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For how long time should a COSPAS-SARSAT epirb be able to operate on its batteries ?

How much can the concentration of oxygen in the air decrease before it is dangerous to stay in the atmosphere without breathing apparatus? A MF/HF-DSC multi-frequency call attempt may: Question: With reference to ship stability, the letters "TPC" stand for:  Tipping Perimeter Centre.  Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion.  Tonnes per Centimetre.  Trim per Centimetre.  I don't know Question: Why are accommodation spaces separated from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries?  To provide means of escape for the passenger and crew  To increase effectiveness of the air-conditioning in the accommodation  So that passengers can stay in the accommodation in case of fire in the engine room  Because it is required by the flag port regulations  I don't know What depth of water would be considered as "Shallow Water" in relationship to a change of the ships manoeuvring characteristics?  When the "Under Keel Clearance" is equal to the draught of the ship  When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than 50% of the draught of the ship  When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than 15% of the draught of the ship.  When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than a quarter of the draught of the ship.  I don't know Question: How is a Safety Management Certificate obtained? 

Vessel is surveyed by MCA and certificate issued  Ship owner is authorised to carry out internal audits and issue SMC  RSS issue SMC with Register  Ship owner has Document of Compliance issued, and vessel is assessed and holds all statutory certificates  I don't know Question: What will you serve seafarers who have been exposed to heat?  Warm fresh water only.  Strong cocktails with plenty ice.  Cold drinks and salt.  Hot and spicy food.  I don't know Question: What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error?  Variation and Deviation  West and East errors  Permanent and induced magnetism  The latitude and longitude  I don't know Question: After a fresh water rinse, presence of salt in the hold of a bulk carrier can be tested  By carrying our Magnesium Chloride tests which should turn milky in the presence of chlorides  By carrying our Magnesium Sulphate tests which should turn milky in the presence of salt  Using silver nitrate which should remain colourless in the presence of salt  By carrying out silver nitrate tests which should turn milky in the presence of chlorides

 I don't know Question: The special list of cargo loaded on board a ship that needs to be prepared for reporting and other administrative purposes, is referred to as:  Load Summary.  Tally list.  Stowage Plan.  Manifest.  I don't know Question: What actions should be taken by the Officer of the Watch if the ship's steering system totally fails?  All of the suggested answers  Request the engine room to check the steering system  Call the Master and advise them of the situation  Display the NUC signal and stop the engine(s)  I don't know Question: What is the minimum number of "international shore connections" that should be provided on vessels of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?  0 : such connections only have to be provided on vessels over 1000 gross tonnage  2  1  3  I don't know Question: Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board  Everyone 

Only catering staff  Only the ratings  Only the deck officers  I don't know Question: Which publication should be used to assist learn the nautical English language?  The Oxford Concise Dictionary  The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet  The (ICS) Bridge Procedures Guide  Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary  I don't know Cargo on a bulk cement carrier is normally discharged by  Using grabs provided by the terminal operator  Using shore side cargo gear  By suction  Using its own pumping system and equipment  I don't know Question: With respect to carriage of heavy metal cargoes in bulk, the term liquefaction means that  Depending on the atmospheric temperature, cargo will solidify or liquefy accordingly  The cargo may suffer moisture migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow  The cargo will always remain in a very dry state and will not reach a flow state  The cargo may self-heat on voyage, and may be liable to flow around the hold bottom  I don't know Question: Where do you find instructions for tasks and duties in case of an emergency?

 On posters at the lifeboat station.  In instruction notices posted in the crew's cabins.  In the muster list.  In instruction notices posted in messrooms, recreation rooms etc.  I don't know What does this two flag hoist mean, as mentioned in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at sea?  It is a distress signal  I require medical assistance  Stand by to assist me  Do you require assistance?  I don't know Question: According to Rule 26 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions and the illustrated lights, what type of vessels are they?  These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair trawling), showing the additional voluntary signals for shooting nets  This is a vessel engaged in towing a disabled tow, restricted in its ability to manoeuvre, with a searchlight used to highlight the location of the tow  These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair trawling), showing the additional volutary signals for hauling nets  These are two vessels engaged in fishing, using purse-seine gear. The searchlights are simply working lights  I don't know How many maintenance methods must be provided by ships sailing in area A1 and A2  2  3

 1  4  I don't know What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?  It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship's side  The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water  The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill  It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind  I don't know Question: What should an ENC chart cell, with usage code 1, be used for on an ECDIS?  Over viewing an ocean when planning  General navigation  A coastal passage  Berthing and un-berthing  I don't know Question: Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?  Cargo pump room of tankers  Machinery spaces of category A  Ro-ro cargo spaces capable of being sealed, if it is deemed that it gives an equivalent protection as the one that should be achieved by a fixed CO2 system  All the spaces mentioned  I don't know Question:

What allowances should be applied to an echo sounder reading, to compare the depth of water with the depth shown on a chart?  A correction that should be applied to the charted depth value shown on the chart  Shallow water effects causing ground interaction  Position of transducer below the water surface and the height of tide  The distance between the pulse Transmitter and Receiver, if different  I don't know Question: One can check the functioning of the SART by:  Removing it from the holder and turning the SART upside down  Activating it by extracting the antenna  Actvating the SART and checking the effect on the radar screen  Lowering SART in to the sea  I don't know Question: An EPIRB has been activated accidentally. Which of the following is correct for cancelling the false distress alert?  Call a LUT and inform it  Call the nearest coast station and inform it that a false distress alert has been transmited  Make broadcast to all stations on VHF 16  Send a distress priority VHF DSC call and make broadcast to all stations  I don't know Question: Under GMDSS which VHF channel is used for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)?  Ch.70  Ch.16  Ch.06

 Ch. 13  I don't know Question: When a chain stopper is applied to a wire, what is important about the first hitch used on the wire?  It must be a riggers hitch  It must be at least a metre from the set of bits holding the chain  It must be a non-locking cow hitch  It must be a locking clove hitch  I don't know Question: How can a new deck officer to a vessel, ensure that they know the location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment?  By making sure that they have their equipment familiarisation training from an existing officer  By reading the equipment manuals and the procedures and arrangements document  The certificate of competency will ensure the officer has suitable competence in operating the bridge equipment  By immediately switching on and using all relevant equipment  I don't know A MMSI number consist of:  10 digits  9 digits  The call sign followed by 4 digits  6 digits  I don't know Question: When should a ship's officer use some of the English language found in the IMO's publication 'Standard Marine Communication Phrases'? 

When talking on the VHF between ships of differing flag states  In circumstances described in all of the answers provided  When giving orders to a multi-national bridge team  When talking between ship and shore in a foreign land  I don't know Question: Which of these is not used to discharge bulk grain?  Manual bagging  Grabs  Pumps  Evacuators  I don't know Question: After completion of discharge of a dry bulk cargo, the CO2 lines in each cargo hold should be  Flushed with high pressure sea water  Flushed with steam, followed by sea water  Washed through with fresh water  Blown through with compressed air to ensure that they are clear of any cargo traces  I don't know Question: What radar device assists in the detection and location of a survival craft?  AIS beacon  EPIRB beacon  A personal locator beacon  SART beacon

 I don't know Question: In making VHF communication or test transmission you must:  Warn all ships in the vicinity  Identify yourself with your call sign and/or ship's name  First tap on the mike several times, but not more than 10 times  With DSC use, first broadcast the carrier wave for at least three seconds  I don't know uestion: During an STS operation with one ship at anchor, should an anchor watch be maintained?  Anchor watches are not kept as the duty officers will be on deck conducting the cargo operations  Both ships have normal anchor watch responsibility in addition to watching ship to ship fendering, mooring etc.  Anchor watch responsibility rests with the vessel which has its anchor down and the ship to ship connections is the responsibility of the other vessel  Anchor watch responsibility rests with the discharging vessel which would be the vessel which is anchored  I don't know Question: Why shall a duly qualified officer supervise any potential polluting operation?  To avoid pollution.  To restrict pollution.  To inform the authorities.  To relieve the master.  I don't know Question: According to 'Buys Ballot's Law', if a person faces the wind in the Northern Hemisphere, on what side of them is a low pressure centre located?  Straight ahead

 On their left side  Behind them  On their right side  I don't know Question: Two vessels are meeting each other in confined waters. What would be the initial effects of interaction between the two vessels?  There will be no effects in these circumstances  The bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other  The bows of the ships will be sucked together  Each vessel will experience an increase in speed  I don't know Ship Security Plans all look the same.  FALSE  .  .  TRUE  I don't know Question: What are class "C" bulkheads?  Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials but do not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor limitations relative to temperature rise.  Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 15 minutes.  Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 30 minutes. 

Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 45 minutes.  I don't know hich class of emission is used for VHF DSC transmissions ?  J2B  G2B  J3E  G3E  I don't know Which class of emission is used for VHF DSC transmissions ?  J2B  G2B  J3E  G3E  I don't know Question: A distress-call, onboard via RCC, may only be given Receipt if:  The manager orders  OSC from the RCC concerned invites the vessels  The captain orders  The O.O.W deems it necessary  I don't know Question: Under way to discharging port temperature tests indicate fire in a hold loaded with coal. What is the first action to be taken?  Fill the hold with water  Open the hatches and cover the top of the cargo by foam

 Call for assistance from other ships or rescue vessels  Close all air ventilators and other openings to the hold in question  I don't know Question: The purpose of the cargo hold ventilator grill is to  Prevent any large objects from falling into the hold  Protect the ship’s crew from pirates in case of an attack on the vessel  Prevent any sparks from entering the hold space  Prevent stowaways from entering the hold via the ventilator trunking  I don't know Why is the set value of the turn radius important in route creation on an ECDIS?  Because the value should be on the passage plan  It is not important as the Master always changes course their way  Turn radius allows ETAs to be worked from it  Because at waypoints the wheel over position is established from it  I don't know Question: Regular ‘updating’ of a ships’ position in an Inmarsat-C installation is necessary  To have the correct position in case of accidents  To enter the correct data to the disk antenna  To keep to the correct Inmarsat-region  To inform the satellite of ships position  I don't know Reserve Buoyancy is:  The buoyancy provided by all spaces above the waterline

 The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline  The residual buoyancy at the maximum righting lever  The residual buoyancy at an angle of loll  I don't know Question: What is of utmost concern when steel cargoes are carried in a bulk carrier?  Deformation due to torsional stresses  A relatively small range of stability as compared to carrying grain  The springing of hatch cleats as the vessel flexes due to torsional stresses  Bending moments being greatly exceeded in the seagoing condition  I don't know Question: How much water would you allow per person as officer in charge of the lifeboat, following an abandon ship operation?  Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/2 litre per day (more in the tropics)  1/2 litre immediately, followed by 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)  Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)  Nothing for the first 48 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)  I don't know Question: Which of the following is a Accounting Authority Identification Code?  F1B  FR01  2187.5  227990850

 I don't know Question: Testing a SART is permitted:  At sea, outside territorial waters, and in port or harbour  Only in a port or harbour  Only in the workshop  Only at sea, outside territorial waters  I don't know Question: With regard to radar, what would be a correct form of response to the question: What range scale are you using?  The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 3 cm radar"  The correct form of response would be: "I am using the largest range scale"  The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 10 cm radar"  The correct form of response would be: "I am using the 12 mile range scale"  I don't know You are approaching the port entrance. What do these lights mean?  Vessels may proceed - two-way traffic  A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so, except that vessels which can safely navigate outside the main channel need not comply with this message  Vessels may proceed - one-way traffic  A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so  I don't know Question: The standard compass binnacle has various specific functions, which of the following answers reflect its most important functions?  Houses the soft iron correctors

 Houses the corrective magnets  Provides a non-magnetic housing for the compass  All of the answers provided  I don't know The operating mode of a pyrotechnic signal depends essentially on:  The weather conditions of the moment  A definite standard process  The fact that the user is on board a liferaft, a lifeboat or ship  Instructions or diagrams printed on its casing by the manufacturer  I don't know Question: A lifejacket or immersion suit light has a luminous intensity of, and is capable of working at minimum for a period of:  2 candelas (about 1,7 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 8 hours  0,75 candelas (about 0,6 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 8 hours  0,75 candelas (about 0,6 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 4 hours  2 candelas (about 1,7 mile range at normal meteorological sight), 4 hours  I don't know Question: When carried in bulk, which of the following cargoes is most likely to liquefy due to compression and/or vibrations?  Wheat  Iron ore concentrates  Maize  Urea 

I don't know Question: Which of the four calculations illustrated, is the correct one to determine the latitude of the observer when the sun is observed on the meridian?  Calculation 4 is correct  Calculation 3 is correct  Calculation 2 is correct  Calculation 1 is correct  I don't know Silencing by a station, not in charge of the distress-traffic, is done as follows:  “SEELONCE DISTRESS” followed by the silencing station's call-sign  “SEELONCE MAYDAY” followed by the call-sign of the ship in distress  “SEELONCE MAYDAY” followed by the silencing station's call-sign  "SILENCE DISTRESS" followed by call sign of the ship in distress  I don't know Question: When loading a bulk carrier at a high loading rate, the vessel will experience highest tension in bottom structure:  Only if the vessel is loading extremely heavy cargoes  When more than one set of tanks are being de-ballasted  During loading of heavy cargo in midship section  If she is trimmed by the head at any time during the operation  I don't know Question: The positions of the ship provided by the GPS receiver should always be verified by other means. Which of the following suggested methods would be the most accurate?  Bearing and distance from a navigational Buoy 

Radar bearings of three distinctive shore objects  A DR updated position from the last reliable one  Radar ranges of three distinctive shore objects  I don't know Question: What are the main advantages to the Navstar, Glonas and Galileo satellite navigation systems?  Satellite navigation systems also give information about weather and wave conditions  These satellite systems give world-wide coverage 24 hours a day  They are all made specifically for ships and marine operations  If a vessel uses any one of them, there is no need to practice other forms of navigation  I don't know Question: Bulk coal cargoes may produce methane and carbon monoxide gases, their main feature being that both these gases are  Non-flammable and heavier than air  Flammable and heavier than air  Non-flammable and lighter than air  Flammable and lighter than air  I don't know his device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?  Pallet scanner  Security container  Access control system  Vapour detector  I don't know

Question: If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres, will manoeuvring and warning signals, as defined by rule 34 of the International regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, be given on one or both whistles?  They shall first be given on the forward whistle, followed by the after whistle, with a 5 second inetrval in between  Manoeuvring signals will be given only on the forward whistle; warning signals will be given on both whistles simultaneously  They shall be given on one whistle only  They shall be given on both whistles simultaneously  I don't know Question: A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water pressure at the bows causing an effect known as "Panting". What structure in the forward region of the ship combats the effects of Panting?  Panting beams and stringers  Double bottom tanks and floors  Collision bulkhead and deck  Centreline bulkhead  I don't know Question: When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the muster station?  Wait for orders  Report your presence  Put on a life jacket  Wait for the order to put on your life jacket  I don't know hen carrying bulk coal cargo, during the voyage methane and carbon monoxide gases are measure by  Entering the hold and measuring the gases

 Partially opening the hatch covers and lowering the measuring sensors  Using the cargo hold sounding pipes  Using the approved sampling ports fitted on each hatch coaming  I don't know Question: If the temperature of bulk coal cargo during voyage is noted to be above 55 degree Celsius, the recommended procedure is to  Commence ventilation of the hold space to cool the cargo  Use fire fighting water in the cargo space  Seal the hold and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments  Notify the ship owner and/or charterer and open the hatch covers to cool the cargo  I don't know Question: Ideally, how should an anchor be secured for a long sea passage?  The anchor is to be pulled all way into the hawse-pipe and secured by wire lashings.  The anchor to be all way in the hawse-pipe and secured by the windlass brake and chain stopper  The anchor to be pulled all the way into the hawse-pipe and secured by the windlass brake, the chain stopper and lashings  The anchor to be housed as far inside hawse-pipe as possible and secured by the chain stopper  I don't know A bulk carrier is loading to complete at a draught of 10.00m when in salt water. She is currently floating in dock water and the Dock Water Allowance (DWA) is 80 mm. Her maximum draught at completion of loading should be  10.80 metres  9.20 metres  9.92 metres 

10.08 metres  I don't know What would be the correct method to report to other ships in the vicinity that a person has fallen overboard from your vessel?  "Vessel "name" has lost a person overboard in "position….."  We have lost a person overboard and require all ships to keep a special lookout  "A person has fallen overboard from our vessel and we will manoeuvre to pick him up so all vessels keep clear"  "Man overboard"  I don't know Question: " On area A4 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"  The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs  The use of MF DSC  The use of SART transponders  The use of HF DSC  I don't know Question: How many Radar Transponders (SART) are required to be carried onboard a ship for use in survival crafts?  One in each lifeboat  Two on each side of the ship  2, one of which being capable of floating free if the ship sinks  One on each side of the ship  I don't know When loading, it is recommended not to drop iron ore cargo from a height into the cargo hold bottom because this can cause:  Crack to develop around hatch coamings

 Ship Stresses (Bending Moments and Shearing Forces) to exceed recommended levels  Damage to the vessels shell plating  Damage to the tank top and double bottom internals  I don't know Question: A faint is a brief loss of consciousness of no more than momentary duration caused by a temporary reduction in the flow of blood to the brain.How to prevent anyone from fainting?  Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep breaths.  Try to keep the person in an upstanding position.  If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.  Tell the person to sit down in a sitting position breathing normally.  I don't know What is the correct understanding of the term "Bending moments" when applied to ships?  The longitudinal Bending Moment at any section within the ship is the total moments tending to alter the longitudinal shape of the ship  The Bending Moments of a ship are the forces acting on the ship causing it to hog and sag.  All of the suggested answers  The longitudinal Bending Moments are the forces between empty and full compartments causing the ship to bend and change shape  I don't know

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