Newsletter 090809

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  • May 2020
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Contact Numbers



Senior Pastors: Ray & Marie Albrecht


(W) 4123 2711 (H) 4123 6562


Church Le adership: Barry & Jenny Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732 Jamie & Sharon Klein – Secretary (H) 4122 2300 Ian & Beryl Moncrieff (W) 4123 1629 (H) 4123 6891

Management Committee: Ps. Ray Albrecht - Chairman (H) 4123 6562 Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732 Jamie Klein (H) 4122 2300 Jean Kidd – Treasurer (H) 4121 3056 Julia Mijic – Secretary (H) 4123 5511 (M) 0407 764 509 Rod Orr (H) 4121 3506 Andrew Storrs (H) 4121 6132 Reta Welsh (H) 4121 7710

“Thanksgiving with praise” praise”

Children’s Church Leade r: Jane Orr

(H) 41213506 (M) 0405 318061

Mainly Music Le ader: Linda Storrs

(H) 4121 6132 (M) 0429 787 982

Ne w Christian’s Class Leade rs: Steve & Alice Murray

(H) 4123 2394 0458574684

( M)

Worship Leade r: Linda Storrs

(H) 4121 6132 (M) 0429 787 982

Appointed Deacons: Bob & Kay Thorpe (Head Deacons ) Beth Baumgart Keith & Hilary Brockway Cal & Marion Dingwall Joe & Carole Marrington Bruce Mayer Bradley Yates John Yates

Roste rs for the week 16 th August 2009

9th August 2009

Door a.m. – Jenny & Sharon Door p.m. – Reta & Kay T Communion prep – Chris B Communion Table – Kay T, Beryl & TraceyM Supper – Kris B Cleaning – Bruce M, Vyv, Kyle & Jean Offering & Prayer – Kay T Money Count – John & Ian SENIOR PASTORS: RAY & MARIE ALBRECHT



Maryborough Christian Outreach Centre Hervey Bay Road Maryborough PO Box 461 Maryborough 4650


Ph/Fax: (07) 4123 2711


This weeks comment: “THANKFULNESS” Psalm 100 v 4 ‘ Enter Hi s gates

wi th thanks gi vi ng, go i nto Hi s courts wi th prai se. Give thanks to Hi m & bless Hi s name.’ (NLT) Gods’ prescri pti on for enteri ng Hi s presence i s to gi ve thanks. Thi s verse doesn’ t jus t tell us the ri ght atti tude w i th w hi ch to enter Hi s gates, i t also tells us the means by w hi ch to enter them. Thanks gi vi ng coupled wi th prai se will bri ng us to w here He i s, or i t wi ll bri ng Hi m to w here w e are. Ei ther w ay, w e fi nd that w orshi pful grati tude i s the ri ght place to be. God li ves w here He i s acknow ledged. If God does not seem to be li vi ng near you, perhaps there i s somethi ng lacki ng i n your acknow ledgement. You rarely see grati tude i n someone w ho thi nks negati vely about li fe. Why? Pessi mi sti c thoughts remov e the glory of Hi s presence. Negati ve thi nki ng i s not fai th, i t assumes the w orst and i t feeds – i s fed by – the enemy of God. Paul tol d beli evers to gi ve thanks i n every ci rcumstance. (1Thess 5:18) He di dn’ t tell them to gi ve thanks only w hen the cl ear evi dence of Gods’ blessi ng i s visi ble. He tol d them to gi ve thanks alw ays - i n every si tuati on. How are w e to do thi s? If w e know that God i s good, & that He i s soverei gn, & that He i s wi se, w e can gi ve thanks that He i s w orki ng out Hi s plan even i n the di ffi cult ci rcumstances of li fe. In every ci rcumstance, choos e to see i t from an angle that w i ll culti vate grati tude. God wi ll be honoured, and Hi s presence w i ll be real. Have a great w eek.


I’m kind of particular about whom I want to spend eternity with. - God

Sunday 9th 9.00am - Prayer meeting…All Welcome 9.30am - Worship & Communion Service

Lighthouse Children’s Church

Notices Special Guests: Grahame & Sandra Wade from Cambodia will be sharing at this Tuesday morning meeting (11 August) … this will be open to anyone who would like to come. It is not an exclusive ladies morning!

followed by morning tea and fellowship 6.30pm - Evening Service followed by supper & fellowship Tuesday 11 th 9.30am – Meeting with Grahame & Sandra Wade 9.30am – Mainly Music 6.00pm - Hour of Power Prayer Meeting

DATE CLAIMERS Attention: all ex-Cambodian team ……

~ 11 October ~

7.00pm - Music Practice Wednesday 12 th 10.00am – Global Care Sewing

Elijah & Jit from Cambodia will be with us.

Have you marked this in your diary or on your calendar yet?? On the same day ….. Lighthouse Children’s Church Family Picnic/Fun Day 12 noon following the morning meeting

August Birthdays this week:

11 th – Carole Marri ngton 12th – Bray Storrs 13th – Lyn Evans 14th – Joshua Ki dd

Thursday 13 th 10.00am – Global Care Craft Friday 14 th 9.00am – Global Care Sewing Sunday 16 th 9.00am - Prayer Meeting…All Welcome 9.30am - Worship & Communion Service

followed by Morning Tea & F’ship - Lighthouse Children’s Church 6.30pm - Evening Service followed by

Supper & Fellowship Direct Deposit Banking Details for electronic transfers A/c Name: Christian Outreach Centre Maryborough Westpac BSB: 034128 A/c No: 252288

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