Joshua Chapter 21 Handout

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  • Words: 761
  • Pages: 3
CHAPTER 21 The Cities for the Levites Key Passage: But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. Chapter 21 answers the question: Since all the lands had been divided up already, where were the Levites going to get their cities? The of the Levites (verses 1-3) 1. The Levites were committed to serving the people and had apparently sensed God's Spirit working within them to move out and scatter throughout the nation. 2. God had already commanded it to be done (Numbers 35:1-8), the choosing of which cities was to be their own. • According to verse 3, these cities came willingly from the 12 tribes. • The gifts were to be from their inheritance (what they had received from the Lord), not from more land somewhere else. The of the Levitical Cities (verses 4-8) 1. The tribe of Levi didn’t have territory assigned to it. Why? • Jacob had cursed Levi and said that God would scatter the Levites over Israel (Genesis 49:5-7). • In Exodus 32:26-29, the Levites came to help Moses. Moses chose the Levites to serve the Lord. 2. The tribe of Levi was scattered throughout the land so they could teach the people the Law and influence each of the tribes to be faithful to the Lord. 3. There were Levitical cities (six of which were also cities of refuge). The of Aaron (verses 9-19) 1. Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. The tribe descended from him consisted of three main branches, which were the three sons of Levi: • Kohath – cities were assigned (Joshua 21:4-5, 9-26) • Gershon – cities were assigned (Joshua 21:6, 27-33) • Merari – cities were assigned (Joshua 21:7-8 34-40) 2. The cities of refuge were given to the Levites as their responsibility (Joshua 21:13,21,27,32,36 & 38). The of Kohath (verses 20-26) 1. The tribe of Ephraim gave 4 towns and their fields to the family Kohath (Shechem, Gezer, Kibzaim and Beth Horon). 2. The tribe of Dan gave 4 towns and their fields to the family of Kohath (Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Aijalon, and Gath Rimmon). 3. The half tribe of west Manasseh gave two towns and their fields to the family of Kohath (Taanach and Gath Rimmon). 4. They gave a total of 10 cities to the families of Kohath. The of Gershon (verses 27-33) 1. The half tribe of east Manasseh gave two cities and their fields to the Levites of Gershon’s family (Golan in Bashan and Be Eshtarah). 2. The tribe of Issachar gave the Levites of Gershon’s family 4 cities and their fields (Kishion, Daberath, Jarmuth and En Gannim). 3. The tribe of Asher gave 4 towns and their fields to the Levites of Gershon’s family (Mishal, Abdon, Helkath and Rehob). 4. The tribe of Naphtali gave 3 cities and their fields to the Levites of Gershon’s family (Kedesh in Galilee, Hammoth Dor, and Kartan). 5. They gave a total of 13 cities to the families of Gershon.

The of Merari (verses 34-42) 1. The tribe of Zebulun gave 4 towns and their fields to the Levites of Merari’s family (Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah and Nahalal). 2. The tribe of Reuben gave 4 towns and their fields to the Levites of Merari’s family (Bezer, Jahaz, Kedemoth and Mephaath). 3. The tribe of Gad gave 4 towns and their fields to the Levites of Merari’s family (Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, Heshbon and Jazer). 4. They gave a total of 12 towns to the Levites of the family of Merari. The of the Land Completed (verses 43-45) 1. In verse 43, we read how God was and gave Israel the land. God kept the covenant that He made, first with Abraham (Genesis 12:7) and then with his descendants. 2. In verse 44, we read how God gave Israel over all their enemies and then gave them the rest from war. • What the 10 unbelieving spies at Kadesh Barnea said could never happen did happen. • It happened because Joshua and the people God and His Word. 3. In verse 45, we read how God His promises. • At the close of his life, would remind the people of this (Joshua 23:14). • reminded them of it when he dedicated the temple (I Kings 8:56). • As the people of God, the power of God and the promises of God are the spiritual resources we can depend on as we claim our inheritance in Jesus Christ.

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