Mfr Nara- T1a- Fbi- Fbi Special Agent 48- 10-9-03- 00522

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  • Pages: 3
JV1 F~OYOI-=1 LJ 8~



MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Event: Interview of FBI Special Agent~I


Type of event: Interview Dates: October 9,2003 Special Access Issues: None Prepared by: Raj De Team Number: lA Location: FBI, Washington Field Offiie Participants - Non-Commission: FBI .Assistant General Counsel Bob Sinton, Special Counsel Pat O'Brien , Participants - Commission: Dieter


Hyon Kim, Raj De


toined the FBI in ~995. She was with Customs before joining the FBI. Her first assignment was in the narcotics section in Miami. She was transferred to white collar in WFO, ~hich is where s~e was assigned as of 9/11. She is currently assigned to CIRG at Q~antico.



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in one intenhew of Saleh al-Hussayen.

t~feived ~\lead that Hus~ayen stayed in same hotel as some of the to '9/11. Before interviewin him

....- ..... ----"'-!'""~-..... --_..J i e a so etermme She could not.",t'\call wfat the acr~nym stood for. 9/11 Classified Information


Before interviewing ~ussayenl ' Ispoke with the night manager at the hotel. She determined that there had.been no calls made from Hussayen's hotel room. She thought that she arrivedat the hotel room around 11 :00 pm (although later in the interview she said that it~~e FQ-302 stated a !different time, the 302 would be more accurate).


Hussayen answered



'the door, an~ directed)

to his wife.

His wife said

Hussaye,n fd not Sra,k a~y :grgli~h, ,~e ",:~svery quiet. His ,wife seemed very eager to speak With .His wife seemed intelligent/and was considerably younger than Hussayen (he appeared to be arq,~.u1~70J whereas the wife appeared to be in her early

• Law::~orcement Sensiti ve\\:,\ 9/11

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As his wife was spe~njl!.i\\\\·':<::·


oticed that Hussayen was

muttering and drooping; ! ]\\.\ '\'. s~ed'ifpe,.wa8 ok. His wife dismissed her concerns and said he was fine. /fA ~W::rt:lin:~te's, later. "'" "", oticed that Hussayen was soaked with perspirationand wa~ 4rQPHngY":::".Hu~sayen fel '. ..ward out of his chair onto the floor and was unconscious fer abQut\7 - t,o" seconds. 'a:s,~oncerned, however Hussa en's wife did:no't a &rknf:erl: \concetned~ escri~ed"het demeanor as 9/11 Personal


1 b~l~.e~the p~~a~e~~csl \~~~n t~:::'paramedics arrived, Hussayen could have beep/"fa:king it~'~ i;I~saye~.>~.yastaken to the hospitat-r::=JWaS confident that jussayenruli


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Hussayen's wif«(appf:bac~eclT'TT1tt the '#~pital and wanted to continue their conversation. She said/that she apd~~nd had'come to the U.S. for a "holiday." When they.arrived, th~¥ met' some B~ngl~deshi meri,-..i'~\J'JYwho drove them around and

who laterdrove them!l¢>Pennsylvania, ~h~re they me,t'-..Withsome other men. They subse9u~tly traveled :to Detroit.jl'orcnjo, \pack to Defto,it" and finally to Herndon. When I. lIsked his wif~ whowerethe ipd~vi~uals with W.P'Qkr they met during their travels, his wife did not because s1e war 1w'rs separate~\¥~ the other women:



His wife stafed that Hussayen a f'brother" in I4abQ, but they did not visit him. ~i~ wife also sta¥4 that while i~ the o/~hi~&!OnJ DC area, and her husband did not VISItany monu~ents or iuseuIJIs, w~c i ii hought ~S\Odd .

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~n/s wife thad a Saudi driv~r's\Iicense as well \Yirginia driver's license. sked her ;how and why \she had a Virginia license, she stated that she Ii be a ,Od "souvenir, 'r that s~e had got it on 9X,I ci(~}, and that a friend of / ~~elped her get~it. ':;They knew this frien~, th,~~,ughth~D

At the:hosPitaLr---isked JusJayeri,s wife whether s~e 'i~~ugli:'her husband could have b~en invol~~·he events ~f9/~ I in any way. Thri.,~'i.f~~r-esponded,"I don't know.~tl Ifound\~his respo*se extremely unusual. \" \//'\ Hussayen was releas~ . from th~ ho~pita\ within 2 hours, Whi'~{}c;~o believe that whatever his condition it ~oul~ nothave been that serious, t~ent back to .the hotel.' \.. l \ \ ./ \, \, Upon returning to the hot~t


\ sked for a male CT'~gent and Arab speaker

be s~nt tp interview Hus~ayen.. . tated thai:,he ;llate,.i disappointed. the t,ofthe follow-up interview. ..~e,next day, eceived a call who was at the "Dulles Command Center, as mg Whether Hussayen was penmtted to leave the count . tated that that was/ilOt her decision ..\) make


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related that call sloe.

9/11 Personal



She told

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2 Sensitive

..I Ithought it significant that the couple had traveled to several cities and met with numerous individuals but the wife did not know who they were or what her husband discussed with them; that Hussayen's wife wanted a Virginia driver's license as a "souvenir;" and that Hussayen's severe reaction started w~~ad asked his wife why they moved to the hotel where they were the time of the interview. Hussayen's wife said that they had moved to that-hotel from another in the area because :/they wanted a kitchenette, blJr---loupd·tllat explanation suspicious in view of the ... / fact that there was nothingin ~"iior any indication that the kitchenette had been






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