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  • Words: 389
  • Pages: 1
Sebuah Penggalan Perjalan Kehidupan Ketika Kecil Hujan seperti ini kembali membuka cakrawala masa lalu Di Halaman rumah Abah Uman, kami melakukan permainan sederhana, sepak bola ala anak-anak kampung Berlari di bawah serangan peluru air hujan, sambil berteriak girang, membuka baju, bertelanjang dada, tertawa, seolah masalah sama sekali tidak hinggap di kepala kami. Keceriaan itu sama sekali tidak pernah berhenti, dan tidak berhenti meskipun hujan telah reda Selama satu jam lebih kami melakukan permaian, selanjutnya kami berlarian di jalan berbatu menuju selokan besar pinggir kampung Air di selokan ibarat banjir raksana, namun sama sekali tidak terlintas rasa takut dalam benak kami, benak anak-anak kampung sederhana, dengan cekatan seorang anak bernama Elan menebang pohon pisang, batang pisang ini dibuat rakit... Dengan penuh kepastian, kami telah mengapung di deras air di atas rakit sebelum kami melanjutkan adegan kebiasaan anak-anak kampung... mandi di kolam milik Wak Haji Huro Kolam, meskipun keruh namun kami berenang juga disana, kami terjun ratusan kali sambil jungkir-balik... terus-terang, saat itu sama sekali tidak terlintas di benak kami bahwa bangsa ini akan dikuasai oleh orang-orang yang masa kecilnya seperti kami... Ya, seperti itulah kami waktu kecil.. wahai teman! (The rain was re-opened as the past horizon On the home page Abah Uman, we did a simple game, football-style children's village Running under the rain of bullets attack, shouting excitedly, undressed, barechested, laughing, as if the problem had not landed on our heads. Joy did not ever stop, and did not stop even though the rain has stopped For an hour we made the game, then we ran on gravel road toward the edge of the village sewer The water in the gutter like a flood raksana, but had not crossed the fear in our minds, the minds of the children a simple village, a child deftly named Elan to cut down a banana tree, banana stem is made rafts ... With full certainty, we have been floating in the torrent of water on a raft before we continue the habit scene village children ... bathing in the pond's Wak Haji Huro Swimming, though murky, but we swam well there, we jumped hundreds of times as topsy-turvy ... frankly, when it did not occurred to us that this nation would be dominated by people who like our childhood ... Yes, that's our little time .. O friend!) Sukabumi- Oktober 2009

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