Mfr Nara- T1a- Fbi- Fbi Special Agent 47-10-17!03!00495

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  • Pages: 3


FOR THE RECORD ......I·....

Event:Interview of FBI Special Agen~.. Type ofevent:Interview


Dates: October 17, 2003

",~/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Special Access Issues: None

Prepared by: Hyon Kim Team Number: lA Location:

FBI, Washington Field.Office ///


- Non-Cemmissiom

BO,9:Sinton, ,f~sistant General Counsel, FBI


- CO~J!liS~ion: HY~I)--~im,Mkh~el Jacobson

..... ..Ih~ndled thel" ~~~er, which arose from a lead from Dulles. The investigation lasted for.about 30 days in September 2001. INS/Customs at Dulles contacted the FBI with information abo,tid lvho had expressed pro-UBL views, was a convert to Islam, andexhibited bizarre behavior. His practice of Islam was also interfering with his duties as an INS jnspector at Dulles. INS/Customs was also aware when they contactedthe FBI that t~ of the'hijackers had gone throug~ lline at Dulles in the su~ri1er of 200 1. ,/.:' \\ \: j I

I'~~d additional ag,~'~tsconducted~ num~rous interviews '"1~th~Oworkers at INS and his supe~'i;or. They ~ookc¥.at!. _ !milita:r tinr travel records and conducted surveillance. The mvesnganon showed that as one or two steps removed from a number of terrorism subjects, such as Rageah, and another subject in Virginia. ~hone numberwasalso [inked ito an ~l?a~,doned car at Dulles that had informa~~,pn ab~~ other terrorism :\uSPfcts. l j .I




It is possible that the ~jj'~ckers 1.~ine>put~fthJ would be workin at One time at DuU~s. INS did not fdrce


tb /1~ inspectors

that ~o!wear the full INS

as also wamed ebout hanging a." baseball cap in his' booth. The FBI was not able to,. det.e~in~ ~as hangip~ a baseball cap in his booth during the time period that the t#jaqkem: went through Dulles .




..I~onsulted with the US AttorneY:SQffice,\\iOOtheaPinion was-that there

was not enough to chargel

They looked at the allegations of

~~th a crime orhold "~ifp\..o~ ~/h1aterial \yitness warrant.


,.". ~'.:[f...,' 9/11




9/11 Personal Privacy

=\... -.::~>~.

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!was interviewed twice, and submitted to a polygraph. On the questions about :::\\ "::::" \\':.\~\"'~hether)le had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks or supported the hijackers, he was ~\~\\ "::::" \:\" ···:~~tiown tobenon-deceptive. There may have been some discussion about doing another ~,\\\\ "'< .. '.<\" PQ:iygqlph, btit.i~ was not pursued. .

9/11 Classified

I~~iS .i~&.vie;f~.

UBL ~~.a:gQOdMuslim, and stated that Muslims do


no~,··t~t1c·l.~~'.~ther".. ~ ..ims, 'I Mu·~I.~m~~::.~eeded ...~ell;\

i\ \~ \


t \'.



.... '-.

had n~~rous




"'" in his line at Dull:s ~h?

fjl~ not -.provide rob\e~i

terns, the INS did not

tel ....


\\ be signi"ficant

Witnesses reported that there were IRageah and their families

kecalled \~t


there was a phone link to Anwar Aulaqi. \. I,did 'not recall the details.

\, There is no indi;~'t,on thad'

b'Ui'"'ihe' person

a date for the incident at Dulles.

'\ Ihad a per~~~~.Irelati~'fl:ship with Said ~ag~ah. private meetings ~t.w.een the ~o at the mosque.j traveled together 1 .....



.... .... ~ld not remember this individual,


\\ \\.

~e became radicaJ~zed. SA

lan<;t~hey characterized the



\\ \ \\ ~emel!lbere ..d..him fro.~ .... \\ \ \\ ¥d been at\~ ..~g~t sch~ol.1

• II~,


eltheF}h _'-.

\:, ~~\ ~~mosque ..~ radical.'.

'i \

~ade It clear -,!~at he would never turn away a


\\ \\\ \\~on~c,~~.d


It did not turn out to

'. lev~~"!I'ained in Afghanistan. He did.have prior travel to ltirst went to Bahrain but then moved on

\ \ the Midd'~e East. W~en he l~,ft the U.S.,,' \ ': to Saudi Arabia. .... .... \.

!\ I

Ic01d explain hi~'{oreig~ tr~el

during the interview.

He had also spent time in

':,Israeli controlled areas that contributed to his anti-Israeli views. I

~id!Wt indicate that'-.he kn~.w that the hijackers had passed through his line. It is probable tha~ jwould rem~m~eE\USlims going through his line .


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2 Privacy




"'~:'~:<;;;:::;::::::'::::-:'-"'············'.:::::::::::1·""'' ' ',:-:-· •



Law Enforcement


anti':'American views.

h¥ndl..._ ......lis still

\1\"'t~tt~iId~.d nU:~r~~sino~t!€:s in the area. In additi~~to!h~ he also atte~:~aI ~nd-t~~L.I......

expressing his



This investigat;~ii~a~ ~i~h pri~ty ~ t~e~eeks.~fter 9/11, and FBI management at HQ was regularly bnefedt"" _, _ lfompIled a Iist.of names from SONY, such as material witnesses, as we Las vanous watchlists, and thenames were cross checked against a list of an the peo}J~ who had been processed thro~gti lline at Dulles. There were numerous hits, and-each of them were run down, but none of the results were of concern. '<::" \ .


... ---.....krsonal opinion behind all the suspicious coincidences witfi resources were available.he would still cove' mail contacts." ~-

be sure that there is not something stated that if the .....



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