuary)

9:00 am:

Sunday School (all ages)

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

Nursery & Preschool open

Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am:

Baptism Meeting (Outside Orchestra Room)

Celebrate Recovery (Room 200, 202)

10:30 am:

Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Youth Worship Service (Rock Room)

Nursery available

Men’s Study - Tender Warrior (Room 201)

6:15 pm:

Nursery Open (ages 2 and under)

6:30 pm:

Wednesday Night Prayer (Community Room)

1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church (GLA) 5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 12:00 pm:

Creativity Team Lunch Meeting - Youth

2:00 pm:

Rock Band Practice

3:00 pm:

Tsunami Band Practice

4:00 pm:

Collaboration Band Practice

4:30 pm:

Quizzing for Blue Level - 4th - 6th Grade (GL Room # 14)

5:00 pm:

Puppet Practice (5th & 6th Grade) (Room 12) Bible Quizzing - Blue Level 4th - 6th Grade (Room 14)

6:00 pm:

Traditions Service (Diehl Chapel)

Monday, November 16: 9:40 am:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

MASH Men’s Bible Study (West Diehl Chapel) Children’s Activities (all ages) Thursday, November 19: 9:00 am:

MOPS Steering Committee (Community Room)

6:15 pm:

Praise Team Vocals & Rhythm Choir Rehearsal Childcare (Room #5)

7:00 pm:

Orchestra Friday, November 20: 8:30 am:

Christmas Decorating

9:15 am:

Seniors Choir Rehearsal (Music Room)

5:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery Sponsor Meeting (Cry Room)

5:15 pm:

Power Surge (meet at DFC)

6:00 pm:

Celebrate Recovery (GL Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday, November 17: 7:00 am:

Men’s Bible Study (GL Conference Room)

9:00 am:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 am:

Women of the Word (Fellowship Hall)

7:00 pm:

Bereans Prophesy Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, November 18:

Praise Teams & Choir

Divorce Care (Community Room) Divorce Care for Kids (GL Room #6) Saturday, November 21: 8:30 am:

Christmas Decorating

7:00 am:

Men at Prayer (Community Room)

4:30 pm:

Youth Café

5:00 pm:

Women of the Word Leaders (Fellowship Hall)

8:00 am:

CC&O Rehearsal

5:30 pm:

Bible Quizzing - Red Level 1st - 3rd Grade (Room 2)

5:00 pm:

IN Group Banquet Reception (Community Room)

6:00 pm:

Youth Accountability

6:00 pm:

IN Group Banquet (Fellowship Hall)

5:00 pm:

Singles Thanksgiving Dinner (GL Fellowship Hall)

Ladies Prayer Walk (Parking Lot)

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