Holistic Healing Helps_feb09

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  • Pages: 15


Issue No.: 14

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From the Desk of the Editor..........

Published by :

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS A registered charity trust, working in the field of dissemination of TRUE HOLISTIC HEALTH KNOWLEDGE Trust Reg. No.: TR/40389 Dt. 20-12-2006 • PAN : AAA TH 5890 F As per I.T. Exemp. Certificate Dt. 11-5-2007 valid till 31-3-2011 Add.: 2/102-103-104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 2893 0271 • E-mail : [email protected]


From the Desk of the Editor.................................. 3

Dear Readers,

• •

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The True Picture of Medical Research .................... 4 •


The Law Of Prosperity .............................................14


A Veggie's Dilemma .................................................20

• •


Make Your Inferiority Complex

A Golden Complex................................................... 22 •


Red Alert .................................................................24


February 2009

Based on Life Science Philosophy, Dr. Vijaya Venkat and Associates say : The normal state of the body is health. Not illness. Health is normal! The body has an innate capacity to heal and maintain health. Medicines and drugs only suppress the symptoms. Healing is Biological! In today's environment, there are many factors that lead to disease. Removing these factors is the solution. Not treating the body. Dietary and life style patterns are the cause of most chronic and degenerative diseases. Not virus or germs, the changing weather or hereditary factors. Knowing the cause is the first step toward prevention. All degenerative diseases can be prevented. Health can be achieved only through healthful living. Health supporting life-style practices include activity, rest, plenty of sunshine, fresh air, water, comfortable psychological relationships, and an inspiring, clean environment. A health stimulating diet is based upon wholesome, natural, raw, palatable, and sustainable foods. This is an approach based on common sense, instinct, logic and integration. Today, research done by the scientific community, in the last 80 years or so, are drawing upon similar conclusions that diet and life-style are related to health and disease alike. Food Safety and working towards it, is the challenge we accept for the third millennium. Our lifestyle should be based on ethical, ecological and economical choices. Being healthy ultimately means being creatively rich and fulfilled.

With divine love...

MISSION STATEMENT "The Holistic Healer" is dedicated to promoting holistic principles : honouring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their health and health-care." Printed, published and edited by Mr. Bipin Parekh on behalf of owner "Holistic Healing Helps Trust", from 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103 and printed at Jignesh Printers, Shop No. 1, Rohan Residency, Ram Mandir X Road, Babhai Naka, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.

Your Editor may please be contacted only between 10 a.m. to 12 noon & between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday .

Naturally yours, BIPIN PAREKH (Mob.: 98332 05550) Date : 15/2/2009 3


February 2009

THE TRUE PICTURE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Carl G. Jung has been credited with saying this jokingly: “Those who practice psychiatric medicine and not give any credit to God Almighty in the success of their cases should be sued for hiding a religious truth!” Poets have considered Nature as the handmaiden of God; and practicing naturopathic physicians are convinced that Nature is the Supreme Healer. They hold it as an axiomatic truth that healing of any illness, simplest to the most complex, is the prerogative only of Nature. There is a Divine Intelligence working within our physiques, day and night, all our lives, giving us PRANA-URJA (Vital Power) for all the inner organic metabolic activities. That the research centers of Modern Medical Science disregard the amazing healing faculty of Divine Intelligence in each of the trillions of our bodily cells and therefore do not come to the right solutions in the cure of any major disease, forms the core of this paper. The reader of this paper will surely be enlightened as to the real reasons why medical research is totally failing in lowering the morbidity as well as mortality figures of modern man’s major diseases worldwide—in developing countries such as India, or the developed ones such as the U.S.A. Dr. Robert Kradjian practiced as a Breast Surgeon at the Seton Medical Center in Daly City, California. In his student days, in the late 1950s, he had learnt that one out of twenty American women developed breast cancer. As a breast cancer specialist, in 1978, he was saddened to note that the incidence of this disease was all the time rising, and by then had risen to one in fourteen American women! In 1988, shockingly, it had risen to one in ten women; and by 1994, to one in every eight women. After operating on thousands


February 2009

of breasts and seeing no reduction in the incidence of this fell disease in over four decades of practice, he came to certain conclusions which are of profound importance to all of us, whether laypersons or professional practitioners of any stream of medicine—allopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy, Ayurveda or any other. Dr. Kradjian has arrived at certain conclusions, which we better take note of; he has evolved a Diet Plan that is effective not only in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer but also the risks of, to quote him, “other lethal diseases, including other cancers, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.” N THE RISK FACTORS First let us look at some of the medically acknowledged risk factors in the etiology of breast cancer, which include (1) early onset of menarche, or the first menstrual period in girls, say, at the age of 10, instead of 13 or 14; (2) late menopause, say, at the age of 50-plus instead of early 40s; (3) childlessness; (4) avoiding breast-feeding of babies; (5) obesity; (6) prolonged estrogen or oral contraceptive usage; (7) a family history of breast cancer in mother, sister, etc. The doctor comments, “Research and treatment fads, as also hopes of accomplishments, have been with us for years. There is a long list of projects, but none has solved the problem of breast cancer. One research project included even a search for the virus of breast cancer. Then monoclonal antibodies were the talk of the late 70s and 80s. More recently, genetic research and immunology have dominated the scene. These technologies are massive enterprises, incredibly expensive, though glamorous and headlinegrabbing; but thus far, they have also proved REMARKABLY INEFFECTIVE! The death rate for breast cancer has remained static for over 60 years!” Dr. Kradjian says, “I feel that the most important new findings in breast cancer research have nothing to do with

Thought is a vital living force.

Your outer world reflects your inner world.




February 2009


February 2009

early diagnosis, mammography, surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, tamoxifen, genetic research or any other high-tech modern developments. (TAMOXIFEN IS A CHEMOTHERAPY DRUG WHICH COULD BE PROPHYLACTIC AGAINST BREAST CANCER, BUT IT ITSELF HAS BEEN FOUND TO BE CAUSING UTERINE CANCER AND FATAL BLOOD-CLOTS!!) That powerful tool is DIETARY AND LIFESTYLE CHANGE … Simple changes in your diet can reduce your chances of ever getting breast cancer!” WHY ARE HEALTHY EATING HABITS NOT ADOPTED? On the matter pertaining to people’s food habits, Dr. Kradjian has an unpalatable, caustic—but very true— observation to make. He says, “This subject is real taboo. No one wants to talk about it. Researchers avoid it. Medical doctors either don’t know about it or don’t mention it to their patients. Pharma companies don’t want to hear about it. The food industry is terrified of the issue and supports researchers who downplay the connection between fat and cancer. Patients haven’t heard of it, and even if they have, they often prefer to avoid the issue. And finally, your government is strangely passive concerning the matter!” The diet plan suggested by this doctor consists of restriction of dietary fats and oils and an increase in high-fiber vegetarian fare, excluding all animal flesh and dairy products. This type of diet needs to be adopted by every girl since tender age so that, first of all, the menarche is delayed; however, it can be adopted at any age and stage of life by the cancer victim and also by those who want to prevent the cancer from occurring. Medical surveys from Sweden, U.S.A. and Canada have irrefutably confirmed that breast-cancer patients live longer if they make these dietetic changes. NMEDICAL INDICTMENT What follows here may seem like a scathing criticism of medicos in general and medical research in particular, but

Dr. Kradjian had the guts to speak the truth, howsoever unpalatable it may be to the allopathic fraternity or the drugmaking pharmaceutical companies or even the patients suffering from this chronic, debilitating, and deadly disease. On reading about the unethical, immoral and corrupt medical practices prevalent—not only in Dr. Kradjian’s country but in our country too—we may feel like muttering to ourselves, “Shame! Shame!” But that won’t suffice! We better develop guts to say so publicly! After all, the Father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, had no hesitation in frankly telling us that the growing need for more medical colleges, hospitals and doctors was “no sign of civilization”! He also considered gluttony a sinful practice; and since our doctors generally remain silent on the matter of prescribing frugal filling of the stomach, the Mahatma branded these doctors “partners in perpetration of these sins.” He believed that just as debauchery is considered immoral, so also gluttony be considered not merely unhealthy, but downright immoral or sinful! So why should we, lesser mortals, hesitate to condemn what is patently condemnable? So here we go along with the candid observations of Dr. Kradjian: (1) First and foremost, the saddest of all observations— and the most shocking too—American doctors have no information, or even interest, concerning any program of prevention … Medical and surgical, scientific literature clearly reflects this: “Doctors are not trained to teach prevention.” (2) Medical students are never taught the importance of right nutrition at any time during their studies in college. (3) Studies for research in prevention of ailments hardly ever attract the attention of funding Trusts or Charitable Institutes. (4) Most doctors feel that their work should only be hightech—involving scanners, lasers, MRIs, surgeries, etc. For

You alone are responsible for what you think.

A supersuccessful mindset does not happen in a day.




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February 2009

a vast majority of M.D.’s, it is infra dig (below dignity) even to mention anything about diet that is low-fat or vegetarian or vegan. “It is difficult to criticize a lifestyle that the doctor himself or herself follows.” Nutritional advice is left to the lowly nutritionists to give to the patient. (5) The medical insurance companies, under schemes like Mediclaim, Medicare, etc., usually do not reimburse fees of nutritionists, counselors, naturopaths and health practitioners. (6) Last on the list of Dr. Kradjian’s exposé of medical complicity is this: “Patients themselves are often reluctant to make changes in a lifestyle that they have obviously selected because they prefer it … Let us face it; change is difficult. A patient selects her diet, because, as one told me, ‘… I like it. I can afford it; and doctor, it is none of your business! What I do with my knife and fork is personal.’ ” Dr. Kradjian may have felt insulted by this patient of his; we sympathize with him. We also have suffered derogatory comments from our patients, from time to time. We have even been upbraided by some irate patients with remarks such as “Doc! You give us so many do’s and don’ts, emphasizing the absolute necessity of following those rules and regulations! Dieting we have to do; exercises we have to do; relaxation we have to practice! So much of homework you load on us! Then what the hell are you doing for us? Nothing!” And yet, we continue with our task of educating people out of their ailments. As Dr. Kradjian himself says, “There is reason for optimism. When women are given the information provided here, a certain percentage of them are convinced by the data and make changes in their life. How many? My impression is about 10 or 15%. Another larger group may make temporary changes. Another equally large group wants no part of any sort of change …” Well! None are so blind as those who refuse to see light; and a vast

majority of humans belong to that category. Very sad indeed! But let us study Dr. Kradjian’s dietary advice in more details. He says, “At present, the only factors clearly defined as promoters of breast cancer are (1) dietary fat, and (2) prolonged estrogen exposure. Anti-promoters include dietary fiber; vitamins A, C, and E; and three specific groups of food—the first is cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, radishes, turnips, collards and cauliflower); the second is called the protease inhibitors— these are soy beans, chick-peas and lima beans (soy bean oil is not recommended); the third group is beta carotene— this includes carrots; yellow, red, orange and green vegetables; and yellow fruits.” Further on, Dr. Kradjian explains the genesis of healthy cells turning malignant, in these words: “It takes, on an average, 30 cell divisions by a starting breast-cancer cell to reach a size that only the most sensitive detection and treatment methods can find and eliminate the resulting tumor. These divisions average about 110 days (with a range of 25 to 200 days). This gives a 9-year average for most breast tumors; even the rare, very rapidly growing tumor takes over 2 years. The slowest can take 16 years! Now you can understand how the tumor has ample time to spread to other parts of the body before it can be detected, and it is these wayward clumps of cells (called metastases) that cause death. The primary (original) breast cancer is almost never responsible for the death of a patient.” Dr. Kradjian condemns not only all animal fats, whether derived from flesh of animals or from their milk, but he even regards vegetable oil also as a culprit per se. He comments, “Edible oils are artificial, manmade foods—especially the hydrogenated varieties. The oil content in plant foods, as grown, is ideal. It is usually 2 to 6 percent of the total calories in those foods.” Here, the doctor is referring to foods other than nuts and seeds, which are basically oily.

One of the great keys to a better life is to change your self-image.

Anything you faithfully and honestly believe you can achieve.




February 2009


February 2009

Other noteworthy points in Dr. Kradjian’s report are as follows: (1) In animal experiments, it has been found that exercise protects animals from breast cancer. This is mentioned here in passing, for we do not approve of any research involving vivisection of animals. But even in human studies, physical exercise has been found to be definitely a preventive of cancer, and we have always prescribed exercises—suited to their vitality—to all cancer patients coming to us. After all, it is a well-known fact that all cancerous tissues lack oxygen; and there is nothing better than exercise to improve oxygenation of the malignant tissues. More info on this subject can be found in our book The Rationale of Exercise. (2) Dr. Kradjian says, “Our paleolithic ancestors had no more than 15% fat in their largely plant-based food. With the agricultural revolution 8,000 to 13,000 years ago, shifts from natural foods gradually occurred, and our health worsened. The Industrial Revolution rapidly accelerated these changes. There have been less than a dozen generations of humans since that event … The recent onset of food surpluses for whole societies in the last 100 years has been unprecedented in human history. These changes have resulted in a terrible increase in cancer and degenerative diseases. We have further changed our nutritional environment by altering the physical constitution of the domestic animals whose bodies we eat. We have done this through selective breeding and by administration of hormones, antibiotics and artificially fattening foods so that they have become obese, diseased creatures. Meat samples from wild animals, by contrast, are rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and very low in fat of the saturated type. The “marbled” beef, prized by today’s gourmets, is infiltrated by fat that is largely of the dangerous saturated type. In many pieces of “choice” beef, the fat accounts for more than 60% of the calories. Fat in

wild animals is never more than 4% by weight. Our paleolithic ancestors could not have had a high-fat diet, even if they wished to! Today we seem to raise animals more for fat than for protein.” (3) Dr. Kradjian draws our attention to a little-known, shocking fact. He says, “In Puerto Rico, Italy and West Germany, there have been instances of severe hormonal poisoning of children from chicken, pork, veal and milk, unlawfully fattened or contaminated with estrogens. Menstrual periods, uterine enlargement, ovarian cysts and breast development as well as premature puberty were seen in girls as young as 4 years of age!” (4) On the point of hereditary factors, Dr. Kradjian says, “Many believe that heredity is the prime risk factor. I don’t! Over 80% of our new cases of breast cancer have negative family histories for the disorder. This important fact alone tells us that breast cancer is not primarily a genetic disease. … All that is inherited is a susceptibility to develop breast cancer. In the absence of promoting factors, the susceptibility will not be manifested.” Referring to epidemiology-related studies of the two world wars, Dr. Kradjian informs us that “the incidence of heart diseases as also cancers fell during the wars, and remained lowered for some years thereafter. This was a great surprise to those investigators as they were expecting to find the opposite effect due to the widespread lack of butter, milk, eggs, cheese, meat, lard and other nutrients, then thought to be essential for good health. The same connection was found after the Second World War … The rates of heart disease and cancer did not return to the pre-war levels until 7 years following the conflict! The diet forced on these populations due to shortages was one based on grains and vegetables, and was extremely low in fat … Incidentally, the survivors of both, the German concentration camps and the Japanese

Your Subconscious Mind plans a particularly great role in the out come of your life.

There is a success Mechanism inside your mind which craves positive stimulation.




February 2009


February 2009

internment camps reported cessation of menstrual periods as both fat and total calories were drastically reduced. Can there be any doubt that diet has an incredibly powerful effect on hormones, and that those hormones have an equally powerful effect on the development of breast cancer?” Reading Dr. Kradjian’s comments on World War II reports, this writer is reminded about a third disease, besides heart disease and cancers, viz., diabetes, the incidence of which also had gone down in Europe, at the time, war-ravaged and starved of animal foods—both fleshy and milky! And the benefits of reduction in the incidence of these three diseases accrued in Europe when potato was the staple vegetable of the populations, and fats to fry these potatoes for making chips and wafers were in poor supply, so that this vegetable was eaten mostly boiled or steamed. Despite the unusually high intake of vegetarian fare, and that too of potato, incidence of diabetes had drastically reduced. Of course, history has often shown us that if doctors and medical help are not available, certain diseases tend to go in abeyance! How come? Are we better off without our doctors? (5) Dr. Kradjian also is emphatic on the value of EXERCISE, because it reduces the hormone levels down from dangerous to desirable. And this results in decrease in the risk of breast cancer. (6) What about animal proteins? His advice is to minimize, or preferably give up, animal protein also completely. On the point of non-fat milk, yogurt and cheeses, he is against these too because even if the fat and cholesterol are not there, milk often has hormones, antibiotics, bacteria, insecticide residues, killed bovine leukemia virus, and at times, red and white blood cells in the defatted dairy products. He says, “No oil is used, or at the most, only a trace. No margarine, butter or cheese. The chief beverage is

water …” This diet plan of Dr. Kradjian is highly beneficial even to those who want to prevent or cure hypertension, gallstones, diverticulitis and a host of other diseases that modern man is suffering from, inclusive of prostate cancer and colonic cancer. He says, “Strict lifelong vegetarians and Seventh Day Adventists, some of whom limit animal fat intake, have reduced rates of prostate cancer.”

Man's success lies not with his stars but with himself.

Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities.



CONCLUSION We shall conclude this article with one of the last paragraphs in Dr. Kradjian’s article titled Save Yourself from Breast Cancer. “We should spend our ‘cancer money’ far better than we do. Less than 5% of our funds are spent on prevention and education. Clearly, the best way to save lives from breast cancer is to not get the disease in the first place. Research into methods of detection and treatment do not constitute prevention. However, researchers do not like prevention. There is no glamor, no ‘breakthroughs,’ no chance of a Nobel Prize, and likely no funding. It is a sad fact that the food industry sponsors a great deal of cancer ‘research.’ I leave to your imagination to decide whether they would continue to do so, year after year, if the findings identified food as the prime cause of the cancer problem?” Supporting this critical view is an article in the July 13, 1992 issue of The Nation (page 52): “If we really wanted to cut healthcare costs, we’d be better off training dietitians than surgeons. If more people followed a diet based on grains, beans, and vegetables, rather than on meat, eggs and dairy products, we could save thousands of lives and billions of dollars. But the federal government is doing precious little to convey that critical information to Americans.” – Dr. M. M. Bhamgara


February 2009

THE LAW OF PROSPERITY "Yes, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver." One of the greatest messages given to the race through the Scriptures is that God is man's supply, and that man can release, through his spoken word, all that belongs to him by divine right. He must, however, have perfect faith in his spoken word. Isaiah said, "My word shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish that whereunto it is sent." We know now that words and thought are a tremendous vibratory force, ever moulding man's body and affairs. A woman came to me in great distress and said she was to be sued on the fifteenth of the month for three thousand dollars. She knew no way of getting the money and was in despair. I told her God was her supply, and that there is a supply for every demand. So I spoke the word! I gave thanks that the woman would receive three thousand dollars at the right time in the right way. I told her she must have perfect faith, and act her perfect faith. The fifteenth came, but no money had materialised. She called me on the phone and asked what she was to do. I replied, "It is Saturday, so they won't sue you today. Your part is to act rich, thereby showing perfect faith that you will receive it by Monday." She asked me to lunch with her to keep up her courage. When I joined her at a restaurant, I said, "This is no time to economise. Order an expensive luncheon, act as if you had already received the three thousand dollars."


February 2009

All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive." "You must act as if you had already received." The next morning she called me on the 'phone and asked me to stay with her during the day. I said, "No, you are divinely protected and God is never too late." In the evening she 'phoned again, greatly excited, and said, "My dear, a miracle has happened ! I was sitting in my room this morning when the door-bell rang. I said to the maid : 'Don't let anyone in.' The maid, however, looked out of the window and said, 'It's your cousin with the long white beard.' "So I said, 'Call him back. I would like to see him.' He was just turning the corner when he heard the maid's voice, and he came back. "He talked for about an hour, and just as he was leaving he said, 'Oh, by he way, how are finances?' "I told him I needed the money and he said, 'Why my dear, I will give you three thousand dollars the first of the month.' "I didn't like to tell him I was going to be sued. What shall I do? I won't receive it till the first of the month, and I must have it to-morrow." I said, "I'll keep on 'treating.' " I said, "Spirit is never too late. I give thanks she has received the money on the invisible plane and that it manifests on time." The next morning her cousin called her up and said, "Come to my office this morning and I will give you the money."That afternoon she had three thousand dollars to her credit in the bank and wrote cheques as rapidly as her excitement would permit. If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he

We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.

To breathe properly is to live properly.




February 2009


February 2009

will get the situation he has prepared for. For example : A man came to me asking me to speak the word that a certain debt would be wiped out. I found he spent his time planning what he would say to the man when he did not pay his bill, thereby neutralising my words. He should have seen himself paying the debt. We have a wonderful illustration of this in the Bible relating to the three kings who were in the desert without water for their men and horses. They consulted the prophet Elisha, who gave them this astonishing message: "Thus saith the Lord : Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain, yet make this valley full of ditches." Man must prepare for the thing he has asked for when there isn't the slightest sign of it in sight. For example : A woman found it necessary to look for an apartment during the year when there was a great shortage of apartments in New York. It was considered almost an impossibility and her friends were sorry for her and said, "Isn't it too bad! You'll have to store your furniture and live in an hotel." She replied, "You needn't feel sorry for me, I'm a superman, and I'll get an apartment." She spoke the words : "Infinite Spirit, open the way for the right apartment." She knew there was a supply for every demand, and that she was "unconditioned," working on the spiritual plane, and that "one with God is a majority." She had contemplated buying new blankets when "the tempter," the adverse thought or reasoning mind, suggested, "Don't buy the blankets, perhaps, after all,

you won't get an apartment and you will have no use for them." She promptly replied (to herself) : "I'll dig my ditches by buying the blankets!" So she prepared for the apartment - acted as though she already had it. She found one in a miraculous way, and it was given to her although there were over two hundred other applicants. The blankets showed active faith. It is needless to say that the ditches dug by the three kings in the desert were filled to overflowing. (Read 2 Kings.) Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the "army of the aliens" which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often "darkest before the dawn." A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts. Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and "error is exposed" to be put out. This is the time when one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly, and rejoice and give thanks that he has already received. "Before ye call I shall answer." This means that. "every good and perfect gift" is already man's, awaiting his recognition. Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving. The children of Israel were told that they could have all the land they could see. This is true of every man. He has only the land within his own mental vision. Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and

A feeble body enfeebles the mind.

To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.




February 2009


February 2009

often, just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement. The children of Israel when they reached the "Promised Land" were afraid to go in, for they said it was filled with giants who made them feel like grass hoppers. "And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers." This is almost every man's experience. However, the one who knows spiritual law is undisturbed by appearances, and rejoices while he is" yet in captivity." That is, he holds to his vision and gets thanks that the end is accomplished, he has received. Jesus Christ gave a wonderful example of this. He said to His disciples : "Say not ye, There are yet four months and then cometh the harvest? Behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are ripe already to harvest." His clear vision pierced the "world of matter" and He saw clearly the fourth dimensional world-things as they really are, perfect and complete in Divine Mind. So man must ever hold the vision of his journey's end, and demand the manifestation of that which he has already received. It may be his perfect health, love, supply, self-expression, home, or friends. They are all finished and perfect ideas registered in Divine Mind (man's own super-conscious mind), and must come through him, not to him. For example : A man came to me asking for treatments for success. It was imperative that he raise, within a certain time fifty thousand dollars for his business. The time-limit was almost up when he came to me in despair. No one wanted to invest in his enterprise, and the bank had flatly refused

a loan. I replied : "I suppose you lost your temper while at the bank, therefore your power. You can control any situation if you first control yourself. Go back to the bank." I added, "and I will treat." My treatment was: "You are identified in love with the spirit of everyone connected with the bank. Let the divine idea come out of this situation." He replied, "Woman, you are talking about an impossibility. Tomorrow is Saturday, the bank closes at twelve, and my train won't get me there until ten, and the time-limit is up to-morrow, and anyway they won't do it. It's too late." I replied, "God doesn't need any time, and is never too late. With Him all things are possible." I added, "I don't know anything about business, but I know all about God." He replied : "It all sounds fine when I sit here listening to you, but when I go out it's terrible." He lived in a distant city, and I did not hear from him for a week. Then came a letter. It read : "You were right. I raised the money, and will never again doubt the truth of all that you told me." I saw him a few weeks later, and I said : "What happened? You evidently had plenty of time after all." He replied, "My train was late, and I got there just fifteen minutes to twelve. I walked into the bank quietly and said, 'I have come for the loan, and they gave it to me without a question." A keen observer of life once said, "No man can fail if some one person sees him successful." Such is the power of the vision, and many a great man has owed his success to a wife, or a sister, or a friend who "believed in him," and held without wavering to the perfect pattern! – Florence Scovel Shinn

Think of perfect health and you will undoubtedly have it.

You are responsible for everything that happens to you in your life.




February 2009

A VEGGIE'S DILEMMA 'Made with natural additives,' the ingredient list reads with a small font from the nutrition label. 'Permitted natural colours added,' it continued ambivalently. A diehard vegetarian, one is getting too old at this game to be misled by such devious babble. I know, for instance, that several brands of yogurt here in the US contain gelatin, a so called natural additive, extracted from pork or fish. Most cheeses here contain rennet, a 'natural' culture extracted from a bovine stomach. Groomed in an orthodox lyer household where onions and garlic were banished to the lot of the inedible, a meatless life abroad has been a perennial challenge. I lived in Thailand for a good five years, and foraging for food there was a nearly impossible chore - though, unlike the US, there was no such intended deception through words. A grocery shopping exercise in Bangkok included an obstacle course that meant dodging vendors hawking fried octopuses and dismembered ducks strung up on display. I shied away from those notorious bug carts laden with cockroaches and other edible insects, hurrying towards a staid Krishna Bhavan. Not so in the US. I have, over the years, launched myself into an active study of those nutrition labels, getting all the wiser to my disadvantage. I have realised that the most common 'nutural colour' - carmine - is made


February 2009

by crushing beetles. This dye is added to certain brands of yogurts or ice-creams to lend irresistible strawberryred colour. Worse, gelatin was used in everything, from jelly to chewable candles and marshmallows, while lard or animal fat was put in most puddings and teatime biscuits. In India, we now have the green and red dots on the cartons, denoting what one can or cannot guiltlessly consume. Several items, including harmless soups and drinks that I had been lapping up in my childhood years, are now showing up with those abominable red dots, dismissing my claims to vegetarian devoutness. With a constant dread of ingesting such ingredients, my dinnertime repertoire is soon diminishing. I humbly resort to my curd rice with vadu mango pickle for my daily entree, turning down party invitations. I assume the curds are safe. Or should one worry about those 'enriching' additives in the milk that goes to make it? And what about that red-coloured pickle? – K. V. Krishnan

GOOD NEWS FOR OUR READERS All our three monthies can now be read on the following website :


No one can hurt you without your consent.

A man is what he thinks all day long.




February 2009

Make Your Inferiority Complex A Golden Complex 1) 2)





Reduce your complex by tossing aside contradictory aims. Make a choice among virtues and aims. No one can have all the wonderful traits most of us would like to have. No one can do everything in one brief lifetime. So make a sensible choice. Accept yourself. Of course, you have limitations, so has everyone else. But with all your limitations, you are unique. Self-acceptance is absolutely necessary as a prelude to emotional maturity. Don't try to be somebody else. You yourself are someone very special. You can be proud and humble at the same time. All that is good in you stems from God. If you reject yourself, you are really rejecting God. Learn to know yourself. Knowing yourself doesn't necessarily mean being introspective. Sometimes it means trying yourself out. Often learning to know yourself out. Often learning to know yourself means learning to do things you never dreamed you could. Love yourself. Many pious people seem to think it is an affront to God to love themselves. Yet the Bible says, "Love your neighbour as yourself." If we despise ourselves because we aren't perfect, then we won't be able to love anyone, for we won't be able to find any perfect person. Accept your own imperfections, try to improve when you can, but don't brood about your faults. Analyse the trait in which you think you are most deficient. Find out whether your best friend agrees with you, or whether you are imagining a deficiency that doesn't exist.


February 2009 7)




Get in front of the mirror as soon as you finish this chapter. Select one trait you would like to have, and tell yourself, in front of the mirror, that you are going to improve in that trait. Try to do the best work you can in some field that interests you. If you think you have a deficiency, seek something else at which you can shine. Try to do work of which you can be proud, which at the same time will be of some benefit to the world. If you merely gratify your ego or fill your pocketbook, you won't achieve real happiness. The best way to channel your I.C. is to feel that you are making a genuine contribution in joy or service to the world. Don't deprecate yourself - and don't brag. – Dora Albert

EDUCATION Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself. What better book can there be than the book of humanity? I hold that true education of the intellect can only come through a proper exercise and training of the bodily organs, e.g. hands, feet, eyes, ears, nose etc. In other words an intelligent use of the bodily organs in a child provides the best and quickest way of developing his intellect. But unless the development of the mind and body goes hand in hand with a corresponding awakening of the soul, the former alone would prove to be a poor lopsided affair. By spiritual training I mean education of the heart. A proper and all round development of the mind, therefore, can take place only when it proceeds pari pussu with the education of the physical and spiritual faculties of the child. They constitute an indivisible whole. According to this theory, therefore, it would be a gross fallacy to suppose that they can be developed piecemeal or independently of one another. - Mahatma Gandhiji

Live for each day and celebrate each moment.

Be truthful, patient, persevering, modest and generous.




February 2009



February 2009

LETROZOLE MISUSE : NEW TERATOGENICITY WARNING Letrozole (sold under various brand names in India such as Letroz, Letoval etc.) is internationally approved for the treatment of breast cancer in post-menopausal women only. • Letrozole is contraindicated in young pre-menopausal women. • Both, the Canadian drug regulator and the innovator company Novartis, have warned gynaecologists all over the world not to misuse it for female infertility. • Research on 150 pregnancies has shown that babies born to mothers who had consumed letrozole to increase fertility have suffered from bone malformations, cardiac stenosis and cancers. BETABLOCKERS CAN PRECIPITATE DIABETES The risk of developing new onset diabetes in hypertensive patients is 50% more if treated with a betablocker (e.g. atenolol, carvedilol etc.) compared to an ACE inhibitor (e.g. enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril etc.) or a calcium channel blocker (e.g. amlodipine, nifedipine etc.) as per a recent study. The difference was so large that the study was discontinued ahead of due date so that its findings could be published to help make changes in the guidelines on the treatment of hypertension. NIMESULIDE BANNED IN EUROPE, SINGAPORE, NIGERIA • The drug regulators of lreland, Singapore and Nigeria have banned the use of Nimesulide in their respective countries due to unacceptable side effects. • The European Medicine Evaluation Agency (EMEA) has

banned the use of nimesulide in children below 12 years in all the 25-member countries. Even in adults, its use has been restricted to (a) acute pain (b) osteoarthritis and (c) dysmenorrhoea. It cannot be used for fever and in other disorders even in adults. • Nimesulide was discovered by 3M Pharmaceuticals, a US company but its use is not permitted in America. • It is also not approved for use in Britain, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and 168 other countries. ROSUVASTATIN : RISKY IN INDIANS As per data submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), the pharmacokinetic behaviour of rosuvastatin is ethnic-sensitive with blood levels reaching higher levels in Asian populations compared to Cacucasians. This can lead to more severe side effects such as lifethreatening rhabdomyolysids. Because of these findings, the innovator company has been asked to generate more data on Asians. Western drug regulators have made it obligatory that prescribers inform all patients that • Rosuastatin can cause muscle injury which in severe cases can cause kidney damage and other organ failure that are potentially life-threatening. • Hence patients must "promptly report signs and symptoms of muscle pain and weakness, malaise, fever, dark urine, nausea or vomiting" to their doctors. ASPIRIN INCREASES STROKE RISK The use of low dose aspirin-a-day not only does not reduce but actually increases the risk of heamorrhagic stroke by a whopping 69 per cent in males.

A well spent day brings happy sleep.

Be kind, considerate and courteous.




February 2009

There is no beneficial effect on the risk of ischaemic stroke. These are the results of a meta-analysis of 95,000 patients enrolled in six randomized controlled clinical trials. THIORIDAZINE DISCARDED GLOBALLY, SOLD IN INDIA Thioridazine has been withdrawn worldwide by the innovator, Novartis, due to risky adverse drug reactions, specifically : • Evidence of QTc prolongation and heart movement abnormalities resulting in death. • Patients already on thioridazine should be gradually withdrawn and put on other drugs. • New patients MUST NOT be prescribed thioridazine. TEGASEROD : BANNED ABROAD : AVAILABLE AT HOME Due to 10 fold increased risk of heart attacks and stroke, tegaserod used in the short term treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in females and chronic constipation in men and women has been banned and/or withdrawn globally including China. The serious, life threatening side effects came to light when an anaysis of 29 clinical trials involving over 18,000 patients was done. As of date the Drugs Controller General, India (DCGI) has taken no action to ban the drug. Several drug companies market the banned medicine in India under different brand names such as Ibsinorm (Sun Pharma), Tegibs (Torrent), Tegaspa (Lupin), Tagon (Intas), Tegod (Cipla), Tibs-6 (Hetero), Irbez (Emcure) etc. – Dr. C. M. Gulhati MIMS, 503, Mansarovar, 90 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019. (Dec, 2008 Issue) Tel. : 4101 4693, 2643 3115 Create your image as a highly competent, strong, disciplined, calm and decent individual. 26

THE FACTS N Eggs are less nutritive and costlier than pulses, fruits, N



sprouts or groundnuts. Not easily digested. Nearly 30-50% of the egg white passes through the digestive tract undigested. Egg yolk contains cholesterol (a waxy alcohol) which deposits in the liver and the blood vessels, hardening the arteries. One egg contains 250 mg of Cholesterol, mainly in the yolk. Eggs are deficient in essential elements - vitamins, B-complex, calcium, carbohydrates - and cannot be recommended as the ideal food supplement - especially to children. 'Vegetarian Eggs' are a misnomer. In fact these eggs are only those which are unfertilized, still born or aborted. There is overwhelming medical evidence that the kidneys cannot handle so much high protein food.

– Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Associates

A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY I thought of the vast army of children all over the world, outwardly different in many ways, speaking different languages, wearing different kinds of clothes and yet so very like one another. They do not think of differences amongst themselves, differences of class or caste or colour or status. As they grow up, unfortunately, their natural wisdom is often eclipsed by the teaching and behaviour of their elders. At school they learn many things which are no doubt useful but they gradually forget that the essential thing is to be human and kind and playful and to make life richer for ourselves and others. We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty and charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. So many people seem to go about their life's business with their eyes shut. – Jawaharlal Nehru

Regd.: MAHENG11132/13/1/2007-TC • Postal Reg. No.: MH / MR / NW-120/08 “Posted at H.P.O., Borivali H.O., Mumbai-400 091” on 15th of every month.

Value of Time To realise the value of one year ask a student who has failed an exam to realise the value of one month ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby to realise the value of one week ask the editor of a weekly magazine to realise the value of one day ask a daily wage labourer who has ten kids to feed to realise the value of one hour ask the lovers who are waiting to meet to realise the value of one minute ask a person who has survived an accident to realise the value of one millisecond ask the person who's won a silver medal in the Olympics. Value every moment of the time you have !!

Submitted by Miss Twisha Visaria, Borivali PRINTED MATTER ONLY

From :

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivli (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 0271 • Mob.: 98332 05550

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