Holistic Healing Helps-jun-09

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  • Words: 7,916
  • Pages: 15

JUNE 2009

Issue No.: 18

Price: Rs. 10/-


HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS A registered charity trust, working in the field of dissemination of TRUE HOLISTIC HEALTH KNOWLEDGE Trust Reg. No.: TR/40389 Dt. 20-12-2006 • PAN : AAA TH 5890 F As per I.T. Exemp. Certificate Dt. 11-5-2007 valid till 31-3-2011 Add.: 2/102-103-104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 2893 0271 • E-mail : [email protected]


From the Desk of the Editor................................... 3


How to Avoid Modern Medicine............................. 4


Eat Your Way to A Better Life..................................... 15


What Led Me to the Discovery of the New Science of Healing?......................................17


Tips for Parents Who Care...................................... 23


On 'Real Love'....................................................... 24


Concurrent Use of Alternative Medicines.......... 26

MISSION STATEMENT "The Holistic Healer" is dedicated to promoting holistic principles : honouring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their health and health-care." Printed, published and edited by Mr. Bipin Parekh on behalf of owner "Holistic Healing Helps Trust", from 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103 and printed at Jignesh Printers, Shop No. 1, Rohan Residency, Ram Mandir X Road, Babhai Naka, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.


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From the Desk of the Editor.......... Dear Readers,

The placebo effect is a powerful phenomenon. When patients think and truly believe the tablet is a cure, they will receive what they believe, and they will be cured. Dr. John Demartini very beautifully describes the Placebo Effect in the following words : "We've known in the healing arts of a placebo effect. A placebo is something that supposedly has no impact and no effect on the body, like a sugar pill. You tell the patient that this is just as effective, and what happens is the placebo sometimes has the same effect, if not greater effect, than the medication that is supposed to be designed for that effect. They have found out that the human mind is the biggest factor in the healing arts, sometimes more so than the medication." Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We're beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies. With divine love... Naturally yours, Your Editor may please be contacted only between 10 a.m. to 12 noon & between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday .


(Mob.: 98332 05550) Date : 15/6/2009 3


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When does a man become a patient? When does he get well? A leading thinker in the field of modern medical teaching in America, Professor Eisenberg, asserts that a man becomes a patient when he sees a doctor. He rarely, if ever, becomes NORMAL again. However, one should keep in mind that normality is an abstract concept, and, like beauty, it lies in the eyes of the beholder. For a doctor who wants to find something abnormal these days, there are a host of biochemical and electronic tests, some of which are bound to fall beyond the realm of 'normality'. The situation reminds me of what Mark Twain once observed : "For a man who wants to use a hammer badly, a lot of things look like nails which need hammering." The five-star, profit-making, corporate hospitals in the West (now slowly making their way to the developing world, having lost their credibility in the place of their origin) thrive on this principle. If we look at the Gaussian curves of diseased population and the non-diseased ones, the curves meet and cross each other thus : For a large number of people falling in the range between points b and c in the horizontal axis, the vested interests can always claim that preventive measures help. These people are advised to go in for all sorts of screening procedures. These procedures are basically money-spinners. In addition

they help channelise a lot of money to various business enterprises, such as health food industries, industries selling jogging outfits and executive exercise machines, the drug industry (selling vitamins and minerals), and a host of other ancillary industries. Even the drugs claiming to lower marginally elevated blood pressures (doctor-induced) and cholesterol-lowering agents (another 'ghost' created by the medical profession) bring in more money to the drug industry in America than the total annual budget of a country like India! It is estimated that around 15 million Americans are treated every year unnecessarily for mild hypertension at a cost of $ 2.3 billion! Around 575,000 people are treated in coronary care units for chest pains which turn out to be due to minor muscle aches and pains, at a cost of $ 4.5 billion. The myth surrounding jogging, which is being promoted as a very good form of exercise for good health, deserves to be debunked. Jogging does not give any additional protection to the heart. On the contrary, people with minor obstructions in the blood supply to the heart (which is nothing unusual in middle aged and elderly people) might even drop dead while jogging! Dr. George Burch, a famous American cardiologist, has gone to the extent of calling this fad a 'run to death'. When one is motivated very strongly to jog for a certain length of time, one might try to complete this task inspite of the body giving out warning signals by way of chest pain or breathlessness and might end up in the grave. On an average 45,000 operations are done per year in the USA for knee joint injuries due to jogging and other fashionable sports. The human knee joint is very much similar to the cow's or the dog's and is quite unstable. Jogging unfortunately damages knee joints. The

I arise today through the strength of heaven : Light of sun, Radiance of moon, Splendour of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of wind, Depth of sea, Stability of earth, Firmness of rock. - Saint Patrick

Absence of disease is not Health. Absence of health is dis-harmony, or Dis-ease.





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multimillion jogging outfit industry and many American doctors are responsible for boosting up jogging as a health activity. It is estimated that about 10 percent of orthopaedic surgeons in America could become redundant if jogging stops. Walking, in fact, gives the same health benefits as jogging. One has to walk up and down gradients to get the best benefit out of it. Let us now turn to another enigmatic topic, i.e., cholesterol. Periodic headlines in newspapers keep the debate on this topic alive. A recent headline referred to the 'new danger of cholesterol producing deafness'. However, the scientific data in this regard are not yet available. The surgeon who is reported to have claimed that cholesterol causes deafness was merely quoting from a study done by his assistant, which is yet to see the light of the day in scientific journals after going through the rigorous scientific peer review. It is, therefore, not only premature to publicise such unconfirmed facts in the lay press but is also unethical and totally unscientific to say the least. Such tall claims are always made from time to time with an ulterior motive. The multibillion dollar cholesterol-lowering drug and food industry has a lot to do with this kind of propaganda. Let us look objectively at the whole lot of scientific data on cholesterol for the benefit of lay readers. It has been frequently pointed out that vascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and leg vessel afflictions are more common in people with raised blood concentrations of cholesterol. What is lost sight of are the other changes that take place in the blood of these people, such as rise in (1) blood sugar levels, (2) uric acid levels, and insulin levels. In addition a series of changes takes place in the blood platelets (small

particles in blood which have a great potential for vessel walls damaging and unnatural clotting of blood inside blood vessels which really kills people) . As long as high blood cholesterol was in itself perceived as the cause of occlusive vessel diseases, it has been thought necessary to reduce cholesterol-rich foods and also use cholesterol lowering drug. It has also been cited that lowering cholesterol levels lowers death due to heart attacks. What is frequently ignored is the fact that the total number of people dying, among the cohorts of people whose blood cholesterol levels have been reduced by diet and/or by drugs, has not gone down, in fact, the total number of people dying has gone up! One great scientist in this field once remarked that "doctors trying to reduce patients' cholesterol remind me of the stewards on the deck of the Titanic trying to rearrange the deck chairs as the great vessel was sinking". There was, unexpectedly, an increase in deaths due to a variety of causes, notably accidents, violence, cancer, AIDS and strokes. Professor John Yudkin of the London University in a recent scientific paper in the Royal Society journal had expressed his opinions about the controversy as follows : "Another way of stating these findings is to say that, if you wish to increase the number of people dying of accidents, violence, cancer and stroke, then give them a diet low in fat, and perhaps give them also a cholesterol-lowering drug. At the same time, you will save a few people from dying of heart attacks. Except for the fact that the proportion of people in each category is not very large, one could almost say, with Punch, 'you pays your money and you takes your choice." Professor Yudkin and his team have concluded that there is no conclusive evidence proving that dietary fat or

My early and invincible love of reading, I would not exchange for the treasures of India. - Gibbon 6

The Natural Healing Force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. - Hippocrates 7


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cholesterol is a cause of heart attacks. In fact, a recent editorial in the British Medical Journal has asked for a moratorium on cholesterol - lowering drugs till such time that more definite evidence of the latter's benefit can be gathered. The present evidence merely suggests epidemiological association between high fat and vascular diseases. Scientifically, this relationship is not a cause-effect relationship. I am tempted to give a more telling example. Epidemiologically most people die in bed, barring those who die on roads or at other accident sites. Statistically there is a strong correlation between the sleeping bed (home or hospital) and death. Could we draw the conclusion that the bed is the cause of death as is done in the case of cholesterol for heart attacks and deafness? Having posed this question, I should remind the readers that we cannot completely discard diet advice for our patients. Obesity definitely poses a risk for all types of diseases affecting the heart and other organs. As a matter of fact, one kilogram of excess fat in the body will contain 800 kilometers of capillaries (small blood vessels). This additional burden in itself will result in faster wear and tear. So the advice given by our ancestors has proved very scientific : "hitha mitha aahara", i.e. moderation is everything and keeping the body weight under control are the logical means of avoiding premature death. Do you know that when your blood cholesterol is examined even by the best laboratory, equipped with the lastest apparatus, technical errors can creep in to such an extent which could shock even the most ardent anticholesterol lobbyists? Several factors including consumption of drugs or coffee and exercise habits can

influence the results of blood cholesterol tests. Intercurrent illness such as common cold or 'flu' can also alter your cholesterol levels. If a person lies flat for 20 minutes before the blood sample is taken, there can be a 15 percent change in the cholesterol level. If a tourniquet is applied too tightly before withdrawing blood, a change of 2 to 10 percent can result. In addition, the anticoagulant used in the tests can dramatically change the outcome. Oxalate can create an 8 percent change in cholesterol levels and citrate and fluoride can cause changes up to 18 percent. Other factors such as laboratory handling, storage and transport of the blood specimen can have profound effects on the final result. Be that as it may, the million-dollar question is : will the cholesterol-lowering programme improve your longevity? If a person has a low risk factor and can practise a lifelong programme of lowering his cholesterol, the estimated life expectancy may be extended by three days to 12 months. For persons at high risk, the life expectancy may be extended by 18 days to 12 months. As against this, what are the hazards of lowering cholesterol levels? To date, there is no known safe anti- cholesterol drug. Hepatitis (liver damage), increased risks of cancer, precipitation of diabetes and gout, kidney failure and early cataract are some of the known side-effects of the commonly used cholesterol lowering drugs. Increased incidences of violent deaths due to suicide, homicide and accidents have been reported in people who try to lower their cholesterol levels by drugs. Michael Brown and Joseph Goldstein, who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of cholesterol receptors,

Health is the only thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. - Franklin Adams.

Laugh three times a day. Keep the doctor away.




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have observed: "If the LDL receptor hypothesis is correct, the human receptor system is designed to function in the presence of an exceedingly low LDL cholesterol level. The kind of diet necessary to maintain such a level would be markedly different from the customary diet. It would call for the total elimination of dairy products as well as eggs, meat and other sources of saturated fats. We believe that such a drastic change is not warranted for the entire population. Firstly, such a diet will have severe economic and social consequences. Second, it might well expose the population to other diseases now prevented by moderate fat intake. Third, experience has shown that people will not adhere to such a diet for long. Fourth, and the most compelling, people vary genetically. Even among those who consume current Western high-fat diet, 50 percent will die of atherosclerotics disease, the other 50 percent are resistant to the disease." We do not know why. If we find out why 50 percent of people who eat high-fat diet and have high cholesterol but do not die of atherosclerosis, the answer should open our eyes. Scientific facts are not always true. They are, at best, attempts to get the truth and final secret is closely guarded by Nature. The history of the clinical nutrition of modern medicine reveals that doctors have been changing the dietary advice to their patients literally daily for the latter to have any confidence. One will be surprised to know that the foundation of the so-called "balanced diet" rests on the Nazi secret of the German soldier's diet during the Second World War. What then are the reasons for people to advocate the much publicized cholesterol lowering programme in spite of the fact that to date, no major study on fat intervention

has demonstrated a decrease in total mortality? When a marginal fall in vascular mortality is shown in some studies, an accompanying rise in cancer mortality has been evident. This points to a situation like the stewards on the deck of the Titanic trying to shift the deck chair as the ship has sinking. A pointer, good enough for the medical profession, Is to sit up and see straight! A whole new industry related to cholesterol lowering and diet-changing efforts has sprung up, involving gigantic economic activity. A senior American cardiologist, Professor Eliot Cord, gives the following advice to both the public and the medical profession : "Blood cholesterol should be checked only if there are sound clinical indications. The medical profession should tell all people to abstain from tobacco smoking and to follow a reasonable blood pressure control programme. A mixed diet low in calories and saturated fat should be recommended, along with some physical exercise. The presently advocated dramatic cholesterol campaign is of uncertain value and tremendous cost." Isn't this our old granny's advice which we ignored? Every human being has to die one day and that day is almost fixed in our genes when we are born. Barring accidents, every person dies at predetermined time. Medical science and modern technology have not been able to extend an individual's life span by even a minute even though they have been able to extend mankind's life expectancy markedly. Our objective should be to ensure that all human beings remain happy and healthy as long as they live. This can be achieved by observing moderation in all areas. Diseases and disabilities result from heredity, social factors, environmental changes, ethnic background,

Man alone suffers so excruciatingly in the world that he was compelled to invent Laughter - Nietzsche

The greatest scientific discovery is the fact that all our concepts are only approximations. - Geoffrey Chew 11



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economic status, political freedom and most of all chance. Some of us live long in spite of being subjected to various hardships because of our inheritance of a disease called 'longevity syndrome'. which is purely genetic. Let me re-emphasise at this stage that modern medicine has only been looking at risk factors and has been attempting to alter these by so-called 'preventive screening' methods and 'lifestyle changes.' These schemes have proved highly profitable to the medical profession and also to the supporting industries. All and sundry are being goaded to have regular check-up. Expensive executive check-ups have become routine in the 'five-star medicine' culture. The scientific findings in this field, however, tell a different story. Except for high blood pressure and diabetes, no other known disease can be detected at an incipient stage for the longterm benefit of the individual. Blood pressure and urine or blood sugar can be checked by your own family doctor regularly. One does not have to go for costly periodic health screening. The latter might even cause havoc with a hypochondriac and lead to what is called 'the Ulysses syndrome'. Like the Greek hero, an innocent man might suffer from the medical profession's diagnostic or therapeutic misadventures. The usual media claim that the industrial world has an epidemic of vascular diseases which are creeping into the developing world has not been borne out by scientific studies. Such studies have shown that the claims of recent epidemics of these killer diseases have been largely spurius. On the other hand, present-day 'civilization' has engendered several new 'diseases' which will very soon destroy mankind if not checked immediately. These

'diseases' include divorce, suicide and man's cruelty to man. Right-thinking and conscientious people should seriously plan a strategy for our next generation. The time has come for the medical profession to ponder over whether the treatment of patients today is for good of the doctor or for the good of the patients. Expensive procedures such as bypass surgery and also costly drugs, normally prescribed after a heart attack, have come in for adverse criticism. Even though bypass surgery can be very beneficial for extreme cases, such surgery is being done routinely even for mild cases where operation may not be indicated at all. Let us face the truth. Bypass surgery is the best money-spinner in the Western world. Modern medicine is moving away from the most laudable ideals of our profession as enunciated by our founder father, Hippocrates, when he said, "cure rarely, comfort mostly but console always". The kingpin in this game of medicine, the human being who is ill or imagines he is ill, is being forgotten in this age of various scopes, CAT scanners and other gigmos. He or she does not get any succor because the healer today has become "a plumber, cutter, welder, driller, anything but a doctor". Positive health is not merely the absence of a physical disease. It is the holistic well-being not only of the body and mind but also of the soul. Even the World Health Organisation (WHO) is grappling with a new definition of health. A human being's mind is at the root of all his troubles and a good doctor should be able to understand this precept. We have to train a new breed of doctors who understand disease in its entirety. Till then, the only hope for the population is the dying breed of the family doctor with empathy as his subspeciality. Don't we call this 'superspeciality' in India? Going to a specialist directly

Knowledge advances only by reputation of false doctrines and not by repetition of true ones. - Karl Popper

Diseases present (themselves) through the personality of the patient. - Sir James Spencer.




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my be a fatal mistake at times. A majority of illnesses are self-curing and one does not really need treatment. The safest way to ensure a continuous healthy life is to maintain a wise family doctor to guide you. In the unlikely event of his needing help, the specialists, of whom there are hundreds today, can be summoned. If you get caught in the whirlpool of modern high-tech medicine without the help of wise counsel, you may repent when it is too late. The doctor of the future will have to be educated with the community as his background and not modern technology and diagnosis oriented hospital teaching. Diagnosis must only serve as the means to reaching our goal. The goal should be to relieve human suffering. The current monetary economy scene, with its competitive ethos, is at the root of all human misery including every disease. Urbanisation, population migration, economic dependence and political oppression are the new risk factors contracting a disease but the known conventional risk factors have not been responsible for this. Acculturation and economic frustration drive these people so fast that they virtually gallop to their graves. By the year AD 2000, 50 percent of our villages would have been urbanised. Such urbanisation is estimated to push up death and disease figures by geometric proportions and our big cities will become the largest mortuaries. We must utilise all our available resources until we reverse this mad race for so-called 'modernisation' in the name of progress. Let us try to avoid the ravages of modern medicine. – Dr. B M Hegde A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton 14


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EAT YOUR WAY TO A BETTER LIFE Health is a feeling of exuberance, which leaves us free to discover our potential, far beyond our present imagination. But health has become elusive today. Such common complaints as colds, headaches, sinus problems, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, arthritis, skin afflictions, colitis, intestinal ailments and a multitude of other maladies are the consequence of poor dietary practices. Of unfit foods, improperly eaten foods, and incorrect living practices in general. All illnesses are caused by toxic materials in the body. An illness per se is a body crisis initiated by the body itself. An illness is an attempt made by the body at self purification. During illness, the body can cleanse itself through the skin, pores, mucous, fever etc. If we are to enjoy and appreciate the highest level of health, correct dietary practices are absolutely necessary. That we cannot be healthy on a diet of nicotine, alcohol, vinegar, caffeine or drugs or fatty foods is known. What is not known is what to eat, when to eat, or how much to eat. • Food must be palatable in its natural or living state. This means mostly in a raw state (fruits and vegetables, for example.) Cooking has a history of only a few thousand years. One has suffered much as a result. Experiment after experiment shows that only a living food diet will sustain health at the highest level. • Food must contain no harmful or toxic substances. It should not interfere with normal body processes e.g. mushrooms contain m.s.g. that is toxic or refined foodsincluding sugar leave a toxic residue. Fruits on the other hand are completely digested leaving no toxic residue. • Foods must be easy for digestion and assimilation. It must place no extraordinary digestive burdens upon the body. Example : meats and deep fried foods are a burden on the system, taking up to 72 hours to digest. If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying. - John Ruskin 15


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Fruits take 20 minutes. • The food must contain a rather broad range of nutrients and food factors in an utilisable form. Most foods in nature are well rounded in their nutrients, having a rather complete complement of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other food factors known and unknown. If we disregard the water content of foods, most of them do not differ significantly in their nutrient content, though all vary e.g. polished rice, bread, sugar, biscuits are fragmented foods. Thus, the objective in the selection of foods is to arrive at those that have the highest possible biological value for us. Only fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds (in sprouted form) meet all these criteria. That too, in a most admirable way. The best of foods and most ideally balanced diets are all irrelevant, when not utilised by the body. They leave behind toxic wastes, which is the beginning of the chain of illness and disease. Another reason for fruits and vegetables dominating the diet - is its water content. Our body is 70% water (like earth) which means that 70% of our foods should consist of fruits and vegetables. There are two important reasons for this - nourishment and cleansing. Water transports the nutrients in the food to all the body's cells, and in turn also removes the toxic wastes. All the nutritional requirements for the body are found in fruits and vegetables, without any need to count calories. Drinking eight glasses of water is not solution, because water does not carry the enzymes and other life preserving elements into the body. But the water content in fruits and vegetables does! We mostly tend to eat foods that do not cleanse, but instead pollute the body. To be vibrantly and vigorously alive, in the best possible shape, we must eat foods that are alive. – Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Associates The Health Awareness Centre I must lose myself in action, lest I wither in despair - Tennyson 16


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WHAT LED ME TO THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEW SCIENCE OF HEALING? (Continued from the previous issue...)

Whilst on the ordinary Nature Cure System the diet, at all events very often, has been wholly unregulated, or arbitrarily accommodated to the traditionary mixed diet, the New Science of Healing prescribes a non-stimulant system of dieteties based on natural laws and accurately and clearly defined. As you see, the deviations from usual methods of the Nature Cure System - which, I repeat it again, has nevertheless, worked wonders - are so great, that I feel quite justified in giving my theory and practice a new name, that of the New Science of Healing without Drugs and without Operations. I cannot enumerate in detail all the experiments I tried, before my system was fully developed, that would doubtless be interesting to many, but would not be of practical value. It is, in fact, a special advantage when one can make straight for the goal and avoid the many wrong paths which had to be traversed, before the right road was discovered. After these prefatory remarks, let us turn to the matter itself. The fundamental question, which I must first examine and on which the entire method of cure is based, is this : "What body is , or is not, healthy?" Current opinions are very different. Who has not had experience of this? One asserts that he is quite healthy, only a little rheumatism troubles him, another suffers only from nervousness, but is otherwise health itself. Just as if the There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body. - James Allen 17


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body consisted of separate sections, one quite separated off from the other and hardly having any connection with it at all. Strangely enough, this view is supported by the orthodox method of curing. For the latter in many case only regards one individual organ, often scarcely noticing the neighbouring ones. Yet it is an undoubted fact, that the entire human body is a united whole, the parts of which are in constant reciprocal relation, so that sickness in one part must have an influence on the other parts. Daily observation shows you that such is the case. If you have the toothache, you are hardly capable of work, and relish neither food nor drink. A splinter in the little finger has a similar effect, pain in the stomach robs us of all desire for physical or mental work. At first this is only the immediate influence transmitted by the nerves. But we perceive how one trouble directly induces others. Should it continue long, the consequences will be permanent, whether they are perceptible to us or not. A body can therefore be healthy only when all its parts are in their normal condition and perform their work without pain, pressure or tension. But all the parts should also posses the form best adapted to their purpose, which likewise best corresponds to our ideas of beauty. Where the external form is abnormal, such state has been caused by definite influences. But extended observations are necessary to determine the precise normal form in every case, we have first of all to find really healthy persons as objects of study, from whom to learn the forms. But it has now become well-nigh impossible to find such. To be sure, we speak of strong, healthy persons, and many declare that they belong to this class, but if we inquire Keep yourself so busy that you have no time to fret and stew. 18


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more closely, each one has some trifle - as he expresses it - to mention, some slight pain, an occasional headache, toothache now and then, and so on, which proves that absolute health is out of the question. For this reason comprehensive study is necessary in order to learn the normal shape of the body. Nevertheless something may be done by comparing sick persons with the approximately healthy and from subsequent explanations you will see still more clearly how it is possible. I have mentioned the fact that disease alters the shape of the body, I will now give you some familiar instances. To begin with, let me remind you of persons suffering from obesity, whose bodies take on the well-known rotundity, and in contrast to them of lean persons, on whose bodies hardly any fat is deposited. Both are undoubtedly morbid symptoms. Further, there is the loss of the teeth, which alters the whole face, gouty affections, in which knots are formed, articular rheumatism, in which there is a swelling of entire parts of the body. In all these cases the alterations are so strikingly apparent that the novice recognizes them. In other forms of disease they are less evident to the eye, yet I can remind you of many more well-known cases. You know that a healthy person has a clear, quiet eye, and that his features are not distorted. But you would find it hard to determine when the face gets the proper expression, and you will unhesitatingly admit that one person has a sharper sense of observation in this matter than another. For instance, we often meet a person whom we have not seen for years. We find that he has changed considerably for the worse during this time, though we are not able accurately to Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. - Addison 19


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define the nature of this change. And nevertheless these transformations, through which the body gradually loses its beauty, have a deep significance, to which I shall return further on. From all this it is evident that diseases reveal themselves by changes in the body and more especially in the head and neck, and that it is an important matter to recognize and explain these alterations. Whether everyone will succeed in doing this, I will not decide, much perseverance and assiduous practice are needful for making observations. Those wishing to go deeper into the Science of Facial Expression, I would recommend to procure my handbook which forms a clear guide to the subject. To-day I will call your attention to another touchstone of health. Since the entire body is affected in every case of illness, we are able to test the state of health by examination of the operation of any organ. We do best, however, to choose those organs whose functions may be most thoroughly and readily tested and such are the organs of digestion. Good digestion is a sign of good health, and when it continues in perfect operation day after day, the body is undoubtedly quite healthy. These observations can very easily be made in the case of animals. It is from what is left over, that we can best judge how the process of digestion has been performed. The remnant matter should be ejected from the body in such form that the latter remains perfectly clean. This you can observe every day in the case of horses and birds in a state of freedom. Pardon my further elucidating this delicate matter, but when speaking of health and sickness everything must be called by its right names. Nutrition is a personal matter, as personal as your diary or Income tax report. Your nutrition can determine how you look, act and feel... - Adelle Davis 20

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The end of the rectum is most admirably formed, so that if the excrements are of the proper consistency when they reach it, they are ejected without difficulty and without soiling the body. I have dealt with this subject more in detail in my little pamphlet "Am I well or sick?" So called toilet-paper is an acquisition for sick humanity, perfectly healthy people do not in reality need such. Do not mistake me, I do not mean that anyone who is not in really sound health, should imagine that by his rejecting this resource of civilization he has achieved some wonderful victory! On the contrary, it is just for such unhealthy persons that it is necessary, so that cleanliness may be maintained. Now, from his digestion everyone can easily learn whether he is healthy or not. The test alluded to is a highly important one, and I do not hesitate to assert this positively, undisturbed by the mockery of sceptics. Fortunate, indeed, is he whom the above mentioned criterion informs he is in full health. A healthy person always feels perfectly well, he knows nothing of pain or discomfort so long as they are not from external causes, in fact he never feels that he has a body. He delights in work, and enjoys such activity until he grows tired, when he again finds full happiness in sweet repose. For him it is easy to bear mental anguish, his body yields for his assuagement the soothing balm of tears, of which, in such cases, even a man need not be ashamed. A healthy man is not troubled by family cares and anxieties, for in himself he feels the strength to provide for his loved ones. A healthy mother finds happiness in bringing up her family, for she can nourish her little ones in the Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Make our earth an Eden like the heaven above. - Julia F. Carney 21


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manner nature intended, and if darlings are healthy too, what a blissful life is theirs! Their faces are wreathed in happy smiles, none of that continual restlessness, grumbling and crying, in short, the education of such children is a delight, especially as they will be far more susceptible and obedient to their teacher's influence. To recapitulate briefly : Natural inclination drew me to science, severe sickness and sad experience with orthodox physicians led me to the Nature Cure. My perceiving that even the latter, as hitherto applied, was powerless to cure my serious chronic complaints, forced me to further researches. Constant observation of living nature revealed to me the necessary alteration which the external form of every organism undergoes through disease, and the manner in which this alteration takes place, and the way in which it again disappears when the disease is cured, finally taught me what disease is and how it arises. – Louis Kuhne


Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all that I ask for. I'm only testing you.


Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel more secure.


Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.


Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I will take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.


Don't make me feel my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.


Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.


Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.


Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too great a shock when I discover you are neither.


Don't ever think it beneath your dignity to apologise to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm towards you.

ANNOUNCEMENT Expert Consultations on Holistic Lines are available at the office of the Trust - 'Holistic Healing Helps'. A prior appointment is a must.

GOOD NEWS FOR OUR READERS All our three monthlies can now be read on the following website :

aarogyam111.googlepages.com If you find someone who is unselfish, all-loving, and deeply concerned for the well being of all, there you find the true realization of God. – Ramakrishina Paramhansa 22


JUNE 2009

10) Don't forget I love experimenting. I couldn't get on without it. So please put up with it. - J. Maurus Our best bet is still prevention. 23


JUNE 2009










Real Love is unconditionally caring about the happiness of another person. With Real Love, nothing else matters, without it, nothing else is enough. If you're feeling disappointed or angry with your partner, it's a sure sign you're not unconditionally loving him or her. Don't blame your partner for your unhappiness, which is really caused by a long-standing lack of Real Love in your life. In the absence of Real Love, we attempt to fill our emptiness with Imitation Love, which comes in four forms : praise, power, pleasure and safety. Although the effects are superficial and temporary, we still pursue Imitation Love in its many forms, because it gives us a sense of "happiness" that feels far better than nothing in the absence of Real Love. We use Getting Behaviours to fill our emptiness : lying, attacking, acting like a victim, and clinging. We use Protecting Behaviours to eliminate our fear. lying, attacking, acting like a victim, and running. For most of us, the real meaning of "I've fallen in love" is "I've found someone who will give me all the Imitation Love I want." When you use Getting and Protecting Behaviours, you will not be able to feel Real Love, even when it's being given to you. When you tell the truth about yourself, you create the opportunity to find someone who will unconditionally accept you. The Law of Expectations : We never have the right to expect that another person will do anything for us. For life is not to live, but to be well.


JUNE 2009







Expectations lead to disappointment, anger, and unhappiness in relationships. In any relationship, you really have only three choices to make : live with it and like it, live with it and hate it, or leave. If you're unhappy in a relationship, you're always wrong. As long as you focus on being right, you're wasting your time, effort, and chance for happiness. Faith is a decision you make to tell the truth about yourself even when you're still uncertain about what might happen. As you tell the truth about yourself, you will create opportunities for wise men and women to accept and love you unconditionally. Every time we're angry, we're really just protecting ourselves from something we're afraid of. Usually the thing we're afraid of is not feeling loved. When you feel Real Love from just one person, that love gives you greater strength to interact with everyone else in your life. – Greg Baer, M.D.

DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? Do you know who you are? You are the master of the body and the sense and the mind. You are the master of your life. All power is within you. Know this and manifest it. Look within and search your heart, Through meditation on the innermost self. Realize your identity with Brahman And come to the heart of infinite joy and bliss. – Swami Sivananda Saraswati Health Care is Self Care is Earth Care.

- Martial 24



JUNE 2009

CONCURRENT USE OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES Q : "Many patients who come to doctors of modern medicine for treatment also consume other alternative medicines such as Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathic etc. Is there any evidence that such practices lead to more patient satisfaction?" - Dr. Shankar Rao A : "One must keep in mind that concurrent use of alternative non-drug therapies (except homoeopathy) are unlikely to adversely affect the outcome of modern treatment. However, the use of orally taken Ayurvedic and Unani medicines can lead to drug interactions and even interfere with the actions of allopathic medicines. No study on the effect of integrating complementary and allopathic medicine has been done in India but a study done in Northern Ireland in which over 700 patients took part shows that some 65% of patients did benefit. Twofifths of patients reported an improvement in symptoms, 81% said their general health had improved and 55% said that they had been able to reduce their use of painkillers. The therapies included acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, - Dr. C. M. Gulhati reflexology and aroma-therapy."


The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has advocated a total ban on the use of carisoprodol containing products following a review which concluded that the risks of this drug are greater than benefits. It has been found that the drug has potential of abuse or addiction as well as intoxication and events relating to psychormotor impairment. The review look place after the drug regulatory authority of Norway ordered the withdrawal of the drug from the market due to new information on adverse effects. In India, carisoprodol is not only sold as a single ingredient formulation but has also been irrationally combined with paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is being marketed under various brand names such as Carisoma, Carisoma Compound and Somaflam. It is being promoted for pain of muscle spasms, back pain etc. Patients already consuming carisoprodol products should be advised to gradually taper off the dose to avoid withdrawal symptoms.


MIMS, 503, Mansarovar, 90 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019. (Dec, 2008 Issue) Tel. : 4101 4693, 2643 3115


I HAVE A DREAM "I have a dream that one day we will have temple - spas throughout the country where people will go to renew their spirits, nourish their minds, and regenerate their bodies. These temple-spas will be surrounded by gardens, fragrant with the scent of herbs and flowers, with pathways leading to nearby woods and meadows. Certain areas of the temple-spa will be set aside for specialised activities, each contributing to attunement to the Universal : 1) Natural therapies such as music, colour, massage, manipulation and hydro & helio-therapies 2 Body movement such as dancing, swimming, yoga, and Tai Chi 3) Programmes such as music, drama and lecture / discussion. 4) Libraries for reading and research. 5) Creative activities such as working with arts and crafts. 6) Working with nature through gardening or study and 7) Turning within through prayer and meditation. A common denominator of the temple-spa experience will be individualised therapeutic programs and a large, windowed cafeteria serving fresh, whole, unadulterated, organically grown food and pure, unpolluted water. The temple spas will be as much a part of our national life as hospital and churches are today. An impossible dream? So was the airplane and the telephone, in fact, most of what we call modern civilization. Progress begins with impossible dreams, except, this time around the impossible dream must be of a different nature, must move us in a different direction if we are to survive into the 21st Century. The new direction will be towards health, wholeness and harmony both within and without - ourselves and our world. This is the peace we are seeking." - Walene James

Regd.: MAHENG11132/13/1/2007-TC • Postal Reg. No.: MH / MR / NW-120/08 “Posted at H.P.O., Borivali H.O., Mumbai-400 091” on 15th of every month.

People are unreasonable, illogical and self centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false Friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be Forgotten tomorrow, Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you Vulnerable be honest and frank anyway. People favour underdogs but follow only Top dogs, fight for some under dogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight, Build anyway. People really need help but may attack You if you help them, Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you've got. ANYWAY Writer : Unkonwn Submitted by : Mr. N. M. Chheda Jeewan Aradhana, Bima Nagar, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103. PRINTED MATTER ONLY

From :

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivli (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 0271 • Mob.: 98332 05550

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