Mfr Nara- T1a- Fbi- Fbi Special Agent 35-11-18!03!00462

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  • Words: 697
  • Pages: 2

~aw Enforcement


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Interview of FBI Special Ageii~..


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fV\FI~O 40 11539


18 2003

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S~~ia"'A~t.ess::lssues: "~...'. .... -. -. ..

Access Limited to Dieter Snell, Raj De (source disclosure)


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SpeciaJ Agent Rick Kelly

Raj De

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woi~~l!.lO(th~talJor about 20 years. He started working for \ \.the ~ureau,as suppoi¥.,Jl!!rsonneJ in 4>(;nBel~'in J984. He worked surveillance in Los \ \A,ngeJes from 1985 to"1991. In 199.1~ ...... ecame an FBI agent and was assigned to \ ~~ S~ Francisco Fiel,fQlf!ce. He *pr ~o~beries for 5 years. He later worked \'Yi~.hth~ Oakland homic1'4~"'~.askforce ...··J.n..~pr.i.1 199tJ ..... !was assigned to a domestic. terrorism squad. By the enQ 'of 1998, hewas assigned to an international terrorism squad, ~~ppnsl'l'le for "~l Qaeda ari~.:Jh~Taliban. ··ije"\Y~~"9fficiall»F~assigned to the San Diego Pj~l~ Office on Qctober 26, 2P.O·~. . \.. \.. ...... ...... \ \ \ During th~\~eek Of91l:i~aShOU~~'h~nting in s~ri{)iegO in anticipation of~i~ reasslgnmenn When the ~~rred, he ~!Irrtl
\::"'::"" onths after t~'~"9ii ..!tmtrs, He is the .... ', first me' .... n",rIY 200!, \ According. t tt-t-~a.---"""'1-a-s-a-w-a""""'_l~n-w"'!l'l~ ~ ....---,..Jas sent to interv'".ie~·

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\ said that he approached the FBl because his unc e ' tened to tell the 'F)31 that he r-lwa.~ a member of Hezbollah. According t .. his uncle - named .. ~end~· st him because of something . ance. As it turned out uncle did into the round this time and inform t e authorities tha·L.Jw~~.,a '~ember of Hezbollah .




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i~tervi~~·oi ~hich was conducted ~:~I:~.~dto ~a~e ap?lygraph exam (one who met wlt~agaln

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t,hathe had met soon after .


... ~::::::..... ',..::::::::::: ..... \'~~~~i~g ':::j. friend~'~ithl ~ho runs ..... \ 10caf,tl, One dajf".ha4.·c~!le· .....:---... ndasked him to come over because 1', 'tWo in 'his o~e who yingIessons but who not much ~nglis~"': \ ..\, that 'these 1:\~dividual$.·w~?ted·tQ:~y'.big planes, and that he walked o~t on wo "kh~~kl.~heads~~.:~tq~r.ewas ~o~hing suspicious, though)..... .... lso.informe .\, hat he had already provided this information to the\FBI bef~re h~"t:,ais'~'''~is concerns a ~.t his unCle.:s·.aJ.~egati61'1(~tated that this meeting was ...the ~ly contact he had withany of the 911..I~rs: onfirmed that there indicationof any othercontact between:~an t e ijackers other than ii" couple ().~\ ': ute calls which m~st likely were 'used to coordinate the initial·'~eeting. \ .: ,~gre~~:·~~.give a printout 'o'(~hese calls to Ric~ Kelly, who agreed to provide a copy 0 e. iomrrnssion. ':::. .....

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Wren aSktd whe~e4 \···)~ended the ISIam;':"6;pterof San Di~~01



\ stated tha ad once"~ eyent outside the mosque but he was not a regular \ attendee. When asked ~bou!L---J~el~~i~nship with BaSnari:;6,0ted that FBI rtershad been mqumng about'tP~l ·3 months ago: stated that . ew Basnan by a different name' \, could not recall t e name) and thought t at asnan had a reputation as a ladies' man. was not familiar with any rumors that Basnan may, have been a Saudi intelligence officer.

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did speak




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