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  • Words: 1,565
  • Pages: 3
The present leadership in both Japan & South Korea are trying their level best to initiate a new kind of cold war in the Far East. Their fabricated lies, patently false propaganda, wild assumptions and mindless predictions about the purported salvo by Pyongyang against the US on the fourth of July have all been proven false. There was not even a single missile heading towards the US, much less the dreaded nuclear warhead that was predicted by the Japanese warmongers in Tokyo. More than just a cold war, the crooks in Tokyo & Seoul apparently cannot wait for a nuclear conflict to break out in East Asia. They want to have one now. And American warmongers like Gary Roughead are in total agreement with them. Such crooks & warmongers are undoubtedly the greatest threats to mankind today. These warmongers & crooks are criminals no less. Their carefully orchestrated propaganda effort against North Korea is designed to provoke the American military into moving against Pyongyang. The then resultant destruction, killing and refugee explosion are totally of no concern to them. All they want now is blood and gore. These coldhearted criminals have their own secret designs to pursue for the entire East Asian region. These criminals and crooks wish to exercise their own dominance in their chosen areas per their own little devious secret plans. South Korea wants to wipe out the north, even if that meant the killing of their own kith and kin. How coldhearted and ruthless men can be when they begin allowing their dark devious minds to tell them what to do. Japan wants to be the lord of East Asia. The supremo of East Asia. The usurper of East Asia. Japan has a really bloody record in the region but there has always never existed any slightest remorse or anything remotely resembling remorse in the Jap's psyche. The two countries are really evil; they are the devil incarnate; the Evil Entity in human form. The two countries want nothing more than rivers of blood running liquid in East Asia. Their evil designs ultimately plan for the subjugating of all those who love peace & tranquility. Thus people in the region should now be fully aware of the peril posed by these criminals. These criminals are supported by an extremely wicked and totally immoral military superpower who has an unrivalled record when it comes to the matter of conducting mass slaughter. Wholesale slaughtering of the weak and the defenceless has been its most greatest accomplishment in our modern world's history. It is very supremely clear to others that these wicked powers have absolutely no desire at all to award any kind of reconciliation or peace to North Korea. They are already fully ready with the knives well sharpened and unsheathed; ready for the bloodletting. There's no room at all for sentimentalities or feelings of pity. These are only for the weak and foolish. North Korea must keep some warheads ready for Seoul and Tokyo. The moment when it becomes necessary to use them, it must be done; the warmongers must be taught one almighty lesson. A lesson that would be remembered for eternity. Sadly, it would also spell the end for

Pyongyang. But when you are pushed to the edge, you have to fall. (Unless if you believe in miracles). South Korea and Japan have smelt blood. They are aware that North Korea is now in very extremely dire straits. It is like a pack of wolves on a hunt sensing their victim is stumbling. Its legs are gone. Its body will hit the ground at any moment. There is truly nothing else to do other than planning for the applying of the final coup de grace. But let us not forget that North Koreans are humans like you and me, not animals. South Korea and Japan are truly, truly evil. They are the devil incarnate. After North Korea, the next victim will be China. For the unholy trio of evil warmongers, Seoul, Tokyo & Washington, China has always been the ultimate prize. But this particular prize is not that easy to grab. Therefore these evil warmongers have been busy doing some very serious homework. Seoul and Tokyo have been running several ultra hi-tech weapons programmes for many years now and some very tangible results have already materialised. South Korea with the help of the US has been able to produce some of the most advanced naval destroyers ever to sail the waters of East Asia. Its latest tanks are among the best in the world. It has recently succeeded in producing an advanced air-launched rocket torpedo (the KASM) with a range of 20km or more. As boasted by Seoul, the torpedo is good enough for use against any kind of submarine 'anywhere in the world'. Presumably that also covers Chinese subs operating along China's coasts. Tokyo has cooperated with the US to build and operate the most hitech and most advanced missile tracking & intercepting ABM system in the western Pacific. This ABM system will enable sea and land based radars to communicate with each other to track rockets and missiles even as they leave their launch pads. This will provide the Tokyo-Washington alliance an almost insurmountable advantage when the time comes for them to wage all-out war. We need not have to ask who their victim would be then. China is at present deeply troubled and menaced by the American Pacific Fleet, part of which is based in Japan, right next door. The American commanders of the US Pacific Fleet have never always been under the full control of the White House. It has behaved and functioned as a semi-independent entity ever since the delirious victory of 1945. Its ultimate goal is to utterly dominate all the entire Pacifc right up to the waters of SE Asia & the Indian Ocean. For the US Pacific Fleet commanders, China is the only stumbling block standing in their way. Thus the US Pacific Fleet is always constantly menacing the Chinese coasts. They are very obsessed right now with the PLA's Navy. And their obsession has become even more highly pronounced ever since PLAN SSN submarines took shelter at their new Hainan base. China must be wary of this very dangerous peril developing right at her front doorstep. The evil force now sharpening their knives just beyond her front door have a long record of blood spilling and blood drinking. The blood belonging to others. China must not just concentrate solely on building its submarine fleet as a counterweight to the US carrier battle groups operating

in the Pacific. When the aggression is launched, one must remember that the carrier battle groups will always be supported by the South Korean and Jap navies along with their air & missile forces. This almighty force could even be further aided by Australian, UK, Indian and SE Asian and Canadian units. Thus China must aim to build her very own carrier battle groups. China must set a goal of having ten to twenty aircraft carriers. Each vessel must be supported by a protective screen of frigates and cruisers. The PLAN must take into account the US Navy is going to start receiving their new Ford class supercarriers from 2015. These new supercarriers will eventually replace the present Nimitz class aircraft carriers. The Nimitz class carriers at present have already no equal and the new supercarriers will only make the US warmongers even bolder and more unrestrained. China just cannot afford not to have her own carrier batle groups. The country is surrounded by extremely evil nations whose ancestors could well have originated from the bowels of the earth. They are the kind who revel in inflicting pain and suffering on others. Japan and South Korea are now colluding shamelessly with each other to coordinate their carefully planned operation of spreading their vicious lies about Pyongyang. When lies are ceaselessly and tireless repeated, people will eventually be persuaded and the call for blood to flow will be unstoppable. The two evil warmongers are being fully encouraged by evil US Pacific tyrants like G.Roughead and Robert Willard. It does not make any difference at all who is in charge at the White House. The US military has always casts a bigger shadow than anyone else. And that includes the man in the WH. Japan is the most vicious at the moment. Japan is right now the most untrustworthy neighbour in the western Pacific. It has no regrets at all about its horrible past. It now wants others to do the very same kind of evil to the north Koreans that it did to them in the past. Japan is surely fit to reside in Hell. North Korea must reserve a warhead or two for Tokyo. And finish what the Japs (and Commodore Perry) started. To Hell with them ! South Korea, Japan and the evil US have learnt nothing from the horrors of WW2. The killings at Nanjing and in countless places all over China, outlawed germ warfare and dastardly cruel human experimentations carried out during those mindless times count for nothing. These evil cankers want nothing more than a new round of mindless bloodletting. They are truly evil. They are the devil incarnate. To Hell with them !!!! !!!! For more articles on the evil Japs and the Pacific Fleet, go to or go to

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