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Issue No.: 12

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HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS A registered charity trust, working in the field of dissemination of TRUE HOLISTIC HEALTH KNOWLEDGE Trust Reg. No.: TR/40389 Dt. 20-12-2006 • PAN : AAA TH 5890 F As per I.T. Exemp. Certificate Dt. 11-5-2007 valid till 31-3-2011 Add.: 2/102-103-104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 2893 0271 • E-mail : [email protected]


Human Body’s Intelligence ................................... 3


We Need Healthcare Centers, Not Disease-Scare Hospitals .................................9

December 2008


From the Desk of the Editor..........Dear Readers, In a forward to a book, Dr. Fateh Manghirmalani N. D. beautifully writes as under :

"In these turbulent and mechanical times, majority of mankind is sick in body, mind and soul. Whereas millions of dollars are being spent on health care, far too many of us suffer from obesity, high blood pressure, ulcers, backache, migraine, arthritis, stroke, cancer and so on. The list is endless. Allopathic drugs compound the diseases and increase our miseries. They are as good as poisons. Health is more complex and indeed more simple than the


The Game................................................................11


Born To Serve - Dr. Merwan Bhamgara

follow. Alternative Medicine, which should be actually termed

(1928-2008). ...........................................................18

as Integrative Medicine, pursues spiritual calm, emotional

allopathy would have us believe. We only have to turn to mother nature, and true health, energy and peace would

peace and physical fitness. It is a holistic concept, where


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind .............21


You are Better than You Think ............................23


Drink of the Devil - Coffee... .................................24

one must take responsibility for his own health. Life comes only once. True health, can help us enjoy life and pursue our ultimate goal of salvation. The rule of health is very simple. “Cure your nature, and nature will cure you.” Please try to understand the message. With divine love...

MISSION STATEMENT "The Holistic Healer" is dedicated to promoting holistic principles : honouring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging people to actively participate in their health and health-care." Printed, published and edited by Mr. Bipin Parekh on behalf of owner "Holistic Healing Helps Trust", from 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103 and printed at Jignesh Printers, Shop No. 1, Rohan Residency, Ram Mandir X Road, Babhai Naka, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.

Naturally yours,

Your Editor may please be contacted only between 10 a.m. to 12 noon & between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday .

BIPIN PAREKH (Mob.: 98332 05550) Date : 15/12/2008 3


December 2008

HUMAN BODY’S INTELLIGENCE Man should have been extinct like the dinosaurs long ago if what we hear today about drugs, preventive screening of the apparently healthy population and technology keeping people alive on this planet were to be true. The latter were operational, at best, for little over half a century. Many studies have been looking at the reasons why we are still here despite the absence of modern hi-tech medicine being available to our forest dwelling ancestors over thousands of years of their existence on the planet. Evolution of man does not simply follow the native Darwinian laws. Environment, in addition, has a lot to do with our evolution. That is seen in many other species as well. One example would suffice. There is a type of butterfly that demonstrates an interesting response upon fleeing from a killer reptile, when pregnant. Upon Its escape, it tries to so mutate the offspring’s genes that it enables the foetus to develop much larger wing span, making it possible to get away from danger more effectively. The mother butterfly simultaneously mutates the genes of its offspring in the womb to be able to smell the enemy scent from a longer distance, by enhancing the child’s olfactory mechanism! Similar evolutionary changes, based on our environment, kept us going for so long without the assistance of any hitech stuff. Let us call this the intelligence of the body. Time was when man lived in the forests, and the causes of death were primarily senility or predation. To keep man going despite injury in the likely event of an attack by larger animals, genetic mutation helped to develop the sympathetic system. This could keep one going in an emergency, say bleeding, by redistributing the circulation to supply blood to the vital organs in preference to the non-vital parts and also to help the blood God heals and the doctor takes the fee. – Franklin 4

December 2008


to clot and the bleeding vessels to constrict, arresting blood loss. This friend of man could become his own enemy if used on a long-term basis, as happens in clinical heart failure! The renin-angiotensin - aldosterone system was another boon to the hunter gatherer man in the forest, who did not eat extra salt in his food. This prevented his blood pressure from falling to shock levels after injury and bleeding. In the last ten thousand years, the same system has become our curse, with lots of salt added to our diet, resulting in a novel disease, high blood pressure! In Nature, extremes are detrimental. Whereas low sugar-high sugar, low blood pressure-high blood pressure, and low cholesterol-high cholesterol are all bad, constant fluctuations of all these parameters are a must. Stationary levels obtain only after death! The story of man’s immune system being able to cope with adversity is also based on the experience of any hostile environment through genetic mutation. History of man in the New World is a good example. When Europeans landed on the American continents the virgin population of that landmass did not have any immunity against the diseases the Europeans were heir to, like small pox, More Natives died due to such scourges than to the European guns. The Medical world is learning the hard way the need to respect this capacity of the body and not to interfere too much too soon with modern gadgets and powerful drugs, hurting the native wisdom of the body and its in-built protective mechanisms. Some examples would reveal the secret. Our present mind set of "a pill for every ill" and "quick fixes" has to give place to our understanding that there is a self-regulatory compensatory phase inside the human body for every single alteration or accident! Studies of sex workers in Nigeria and San Francisco have shown that there are many of them in the trade, on a regular I am dying with the help of too many physicians. – Alexander the Great 5


December 2008

December 2008


basis, housed in the designated areas having "good business", who keep very good health, despite having more than 50% of their clientele with either full blown AIDS or, at least, the presence of the virus in the blood or semen! But the sophisticated classes of sex workers who operate from five-star outfits do not enjoy this immune protection! The same calamity befalls the hapless victim of accidental exposure to AIDS virus! Oxford University has embarked on studies of the Nigerian prostitutes and the healthy ones from San Francisco to see if some sort of vaccine could be produced from the knowledge gained from such sex workers. Children of migrant workers in Dakshina Kannada district of Indian Karnataka state on the west coast, originally from Northern Karnataka, whose parents do not have lucrative jobs to give them good food, mostly live on makeshift dwellings on the road side literally eating from the dirt, and resist most of the communicable diseases much better than their cousins in clean and rich households! Extra clean surrounding might endanger children's heaalth by exposing them to new risks from ordinarily innocuous germs. Epidemics of viral appendicitis in British primary schools are one such example. Caucasians exposed to falciparum malaria are likely to die most of the time, if not properly protected by drugs for prevention, as they have not been exposed to this germ earlier. This is due to the lack of racial immunity. Similarly, when Europeans first come to third world countries they usually are not able to tolerate the drinking water that we all take without any harm. Hostile environments make us acquire the capacity to genetically produce immunity against many adverse situations. The same mechanism could work against us under special circumstances. East Africans living in East Africa have very

little, if any, autoimmune diseases. East Africans form the bulk of American blacks. In America they live in a much cleaner environment without exposure to killer germs like malaria, filaria and others found in Africa. The one hundred-fifty odd genes situated in the long arm of the ninth chromosome, exclusively looking after antibody production against invading germs, at times, feel jobless in their new clean surroundings! They could unwittingly manufacture antibodies against body's own cells, resulting in a very high percentage antibodies against body's own cells, resulting in a very high percentage of killer autoimmune diseases in American blacks of East African origin! Strange are the ways of Nature! Another glaring example appears in a study of the death rate variations in grievously injured soldiers in the Vietnam War vis-a-vis the Falklands War. Whereas helicopter evacuations and immediate blood transfusions and warming were very common during the Vietnam War, during the wintry war in the Falklands those facilities were absent and the wounded soldiers were sometimes left to fend for themselves for long stretches of time in the cold! Curiously, the per capita death in the two groups showed that a much larger number of them survived the wounds in Falklands compared to Vietnam! One would not easily believe this, but this is the bitter truth. While the body's compensatory mechanisms, discussed above, helped wounded bleeding soldiers on the South American Island front, effectively, the cold weather helped lower the basal metabolic rate thereby lessening the demand for oxygen to the tissues. In Vietnam, the early human intervention with blood transfusion enhanced bleeding by displacing the clot and reducing vasoconstriction, the warmed up body increases the oxygen demand! This kind of mistake occurs many times in some other disease in the intensive care settings.

Our best bet is still prevention.

The mind needs to be cleansed daily as does the body.




December 2008

December 2008


Physiological heart failure is another good example. With its onset, the sympathetic system remodels the heart and redistributes circulation, but chronic stimulation makes the same system destroy the heart muscle and enhance failure. If we use blocking drugs at the beginning to knock off the sympathetic system patients could die, but later use of the same drugs, when the body's own protective mechanisms are exhausted, as in clinical heart failure, could save a lot of lives! One could go on and on. Every single intervention by man at the wrong time ends up killing more people than saving them. It is high time that many of the hi-tech early interventions are properly and meticulously audited in the field before being sold in the market. One would be shocked to know that this does not happen most of the time because of the hype and greed. Newer interventions are touted as the new avatar of life-saving-Gods in technological form and are let loose on gullible and demanding patients. It is better to remember the dictum that while it is the bounden duty of the medical profession to do its best for the suffering humanity, even when knowledge in that field is inadequate, it is a crime to intervene in the healthy segment of the population with newer technology or untried drugs, with the fond hope and assurance of averting long term danger when the latter interventions are not properly audited in that setting. Times change and knowledge is bound to change, but wisdom lingers on. The prayer of a wise physician of yore, Sir Robert Hutchinson, reveals it all : God give me deliverance from : • not letting the well alone, • treating suffering humans as cases, and • making my treatment worse than his suffering! – Dr. B.M. Hegde

Yes! The need today is for Holistic Health centers where only PREVENTION OF DISEASE is emphasized. We have enough Disease-Care and Disease-Scare hospitals—no more of them, please! We now need more Holistic Health Education centers where, childhood onwards, we learn about right alimentation, right type of physical exercises, right ways to think and act in life, right ways to relax the body and thereby the mind, so on and so forth. We need centers where people learn about prevention of pollution of the body as well as the mind; where people learn about non-addiction to food, besides nonaddiction to narcotics, whether mild such as brews of tea, coffee or cocoa, or strong such as marijuana and LSD. We need centers where people can be educated to care for and look after in the right way—the natural way—their precious possessions of the physique and the psyche, which are Godgiven gifts to mankind. But the education in such centers will not cultivate the wrong type of self-centeredness. Here people will also learn to give maximum of whatever they possess or are endowed with, especially money and riches. A poet has said, “Ceasing to give, we cease to have.” LIFE CONSISTS OF GIVE AND TAKE, IN WHICH, GIVING IS AS IMPORTANT AS GETTING—PERHAPS MORE IMPORTANT. Some people have the addiction to accumulation of as much wealth as possible! They become WEALTHOHOLICS, which is a soul-destroying disease. And the Bible has rightly said, “What will it avail thee, if you get the whole world but lose the soul?” Philanthropy and benevolence are a part of natural cure of all ailments; and both are very relevant in prevention of ailments as well. “CARING FOR OTHERS AND SHARING WITH OTHERS OUR GOD-GIVEN BOUNTIES” IS AN IMPORTANT PRESCRIPTION IN NATURE

The seed of every single disease is first sown in the mind.

Treat the underlying cause, not the effects.



We Need Healthcare Centers, Not Disease-Scare Hospitals


December 2008

CURE. The word WEALTH, after all, derives from WEAL, which means “GENERAL GOOD,” or “WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY.” The ordinary meaning of wealth as “personal property” came in later on. The original meaning was always synonymous with COMMON-WEALTH! Our Holistic Health education centers will aim at evolving human beings into HUMANE beings—kind, compassionate, forgiving and giving. CONCLUSION We have seen that Nature Cure is based on laws that are eternal, as also universal in their applicability—applicable to all the species of fauna, in the past, present and future. We have also seen that Nature, or Divine Intelligence, resides in each and every cell of our body and performs all functions—obvious as well as miraculous, known to us or unknown to us, anabolic as well as catabolic, but always life-sustaining or health-restoring. Most of us, including physicians, agree that Nature performs all functions. Who else but Nature—by whichever name one may prefer to call Her, it doesn’t make any difference as long as one attributes the same qualities to this Intelligent Power, which we call Nature! Yet while speaking of “all functions,” the function of health-restoration is excluded—due to ignorance or due to some selfish motive. The heart beats and circulates blood, the lungs inhale and exhale air, the digestive system digests and assimilates food, the excretory systems excrete wastes, and all other systems discharge their duties—the same way as they used to do some millions of years ago; Nature has been performing these functions from time immemorial, and there is absolutely no possibility that She will not continue to do so ad infinitum. Nature Cure is relevant in modern times and will remain relevant till mankind inhabits the earth—no doubt about it! – Dr. M. M. Bhamgara

December 2008


THE GAME Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game. It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" This means that whatever man sends out in word or deed will return to him : what he gives, he will receive. If he gives hate, he will receive hate, if he gives love, he will receive love, if he gives criticism, he will receive criticism, if he lies, he will be lied to, if he cheats, he will be cheated. We are taught also that the imaging faculty plays a leading part in the game of life. "Keep thy heart (or imagination) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life" This means that what man imagines, sooner or later externalises in his affairs. I know of a man who feared a certain disease. It was a very rare disease and difficult to get, but he pictured it continually, and read about it, until it manifested in his body, and he died, the victim of distorted imagination. So, we see, to play successfully the game of life we must train the imaging faculty. A person with an imaging faculty trained to image only good brings into his life "every righteous desire of his heart" - health, wealth, love, friends, perfect self-expression, his highest ideals. The imagination has been called "The Scissors of the Mind," and it is ever cutting, cutting, cutting, day by day,

Major risk factors for most of the diseases are hatred, jealousy, ego, anger and destructive hostility.

The only logical way to fight disease is to augment the power of the patient’s body to resist diseases. – Dr. H. P. Pickevil- M.D.




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December 2008


the pictures man sees there, and sooner or later he meets his own creations in his outer world. To train the imagination successfully, man must understand the workings of his mind. The Greeks said :"Know thyself." There are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, conscious, and super conscious. The subconscious is simply power without direction. It is like steam or electricity, and it does what it is directed to do, it has no power of induction. Whatever man feels deeply or images clearly is impressed upon the subconscious mind, and carried out in minutest detail. For example : A woman I know, when a child, always "made believe" she was a window. She "dressed up" in black clothes and wore a long black veil, and people thought she was very clever and amusing. She grew up and married a man with whom she was deeply in love. In a short time he died, and she wore black and a sweeping veil for many years. The picture of herself as a window was impressed upon the subconscious mind, and in due times worked itself out, regardless of the havoc created. The conscious mind has been called mortal or carnal mind. It is the human mind, and sees life as it appears to be. It sees death, disaster, sickness, poverty, ad limitation of every kind, and it impresses the subconscious. The super-conscious mind is the God mind within each man, and is the realm of perfect ideas. In it is the "perfect pattern" spoken of by Plato. The Divine Design : for there is a Divine Design for each person. "There is a place that you are to fill and no one else can

fill, something you are to do which no one else can do." There is a perfect picture of this in the super-conscious mind. It usually flashes across the consciousness as an unattainable ideal– "Something too good be true." In reality, it is man's true destiny (or destination) flashed to him from the Infinite Intelligence which is within himself. Many people, however, are in ignorance of their true destinies, and are striving for things and situations which do not belong to them, and would only bring failure and dissatisfaction if attained. For example : A woman came to me and asked me to "speak the word" that she would marry a certain man with whom she was very much in love. (she called him A.B.) I replied that this would be a violation of spiritual law, but that I would speak the word for the right man, the "divine selection," the man who belonged to her by divine right. I added, "If A.B. is the right man you can't lose him and if he isn't you will receive his equivalent." She saw A.B. frequently, but no headway was made in their friendship. One evening she called, and said, "Do you know, for the last week A.B. hasn't seemed so wonderful to me." I replied, May be he is not the divine selection - another man, who fell in love with her at once, and who said she was his ideal. In fact, he said all the things that she had always wished A. B. would say to her. She remarked, " It was quite uncanny." She soon returned his love, and lost all interest in A.B. This shows the law of substitution. A right idea was substituted for a wrong one, therefore there was - loss or sacrifice involved.

Give people a cure and they will be healed for a day. Teach them the cause and they will be healthy for a life time.

A healthy life style reduces the risk of disease to the extent possible.




December 2008

December 2008


Jesus Christ said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you," and he said the Kingdom was within man. The Kingdom is the realm of right ideas, or the divine pattern. Jesus Christ taught that man's words played a leading part in the game of life. "By your words ye are justified and by your words ye are condemned." Many people have brought disaster into their lives through idle words. For example : A woman once asked me why her life was now one of poverty and limitation. Formerly she had a home, was surrounded by beautiful things, and had plenty of money. We found she had often tired of the management of her home, and had said repeatedly. "I am sick and tried of things. I wish I lived in a trunk," and she added : "To-day I am living in that trunk." She had spoken herself into a trunk . The subconscious mind has no sense of humour, and people often joke themselves into unhappy experiences. For example : A woman who had a great deal of money joked continually about "getting ready for the poor-house." In a few years she was almost destitute, having impressed the subconscious mind with a picture of lack and limitation. Fortunately the law works both ways, and a situation of lack may be changed to one of plenty. For example: A woman came to me one hot summer's day for a "treatment" for prosperity. She was worn out, dejected, and discouraged. She said she possessed just eight dollars in the world. I said, "Good. We'll bless the eight dollars and multiply them, as Jesus Christ multiplied

the loaves and the fishes," for He taught that every man had the power to bless and to multiply, to heal and to prosper. She said, "What shall I do next?" I replied, "Follow intuition. Have you a 'hunch' to do anything, or to go anywhere?" Intuition means in-tuition, or to be taught from within. It is man's unerring guide. The woman replied : "I don't know–I seem to have a 'hunch' to go home, I've just enough money for car-fare." Her home was in a distant city, and was one of lack and limitation, and the reasoning mind (or intellect) would have said : "Stay in New York and get work and make some money." I replied "Then go home – never violate a hunch." I spoke the following words for her : "Infinite Spirit, open the way for great abundance for – : She is an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to her by divine right." I told her to repeat it continually also. She left for home immediately. In calling on a woman one day, she linked up with an old friend of her family. Through this friend she received thousands of dollars in a most miraculous way. She has said to me often, "Tell people about the woman who came to you with eight dollars and a hunch." There is always plenty on man's pathway : but it can only be brought into manifestation through desire, faith, or the spoken word. Jesus Christ brought out clearly that man must make the first move. “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you” In the Scriptures we read : “Concerning the works of My hands, command ye Me.”

A healthy life style does not prevent death but might postpone premature death.

In the unlikely event of a disease, recovery is faster and complete in those who follow a healthy life style.




December 2008

December 2008


Infinite Intelligence, God, is ever ready to carry out man’s smallest or greatest demands. Every desire, uttered or unexpressed, is a demand. We are often startled by having a wish suddenly fulfilled. For example : One Easter, having seen many beautiful rose-trees in the florists’ windows, I wished I would receive one, and for an instant saw it mentally being carried in the door. Easter came, and with it a beautiful rose-tree. I thanked my friend the following day, and told her it was just what I had wanted. She replied, “I didn’t send you a rose-tree, I sent you lilies!” The man had mixed the order, and sent me a rose-tree, simply because I had started the law in action, and I had to have a rose-tree. Nothing stands between man and his highest ideals and every desire of his heart but doubt and fear. When man can “wish without worrying.” every desire will be instantly fulfilled. I will explain more fully the scientific reason for this, and how fear must be erased from the consciousness. It is man’s only enemy - fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of sickness, fear of loss, and a feeling of insecurity on some plane. Jesus Christ said : “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” So we can, we must substitute faith for fear, for fear is only inverted faith, it is faith in evil instead of good. The object of the game of life is to see clearly one’s good and to obliterate all mental pictures of evil. This must be done by impressing the subconscious mind with a realisation of good. A very brilliant man, who has attained

great success, told me he had suddenly erased all fear from his consciousness by reading a sign which hung in a room. He saw printed in large letters this statement : “Why worry? It will probably never happen.” These words were stamped indelibly upon his subconscious mind, and he has now a firm conviction that only good can come into his life, therefore only good can manifest. I will deal with the different methods of impressing the subconscious mind. It is man’s faithful servant, but one must be careful to give it the right orders. Man has ever a silent listener at his side-his subconscious mind. Every thought, every word, is impressed upon it and carried out in amazing detail. It is like a singer making a record on the sensitive disc of the phonographic plate. Every note and tone of the singer’s voice is registered. If he coughs or hesitates, it is registered also. So let us break all the old bad records in the subconscious mind, the records of our lives which we do not wish to keep, and make new and beautiful ones. Speak these words aloud with power and conviction : “I now smash and demolish every untrue record in my subconscious mind. They shall return to the dust-heap of their native nothingness, for they came from my own vain imaginings. I now make my perfect records through Christ within the records of Health, Wealth, Love, and perfect selfExpression.” This is the square of life. The Game completed. Man can change his conditions by changing his words. Any man who does not know the power of the word is behind the times. “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.” – By Florence Scovel Shinn

A happy mind is the best tonic for health.

Radiant health is a choice.




December 2008


December 2008


Few have measured up to Emerson’s immortal definition of SUCCESS, Dr. Merwan Bhamgara was one of those rare men who lived these thoughts with simplicity, grace and utmost humility. He was the man who laughed often and much, he won the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, he earned the appreciation of honest critics, he appreciated beauty and always found the best in others. He left the world a bit better by scores of healthy human beings, by his beautiful garden which he often tended personally and by fervently advocating Naturopathy not just as a therapy but as a way of life. To him the knowledge that even one life breathed easier because of him, spelt true unanimously affirmed that he was ‘Born to Serve’. I shall be eternally grateful to my friend Meher Bharucha for introducing me to Dr. Bhamgara in his lovely home at Rye Woods, Lonavala. As we travelled together in train. I pictured a grave, impressive and famous personality, whom I would approach with a bit of dread and awe. But my first glimpse of him, proved to be contrary. As we entered his bungalow, I saw a lean energetic man with a radiant childlike smile, proceeding towards us with a distinct bounce in his step, we were greeted with a warm, brotherly hug. What struck me instantly was his extremely approachable manners despite winning national and international accolades as a renowned scholar and practitioner of Naturopathy.

His home was a welcome haven to anyone eager to learn and explore the marvels of Naturopathy. He instilled in us a sacred, reverent respect for our wondrous environment, which humanity repeatedly destroys, desecrates and devastates for paltry and mercenary gains. He hammered out relentlessly and ruthlessly, how we abuse our bodies with repeatedly wrong diet, scant heed to rigorous regular exercise, and by foolishly flouting the concept of a disciplined life. To him, sleeping and rising early during the Brahma muhurta hours to start the day with serenity and fully charged intellect, was the only way to live. Dr. Bhamgara’s most remarkable trait was that he only preached what he himself practised religiously and scrupulously. His own rigorous exercise routine at 80 and meticulously regulated diet, was a source of inspiration, which many of us have emulated (in varying degrees) and made an integral part of our daily routine. Dr. Bhamgara’s frail yet fit body, bore eloquent testimony to the rewards of a Naturopathic life style. He was a repository of amazing intellectual and emotional strength and boundless compassion, which he gave freely and fully to all who sought it sincerely. Discipline, consistency and faith, grounded in concrete factual proofs, made him an ardent and active champion of Naturopathy, which he lived and breathed, every moment of his life. He fought cancer and even cured himself, largely with holistic remedy. His clarion call was humble and deep attitude of supreme gratitude to nature, for the millions of magnificent bounties showered on us, from birth to death. He never missed a singly opportunity to reveal and reiterate, ‘Instead

The body works as a whole.

The body knows how to be well.




December 2008

of being grateful and repaying Nature for her countless blessings, we ignorantly abuse not just our environment, but our own bodies and yet Nature comes to our rescue to Forgive and Heal.’ The greatest and only tribute we can pay to this noble soul, is to comprehend and implement the basic principles of Naturopathy in our own daily existence, to make the world cleaner and purer for posterity. Personally, I bless him everyday, for making me aware and live by the simple truths of health and hygiene, which have worked wonders with my physical, mental, emotional and intellectual wellbeing. Serving and supporting him for years with utmost care and dedication, was Mangala Behn, the wind behind his Wings. A silent, sincere worker, she stood by Dr. Bhamgara like the steadfast Rock of Gibralter. Dr. Bhamgara has left indelible footsteps in the Health and Hearts of hundreds, who thanks to his vast knowledge, embraced Naturopathy as a cleaner, energetic, tensionfree way to a healthy, harmonious, peaceful living. He has not only touched, but radically transformed umpteen lives by creating a spiritual Holistic Renaissance. God bless his gentle, loving soul, He played a vital, pioneering role, In making us all alert and aware, Of Nature’s grace and constant care, In healing both our body and mind. Treasured moments, memories, And selfless, he leaves behind. – Firoza Bharucha

December 2008








Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. You are what you think all day long. Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, "I can't afford it," your subconscious works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind." You have th power to choose. Choose health and happiness. You can choose to be friendly, or you can choose to be unfriendly. Choose to be cooperative, joyous, friendly, lovable, and the whole world will respond. This is the best way to develop a wonderful personality. Your conscious mind is the "watchman at the gate." Its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions. Choose to believe that something good can happen and is happening now. Your greatest power is your capacity to choose. Choose happiness and abundance. The suggestions and statements of others have no power to hurt you. The only power is the movement of your own thought. You can choose to reject the thoughts or statements of others and affirm the good. You have the power to choose how you will react. Watch what you say. You have to account for every idle word. Never say, "I will fail, I will lose my job, I can't pay the rent." Your subconscious cannot take a joke. It brings all these things to pass. Your mind is not evil. No force of nature is evil. It depends how you use the powers of nature. Use your mind to bless, heal, and inspire all people everywhere.

More and more studies in conventional scientific disciplines have affirmed the fact that faith does heal.

Time has come for mankind to depend more on our immune system rather than on antibiotics.




December 2008


Never say, "I can't." Overcome that fear by substituting the following: "I can do all things through the power of my own subconscious mind." 9. Begin to think from the standpoint of the eternal truths and principle of life and not from the standpoint of fear, ignorance, and superstition. Do not let others do your thinking for you. Choose your own thoughts and make your own decisions. 10. You are the captain of your soul (subconscious mind) and the master of your fate. Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! Choose happiness! 11. Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessing of life. – Dr. Joseph Murphy “FAST FOODS ARE UNDESERVING IN SUBSTANCE BECAUSE THEY ARE, ON AVERAGE, HIGH IN CALORIES (the range is 900-1800 calories or 33 to 90% of the total daily calories for young people), HIGH IN SODIUM, (many meals range from 1000-2515 mg) HIGH IN FAT (some fast foods contribute up to 50% of daily fat intake in one meal). MORE IMPORTANTLY FAST FOODS ARE UNDESERVING IN FORMAT RATHER THAN TAKE TIME AND LOVE TO PREPARE A MEAL THAT IS DESTINED TO BECOME A PART OF OUR BEING, WE VOLUNTARILY SIT UNDER BRIGHT LIGHTS, IN UNCOMFORTABLE CHAIRS, LISTENING TO RAUCOUS MUSIC TO EAT A MEAL THAT IS UNDESERVING OF THE IMPORTANCE OF RITUAL...” – Dr. Michael Mcgannon The Urban Warriors Book of Solutions. Happiness of the soul, senses and the mind would ensure good health definitely. 22

December 2008


YOU ARE BETTER THAN YOU THINK You have a body that functions marvelously, a mind full of resources you haven’t even begun to tap. You have abilities you never exploited. Spiritually God made you only a little lower than the angels. With all this, you may think yourself inferior. Many of the world’s greatest and most successful individuals have had feelings of inferiority similar to yours. Inferiority feelings are very common, and usually prove only that you have enough intelligence to aim high. With the use of three Golden Keys, you can become the kind of person you were meant to be. These are : 1) Thought : Substitute a pleasant, constructive thought for every unpleasant idea that enters your mind. 2) Writing : Write down the qualities you want to achieve and the faults you want to avoid. After every interview or sales call, write down the things you did that you feel were right, and those that you feel were wrong. 3) Action : Substitute one good habit for a habit that you don’t like very much in yourself. Continue to use key one by visualising yourself as successful in getting used to the new habit. – Dora Albert

GOOD NEWS FOR OUR READERS All our three monthies can now be read on the following website :

aarogyam111.googlepages.com When doctors went on a strike in lsrael in the year 2000 for 3 months, death rate and morbidity fell sharply in all the cities of that country. 23


December 2008


December 2008


The Arabs, who first used coffee almost 800 years ago, called it ‘kahuha’ or power. Dark and mysterious it was dubbed ‘the drink of the devil’ by religion, medicine and politics, and was said to inspire sedition and rebellion. And yet it spread through the Islamic countries and into Europe as a favoured drink of writers and aristocrats. By the 18th century coffee plantations had sprung up in the tropics. As prices dropped, it became the favoured beverage of all classes in the world. Coffee is today a major world agricultural product and is almost a universal beverage. Millions of acres of fertile land are devoted to its cultivation (a legacy of colonialism) and the economies of a number of Third World Nations are completely dominated by it. One percent of all international trade is in coffee! But despite its popularity, coffee is not a beverage nor a food. It is drunk neither to quench thirst nor to supply any nutrients. It is not even a bean or a legume. Coffee is the fruit of a semi-tropical evergreen which bears a flower (said to be like an orange flower, with a jasmine fragrance). Its fruit is called ‘cherry’ and the bean inside the cherry is used to make coffee. One tree on an average bears 2,000 cherries - equal to only one pound of roasted coffee. The coffee bean is one of the most complex, naturally occurring flavours, composed of over 500 volatile compounds. It is this combination which gives coffee its bitter, astringent flavour. A combination of niacin, vitamins, minerals, caffeine and tannic acid, coffee, is a powerful physical and mental stimulant that increase thirst and deprives the body of nutrients. It can be called an

inexpensive, easily obtainable, socially acceptable and potentially addictive drug. The primarily active ingredient of coffee is of course, caffeine - a white, crystalline alkaloid which acts as a stimulant. Coffee also contains other stimulants like trigonellin (an element in nicotine) as well as aromatic oils and acids. The action of caffeine has been well documented. It stimulates the entire nervous system, acting directly in the brain. It increases pulse rate, blood pressure and the speed of respiration. The liver releases a stored glycogen as glucose which raise the blood sugar level, giving a sense of high energy and suppressing appetite. All the organs are activated, including the kidney, bladder and the peristalsis of the colon. Coffee is also proven to heighten the senses. The association of coffee with the lives of academicians, writers and scientists is perhaps true as coffee stimulates the forebrain, accentuating appollonian impulses and helping one through the punishing pace of life in an industrialised world. But when the blood sugar level returns to normal - more often it drops below normal - the person turns tired, jittery, depressed and is unable to concentrate. The only solution is yet another cup of coffee... Caffeine toxicity weakens the organs. Energy, efficiency and creativity the ‘positive’ effects of coffee - can all be made available to the body through a good diet and an integrated, satisfying life style. Natural living can act as a powerful stimulant without side effects ! A habitual coffee-drinker can expect physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms like headaches, hot flashes, palpitations of the heart, constipation, extreme fatigue, depression, radical fluctuations of mood and an inability to concentrate. But accompanied by a proper diet

To believe that doctors and hospitals are needed for keeping the health of the population is plain rubbish. – Denis Burkitt

The drug lobby is heavily financing medical education and doctors are brain washed right from the day that they enter medical school.




December 2008

and exercise a person can get deaddicted and regain mental and physical energy within just two weeks. One even gets more restful sleep after the ‘cold turkey’ period. According to the yin-yang theory, some foods are dominated by expanding energy (yin) and some by contracting energy (yang). People are drawn to an extreme yin substance such as meat, fish, eggs, salt and overcooked grains and vegetables. Thus, to deaddict oneself, one has to eliminate excessive yang elements from the diet and introduce milder yin ones such as steamed vegetables, salads, fresh fruits. Also the need for the artificial lift which coffee gives is due in part to the lack of natural stimuli of exercise, fresh air and sunshine. Outdoor activity has the same physical and mental effects as coffee. The tannic acid in coffee is excellent for tanning leather and also cleanses dirty, greasy kitchen floors, stainless-steel tables, deep fryers and any grease-covered surface. It also kills rats. But the human body is not geared for such drastic cleansing and coffee only corrodes it, sapping the energy within. Decaffeinated coffee is probably more harmful than the straight stuff as the decaffeinating process involves soaking the beans in a toxic, chlorinated solvent. It therefore cannot be treated or termed as either ‘natural’ or ‘healthy’. If you are yet tempted to drink a cup of coffee, try watersufficient fruits. They fill you up and do not drain you. Note : The favourite food for rate is the coffee bean. When instant coffee is manufactured, hundreds of rats get crushed along with the bean. Maybe the producers will try and tell you, that this is good for you! Without paying for it, you are also getting rat protein and rat calcium. Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Associates Tel.: 2436 1672 / 2432 0788 Medicine has been commercialised and is the victim of all the market forces thus making modern medicine prohibitively expensive and doctors greedy. 26


Adequate but not exessive sun-shine.


Fresh pure air.


Pure water, neither less nor more.


Proper diet - balanced and nutritive and good habits.


Adequate exercise.


Occasional fasting-only on pure water.


Cleanliness and good hygiene, cleanliness is next to godliness.


Adequate rest and sleep. Eight hours' sleep.


Good - elimination, internal as well as external - evacuations-too.

10) Strict avoidence of all foreign substances including tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and foodless foods. In Nature Cure, there are only five doctors. 1) Dr. Diet 2) Dr. Quiet 3) Dr. Cleanliness 4) Dr. Merryman 5) Dr. Exercise

Regd.: MAHENG11132/13/1/2007-TC • Postal Reg. No.: MH / MR / NW-120/08 “Posted at H.P.O., Borivali H.O., Mumbai-400 091” on 15th of every month.

We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers, Wider freeways, but narrow viewpoints, We spend more, but have less, We buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time, We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgement, more experts, but more problems, more medicine, but less well ness. These are the times of tall men, and short characters, steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace but domestic warfare, more leisure, but less fun, more kinds of food, but less nutrition. It is a time when there is much in the show window, and nothing in the stockroom, a time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference - or just hit delete. – From Love Stories of a Different Idea A Cap Guide, Penang - Malaysia PRINTED MATTER ONLY

From :

HOLISTIC HEALING HELPS 2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivli (W), Mumbai-400 103. Tel.: 2893 5158 / 0271 • Mob.: 98332 05550

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