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On a Bulk Carrier, which of these statements is correct?  Steel slabs may rest directly against the ship's frames  Steel slabs may be loaded within the square of the hatch only  Steel slabs must never be permitted to rest directly against any part of the ship's structure  Steel slabs do not require dunnage  I don't know A wire antenna of 12 metres in length is probably:  A Sat-C antenna  An Inmarsat-antenna  A MF/HF-antenna  A VHF-antenna  I don't know What does the acronym HDOP stand for when seen on an ECDIS or navigational receiver?  Horizontal dilution of precision  High dilution of precision  High datum of precision  Horizontal depth of precision  I don't know What is the correct understanding of the term "Lapse Rate" when used in Meteorology?  The delay in temperature reduction associated with the wet bulb thermometer of a hygrometer  The change of the temperature in the atmosphere with height above sea level.  The change in the temperature associated with the passing of the warm front of a frontal depression.  The rate of increase of the wind associated with a Tropical Revolving Storm. 

I don't know Question: A good indicator of the possibility of cargo damage on a bulk carrier is  Commencing discharge in the absence of a cargo surveyor  The presence of hatch cover sealing tapes  Disallowing cargo interests on board  Commencing discharge without presentation of bills of lading  I don't know Question: When passage planning with ECDIS, what safety values must be set for route validation to be effective?  The safety depth and safety contour  The minimum rise of tide and safety contour  The safe under keel clearance and limiting distances  The types of charts allowed to be used by the ECDIS  I don't know Question: What does this signal flag indicate when seen on a vessel in a port approach?  I require a pilot  Keep clear. I have divers down  I am in distress and require immediate assistance  I require medical assistance  I don't know From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?  Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also one emergency remote control station  Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station within the accommodation 

A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door  Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at the door  I don't know The strength of the wind is related to the air pressure gradient between different pressure systems, which one of the following statements is correct?  The closer the isobars on a weather map are together, the greater is the pressure gradient  The pressure gradient is a measurement of the geographical distance between the high and low pressure systems  Pressure gradient causing wind, is a measure vertically from the earth's surface of the difference in pressure  A great pressure gradient is found in areas where the isobars on a weather map are far apart  I don't know When a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight off the deck of a ship, from which position can the centre of gravity of the weight be considered to act?  From a position on the deck at the base of the derrick or crane  From the position on the deck from which the weight was lifted  From the centre of the weight lifted  From the head of the derrick or crane  I don't know The first line of defence against flooding of a bulk carrier is its:  Machinery spaces  Pipe outlets  Hatch covers  Shell plating  I don't know How does a GPS receiver indicate that the accuracy of the displayed position is reduced?  A large 'Correction Factor' number is displayed on the screen

 A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen  It will go into DR mode and stop fixing  The GPS receiver is very precise and does not give any indication of accuracy  I don't know Your vessel is in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?  That there is a vessel in distress nearby  That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity  That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity  That there is a vessel engaged in underwater operations in the vicinity with divers down  I don't know uestion: The word SHIP is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:  Singapore, Hotel, India, Paris  Sugar, Hotel, Italia, Peter  Sierra, Hotel, India, Papa  Sierra, Hotel, Item, Papa  I don't know If a DSC distress alert is received on board your ship, what is the first action that should be taken?  Immediately answer the distress message on the correct radio frequency  Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel.  Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coast Radio station  Listen for a distress message on the appropriate radio frequency for five minutes  I don't know The log-in of an Inmarsat-C installation is important:

 To inform the LES, that one is available for messages offered  To inform the NCS that one is available for messages offered  To keep watch on Sat-C for safety messages  To inform the addressee, that one is available for messages offered  I don't know The DSC-controller displays the following: DOO: 246321000 CH16 ; S distress flooding After receiving this DSC message nothing more is received. Sending receipt on channel 16 does not give any response. One should first:  Inform the safety officer  Send a DSC distress alert relay  Listen out on VHF channel 67  Send a DSC acknowledgement  I don't know On board they want to make a DSC-call with a foreign coast-station. It is an urgent call. Preferably choose:  The international DSC-distress frequencies  The national DSC-call frequecies of the coast-station concerned  The international DSC-urgent frequency  The international DSC-call frequency  I don't know What is important to check when transferring a position from the GPS receiver to a paper chart?  That it is a '2D' fix and the antenna height is set correctly  That the chart datum is also WGS84 or there are corrections  Ensure that the chart has been corrected up to date.

 The chart datum is correct for the area the vessel is located  I don't know A draft survey is carried out on a bulk carrier to calculate:  The vessels constant  The vessels lightship displacement  The quantity of bulk cargo loaded or discharged  The shear forces at the bulkheads  I don't know When accurate draft readings are required, it is recommended to read both port and starboard drafts. This is because:  The vessel marks may be incorrectly drawn  The vessel may be trimmed by the head  The vessel may appear up right but may have a slight list causing difference in the port and starboard actual drafts  It is required as per the company’s policy for draft measurement  I don't know Which option best describes how an operator establishes what an isolated danger symbol represents, when seen on the chart display of an ECDIS?  Check with a senior officer  Interrogate it and ask for a pick or information report  Check the surrounding area for any clues on the sea floor  Check the chart symbols catalogue to ascertain the meaning  I don't know What is the minimum Initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) allowed under the International Load Line Rules? 

1.0 metre  2.5 metres  0.15 metres  0.5 metres  I don't know In the Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook one can find information about:  2 digit code telex services  Numbers of fax subscribers  Ship's Inmarsat Id's  Radio telex commands  I don't know When a satellite receives a “distress alert” from a Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB, the relay of the “distress alert” can be delayed because the satellite cannot immediately contact a:  LUT before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station  NCS before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station  LES before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station  Coast station  I don't know Why shall a duly qualified officer supervise any potential polluting operation?  To inform the authorities.  To relieve the master.  To restrict pollution.  To avoid pollution.  I don't know What are the advantages of having a mooring wire on a 'split drum' winch?

 Less chance of the wire becoming jammed on the reel  All the listed alternatives answers  Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum  No crushing of the wires  I don't know What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the "Abandon ship" signal ?  the "Abandon ship" signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated  six short blasts followed by one long blast  four long blasts  seven short blasts followed by one long blast  I don't know Reserve Buoyancy is:  The residual buoyancy at the maximum righting lever  The buoyancy provided by all spaces above the waterline  The residual buoyancy at an angle of loll  The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline  I don't know How can an azimuth or bearing be indicated by signal flags?  The letter N + three numerals  The letter B + three numerals  The letter A + three numerals  The letter A + three numerals + the letter R or T 

I don't know With respect to the ISM, what training in addition to lifeboat and fire drills must be carried out?  Mooring operations  The boat drill and fire drill should be adequate to meet your needs  Familiarization, and other drills identified as necessary by the ship  Bridge Team Management  I don't know When should a ship's officer use some of the English language found in the IMO's publication 'Standard Marine Communication Phrases'?  When giving orders to a multi-national bridge team  When talking on the VHF between ships of differing flag states  In circumstances described in all of the answers provided  When talking between ship and shore in a foreign land  I don't know What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF's for survival craft?  Channels 16 & 12  Channels 6, 12 & 16  Channel 16 only  Channels 6, 13 & 16  I don't know Which statement(s) is true of a gasoline spill?  It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill  It does little harm to marine life  It will sink more rapidly than crude oil  It is not covered by the pollution law

 I don't know Where on board can you find the different types of protection equipment, the placement, how much equipment etc?  In cargo control room.  The ship’s safety plan.  Stated in your cabin.  The engine room.  I don't know What are the main advantages to the Navstar, Glonas and Galileo satellite navigation systems?  Satellite navigation systems also give information about weather and wave conditions  If a vessel uses any one of them, there is no need to practice other forms of navigation  These satellite systems give world-wide coverage 24 hours a day  They are all made specifically for ships and marine operations  I don't know You receive a distress alert on HF Radio. What should you do?  Relay the message immediately on 2182 kHz.  No response is necessary providing the vessel is more than 24 hours away.  Acknowledge receipt.  Wait three minutes and if no acknowledgement is heard from a coast station you should relay the alert.  I don't know Is a vessel's turning diameter effected by the depth of water?  It will be the same provided the UKC is 25%-50%  The turning diameter will be the same for all depths  The turning diameter will be increased in shallow water

 The turning diameter will be smaller in shallow water  I don't know A DSC distress alert single frequency call attempt is awaiting acknowledgement:  Automatically repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes  Automatically repeated after 1 to 1 and a half minutes  Not repeated automatically  Repeated manually when required  I don't know Super-refraction effects the performance of some bridge devices on the vessel. What should the bridge watchkeeper look out for?  The radar will be show abnormal sea clutter as the pulse is trapped in an atmospheric layer  The GPS may give errors of position because of interference of incoming signals from the satellites  Satellite communications will be severely effected  Abnormal ranges of VHF radio and very long range radar detection  I don't know What is the anticipated rolling period of a ship with a large initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) and would there be any associated dangers to consider?  Long period of roll with free surface effects at a maximum.  Short period of roll, but a very stable ship and no associated dangers  Short sharp period of roll associated with breaking lashings and shifting cargo  Long slow roll and no particular hazards  I don't know If the temperature of bulk coal cargo during voyage is noted to be above 55 degree Celsius, the recommended procedure is to  Use fire fighting water in the cargo space 

Seal the hold and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments  Notify the ship owner and/or charterer and open the hatch covers to cool the cargo  Commence ventilation of the hold space to cool the cargo  I don't know What should an ENC chart cell, with usage code 1, be used for on an ECDIS?  Berthing and un-berthing  A coastal passage  Over viewing an ocean when planning  General navigation  I don't know According to 'Buys Ballot's Law', if a person faces the wind in the Northern Hemisphere, on what side of them is a low pressure centre located?  On their right side  Behind them  Straight ahead  On their left side  I don't know Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each survival craft shall be stowed:  In a state of readiness so that two crew-members can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 15 minutes  Wherever space is available  On the starboard side of the ship  In a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion  I don't know Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each survival craft shall be stowed:

 In a state of readiness so that two crew-members can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 15 minutes  Wherever space is available  On the starboard side of the ship  In a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion  I don't know When carried in bulk, which of the following cargoes is most likely to liquefy due to compression and/or vibrations?  Urea  Maize  Iron ore concentrates  Wheat  I don't know ou have received the nine digit MMSI of a ship on your DSC equipment. In which publication will you find the name of the ship?  The ITU List of Callsigns and Numerical Identities of Stations used by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services  The ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Services  The ITU List of Ship Stations  The ITU List of Coast Stations  I don't know In a distress-situation a MF/HF-DSC transmission is used in the 8MHz frequency. In this case always:  Put in the MMSI number of the coastguard on the DSC  Turn on the right frequency  Ask the RCC for the frequency 

Indicate on what frequency communication will be continued  I don't know The aerial system of an Inmarsat-C terminal consist of:  A dish aerial  A rod aerial  An omni-directional aerial  A flexible wire aerial  I don't know A distress call has been sent accidentally on your MF DSC equipment. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the false distress alert?  Send a selective distress priority MF DSC call to the nearest MRCC– Inform it that a false distress alert has been transmited  Switch off the transmitter  Send a all stations urgent priority MF DSC call  Make broadcast on 2182 kHz ""Mayday all stations…"" and cancel the false distress alert."  I don't know Carrying coal with a high sulphur content in bulk could result in  Evolution of methane gases resulting in fire and explosion  Spontaneous combustion leading to a large outbreak of fire  A possible shift of cargo and loss of stability  Corrosion of steelwork in the cargo holds if the cargo becomes wet  I don't know A bulk carrier has to complete loading at a draft of 10 metres. The current amidship drafts are 9.96 metres (port side) and 9.98 metres (starboard side). The sinkage remaining to maximum draft is:  0.02 metres  0.03 metres

 0.30 metres  0.04 metres  I don't know Why should a Ground Stabilised True Motion radar display not be used for anti-collision purposes?  Because this display is only ever used for navigation  The 'aspect' of the target is confused, so the Regulations for Preventing Collisions cannot be accurately applied  True motion does not provide the collision risk of targets as only true vectors are available  The true vector can never give an indication of collision risk with another ship  I don't know Which of these procedures should crew follow when conducting a bomb search?  "Stand quietly in various spots around the space, listening for unusual sounds like the tick tock of a clock mechanism."  Wait in the area they’ve finished searching until they’re contacted for a status update.  Search the perimeter of the space up to a height of 5 feet.  Conduct random or spot checks of logical threat areas.  I don't know When loading coal on a Bulk Carrier, the vessel should be provided with  Ramneck tapes to seal the cargo holds and deck stores  Means for drawing cargo samples  A glass hydrometer for the measurement of water content in the cargo  Means for measuring cargo temperatures  I don't know Before a bulk carrier can load a full cargo of grain, what additional stability information is required?  A bulk carrier cannot load a grain cargo

 The information is in a standard stability book should be sufficient to calculate a grain condition.  No additional conditions are required to be shown  Grain loading conditions must be shown and the vessel is in possession of a Document of Authorization  I don't know

Before a bulk carrier can load a full cargo of grain, what additional stability information is required? A bulk carrier cannot load a grain cargo The information is in a standard stability book should be sufficient to calculate a grain condition. No additional conditions are required to be shown Grain loading conditions must be shown and the vessel is in possession of a Document of Authorization I don't know ho can contact the Designated Person with their safety concerns?  All crewmembers  The Master only  The company’s shore staff only  Senior officers only  I don't know In order to achieve a greater effectiveness when using a permanent system of fire extinguishing with gases (for example CO2), we must…  Only activate the alarm, then the extinguishing system  Check the valves, seal the area and activate the extinguising system  Activate the alarm, evacuate the area and seal the place, then activate the extinguishing system  Activate the extinguishing system before we activate the alarm  I don't know What is the correct understanding of the tem "Angle of Loll" when applied to ships stability? 

The maximum angle to which the ship rolls when rolling in a seaway.  The angle of heel which the ship must reach before suffering progressive flooding through deck ventilators.  The angle the ship will lie when the ship has a negative GM  The angle the ship will lie when it has suffered a shift of cargo.  I don't know According to Rule 24 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions and the illustrated lights, how long is the tow likely to be?  It exceeds 200 metres  At least 100 metres  It is less than 200 metres  It is more than 50 metres but less than 200 metres  I don't know When on HF band a DSC distress alert is received, you have to listen to:  The radio telephony distress frequency in the band in which the DSC distress alert was received  2182 KHz  The radio-telex distress frequency in the band in which the DSC distress alert was received  8414.5 kHz (DSC distress frequency in 8 MHz)  I don't know Where do we find information about the ships fire preparedness?  Information about the ships fire preparedness is found in the muster list  Information about the ships fire preparedness is found in the company QA manual  Information about the ships fire preparedness is found in the deck log book  Information about the ships fire preparedness is found at the fire station  I don't know

From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?  Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also one emergency remote control station  Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station within the accommodation  Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at the door  A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door  I don't know The rudder is hard over with the engine at full ahead. Will the turning effect of the rudder be changed if the engine is stopped?  Yes, the turning force will be reduced to about 50% of the original force when the engine is stopped  No, the turning force applied by the rudder will be maintained within about 90% of the turning force when going full ahead  No, the turning force is unaffected by the speed of the propeller  Yes, the turning force will be dramatically reduced when the engine is stopped  I don't know Which muscle is the most persevering one in the body?  The lungs.  The heart.  The liver.  None of the mentioned  I don't know Why are accommodation spaces separated from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries?  Because it is required by the flag port regulations  To increase effectiveness of the air-conditioning in the accommodation  So that passengers can stay in the accommodation in case of fire in the engine room

 To provide means of escape for the passenger and crew  I don't know What is the purpose of a route geometry check on an ECDIS?  It assesses the route against the vessel turning characteristics  It checks to see if there are too many waypoints  It checks the planned route for continuity  It checks the planned turns to see if they are greater than a previously set value  I don't know What is the purpose of a route geometry check on an ECDIS?  It assesses the route against the vessel turning characteristics  It checks to see if there are too many waypoints  It checks the planned route for continuity  It checks the planned turns to see if they are greater than a previously set value  I don't know What can be a cause of error observed on a gyro compass reading?  Incorrectly set latitude and speed values  Fluctuations in the magnetism around the compass  Incorrectly set heading and speed values  Large values of variation caused by the gyro pole  I don't know What is this?  The identification stamp placed in the passport of a stowaway by an Immigration Officer to indicate that his or her nationality is "unknown".  The "Unitary Nomenclature" symbol placed alongside the name of a dangerous cargo in shipping documents to indicate that it appears on the list of approved international shipping names.

 The United Nations stamp used for endorsing international shipping certificates.  The United Nations Packaging symbol used for Dangerous Goods.  I don't know What possible reason could there be for the identification mark associated with a Racon not being visible on the radar screen?  All of the suggested answers.  The transmitted radar frequency may not trigger the Racon transmitter.  The radar may be suppressing the mark with application of the Interference Rejection control.  The racon may not be transmitting a pulse.  I don't know *When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?  One long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts  Seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells  Three short blasts followed by three long blasts, then followed by three short blasts on the ship's whistle and alarm bells  Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm bells  I don't know What is the correct understanding of the term "Block Coefficient" as applied to a ship?  The restriction of a valve in a pipe to the flow of fluid through that pipe  The comparison of the underwater shape of the ship, to a rectangular block of the same extreme dimensions.  The coefficient of a Block and Tackle  The ratio of the waterplane shape of the ship to a rectangle of the same extreme dimensions  I don't know What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would this be carried out on board?

 Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor the work activity and review  Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be required to complete the work  States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried out  Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper  I don't know What would be the correct form of response to the question: What is the visibility in your position?  The correct form of response would be: Visibility in my position is two hundred meters  The correct form of response would be: Visibility is poor  The correct form of response would be: Visibility is medium  The correct form of response would be: Visibility is okay  I don't know With respect to carriage of heavy metal cargoes in bulk, the term liquefaction means that  Depending on the atmospheric temperature, cargo will solidify or liquefy accordingly  The cargo will always remain in a very dry state and will not reach a flow state  The cargo may suffer moisture migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow  The cargo may self-heat on voyage, and may be liable to flow around the hold bottom  I don't know The hatch cover hydraulic system of a bulk carrier can be damaged by  Repeated hatch cover operations  Ice accretion on piston jackets  Dust and cargo particles around the piston seals  Extreme weather conditions

 I don't know The display of the DSC-controller on board is showing the following lines: RX: 002442000 ; Ch87 ; D Sellcall Routine We’re asked to listen on:  VHF- channel 16  Channel Delta of the coast station  VHF- channel 87  Radio telephony-channel 7 in the 8 MHz band  I don't know Which of these is not used to discharge bulk grain?  Pumps  Evacuators  Grabs  Manual bagging  I don't know What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?  Strong winds and heavy rain  Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.  Strong winds but with very little rain  Persistent rain and very humid weather  I don't know When fully loaded, a lifeboat should have a sufficient strength to withstand a drop into the water from a height of:  Not less than 3.0 metres 

Not less than one third of the distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat to the waterline in the in the lightest seagoing condition  Not less than 1.5 metres  Not less than 0.5 metres  I don't know Bulk coal cargoes may produce methane and carbon monoxide gases, their main feature being that both these gases are  Flammable and heavier than air  Non-flammable and heavier than air  Flammable and lighter than air  Non-flammable and lighter than air  I don't know How many maintenance methods must be provided by ships sailing in area A1 and A2  3  4  1  2  I don't know What device can be used by a tug to get a line aboard a disabled vessel in bad weather, when it is dangerous for the tug to get too close?  A rocket line  A missile line  A heaving line  A cannon line  I don't know By FleetNET communication is understood:

 A MSI-message destined for ships in specific geographical area  A HF-NBDP -message destined for ships in a certain geographical area  An EGC-message destined for ships with the same group call number  An urgent message for all ships in a particular area  I don't know To receive distress alerting and MSI via an Inmarsat-C set vessels must have:  MF/HF radio telex scanner with printer  SES or an EGC receiver  A radio officer on board  Suitable for 518 kHz NAVTEX receiver  I don't know The full name for the IMSBC Code is  International Maritime Safety of Bulk Carriers Code  The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo Code  The Maritime Safety Bulk Carrier Code  International Marine Solid Breakbulk Carriage Code  I don't know What type of fire integrity must be provided for an engine control room ?  A 60  B 15  A0  C  I don't know

DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000 is assigned to:  A coast-station or coast guard-station  A group of vessels  A type of vessel's  A vessel  I don't know When someone is working at height, who is at risk? Select the best option.  There are risks to people at height and anyone below them.  There are risks to people working below only.  There are risks to the people doing the job only.  There are risks to all members of a vessel’s crew.  I don't know With the Master on the bridge, when is the Officer of the Watch officially relieved of their responsibility for the vessel?  When the Master starts giving steering orders  As soon as the Master enters the bridge  When the Master informs the Officer of the Watch that he is taking over the 'con'  It varies from deep sea to pilotage operations and is never very clear  I don't know A wire aerial for an MF/HF –transmitter must be suspended between isolators:  To prevent contact with earth  To make the way for aerial currents as long as possible  To prevent burns when touching the aerial  To save energy

 I don't know Which of the following answers would most appropriately describe shell plating damage to the vessel?  "My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating in way of No. 3 cargo hold"  "My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating below the waterline in way of No. 3 cargo hold, starboard side"  "My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating below the waterline"  "My vessel has sustained damage to shell plating above the waterline"  I don't know When sending an OBS (weather report) with Inmarsat one should use Service Code ‘41’. With this address the weather report will always be transmitted to:  MET office Washington, this office will take care of further dispatch of the weather reports  The meteorological station connected with the CES used  KNMI in Holland  The meteorological office of the ship's flag state  I don't know Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least (OPA-90):  Once every six months  Once a week  Once a year  Once a month  I don't know On a Bulk Carrier, which of these statements is correct?  Steel slabs may be loaded within the square of the hatch only  Steel slabs may rest directly against the ship's frames  Steel slabs must never be permitted to rest directly against any part of the ship's structure

 Steel slabs do not require dunnage  I don't know The first line of defence against flooding of a bulk carrier is its:  Machinery spaces  Pipe outlets  Hatch covers  Shell plating  I don't know What is understood by the term "Dew point" of the air?  All of the suggested answers  The "Dew Point" is the point at the centre of an Anticyclone  The temperature of the water vapour in a cloud  The temperature at which water vapour in the air forms into water droplets  I don't know Is there any special area under MARPOL where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues?  There are 3 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues  There isn’t any special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues  There are special areas where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues  There are 4 special areas: the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and Black Sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues  I don't know What is the colour and characteristic of a "towing light", as defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?  White, fixed, displayed as an additional light on the foremast over an arc of 225 degrees, from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side of the vessel

 One of two all-round amber, alternate flashing lights, displayed where they can best be seen  Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel  Amber, all-round, flashing, where it can best be seen  I don't know When accurate draft readings are required, it is recommended to read both port and starboard drafts. This is because:  The vessel marks may be incorrectly drawn  It is required as per the company’s policy for draft measurement  The vessel may be trimmed by the head  The vessel may appear up right but may have a slight list causing difference in the port and starboard actual drafts  I don't know For the same engine revolutions, what happens to a vessel's water speed in shallow water compared to deep water?  The same as deep water  It will be the same as the ground speed  Slower than deep water  Faster than deep water  I don't know A rocket parachute flare reaches an altitude of  not less than 450m  not less than 300m  not less than 40m  not less than 180m 

I don't know A bulk carrier loading to summer marks would load to  The bottom of the summer load line mark  The winter mark to allow for additional safety  The exact centre of the summer load line mark  The top of the summer load line mark  I don't know What could be the reason for the magnetic compass to swing through large angles when the ship is rolling in a seaway?  The Coefficient B determined by the Compass Corrector at the last dry-dock was not correctly calculated.  The induced magnetism from the earth's magnetic field is very strong in that area  The heeling error magnets are upside down and/or not in the correct position.  The error due to deviation is large for that ships heading  I don't know What is the acronym FR 01 ?  AAIC  MSI  MMSI  Call sign  I don't know From the mooring deck, who should be initially told that an assisting tug is clear of the vessel?  Report all clear to the winch controller  Report all clear to the other mooring deck  Report all clear to the own-ship bridge 

No need for reporting as the order was given from the bridge  I don't know From the mooring deck, who should be initially told that an assisting tug is clear of the vessel?  Report all clear to the winch controller  Report all clear to the other mooring deck  Report all clear to the own-ship bridge  No need for reporting as the order was given from the bridge  I don't know hen steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?  No checking is necessary  At least once a watch  At least once a day during the morning 8 to 12 watch  When there is an indication there may be problem  I don't know On area A3 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"  the use of MF DSC  the use of SART transponders  the use of HF DSC  the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs  I don't know When fastening a synthetic fibre rope onto a set of bitts, for safety and better rope control how should the rope be turned up?  Make it fast in a figure of eight fashion, fig. 3  Make it fast on the second bitt alone, fig. 2  Make one or two round turns fast on the leading bitt and then figure of eight on both bitts, fig. 4

 Make it fast with round turns on the leading bitt alone, fig. 1  I don't know An Inmarsat-C terminal is suitable for:  Store and forward message  Telephony, telex, fax and data  Telex only  Telephony, fax and data  I don't know Question: Inflatable splints are made in various sizes and are shaped to the upper and lower limbs. What is the advantages of an inflatable splint?  Inflatable splints should never be used when leg fracture.  It makes it possible for a man to walk on a fractured leg almost immediately.  It is more easy to give correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the control of swelling and bleeding is more easy to observe.  An inflatable splint cannot fail.  I don't know The positions of the ship provided by the GPS receiver should always be verified by other means. Which of the following suggested methods would be the most accurate?  A DR updated position from the last reliable one  Radar ranges of three distinctive shore objects  Bearing and distance from a navigational Buoy  Radar bearings of three distinctive shore objects  I don't know The positions of the ship provided by the GPS receiver should always be verified by other means. Which of the following suggested methods would be the most accurate?  A DR updated position from the last reliable one

 Radar ranges of three distinctive shore objects  Bearing and distance from a navigational Buoy  Radar bearings of three distinctive shore objects  I don't know

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