How To Make Sweet Rice Flour Porridge.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 350
  • Pages: 2
How to make sweet rice flour porridge


Ingredients:      Steps:

180 g of rice flour 1 liters of water 50 g of freshly grated coconut 1 teaspoon of salt 1 portion of palm sugar syrup



1. make the palm sugar syrup 2. combine the flour and water in a mixing bowl and mix well. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve to remove any lumps. Place in a non stick saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for about 30 minutes, stir from time to time until it thicknes. Remove from the heat and allow cooling 3. combine the grated coconut and salt, mix well. 4. to serve, spoon the rice flour porridge into individual serving bowls and top with little grated coconut (mixed with salt), followed by drizzling of palm sugar syrup over it. 5. the porridge its ready to serve

Cara membuat bubur tepung beras manis

Bahan: • 180 g tepung beras • 1 liter air • 50 g Bahan kelapa parut • 1 sendok teh garam • 1 porsi sirup gula aren Langkah-langkah: Langkah / prosedur 1. membuat sirup gula aren 2. menggabungkan tepung dan air dalam mangkuk dan aduk rata. Saring campuran melalui saringan halus untuk menghilangkan benjolan apapun. Tempatkan di tongkat panci non dan membawa campuran sampai mendidih dengan api besar, maka mengurangi panas dan campuran sampai mendidih dengan api besar, lalu kecilkan api dan didihkan ditutup selama sekitar 30 menit, aduk dari waktu ke waktu sampai thicknes . Angkat dari api dan memungkinkan pendinginan 3. menggabungkan kelapa parut dan garam, aduk rata. 4. untuk melayani, sendok bubur tepung beras ke dalam mangkuk saji individu dan atas dengan sedikit parutan kelapa (Dicampur dengan garam), diikuti oleh gerimis sirup gula di atasnya. 5. bubur siap disajikan =false tips the language used must be clear so that readers can easily understand shall consist of three structures is the goal, materials, and steps explanation should be clear

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