How To Make Sushi By : Group 5 Members : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Dhea Putri Era Clarissa Diva Ramadhandi Kresentia Verena Nifa Rizky Somaya Dewantari
Goals : In order to know how to make traditional Japanese food or Sushi with homemade taste Materials and Equipment : 1. Japanese Rice 2. Nori or Dryed Seawed 3. Cucumber 4. Sausage 5. Mayonaise and tomato sauce 6. Knife 7. Plate Steps : 1. Prepare all the materials and equipments 2. Put nori above the plate 3. Spread some Japanese rice above the nori 4. Slice sausage with knife, probably 7 cm long 5. Slice the length of cucumber, don’t forget to deseeded 6. Put some topings on the center of nori 7. Complete sushi with mayonaise and tomato sauce 8. Roll the nori 9. Sushi is ready to serve Tips : 1. Make sure your hand is clean and wet to avoid the rice scattered 2. Slowly to begin rolled rice with nori