Latihan Dalam Perguruan

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LATIHAN DALAM PERKHIDMATAN Pelaksanaan Kursus Dalaman peringkat sekolah dengan bantuan Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah. Dilakukan 6 kali setahun dianjurkan dan diuruskan oleh sekolah. Bentuk latihan pengurusan, kurikulum dan kokurikulum, penyelidikan, pembangunan sumber dan lain-lain

FOKUS LDP Meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan melalui program Peningkatan profesionallisme guru dalam bidang  A.Pengetahuan Profesional (60%)  B.Kemahiran Profesional (20%)  C.Nilai & Amalan Profesional Keguruan (20%)


• Bimbingan Perguruan Professional Dalam Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi • Modul Pembelajaran – Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, internet, movie maker. •

BPPT The Benefits of the Program: • Teachers will be able to make sound judgements on when, when not and how to integrate ICT in the classroom. • Teachers will acquire the confidence and skills to make use and to integrate ICT into their lesson plans and teaching of the subjects in the classroom. • Students' achievement can be improved as learning is reinforced with the use of ICT. • Teachers will have access to the National Resource Data Bank and a sustainable and ever growing pool of teaching and learning materials.

LATIHAN OLEH IPG Dianjurkan oleh institusi pendidikan. • Skop sama dengan Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan sekolah. • Tempoh lebih panjang dinamakan Kursus Pendek Dalam Perkhidmatan • Contoh didapati dari Insititut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim Sungai Petani Kedah 2009; • Kursus Pembinaan courseware pengajaran & pembelajaran Bahasa Cina menggunakan authorting Flash Authorware kepada guru bahasa Cina.


“Dapatan menunjukkan tahap keperluan penguasaan teknologi maklumat dalam aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan latihan adalah besar.” TAKSIRAN KEPERLUAN PENGUASAAN TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DI KALANGAN GURU SAINS DALAM PERKHIDMATAN oleh Nazamud-din Bin Alias Jurnal Penyelidikan MPBL, Jilid 5, 2004 kajian ini berjumlah 181 orang daripada populasi 322 orang guruguru sains sekolah menengah Bahagian Kuching/Samarahan, Sarawak

TREND PENDIDIKAN MASA KINI COLLABRATIVE LEARNING John English ,Community Superintendant, Fairfax County, US ‘Student-centred learning: making an aircraft carrier dance’ Education used to be the students acting alone, trying to learn and compete against students. It was a basic competitive learning. Now the learning experience is far more collabrative. (Michelle Selinger, 2004, Connected School : Thought Leader Essay from Innovators, PAGE 72)

TREND PENDIDIKAN MASA KINI TEKNOLOGI PENDIDIKAN DAN ICT David Miliband, Minister Of State for School Standard, Department fro Education and Skills England ‘Education and ICT: The Potential for Personalisation ’ Teaching for learning Second, personalise learning demand that teachers actively engaged all students and accomodate their differrent style of learning. No easy task. And a challenge that demand innovation. (Michelle Selinger, 2004, Connected School : Thought Leader Essay from Innovators, PAGE 108)

COLLABRATIVE LEARNING Merupakan satu istilah yang meletakkan pelbagai kaedah pendidikan dibawah satu bumbung. Melibatkan perkongsian intelektual dengan usaha dari pelajar atau pelajar dan guru bersama. Biasanya pelajar akan bekerja dalam kumpulan yang terdiri dari 2 orang atau lebih dalam mencari satu persefahaman, penyelesaian atau maksud sesuatu atau menghasilkan sesuatu produk. Aktiviti kaedah pembelajaran ini agak luas yang kebanyakan lebih berpusat kepada penerokaan pelajar atau aplikasi dari bahan pembelajaran. Tidak bergantung semata-mata dari pengajaran guru This is an abbreviation of Smith and MacGregor’s article, “What Is Collaborative Learning?" in Collaborative Learning: A Sourcebook for Higher Education, by Anne Goodsell, Michelle Maher, Vincent Tinto, Barbara Leigh Smith and Jean MacGregor. It was published In 1992 by the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment at Pennsylvania State University.


APLIKASI TEKNOLOGI ICT What factors facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in technology-using classrooms? Amy L. Baylora,*, Donn Ritchieb a Department ofEducational Psychology and Learning Systems, Instructional Systems Program, Florida State University, Stone Building No. 307, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA bDepartment ofEducational Technology, San Diego State University, USA Received 15 April 2001; accepted 4 June 2002


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Sekolah yang berjaya menerapkan teknologi dalam kurikulum biasanya berpandukan dengan “Technology Use Plan (TUP)” yang komprehensif. Perancangan ini dalam bentuk blueprint berdasarkan rentetan perjalanan program sekolah tuntuk dicapai. Menerangkan kesemua falsafah pengunaan dan menerokai teknologi bagaimana aplikasinya dalam meningkatkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Perancangan teknologi di kawal oleh guru untuk memasukkan peranannya membentuk TUP, Proses pengoperasian ini berdasarkan dari perpektif guru untuk memasukkkan peranan guru dalam penggunaan teknologi , keserasian dengan hasil penerbitan dan ketelusan perancangan berdasarkan kehendak mereka.

APLIKASI TEKNOLOGI ICT Dari aspek pentadbiran operasi ini melibatkan tiga komponen iaitu strategik, pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan proses operasi perjalanan. • • •

Komponen strategik adalah memasukkan perancangan dinyatakan untuk visi dan pernglibatan. Komponen P&P pula meliputi instruksional innovasi. Komponen operasi melibatkan penyelangaraan dan sokongan, persediaan perancangan tindakan dan tempoh dan infransturuktur kemudahan, konfigurasi dan isu kewangan. Termasuk juga dengan pemilihan teknologi berdasarkan “TUP” yang rasmi.


Google Tools • Google Earth • Google Earth Go here to download Google Earth. Why use Google Earth? A site that gives you basic instructions for Google Earth. How can it help you? Google Earth in the Classroom Google Earth is a great resource. You can use it to work math problems, look at museums, study maps, etc. Google Earth LessonsAll sorts of lessons for Google Earth including one with a Flat Stanley Math Lessons using Google Earth Most of the lessons here are for Middle School but the concepts that you can use might be helpful for you. Google Earth Community A Forum for lessons and uses for Google Earth. Strangest Sights in Google Earth Weird things that can be seen with Google Earth. Where can you find cool things? You want to take your students on a field trip to museums, etc. Here is where they are. Google Lit Trips Books that use Google Earth to trace the route of the characters. It does have books for K-5 23 ways to use Google Earth. A presentation of ideas Google 3D Tours Tours of Historical as well as fun buildings Google Earth and Sunken Ships You can use these to tour a ship underneath the ocean.

INTEGRASI TEKNOLOGI Google Sketch-up • Google Sketchup Go here to download free Google Sketchup Training Videos for Google Sketchup If you want to learn how to use Google Sketchup--start here Google Sketchup in the Classroom A pdf document explaining google sketchup Blogs • Wordpress A free site to establish a blog (Mine is here) Blogmeister A more controlled environment for blogging. We get a code and the students use this to post to their blogs. I have a code and will be glad to share it if you decide you want to have your students blog or you can register yourself at this site. Podcasting • Audacity Your students record a story onto your computer and this program will convert it to an MP3 that can be saved easily to ipods and mp3 players. This software is free RSS Readers--instead of newspapers--read what current educational professional are writing • Bloglines Easy to use Google Reader Based on your G-mail account but still easy to use

INTEGRASI TEKNOLOGI Free things • EcoFont This font is new and uses less ink. It is a free download. You download it and save it, open Control Panel, open the font folder and drag it there. It is called Spranq_eco_sans_regular.ttf. Evernote A way to remember things you read on the web BitBomb I forget things that I am suppose to do--BitBomb sends me a text message Trailfire Send your students on a web field trip. I used trailfire to go over Bogus Internet sites. It is found here iGoogle You can personalize your home page with information that you want using iGoogle. Picasa allows you to crop pictures and email them from your gmail account. Google Calendar This calendar syncs with my blackberry and keeps me where I am supposed to be. Google alerts allows you to read what has been written worldwide about a certain topic. (My brother has one about himself!!!) I used it for my dissertation to keep the most current information. Google Voice allows you to combine all your phones to one number. For instance if you call my google number 393-9322 both my cell and home phone will ring. It is brand new. Twittera microblogging site that allows you to tell what you are doing in less than 140 characters. Accelerated Math • Dissertation about AM (abstract is available here)

INTEGRASI TEKNOLOGI Games and WhiteBoard Activities • Clock Talk Teaching children to tell time Cobo Flash Cards Students can make flashcards that can be printed. Virtual Math Manipulatives There are games to play with Math Match the hair Using three laboratory tests and their powers of deduction, they must identify the hair with the correct band member Pyramid Builder This is very similar to Oregon Trail that we used to play except that they must understand or learn about Egyptian Culture I know thatOnline games for all levels Kitchen Chemistry Online games to teach science concepts More Whiteboard Activities Activities rated by grade level for your whiteboard More Whiteboard Resources Resources to help with your whiteboard Math Projects for WhiteboardsThis site uses flash to show math concepts Teacher's Domain a wiki of lesson plans for K-12 divided by subject area (Has PBS origins) InterWrite Lessons Already made lessons for the Whiteboard from eInstruction

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