Joshua Chapter 23 Handout

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  • Words: 706
  • Pages: 2
CHAPTER 23 Joshua’s Last Words – Israel’s Future Dangers Key Passage: The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. [6] The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Joshua the son of Nun started in Egyptian bondage and ended in a worship service in the Promised Land. In between those events God had used him to lead Israel in the land (Chapters 1-5), the land (Chapters 6-12), the land (Chapters 13-22), and now Joshua the covenant (Chapters 23-24). Joshua’s Last Words (verses 1-2) 1. At the end of a long and full life, Joshua’s greatest concern wasn’t . • His greatest concern was his people and their to the Lord. • He didn’t want to leave until he had challenged them once again to love the Lord and keep His commandments. • Joshua is years of age in Chapters 23-24 (Judges 2:8; Joshua 24:29). 2. He first called a meeting of the leaders of the nation (verse 2), either at Shiloh or at his home in Ephraim, and warned them what would happen if they deserted the Lord. 3. Then he gathered “all the tribes of Israel to Shechem” (Joshua 24:1) and gave a farewell address which reviewed the history of Israel, starting with Abraham, and challenged the people to love the Lord and serve Him alone. What the Lord for Israel (verses 3-4) 1. From the day that Israel left Egypt, the Lord had fought for His people and delivered them from their enemies. 2. The same God who overcame the enemy in the could help Israel overcome them in the . • God had never failed His people; and, if they would trust Him and obey His Word, He would help them completely conquer the land - “for the Lord your God is he that hath fought for you” (verse 3). • The people in God’s plan may change; but His character never changes, and He can be trusted. What the Lord to Israel (verses 5-10) 1. The secret of Joshua’s success, and therefore the reason for Israel’s victories, was his to the Word of God (verse 6, Joshua 1:7-9 & 13-18, 8:30-35; 11:12 & 15, 24:26-27). 2. It was important that Israel remain a people and not be infected by the wickedness of the Gentile nations around them (verses 7-8; Exodus. 34:10-17; Deuteronomy 7:2-4). • Joshua warned them that their disobedience would be a gradual thing. • Imagine the folly of worshiping the gods of the defeated enemy! 3. The word translated “ ” in verse 8 is used in Genesis 2:24 to describe a husband’s relationship to his wife. • means to join fast together; to glue together; to be bound together; to be so totally united together that two become one. • It would be like “laminated wood.” 4. The promise in verse 10 is quoted from Deuteronomy 32:30 (Exodus 14:14; Deuteronomy 3:22). 5. These verses are a challenge to develop their with their Creator and Sustainer. • Takes courage to do right. Don’t be ashamed of living what this Book says (verse 6). • Stay separated!  Come not among your enemies (verse 7; Matthew 10:34-39; II Corinthians 6:17).  Stay simple and naïve about sin and the world (Romans 16:19; I Corinthians 14:20). • Cleave unto the Lord (verse 8) - The heart is so important to surrender and keep surrendered.

What the Lord Would Do Israel (verses 11-16) 1. The Word of God is like a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12): • If we it, God will and help us. • If we it, God will us. 2. Joshua reminded the people that God’s Word never fails, whether it’s the Word of promise for blessing or the Word of promise for chastening. 3. Moses had warned Israel against compromising with the evil nations in the land (Exodus 23:20-33, 34:1017; Deuteronomy 7:12-26), and Joshua reaffirmed that warning (verse 13). 4. Three times in this brief address Joshua called Canaan “this land” (verses 13, 15-16). 5. Since God has given us such a good land, the least we can do is live to please Him. Meditating on the of God is a strong motivation for obedience.

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