May ('06)-3 - Spoken English

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Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛

II Spandana: Oh, Chandana, what a relief? I'm off. I'll be seeing you only after 10 days. (Chandana,

áçûª relief í¬ ÖçüÓ! ؈’ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ-ûª’Ø√o. ´’Sx 10 ®ÓV© ûª®√yûª E†’o éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çö«.) relief= N´·éÀh / ØÁAh-O’-ü¿-†’ç* °ü¿l •®Ω’´¤ Cç*-†-ô’xç-úøôç Chandana: What are you so excited about? (Are you) on a holiday or what?

(üËE í∫’Jç* Åçûª Öû√q-£æ«çí¬ ÖØ√o´¤? ÂÆ©´¤-O’ü¿ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o¢√ à´’Ø√o?) On a holiday= ÂÆ©´¤-O’ü¿ ¢Á∞¡xôç Spandana: Happy that I am (on a holiday). I am going home, sweet home. All these days I have been dying to be back home, and I've the chance now. I've packed up and am leaving.

(ÂÆ©-´¤-©èπ◊ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o-†E ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ ÖçC. ÉçöÀ-Èé-∞¡ŸhØ√o. ÉçöÀ-Èé-°æ¤p-úÁ-°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞«h´÷ ņ’-èπ◊ç-ô’çõ‰, É°æ¤p-úÌ-*açü∆ Å´-鬨¡ç. ≤ƒ´÷-†xEo Ææ®Ω’l-èπ◊-Ø√o†’, ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o†’.)

Look at the following words and expressions from the dialogue between Spandana and Chandana. 1) What a relief! I'm off; 2) excited; 3) on a holiday; 4) I've been dying to be back home; 5) I've packed up; 6) I am eager; 7) envy; 8) anxious; 9) can't wait; 10) how impatient you are!; 11) laze about; 12) the nine month grind; 13) get even with you. Learn and practise these expressions when you speak. Your English will be very effective. 1) relief:

DE Å®Ωnç ´’†™ î√™«-´’ç-CéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’– (¶«üµ¿ †’ç* Å®·ûË) Ö°æ-¨¡-´’†ç. (¶«üµ¿u-ûª©’, •®Ω’´¤© †’ç* Å®·ûË) Núø’-ü¿©, Åçü¿’-´©x ´îËa £æ…®·. What a relief!. Å•s, áçûª £æ…®·í¬ ÖçüÓ! äéπ éπ≠d-¢æ Á’i† °æE °æ‹®Ωh-®·ûË, äé𠶫üµ¿uûª †’ç* N´·éÀh §ÒçCûË, ´’†-éπ-E-°œçîË £æ…®·, relief. (Also,

He is dying to become a minister=

´’çvA 鬢√©E ûª£æ«-ûª-£æ«-™«-úø’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’ He is very eager to become a minister= He is anxious to become a minister= He can't wait to become a minister= He is impatient to become a minister.

É´Fo äÍé Å®√n-Eo-≤ƒh®·. Çߪ’† ´’çvûª-´-ö«-EéÀ áçûÓ Çûª%-ûªí¬ ÖØ√oúøE/ ûª£æ«-ûª-£æ«-™«-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o-úøE. Ñ ´÷ô-© π◊ Éûª®Ω Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x Å®√n©’ îª÷ü∆lç. relief from headache, fever, etc.) i) Dying - Éü¿ç-ü¿-Jéà ûÁ©’Ææ’ – î√´-¶-ûª’†o ü¿¨¡™  I'm off= I am off= I am going= ؈’ ¢ÁRx-§Ú-ûª’Ø√o†’– ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-†o-°æ¤púø÷, ¢Á∞¡x-¶-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’ ¢√úË-´÷ô– Öçúøôç. Dying to do something= ûª£æ«-ûª-£æ«-™«-úø-ôç. èπ◊x°æhçí¬ áèπ◊\´ Å®√nEo îÁ°æ¤hçC. He's off. If you want to tell him anything, hurry up=

¢√úø’ ¢ÁRx-§Ú-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. àü¿Ø√o îÁ§ƒp-©-†’èπ◊çõ‰ ¢ÁçôØË îÁ°æ¤p.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 152

-¨¡-E-¢√®Ωç 6 -¢Ë’ 2006

2) excited= you are excited when some thing good happens to you/ when you are very happy about something.

The child is dying to see its mother=

ûªLxE îª÷úø-ö«-EéÀ Gúøf ûª£æ«-ûª£æ«™«úø’-ûÓçC. ii) eager= Çûª%-ûªí¬ Öçúøôç= anxious. a) The hero is eager to see/ anxious to see his son also as an actor= hero actor


Ç èπ◊ ûª† éÌúø’-èπ◊†’ í¬ îª÷ú≈-©E Çûª%-ûªí¬ ÖçC.

5) I've packed up=

≤ƒ´÷†’x Ææ®Ω’l-éÓ-´ôç– v°æߪ÷-ù«EéÀ, É©’x ´÷®Ω-ö«-EéÀ, etc. a) Pack up and get out= ≤ƒ´÷†’x Ææ®Ω’l-éÌE ¢ÁRx§Ú. b) He was packed up and is about to leave=

≤ƒ´÷†’x Ææ®Ω’l-èπ◊E ¢Á∞¡x-ö«-EéÀ Æœü¿l¥çí¬ ÖØ√oúø’. c) Time for us to pack up=

´‚ö«--´·™„x Ææ®Ω’l-éÌØË time ´*açC. 7) envy= áEy– 'á— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç= Ñ®Ω{u, äéπ-J-èπ◊†o ´Ææ’h´¤ ´’†èπ◊ ™‰éπ-§ÚûË ´îËa ¶«üµ¿– °æéπ\-¢√-∞¡xèπ◊ 鬮Ω’çC, ´’†èπ◊ ™‰ü¿’– Å°æ¤púø’ We envy them. (¢√∞¡xçõ‰ ´’†èπ◊ Ñ®Ω{u). a) She envies her sister because she has more jewellery= sister

Ç¢Á’ Ç¢Á’èπ◊ Ñ®Ω{uí¬ ÖçC.

b) I envy your health=

Fèπ◊ Ç®Óí∫uç ÖçC, Ø√èπ◊ ™‰ü¿’– Åçü¿’-´©x Ñ®Ω{u. 11) Laze (about)=

à °æF îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈

What a relief! I'm off Chandana: I am eager to go home too, but I can't get leave until next month. How I envy you!

(Ø√èπÿ ÉçöÀ-Èé-∞«x-©E Çûª%-ûªí¬ ÖçüË, é¬E ´îËa ØÁ©-ü∆é¬ ÂÆ©´¤ üÌ®Ω-éπü¿’. E†’o-îª÷ÊÆh áçûª Ñ®Ω{uí¬ ÖçüÓ!) Spandana: I called mom and told her. She is anxious to see me back. So is dad. Still two hours for the train and I feel it's too long. I can't wait any longer.

(Å´’tèπ◊ phone îËÆœ îÁ§ƒp. Ç¢Á’èπ◊ èπÿú≈ ††’o îª÷ú≈-©E Çûª%-ûªí¬ ÖçC. Ø√†oèπ◊ èπÿú≈ ÅçûË. Train ®√´-ö«-EéÀ Éçé¬ È®çúø’ í∫çô-©’çC. áçûª-ÊƧÚ!) Chandana: I see how impatient you are! So would anyone be when they have a chance. How are you going to spend the days?

´’ç* ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’, ï®Ω-í∫-¶-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’ ´’†èπ◊ éπLÍí ÆæçûÓ≠æç, Öû√q£æ«ç. a) They were excited when their favourite hero talked to them=

¢√∞¡x ÅGµ-´÷† hero ¢√∞¡x†’ °æ©-éπ-Jç-*-†-°æ¤púø’ M. SURESAN ¢√∞¡Ÿx î√™« ÆæçûÓ-≠æ-°æ-ú≈f®Ω’. b) He felt excited when he got the prize=

¢√úÕéÀ prize ´*a-†°æ¤p-úø’ î√™« Öû√q-£æ«çí¬ ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ ÖØ√oúø’. c) The movie is exciting/ It's an exciting movie= movie.

î√™« ÇÆæ-éÀhE ÆæçûÓ-≥ƒEo éπL-TçîË

d) Nothing exciting about the movie. It's dull=

Ç movie ™ Öû√q-£æ«-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’iç-üË-D-™‰ü¿’. î√™« ÅØ√Ææ-éÀh-éπ-®Ωçí¬ ÖçC. (Dull= unexciting) e) Exciting news= ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ®Ω N≠æߪ’ç.

b) The patient is eager/ anxious to see the doctor=

®ÓT doctor †’ îª÷úø-ö«-EéÀ Çûª%ûª °æúø’-ûÓçC. Å®·ûË eager èπ◊ ™‰E Å®Ωnç, anxious èπ◊ Ö†o ÉçéÓ Å®Ωnç– ´÷†-Æœ-éπçí¬ ÇçüÓ-∞¡†-îÁç-ü¿-ôç.

(àO’ îËߪ’†’. îËߪ÷-©E ņ’-éÓ-´-ôç-™‰ü¿’. Ñ ûÌN’tC ØÁ©© °æE Ø√ v§ƒù«Lo ûÓúËÆœçC, Nv¨»çA ÅØËC ™‰èπ◊çú≈. NÆœ-T-§Úߪ÷†’. A†ôç, Evü¿-§Ú-´ôç, TV îª÷úøôç, ÆœE-´÷-©-Èé-∞¡xôç– ÉD ؈’ îËߪ’-¶-ßË’C.) Chandana: Next month I am likely to get my break. I'll get even with you then. Bye then. See you.

(´îËa ØÁ© Ø√èπÿ ´Ææ’hçC break. Å°æ¤púø’ FûÓ Ææ´÷-†-´’-´¤û√. ¢ÁRx®√ Å®·ûË)

Spoken English

b) I haven't been on a holiday for the past one year=

àú≈-Cí¬ Nv¨»çA/ N®√´’ç á®Ω-í∫†’. Expression No 4: I've been dying, No. 6: I am eager, No.8: Anxious, No. 9: Can't wait, and No. 10: How impatient you are.

Oô-Eo-öÀéÀ Å®√n©’ ü∆ü∆°æ¤ äéπõ‰ – Çûª%ûª °æúøôç, Çûª%-ûªûÓ áü¿’®Ω’ îª÷úøôç, ûª£æ«-ûª-£æ«-™«-úøôç, ûªy®Ω-°æ-úøôç. Dying= Ñ Ææçü¿-®Ωs ¥ç™ Dying èπÿ, ü∆E ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç– ´’®Ω-ù«-EéÀ Ææç•çüµ¿ç ™‰ü¿’. Ééπ\úø dying Åçõ‰ ûª£æ«-ûª-£æ«-™«-úøôç.


(≤Ú´’-J)í¬ Öçúøôç.

a) I like to laze about on the weekend=

¢√®√çûªç °æE-îË-ߪ’-èπ◊çú≈ ≤Ú´’-Jí¬ í∫úø-°æôç Ø√éÀ≠dçæ . b) He wastes money and time. He Lazes about: Time,

úø•’s ´%ü∑∆ îË≤ƒhúø’. ≤Ú´’-Jí¬ Öçö«úø’.

c) Don't laze about. Do some work =

≤Ú´’-Jí¬ Öçúøèπ◊, àüÓ °æE-îÁß˝’. 12) The nine month grind: grind

Åçõ‰– °œçúÕ-îË-ߪ’ôç ÅØËC ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç.

c) The mother is anxious about the child's condition

a) We grind wheat into fine powder (flour) for making chapathis =

Ç ûªLx ûª† Gúøf °æJ-ÆœnA (Ç®Óí∫uç) í∫’Jç* ÇçüÓ-∞¡†-îÁç-ü¿’-ûÓçC. Ééπ\úø anxious èπ◊ •ü¿’©’ eager ¢√úøç. Å®Ωnç äéπõ‰ Å´ü¿’. anxious èπ◊, worried ¢√úÌa.

íÓüµ¿’-´’†’ ´’†ç ƒ-B© éÓÆæç °œçúÕ îË≤ƒhç. grind èπ◊ past tense, past participle- ground.

d) The MD (Managing Director) is anxious about the loss in the profits of the company. Company ™«¶µ«© ûªí∫’_-ü¿© í∫’Jç* MD ÇçüÓ-∞¡† îÁçü¿’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’= Çü¿’®√l °æúø’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. Anxiety= ÇçüÓ-∞¡† (´÷†-Æ œéπç) e) She wants to see a psychiatrist about her anxiety=

ûª† ´÷†-Æœéπ ÇçüÓ-∞¡† N≠æߪ’ç í∫’Jç* Ç¢Á’ ´÷†-Æœéπ ¢Ájü¿’uúÕo Ææçv°æ-Cç-î√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-öçC. 3) On a holiday= You are on a holiday, if you (áçûª ûÌçü¿-®Ω-°æ-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o¢Ó Å®Ωnç iii) Can't wait= ¢Ë* îª÷ÊÆ ã®Ω’p ™‰éπ-§Ú-´ôç. have break from your work for a few days. îËÆæ’éÓí∫©†’. á´-È®jØ√ ÅçûË™‰ Å´-鬨¡ç îË Ê Æ °æ E †’ç* éÌEo ®ÓV© § ƒô’ Nv¨»çA í¬, (wait ´÷´‚-©®Ωnç áü¿’-®Ω’-îª÷-úøôç) ´ÊÆh. àç îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o´¤ Ñ 10 NØÓü ¿ ç í¬ í∫ ú Õ ° œ û Ë , You are on a holiday. a) He can't wait to go to the US= ®ÓV©÷?/ ᙫ í∫úø-°æ-¶-ûª’-Ø√o´¤?) Holiday= ÂÆ©´¤, Holidays= ÂÆ©´¤©’– ´·êuçí¬ Å¢Á’-J-é¬èπ◊ á°æ¤p-úÁ-°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞«l´÷ ņ’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’. Spandana: Just laze about. I don't want to do Nü∆u-®Ω’n© N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ anything. This nine month grind b) He can't wait to meet his lover= ûª† v°œßª·-®√Lo has taken the life out of me. No a) They are on a holiday/ they have gone on a á°æ¤p-úÁ-°æ¤púø’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ü∆´÷ ÅE ÖØ√oúø’. holiday= (éÌEo®ÓV©§ƒô’) °æE †’ç* N®√´’ç/ leisure. I am fed up with work. Just impatient= ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç, ã®Ω’p ™‰éπ-§Ú-´ôç, Nv¨»çA §Òçü¿ôç. Ü∞¡Ÿx A®Ω’-í∫’ûª÷ NØÓ-ü¿çí¬ iv) ÅÆæ eat, sleep, watch the TV and go to -£æ«-†çí¬ Öçúøôç (opposite of patient) í∫úø-°æôç. movies. That's what I am going to do.

èπ◊ áèπ◊\´ †í∫©’çúøôç

a) He doesn't want to wait. He is impatient to go=

Åûª-úø’ Çí∫ô癉ü¿’/ Çí¬-©E ™‰ü¿-ûª-úÕéÀ – ¢ÁRx-§Ú-¢√-©E ûÌçü¿-®Ω-°æ-úø’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’.

b) He ground the wheat into flour =

íÓüµ¿’-´’-©†’ °œçúÕ î˨»úø’ (´’®Ω™) ™« îËߪ÷L– °∂æx-Å= °œçúÕ. íÓüµ¿’´’ °œçúÕ. é¬E Ééπ\úø grind èπ◊ Å®Ωnç – v¨¡´’, éπ%≠œ. Nine month grind - ûÌN’tC ØÁ©© v¨¡´’ flour = flower pronounce wheat flour =

c) I need at least a week's break after this grind

Éçûª v¨¡´’°æúÕçûª®√yûª -Ø√èπ◊ éπFÆæç ¢√®Ωç Nv¨»çA Å´-Ææ®Ωç. d) Put him through the grind =

¢√úÕo éπ≠d-°æ æúÕ °æE-îË-ߪ’F. e) Every trainee has to go through daily grind of six hour =

v°æA trainee (Péπ~ù §ÒçüË-¢√úø’) ®ÓVèπ◊ Ç®Ω’í∫ç-ô© v¨¡´’ îËߪ÷Lq Öçô’çC. 13) get even = °æí∫ B®Ω’a-éÓ-´ôç/ ÆæJ-Ææ-´÷†´’´ôç. a) In most Indian movies the hero gets even with the villain =

î√™« Indian movies ™ *´-®Ωèπ◊ O’ü¿ °æí∫ B®Ω’a-èπ◊ç-ö«úø’.

b) In the 1st match India defeated Pak; but in the next match, Pak got even with India.

b) He was impatient at my replies=

¢Á·ü¿öÀ Ø√ Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-©-éπ-ûª-úø’ ã®Ω’p éÓ™p-ߪ÷úø’/ ÅÆæ-£æ«†ç v°æü¿-Jzç-î√úø’. ÉO Ñ Ø√©’í∫’ expressions NNüµ¿ Å®√n©’, ¢√úø’éπ. OöÀE O’ conversation ™ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. Å®Ωn-´ç-ûªçí¬ Öçô’çC. Ééπ N’í∫û√ ´÷ô© Ææçí∫A îª÷ü∆lç.

hero, villain


match ™ ãúÕ† ûÓ Ææ´÷-†-¢Á’içC.





c) Next month when I go on a holiday, I get even with you =

´îËa ØÁ© Ø√èπ◊ holiday ´*a-†-°æ¤púø’ FûÓ ÆæJÆæ-´÷-†-´’-´¤-û√†’.

-§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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