Holistic Healing Helps_jan09

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  • Pages: 15


Issue No.: 13

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From the Desk of the Editor..........

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS A registered charity trust, working in the field of dissemination of TRUE HOLISTIC HEALTH KNOWLEDGE Trust Reg. No.: TR/40389 Dt. 20-12-2006 • PAN : AAA TH 5890 F As per I.T. Exemp. Certificate Dt. 11-5-2007 valid till 31-3-2011 Add.: 2/102-103-104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 2893 0271 • E-mail : [email protected]


From the Desk of the Editor.................................. 3


January 2009

Published by :

Dear Readers, In naturopathy we lay a lot of stress on the slogan - "The Healer Lies Within." It is a well known fact that it is the nature that heals and cures, the naturopathic physician lends intelligent assistance and interprets its laws for the patient. Human body can withstand danger from within because of its peculiar power


Doctor's Dilemma ................................................... 4


Doctors have a Vested Interest in Prolonging Our Sickness !? ................................. 7

to right itself and restore its own balance. There are certain self curetive forces which are inherent in the human body working towards health and healing. We cannot heal a disease with a remedy we apply. It is the vital force within us


Say no to Cereals ................................................. 11


"I am smarter than you if you are a meat-eater".........................................15

which heals and we need but to aid it. It is a supreme force, acting in and through every atom, molecule and cell in human body which is the true healer. Even animals know and practise nature cure by instinct.


Lemon Shots .........................................................20


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind ............. 22


The Famous Letter by Abraham Lincoln ............24

Every person interested in Naturopathy should always


Ten Ways to Build Self-Confidence......................26

remember the above slogan.

A sick dog will authomatically fast and abstain from food and even cats and similar animals know the importance of sun bath.

With divine love... Naturally yours,

MISSION STATEMENT "The Holistic Healer" is dedicated to promoting holistic principles : honouring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their health and health-care." Printed, published and edited by Mr. Bipin Parekh on behalf of owner "Holistic Healing Helps Trust", from 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103 and printed at Jignesh Printers, Shop No. 1, Rohan Residency, Ram Mandir X Road, Babhai Naka, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.

Your Editor may please be contacted only between 10 a.m. to 12 noon & between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday .

BIPIN PAREKH (Mob.: 98332 05550) Date : 15/01/2009 3


January 2009

DOCTOR'S DILEMMA Oh ! let us never, never doubt What nobody is sure about ! – Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) A thinking doctor will have a great dilemma in the midst of all the medical claptrap that is being sold to the gullible public. Most of what we do is not being properly audited : when audited, the bench marks used are questionable. The euboxic medicine, trying to see that all the boxes in the computer generated case records are filled to avoid future litigation, practised in the west today and copied by others would only keep the record sheets straight but might result in dysboxic death, death at unexpected time and place, of the patient! This is one of the reasons why the death and disability rates went down when doctors went on strike in Israel in 2000. This has to change and the earlier it happens the better for humankind. Our present disease-based medical education should be replaced by patient (human) oriented medical education of yore where the patient was the kingpin in the game of healing. Great brains of the past - Thomas Lewis, Sir William Osler, Lord Platt, Sir George Pickering, Paul Wood, Paul Dudley White, Sam Levine, Thomas Holme Sellers, Lord Brock, Lord Brain, John Hutchinson and many other thinkers of the past - had said this time and again but we, in our present delusion with scopes and scanners thought that we need not pay heed to these people. In fact, if one re-reads that classic by Richard Asher, Talking Sense, even today one would wonder that his writings are so contemporary and very topical. They all had robust Present day medical science seems to be guided by monetary interests alone. Surgical correction and drug therapy are only palliative. 4


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common sense which is a scarce commodity in the medical world today. Lord Platt wrote : "If you listen to your patient long enough he/she would tell you what is wrong with him/her." Today's technologists would think this is madness. However, a recent double blinded, prospective, computerized study in London showed that listening to the patient and reading the referral letter gave 80% of the accurate final diagnosis and one hundred percent of the idea of future management strategies in medical out-patient diagnosis. Would not this cost a lot less? Value based medical education, preferably based mainly in the community, would solve some of the problems, like over-investigation and over treatment that result in many Ulysses syndromes. Rather, teaching in the hi-tech set up should be discouraged to make the doctor-patient relationship the sheet anchor of medical care delivery. Medical students should have lessons in medical humanism, which includes insight into the real health problems and their solutions. Research must be better regulated. Financial interests of the researchers need to be carefully assessed before publishing their data. Time is now ripe for openness in research. The profession, before being advertised to the gullible public, should evaluate newer heroic surgical feats that bring in fame, money and status to doctors, hospitals and the vendors of equipment. Deportation of the physician under the most draconian law in South Africa, in the much publicized first heart transplant, for refusing to declare the donor brain dead, is a glaring example of what happens behind the scenes in such situations. We need stricter control over these heroic Simple anxiety reduction would make most people healthy and enthusiastic. 5


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procedures where the real hero is the patient who offers himself for the procedure unaware of its implications and hazards. Interventions could be audited, like drugs, by controlled studies. Many new techniques had resulted in mortality and morbidity in the past : they are too many to enumerate! Most of them have been swept under the carpet. Medicine revolves round anxiety - patient anxiety of disability and death and doctor anxiety of having done enough of the right thing or not. If something could be done to allay both these, we will have progressed in the right direction. Doctor's dilemma that causes so much of stress related diseases among doctors goes unnoticed to the detriment of patients and the public. This has to be urgently addressed by the profession as also the powers that be. This is not a small matter. Hope sanity will prevail and medical education gets suitably modified with special stress on continued rounded professional development of the practitioners. Before society loses faith in doctors we have to change for the better and make modern medicine accessible to the majority of the suffering humanity. The popularity of complementary systems is not to be taken lightly despite the fact that we shout from house tops day in and day out that complementary systems are not scientific, people in large numbers opt for those systems. They are not fools to do so. Let us introspect before it is too late. We should remember that a patient could live without we doctors but doctors cannot live without patients. Before we reach that stage let us act wisely and set our house in order. "Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original shape." – Oliver Wendell Holmes – Dr. B. M. Hegde A sensible life style also assists healing. In essence the human body is built by nature to last. If one lives sensibly, health will be the rule and disease an exception. 6


January 2009

Doctors Have a Vested Interest in Prolonging Our Sickness!? Bapu blamed the doctors for allowing us to indulge in gustatory delectation, which often resulted in constipation, which, in turn, gave rise to one or more ailments. Bapu believed in the old maxim “Constipation is the fertile mother of most diseases. Kill the mother, and the orphans will perish!” Granting that there is some exaggeration in this adage, there is much truth too in it. Most of the patients that are suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, hypertension, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease and other chronic ailments are sufferers from latent or patent constipation. And most of these can be relieved of their symptoms in a week or a month if they ate the right food—frugally—and exercised daily so that their constipation became past history, and the bowels started moving two or three times a day, and that too, freely, without straining. It is interesting to note that Bapu considered overeating not merely an unhealthy habit; he considered it a vice. Later on, after deeper study of this trouble—which had bothered him since childhood and even resulted in his suffering from appendicitis, for which he had to get appendectomy done—he had started calling gluttony a SIN! He even went to the extent of saying that just as we call promiscuous, sexually loose-moralled persons characterless, we should call habitual overeaters also characterless! Nobody in the world, except Bapu, has dared to brand gluttons as sinners or characterless persons! For that matter, none but Bapu has dared to make this statement that “hospitals are institutions that propagate sin!” Bapu has been the only personage in the history of civilization who has denounced overeating as being sinful and immoral! Thinking along similar lines, he wrote at one place: “Multiplicity of hospitals and medical men is no sign of civilization”—a shocking but nevertheless thought-provoking statement. Obviously, what Bapu wished to convey here was The fewer the medicines you give to your patients, the better for them. – Dr. H. G. Cox 7


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that if we needed an ever-increasing number of doctors to take care of our ever-increasing diseases, we cannot claim ourselves to be intelligent, self-controlled, healthy people, capable of looking after our own physical and mental fitness. Bapu expected every doctor to be a teacher of healthy living, but he found to his dismay that in allopathic medical colleges, NOTHING IS TAUGHT ABOUT HOW TO MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH BY MODERATE INTAKE OF ONLY WHOLESOME VEGETARIAN FOOD, BESIDES REGULAR INVIGORATING EXERCISE AND A DISCIPLINED YOGIC LIFESTYLE. In fact, childhood onwards, nowhere in the world, right knowledge is imparted about what to eat and what not to, as also how little is our requirement for oral nourishment; or that fasting or frugal partaking of exclusive fruit diet or a raw diet or a kalpa (monodiet), by itself, can rid us of almost any ailment, sans drugs or medical intervention, unless the disease is too far advanced, having reached a point of no return. Based on his experiences and his reading of literature by naturopaths such as Dr. Benedict Lust and Adolph Just, Bapu used to write articles in his paper Indian Opinion, when he was in South Africa; out of these articles, in 1906, the first ever book by Bapu was published on simple rules of healthy lifestyle. By a curious coincidence, the very last of Bapu’s writings in book form were also health-related; the booklet was titled Key to Health, published in 1942, and the articles in the same were written by Bapu when he was incarcerated in Aga Khan Palace in Pune. For conservation of vital energy, Bapu invariably advocated abstinence from sexual coitus, along with fasting or strict dieting. Bapu was convinced that elimination of toxins from the body was best speeded up by resting the digestive apparatus from its daily task of digesting, absorbing and assimilating of food; Bapu’s advice for brahmacharya (celibacy) was also based on the same contention of conservation of Vital Power, which then is geared to the herculean task of detoxification of our usually highly autointoxicated physiques.

Of course, side by side with the resting and cleansing of the bowels, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, and other physical tissues of their pathological load, Bapu’s emphasis always rested on RAMA-NAMA (chanting the name of God). It may be noted here that Bapu’s Rama was not Bhagwan Rama of Ramayana, but He was the omnipresent, omniscient Lord, God, Ishwar or Allah. Bapu wished that each and every person had an absolute faith in the healing power of God or Nature; he regretted the fact that the tendency of the average human being was to have tremendous faith in his or her doctor but little or no faith in God Almighty. For psycho-spiritual purification, Bapu’s prescription was total faith in God, along with a heart full of Love for all and ill will for none. Bapu was Compassion and Love personified, and he wished that all humanity also similarly walked the path of “Love for all humans.” Being a votary of Ahimsa (Compassion), Bapu also advocated nonharming of any human being, even by unspoken or spoken word, let alone by inflicting bodily injury. Of course, non-killing of animals for our eating was a part of Bapu’s Ahimsa; and going a step further, Bapu abhorred the usual practice of experiments on animals in medical research since such research involved cruelty to helpless, defenseless animals who had to suffer a lot of agony for our—human beings’—health problems; these socalled researches mostly terminated in killing of those animals at the hands of the scientists. In Bapu’s spiritual dimension of holistic health, killing of animals did not find any place. That was another reason Bapu was absolutely against allopathic system of medicine. Perhaps, all the aforesaid views of Bapu on health and healing, up to the year 1945, may be considered obsolete or irrelevant in this year 2004. One may argue that allopathy has made tremendous strides in the intervening half century in the fields of laser surgeries, organ transplants, emergency medicine and scores of health-loss problems in human beings; these achievements certainly are very laudable.

It is most regrettable that we are bent upon making ever increasing use of medicines, instead of relying on, and having faith in, Nature’s powers of resistance to disease. – Dr. Wendell Mcleod

I have had greater success in the treatment of diseases by snatching drugs away from patients rather than by administering drugs to them. – Dr. Alton Goldbloom of America 9



January 2009

However, notwithstanding all those accomplishments and despite the increase in lifespan of an average Indian, a majority of us—in all age groups, infancy onwards—seem to be suffering from some or the other chronic health problem, physically or psycho-emotionally. This is because of our nonrectification of wrong eating habits; our addictions to alcohol, tobacco, etc.; sedentary long-hour jobs; mental stresses, tensions, etc.; as also due to ever-increasing air pollution, water pollution and other factors that are largely beyond our personal control. Health should be valued above wealth; but most of us are in a fast pursuit of riches and status, thereby planting seeds of psychosomatic illnesses, which may turn into degenerative, almost incurable, diseases with our advancing age. We have forgotten that certain eternal truths about health and disease have withstood all tests of time; the most important verities are these: (1) There is a Divine Intelligence in all the trillions of cells of which our physique is constituted, governing our Vital Power, or PRANA-URJA, which alone has the healing strength or prowess in itself. (2) There is a broad-based truism that all diseases are curable— cancer and AIDS inclusive—though all patients are not. (3) Dr. Herbert Shelton considered enervation as the sole cause of most chronic diseases, which in modern times are multifactorial. Since most modern diseases are psychosomatic, the treatments too have to be mind-body based, as Dr. Deepak Chopra always suggests. (4) Acharya Shri Lakshmana Sarma’s precept of elimination of bodily toxins being best promoted by totally or largely suspending the ingestion of all food, semi-fasting, etc., is as valid today as it was in Bapu’s times; in fact, Hippocrates and Charaka were the first votaries of these health-restoring measures, over 2,000 years ago. Let us study briefly the vindication of eternal verities of health in modern times. – Dr. M. M. Bhamgara No drug can be considered safe. The Head of the Dept of Pharmacology at the Bridham Hospital in Boston. 10

January 2009


SAY NO TO CEREALS Down the centuries, through agricultural and technological revolutions, Cereal foods, rice and wheat in particular, have shaped and turned human history. Agriculture - which more and more has come to signify single-crop farming has replaced not only the hunters, gatherers and nomadic herdsmen, but also the methods and practices of traditional farming. Cash cropping has steadily replaced techniques that protect the soil, the earth and thereby our health. Mixed crop strains are still being replaced with uniform, short stemmed hybrids of rice, wheat and maize. Further, these strains are bred and researched to respond to chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Complex irrigation systems, which necessitates the construction of big dams and hydro electric projects are also required. Food production today is totally reliant on a technical revolution that pushes out the small farmer, reduces the ability to buy food, denies access to land and work, increases risks of plant pests, disease and erosion, drains the earth of fuel, water and finally gives little in return. This revolution, as history has shown, only enriches the already well-off. For the small farmer, there are no returns, not even health. It may be true that cereals, generally considered the "staff of life", have provided that sustenance. But it is only in times of famine, shortages, wars and upheavals of nature, that rice and wheat are nature's gifts. In reality, we have destroyed over a thousand other varieties of food millets, grains, fruits and vegetables. Today, the only association with food is of cereal food. And yet, cereals do not form any part of the natural diet of humans. They Sixty to seventy percent of the habitual users of aspirin eventually suffer from internal hemorrhage and anaemia. – Dr. Roth of America 11


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are unnecessary to health and life. As anthropologists, historiographers and geologists would agree, humans did not become cereal eaters, until late in our evolutionary time. Cereals can be stored, and keeping food a long time is the underlying principle of food manufacturing today, especially in industrial societies. The more industrialised a country becomes, the longer food is kept, preserved or stored, before it is finally eaten. Food that is stored is profitable. The longer the storage and shelf life, the less money that is lost. Introduced with the intention of preventing starvation and providing emergency sustenance, cereals came to dominate the economy with the misconception that what is right for the economy is right for humanity. In the present era of "plenty", cereal foods do not deserve the title of "staff of life" or "essentials of life" , especially in the sad demineralised state in which they are offered to the public for consumption. In the present scheme of cultivation, processing and manufacturing, the term "fresh" holds no ground! Cereals are the main food groups consumed, not only in India but all over the world today. Though cereals are considered to be a "right" source of calories, to extract these calories from the cereals, all other essential nutrients are robbed, depleting the body's resources. Apart from processing, refining of cereals, makes them even more 'dead'. Refining means removing the 'germ' the part of the grain from which a new plant will grow and the outer bran layers. White refined cereals, be it rice, wheat, flour or maida, have come to signify a cosmetic change, a status symbol. Whiter flour with less bran makes Medicine is not in harmony with the order of Nature. – Dr. Dewey 12


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finer textured, higher rising bread... Removing the bran and germ, removes all the oils of the wheat grain which can go rancid and spoil the flour. Roller-milling further, 'nicks' the whole grain, extracting all fibre from the grain. Cereals, even in their natural wholesome state are acidforming and difficult to digest. All cereals especially in the mature state, have a tendency to cause acidosis because the contents are made up largely of protein, phosphoric acid and carbohydrates. Cereals even in this natural state are deficient in sodium, lime, chlorine, calcium and lacking in iodine. All starches need thorough chewing. They require to be broken up and mixed with the saliva of the mouth, allowing the enzymes ptyalin to initiate the digestion of starch. When babies are fed with cereals (bread and other starch foods included) it leads to indigestion, constipation, colic, skin rash, catarrh, and tonsillitis. Babies lack both the teeth with which to chew such foods and the ptyalin with which to initiate their digestion. Deficiencies in bone and tooth structure which almost every modern child is suffering, are the result chiefly of this overabundance of carbohydrate food. Rheumatism, arthritis and polyneuritis are caused chiefly from the eating of grain and grain products. The alternative then is to make cereals form only a small part of the diet. They should be offset with an abundance of fresh green, raw vegetables. Much like a rice salad or a lapsey mix. Cereals can also be used in a sprouted form. The grasses can also be introduced into salads and vegetable juices. These provide rich fresh sources of nutrients. Modern medicine is itself the disease. – Dr. Herbert Shelton 13


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Sprouts from grains is not only an excellent addition to the diet, but in certain geographical conditions (colder climates) they can mean the difference between being nourished and deficient. Fresh cereals like corn, fresh wheat and jowar are far superior than processed, refined, granary stored-cereals and grains. Consciously making a demand for such items is one small way of contributing towards your health-and that of the earth. Unrefined organic, handpounded (or stone ground) wholesome cereals are definitely more conducive to the sustenance of the earth and our bodies. Traditional techniques of multi cropping are more in tune with balancing the earth's resources. And this could indeed make the difference between hunger and starvation, feeding and rotting, food and distribution. – Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Associates


January 2009

"I am smarter than you if you are a meat-eater"

• Whatsoever was the Father of a disease, an ill diet was the Mother. • We spend the first half of our lives wasting our health to gain wealth. And the second half of our lives spending our wealth to regain our health. • The way to good health is through your stomach. • Every day in every way I am getting better and better. • In the concert of nature it is hard to keep in tune with oneself if one is out of tune with everything else. • Either it is food preservation or its self preservation. • The best doctor is the one you run for and can't find. • Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles. • O Sun ! the source of all life, I salute thee.

The British Medical Journal has reported a study done by Southampton University of 8.179 people. Researchers found that people who had become vegetarian by the age of 30 had a higher IQ - more than 5 points higher than meat eaters. Men who were vegetarian had an IQ score of 106, compared with 101 for non-vegetarians, while female vegetarians averaged 104, compared with 99 for non-vegetarians. The researchers found linkages of intelligence to health as well but the jury was still out on whether people who are more intelligent become vegetarian or people who were vegetarian had so much better health, specially in terms of heart disease and obesity that their brains could develop more. I agree with the second theory - after all someone who is born into a vegetarian household does not use his brains to make a choice. The fact that he/she turns out more intelligent could be a result of the body having more time to devote to brain development rather than combat the food shoved into it. What else would explain the mental abilities of the Jain and Marwari communities for instance? Or the Brahmins? The researches in the British Medical Journal say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier - but admit the fruit and vegetable diet could somehow boost brain power. The study said that vegetarians were also more likely to have gained degrees and hold down high-powered jobs. Researcher Dr. Gale said : "Such a diet might have some beneficial effect on subsequent cognitive performance. Might the nature of the

All our curative agents are poisons and as a consequence every dose diminishes the patient’s vitality. – Dr. Alonzo Clark

Most modern diseases are iatrogenic. i.e. caused by medical men or medical methods directly or indirectly . Dr. M. M. Bhamgara




January 2009

vegetarians diet have enhanced their apparently superior brain power? Was this the mechanism that helped them achieve the disproportionate nature of degrees?" I am not surprised at this finding. In India, seventyfive percent of the true achievers are vegetarian The top businessmen, the top business classes, most of the top politicians and film-stars, models, athletes. Having grown up in a meat eating environment (the army) I am happy that my husband Sanjay made me vegetarian at the age of 18. My favourite vegetarian, my son Varun has been vegetarian since he was born and has an IQ of 161 (proving this theory). All the vegetarian people whom I know are all significantly more intelligent than the average. I have a list of my favourite vegetarians and, thank God for India, I have a huge long list to choose from. I am only choosing the most intelligent in this list - the handsomest, most beautiful, sexiest etc. we will leave for another day. Let me start with the Great Khali - the WWF wrestler who is the largest man I have ever seen on television. He is not just a vegetarian but is a gentle giant who feeds homeless people wherever he is. One of my firmest beliefs is that it takes intelligence to have compassion. Pritish Nandy, poet, writer, filmmaker, painter, designer, thinker, the editor of the Illustrated Weekly of India when it was the single largest magazine in India and Member of Parliament much before it became mandatory to reward loyalty in journalists and industrialists with Rajya sabha memberships. The Ambani brothers, their wives and their father and mother. Imagine creating and managing so much wealth Let us try to avoid the ravages of modern medicine. – Dr. B. M. Hegde 16


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that it becomes inspirational. Group them with Aditya Birla and his family and Narayanmurthy, the founder of Infosys and the IT movement in India which has given jobs to lakhs of people. The list of vegetarian creators of wealth runs into thousands of pages. Is a vegetarian diet the key to success as well as well-being? Dr. Abdul Kalam has been the finest President we have ever had and certainly a role model for many people - including my son. He is not just very bright, he is humane, graceful and disciplined. I wish he had a second term-especially when I look at his successor who will come and go unnoticed-even though she is also a vegetarian. LK Advani - the skilful and undisputed head of the largest party in India and a proud vegetarian. Hema Malini, actress and dancer is not just beatiful and generous but a smart and hardworking politician. Her daughters Esha and Ahana are equally bright and motivated. Amitabh Bachchan, who at his age and with his health, manages his and his family members' careers with such intelligence and sophistication. Manira Bedi who became the first woman commentator in the male preserve of cricket and with a joyful combination of intelligence and charm managed to make millions of new cricket fans. Milind Soman who has made his career as a model last forever, remaining numero uno in his forties and now branching out into rejuvenating Indian textiles. Chinny and Nanitha Krishna : Chinny heads a company that specialises in solving machinery problems The patient has to recover twice, once from the disease and once from the remedy. – Dr. Sir William Osler 17


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for companies internationally. He also runs India's first animal shelter. Nanditha is one of the country's leading experts on mythology and culture. She heads a major educational foundation and is one of Penguin's most prolific and best selling authors. While I am conscious that all Indian spiritual teachers and Gurus are vegetarian, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar stands out because he has created an empire of intelligent people who embrace the modern while attempting to follow the refinement of a gentler India. Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak who runs the largest NGO in India and has devoted his life to make provide sanitation and who has now discovered the most ecological way to get rural energy. Dr. Mukesh Batra who has made homeopathy a mainstream medicine and runs an empire as large as Ranbaxy's. This is about 1% of my favourite veggies - I am giving you the names of people you may have heard about. There are thousands of people who are as bright but I will have to put them into another grouping. My mother for one her keen intelligence, warmth and zest for life has taken all of us through crises that would have destroyed most mortals. Ozair Hvain, my coauthor in several books and the Nawab of Lorpur who has given up a kingdom to make people for Animals into the power it is today. Noting famous vegetarian intellectuals proves nothing, but is food for thought nonetheless : thousands of the greatest thinkers in recorded history were vegetarians and advocated vegetarianism, including Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Leo Tolstoy,

Plato, Voltaire, Mahatma Gandhi, Charles Darwin, Albert Shweitzer, Dr. Benjamin Spock. Franz Kafka, H. G. Wells, Henry David Thoreau, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jeremy Bentham, Leonardo da Vinci, Milton, NikolatTesla, Percy Shelley, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Socrates, Tolstoy, William Wordsworth, William Blake, Dr. C.V. Raman, Annie Besant, the Bronte sisters, Rupert Brooke, Isaac Pitman, Ovid, Henry Salt, Schopenhauer, Seneca, Henry David Thoreau..... If meat eating were required for a person to be intelligent, then we would expect to see few intelligent people supporting vegetarianism. George Bernard Shaw said, 'A mind of the calibre of mine cannot derive its nutriment from cows', while Benjamin Franklin stated that a vegetarian diet resulted in 'greater clearness of head and quicker comprehension'. BBC One has a hugely popular show every Saturday called the National IQ Contest. 80,000 people took part. The winners the brainiest Brits of the UK, were a 40 strong team of vegetarians with an average IQ score of 113. The individual contestant with the highest IQ was a vegetarian too. Winner Marie Bidmead, 68, a mother-of-five from Gloucester said : "I was in absolute shock when I got the top score! I've never considered myself to be a brain-box. I think it shows that we veggies are good 'thinkers' - we think about what we eat with intelligence for a start!" If there is anything that proves that human are meant to be vegetarian, it is this study. In today's world, you need all the intelligence you can to survive. Parents - give your children the extra leg up, make them vegetarian today. – Maneka Gandhi

Why proceed year after year searching, hoping, groping in vain for artificial remedy when the natural is at hand. – Dr. Elmer Lee-M.D.

We do not know whether our patients recover because we give medicines or because nature cures them. – Dr. Carson-M.D.




January 2009

LEMON SHOTS Lemon shots provide the ABC of health. A = Acid, B = Base, C = Its Concentration. This means the PH level or the acid base balance of our internal fluids. The PH level affects every cell of our body - it is important right from the beating of our heart to the neural messages of the brain. Our bodies - our blood is slightly alkaline in nature - our entire metabolic process depends upon this alkaline environment. Just like our body temperature is 98.6O C. our blood is ideally maintained at 7.365 PH which is very mildly alkaline. Over acidity thus affects and interferes with life itself. What is over acidity? When we eat wrong foods or live with an unhealthy lifestyle then our bodies reach on acidic state (highly toxic) thereby causing disease and illness. So why lemon shots? Lemons are chemically acid but when they are utilised within the body - they have an alkalinizing effect. They act like instant flushers throwing away wastes and toxins and bringing the body back to an alkaline state. All symptoms of disease are expressions of the stress created by the PH imbalance. Lemon shots ease this stress instantaneously. Because of their high mineral content and low sugar - they make oxygen available to the body. This combination of oxygen, low sugar, and alkalinity discourages and prevents micro-form overgrowth and reduces the acidity in the body. Lemon shots are therefore balancing agents - between our body and externally stressed lifestyles. How to make a Lemon Shot - Lemon shots indicate


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pure lemon extraction - with minimum water for dilution. This is not the same as nimbu pani / lemon water. Squeeze the juice of 1 (or 2) lemons. Add the exact same amount of water as the lemon juice. The ratio of lemon juice and water should be 1:1. Drink immediately after extraction - fresh. Do not store. Lemon Shots are the best for balancing out junk food intake. Whenever you have indulged in your favorite foods - meat, dairy, junk, sweets, fried, heavy foods follow up with a lemon shot. • You have partied hard - whether you are drunk or have a hang over - have lemon shots - they work like magic ! • For any and every kind of sickness and disease whether it's a cold, fever, diarrhea, BP, diabetes, skin problem anything and everything. From the smallest to the biggest. Whether it is a minor or a major discomfort - it can all be neutralised with a lemon shot. • In times of stress, worry, anxiety, headaches, migraines, nausea, vomiting - etc., lemon shots are the best. In times of illness - have lemon shots every 2 hours for thorough cleansing and flushing. Use lemons liberally on salads, vegetable juices, curries, cooked vegetable. It adds a great taste. Always remember - Lemons are the single most powerful way of flushing your body instantly and bringing your body from acidic to alkaline. Dr. Vijay Venkat & Associates Tel.: 2436 1672 / 2432 0788

More and more studies in conventional scientific disciplines have affirmed the fact that faith does heal.

Time has come for mankind to depend more on our immune system rather than on antibiotics.




January 2009


Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous, and doing what you love to do, you are successful.


Find out what you love to do, then do it. If you don't know your true expression, ask for guidance, and the lead will come.


Specialize in your particular field and try to know more about it than anyone else.


Those who are successful are not selfish. Their main desire in life is to serve humanity.


There is no true success without peace of mind.


A successful person possesses great psychological and spiritual understanding.


If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities through the wonderworking power of your subconscious mind.


Your thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and according to your belief is it done unto you.


The power of sustained imagination draws forth the miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind.

January 2009


picture vivid and real. Hear the voice, see the gestures, and feel the reality of it all. Continue to do this frequently, and through frequent occupancy of your mind, you will experience the joy of the answered prayer. 11. Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of memory. For a perfect memory, affirm frequently: "The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me everything I need to know at all times, everywhere." 12. If you wish to sell a home or property of any kind, affirm slowly, quietly, and feelingly as follows : "Infinite intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this house or property, who wants it, and who prospers in it." Sustain this awareness, and the deeper currents of your subconscious mind will bring it to pass. 13. The idea of success contains all the elements of success. Repeat the word "success" to yourself frequently with faith and conviction and you will be under a subconscious compulsion to succeed. – Dr. Joseph Murphy

GOOD NEWS FOR OUR READERS All our three monthies can now be read on the following website :

10. If you are seeking promotion in your work, imagine your employer, supervisor, or loved one congratulating you on your promotion. Make the


Doctors put drugs of which they know little, in bodies of which they know less, to cure diseases of which they know nothing at all. – Voltair 22

All medicines which enter the circulation poison the blood in the same manner as do poisons that produce disease. – Dr. J. M. Smith-M.D. 23


January 2009

THE FAMOUS LETTER WRITTEN BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN TO HIS SON’S TEACHER He will have to learn, I know that all men are not just, all men are not true.... But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero : that for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader.... Teach him, for every enemy there is a friend Steer him away from envy If you can teach him the secret of quiet laughter.... Let him learn early that the bullies are easiest to lick... In the school teach him it is far more honorable to fall than to cheat...... Teach him to have faith in his own ideas even if everyone tells him they are wrong..... Teach him to be gentle with gentle people The body never loses its inherent ability to recuperate if you give it a chance. – Dr. George Crill 24


January 2009

and tough with the tough..... Teach him there is no shame in tears Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness... Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders, but never to put a price tag to his heart and soul.... Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob, and to stand and fight if he thinks he is right.... Treat him gently but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.... Let him have the courage to be impatient let him have the patience to be brave.... Teach him always to have sublime faith in mankind. This is a big order, but see what you can do...... He is such a fine fellow my son ! Every dose diminishes the vitality of the patient. – Dr. Clark-M.D. 25


January 2009

Ten Ways to Use Your Three Golden Keys to Build Self-Confidence Golden Key One (Thought) 1) Live with the knowledge that you will succeed. 2) Don't compare your weaknesses with others' strong points. Golden Key Two (Writing) 3) Keep on index cards or in a loose leaf notebook, a record of the qualities you wish to have and note your success in attaining them. 4) Keep a record of your time budget. Golden Key Three (Action) 5) Compete against your own past records, instead of those of other individuals or companies. 6) In all competitive thinking, reach for a definite objective. 7) Keep studying and learning. 8) Take up a social activity like ping-pong or dancing, that will give you practice in getting along with others. 9) Join a congenial club. Be one of the workers in your club. Don't sit back and let the other fellow do all the work. 10) Tackle big jobs, a step at a time. – Dora Albert "Natural hygiene is in harmony with nature in accord with the principles of vital organic existence, correct in science, sound in philosophy and ethics, in agreement with commonsense, successful in practice, and a blessing to humankind." – T. C. Fry The treatment of disease is not a science, not even a refined art but a thriving industry. 26

Think about these facts... when you are tempted by a luscious-looking ice-cream. N Ice-cream manufacturers are not required by law to list the additives they use. Consequently, the majority of ice-creams are synthetic from the first temptation to the last lick.... Even the conventionally used ingredients of milk, eggs and sugar are "synthetic" to the body. N Lab analysis shows that ice-creams are really a mixture of anti-freeze, oil-paint, paint-remover, nitrate-solvent, leather-cleaner, and even licekiller... the actual ingredients are : N Diethyl Glucol : a cheap chmical used as an emulsifier instead of eggs. This is the same chemical used in anti-freeze and paint-remover. N Piperonal : Used as a substitute for Vanilla. Also used to kill lice. N Aldehyde C17 : for flavouring cherry ice-cream. An inflammable liquid used in dyes, plastic and rubber. N Ethyl Acetate : For pineapple flavoured ice-cream. Used as a cleaner for leather and textiles. N Butyraldehyde : For nut flavoured ice-creams. Ingredients of rubber and cement. N Benzyl Acetate : Strawberry flavouring. Otherwise a nitrate solvent. N Amyl Acetate : Banana flavour. Used as an oil paint solvent. – Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Associates

Regd.: MAHENG11132/13/1/2007-TC • Postal Reg. No.: MH / MR / NW-120/08 “Posted at H.P.O., Borivali H.O., Mumbai-400 091” on 15th of every month.

The Following Concepts are Commonly Accepted in Mainstream Medical Circles : 1.

An individual is inherently capable of controlling his or her own physiological processes to a greater degree than ever before thought possible.


Healing always involves both mind and body as well as what many call the spirit.


Negative emotions can have adverse psychophysiological effects.


Positive emotions can have positive psychophysiological effects.


The mind has many avenues of contact with bodily processes, some of which can "tip the scales" toward healing. – Jose Silva


From :

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivli (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 0271 • Mob.: 98332 05550

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