Green Sheet - November 15, 2009

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NEWS AND NOTES FROM PEACE WITH CHRIST 1412 W. Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-4721 Pastor Ralph Patrick

November 15, 2009 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

WELCOME TO PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH! We give thanks to God that you are joining us today! Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an “organization”. We are small enough to allow people to know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize” in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721. Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with you personally.

2 THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and preparation. Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize yourself with the service. A few moments spent this way will help make the service more meaningful. NEXT WEEK’S LUTHERAN HOUR MESSAGE: “Thankful for What You Don’t Have” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. We can also thank God for the pains and illnesses we don’t have, the disasters that were averted, the punishment for sin that Christ took upon Himself. (Mark 13:13) Listen to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver (AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310) at 9:30 a.m. Peace With Christ Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays. **Please note that the radio broadcast will not be aired on the following dates due to Bronco football: November 1 & 15 and December 6, 13 & 27. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING A congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, November 22nd at 1:00pm. There will be a full agenda; a few of the major items of Church business are the 2010 Budget, Election of Officers, and By-Law changes. Please plan to attend.

The freewill offering for Wednesday’s FED meal was $130.00. This total was applied to the Chancel furnishings fund (Altar, Pulpit & Baptismal font). Thanks! Pastor & Lynn, Scott & Natalie Boehnke

Men: We live in a culture that seeks to enslave us in many ways, even to seemingly 'good' pastimes. The Kings Men study group will consider how to be a man of moderation as we discuss Chapter 9 of 'The Measure of a Man'. We consider God's word and share our own insights and experience, and we'd love to benefit from yours as well, whether you have studied with us before or not. 6pm Wednesday in Pastor's office.


LWML December Christmas Party LWML will meet Sunday, December 13th, at 2pm at the home of Norma Thaemert for the annual Christmas Party. We’ll carpool from the church at 1:30 pm. Remember to bring your Christmas “Dime Stocking” money, your mites, and a plate of cookies. Dime stocking money will support Crossroads Safehouse. Extra cookies will be used to make up holiday plates for shut-ins. All ladies of the congregation are invited to share this special afternoon. Plan on attending! ♦ Let’s talk turkey! Pick up an extra bird and deliver to PWC’s kitchen ON Sunday, November 22nd by 12pm. Your donations will be delivered to the hungry folks at Open Door Mission for Thanksgiving. What a great opportunity to share your blessings with others during the holidays! ♦ THANK YOU to everyone who joined us yesterday at LWML’s Craft Fair and Soup & Pie Luncheon. We are grateful to everyone who worked so hard to make this mission fundraiser a success. If you missed it , don’t despair! You can still shop in the Sunshine Room TODAY! Stop by and check out the beautiful, functional crafts handmade by members of PWC. LWML’s goal is to reach $5k in proceeds. With Thrivent’s generous supplement of $1,250, we could send Stephen Heimer a total of $6,250! ♦ LWML will be hosting the December 2nd Advent soup supper. Proceeds will benefit the Heiliger’s work in Turkey. The sign-up sheet for food and kitchen help is posted on our bulletin board. ♦ The next regular LWML’s Executive Board meeting is Monday, November 30th beginning at 6pm in the home of Bev Russman. All ladies are welcome!

TAG - November 17th at 1:00pm Harry Krueckeberg will do a presentation on Iceland. The country and its culture and Lutheranism. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon.



“Surprise Outing”: TODAY is the last day to sign-up, you cannot attend if you do not sign-up. Meet at PWC at 6pm next Saturday, EAT before arriving. Cost is $10.00. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I will be out of town from November 20 - November 26 - Marilyn

College and Young Adult Group DIVINE SERVICE AT CSU: Pastor will be leading Divine Service at CSU on November 17 at 5:00pm. Meet at the Lory Student Center Information Desk or at the Danforth Chapel. All Members of the congregation are welcome to join the College and Young Adult group.

Parents & Twos - A Sunday School class for two - three year old children and their parents will begin on November 29. Plan to attend the Sunday School Opening at 9:30 am in the sanctuary, class will be held in the Nursery. If you have any questions, see Chad Hamilton, Robin Hamilton, Reena Linke or Marilyn Lasich.

“Rocky lunch fund raiser” The Rocky lunch serving crew will be providing Sloppy Joes for FED night on November 18 as a fund raiser. Please join us for supper and stay for Bible class. Thrivent will provide a supplement to the funds that are raised that evening.

Youth and Children’s Christmas Service: A sign-up sheet for volunteers is posted on the bulletin board. Feel free to look it over and sign-up where you would like to serve. Our next meeting to discuss the service will be November 30 at 6:30pm.


Nominations for 2010 for Council & Elders Below - you will find a list of Peace With Christ members who have consented to the various positions which will be presented next week at the congregational meeting. This list will be presented by the nominating committee for your approval but additional nominations can still be made from the floor before voting occurs. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Siegfried, Vice President President - 1 year: Larry Siegfried Vice President - 1 year: Brian Lacey Secretary - 2 years: Ernestine Munsey (has served as secretary for 2 years, eligible for another 2 year term) Evangelism Chairman - 2 years: Rhonda Kaiser (has served as chair for 11/2 years, eligible for another 2 year term) Fellowship Chairman - 2 years: Martha Pforr Education Board Member - 2 years: Renee Hein Education Board Member - 2 years: Andi Lechman Missions and Ministry Chairman - 2 years: Open Trustee - 1 year: Mark Leising Trustee - 2 years: Stony Achziger Trustee - 2 years: Bill Roth Elder - 1 year: Art Pforr Elder - 2 years: NEED TO ELECT THREE (3) ELDERS FROM THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS A. Dan Krueckeberg - Has served for 2 years as staff elder - eligible for another 2 yr. term. B. Mike Allison C. John Pennington D. Chad Hamilton E. Ron Thaemert NOTE: Larry Siegfried, Art Pforr and Mark Leising were appointed by church council - need to be elected to finish out the term which they were appointed.


Operation Christmas Child - Please return your filled box, items and donations for the boxes today through Wed., November 18! We will be delivering the boxes on Nov. 19 - Thank you for your support!

2009 Season’s Opener will be held on Saturday, December 5th from 4 - 5:30pm. Please plan to help welcome in the Advent Season by attending PWC traditional Season’s Opener. This gathering is meant for young & old alike and all those in -betweeners. More information coming. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Pledge Cards: Please put your pledge card into the offering plate this morning. If you forget your card, you can bring it next week or ask an usher for another one. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peace with Christ Library Book of the WeekNEW BOOK! Christ Have Mercy By Rev. Matthew C. Harrison For two millennia Christians have echoed the pleas of blind men and beggars “Christ have mercy!” But what does it mean to ask our Lord and Savior for mercy? And what about Christ's command to be merciful, even as God has been merciful to us? Through Scripture study, real-life experiences, and the writings of the Lutheran Church fathers, Christ Have Mercy urges Christians to consider the innumerable opportunities we have to show mercy, to fellow Christians and to anyone God places in our path. Rev. Matthew C. Harrison is Executive Director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care.


CHRISTMAS CHOIR As our choir director, Kelley, will be out of town for Christmas, we will have a “pickup” choir. If you would like to join in singing with choir for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, please sign-up on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Youth are welcome too. The more the merrier! We have several services between the two days with choral pieces at each service: ♦ December 24 - 4pm and 7pm. Lessons and carols, 10pm Divine Service ♦ December 25 - 9am Divine Service. Contact Reena if you have any questions or if you would like to have the music early - [email protected]


Wednesday, December 2 - after the Advent service. Wednesday, December 9 - after the Advent Service. Sunday, December 20 - after 2nd service. Wednesday, December 23 - 6:00pm


Our Prayers: We rememberThose who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from surgery: Bernice Nansel, Gene Frank, Mac & Iris Bergen, Helen Leben, Arv Witt, Art Pforr, Louise Tuchenhagen, Emily Irvine (great-niece of Angela Myers), Linda Groeling, , Zoe Jones (Infant daughter of Josh and Jamie Jones), Kevin Rodenbeck, Marilyn Craig, Marilyn Hudson, Evelyn Marweg, Jason Shedd and family Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret Ziehm, Carolyn Brown, Arline Young, June Schwarck, Marie Rubel, Jean Upham. The families of Peace With Christ The President and world leaders. U.S. Soldiers throughout the world. The families of the Soldiers at Fort Hood. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACOLYTES: The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday from Reformation until Trinity Sunday. In order for everyone to be “assigned” only once a month I will continue to schedule a Crucifer only the second and fourth Sunday. Pastor is fine with only an acolyte on communion Sundays, however, if you are here and a Crucifer is needed please volunteer to serve. Thank you - Marcy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Church Rests on Word, Not Word on Church It is not the Word of God because the church says so; but that the Word of God might be spoken, therefore the church comes into being. The church does not make the Word, but it is made by the Word. What Luther Says Compiled by Ewald M. Plass

9 SHOPPING” with the Youth!! Did you know that the Scrip program is a fund-raiser for the PWC Youth Group? It is! We have gift cards available for groceries, restaurants, department stores, movies, candy - just check out what we have or see if we can order cards for you for your favorite store! You receive the full amount of the card - the youth receive a percentage of the total from each retailer. Thanks for your support.

The Gift of a Green Christmas Ministry: This is our 6th year of partnering with local Lutheran Congregations to provide families in ned with Christmas Trees and Decorations. This need is dependent on the generous donations and support of our church members. As our service continues to grow, so is our need for new and used decorations, artificial trees or cash donations to buy supplies. If you have extra Christmas items that you can donate or would like to purchase lights and decorations, please drop them off to the Church office by Friday, December 12th. Here is an idea of the local impact this project has on families in need. Last year we cut and delivered over 100 Christmas trees and decorations to those who otherwise would not have had a decorated tree. This really is an outreach ministry for area Lutheran churches. Along with the delivery of the trees and decorations, we will be handing out a schedule of Christmas and Sunday services for all the churches and personally invite them to worship with those churches that participate in this ministry. If you or your family would like to help cut and/or deliver Christmas trees and decorations to the families, please contact Ryan Behm 222-5678 or [email protected]. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Elderberries of St. John’s Lutheran in Ft. Collins would like to invite the TAG folks to our annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 19th at noon. Just bring your appetites and join us for turkey and all the trimmings. We would appreciate your RSVP by Monday, Nov. 16. Please call St. John’s at 4825316 to sign-up.




Christ redeemed human nature as His work, sanctifies it, raises it from the dead, and gloriously adorns it as His work. But original sin He has not created, received, redeemed, or sanctified. He will not raise it, adorn it, or save it in the elect. In the resurrection original sin will be entirely destroyed [1 Corinthians 15:51-57]. On the other hand, we believe, teach, and confess that original sin is not a minor corruption. It is so deep a corruption of human nature that nothing healthy or uncorrupt remains in man's body or soul, in his inward or outward powers [Romans 3:10-12]. As the Church sings: "Through Adam's fall is all corrupt, Nature and essence human." This damage cannot be fully described [Psalm 19:12]. It cannot be understood by reason, but only from God's Word. We affirm that no one but God alone can separate human nature and this corruption of human nature from each other. This will fully come to pass through death, in the resurrection. At that time our nature, which we now bear, will rise and live eternally without original sin and be separated and divided from it. As written in Job 19:26-27, "After my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold." (paragraphs 6, 8-10)

Condensed from CONCORDIA: THE LUTHERAN CONFESSIONS, copyright 2005,2006 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To purchase a copy of CONCORDIA, call 800-325-3040.



Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour Hands in Harmony Broadcast Articles Due

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm

Monday November 16

Evangelism & Worship

6:00 pm

Tuesday November 17

TAG Christ on Campus Bible Study - Divine Service

1:00 pm 5:00 pm

Wednesday November 18

Bible Study FED Meal FED Classes King’s Men’s Bible Study Adult/Youth Choir

8:45 am 5:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Thursday November 19

Morning Doves RMHS

9:00 am 10:50 am

Friday November 20 Saturday November 21

Youth “Surprise Outing”

Sunday November 22

Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour Congregational Meeting

6:00 pm 8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am 1:00 pm


November 15 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

THOSE SERVING TODAY 8:00 am 10:45 am Niermans Moores Jan Achziger Teri Frerichs Wes Nierman Dan Prevedel Chad Hamilton Stony Achziger Harry Krueckeberg Larry Siegfried Cliff Buchholz Terry Fox Bill Roth Lauren Roth Colleen Rohlfs Julie Roth Rachael Bernhardt

Nursery: Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist: Youth Choir Director: Elder of the Month:

Judy Dahlgren Shawna Prevedel Reena Linke Dan Prevedel

David Nierman

Flowers on the Altar in Loving Memory of Marj Hamill’s birthday THOSE SERVING NEXT SUNDAY November 22 8:00 am 10:45 am Materials: Niermans Greeters: Buchholtz CJ Muth Guest Book: Eunice Nierman Pat Stegner Reader: Dan Krueckeberg Dan Prevedel Ushers: Daniel Cerman Dave Muth Wes Nierman Ted Anderson Ray Kaiser Ned Daugherty Larry Siegfried Nursery: Robin Hamilton Colleen Rohlfs Acolytes: Libby Hoy Tiffany Wiginton Crucifer: Krissy Petago Taylor Wiginton Audio Support: Ron Pichel David Nierman Organist: Jennifer Musgrave Choir Director: Kelley Pichel Elder of the Month: Dan Prevedel


Prayer and Study Date: November 15 - November 21 Luther Quote: “Bible in a Class by Itself After all, no book, teaching, or word is able to comfort in troubles, fear, misery, death, yea, in the midst of devils and in hell, except this book, which teaches us God’s Word and in which God Himself speaks with us as a man speaks with his friend” Bible readings for the week: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

Psalm 135; Zechariah 11-14 Psalm 136; Malachi Psalm 137; Matthew 1-2 Psalm 138; Matthew 3-4 Psalm 139; Matthew 5-6 Psalm 140; Matthew 7-8 Psalm 141; Matthew 9-10

Nigeria – Nov. 1-15 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod began work in Nigeria in 1936. Today, LCMS World Mission supports theological education programs and partners with the Lutheran Church of Nigeria to do mission work in The Gambia. Daily Prayers: Sunday: With thanksgiving for the partnership of Jesus is Lord Mission Society in Nigeria - they have faithfully supported the theological education of many students at Jonathan Ekong Memorial Seminary.


Urban mission work in the United States - Nov. 18-30 With the third-largest population in the world, and the world coming to its cities, the United States is indeed a vast mission field. These missionaries work in some of the urban centers of the United States to coordinate mission work and train future leaders. Monday: For urban mission strategist Rev. Jim Buckman and his work of encouraging and training house church leaders of various cultural backgrounds in the Newark, NJ metro area. Pray also for his family as they transition to life in New Jersey. Tuesday: For urban mission strategist Rev. Kenety Gee in Chicago, IL, as he encourages and challenges congregations and mission starts to reach out to those around them with the Gospel, disciple new believers in their faith, and work together to strengthen the Lutheran Christian community. Wednesday: For Rev. Dr. George Naeem in Denver, CO as he leads the ministry of Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission, which reaches out to Arabic-speaking immigrants and others around the world with the Gospel of Jesus. George also helps to train new Christian leaders around the world. Thursday: For urban mission strategist Rev. E. Johnson Rethinsamy, who serves the New York City metro area. He identifies new mission opportunities among recent immigrants, helps to start new mission stations, and identifies mission leaders. Friday: For Rev. Phillip Saywrayne, who serves as the northeastern facilitator for African Immigrant Ministry. He identifies and trains leaders, develops new missions, conducts Bible classes, preaches, and counsels. Saturday: For urban mission strategist Re. Landon Schkade, who serves in the Boston metro area. Landon’s work includes identifying potential leaders and mission opportunities, sharing the Gospel with unreached or uncommitted people, discipling and training leaders, building partnerships and developing plans for planting new churches, and facilitating the planting of daughter churches. www.lcmsworldmission


November 8 ATTENDANCE Worship Attendance: 159(8:00) 101(10:45 am)

Total 260

Education Hour Attendance: Not recorded Financial Update As of September 30, 2009 Budget - 2009 $359,000.00

Income $249,467.22


Net Income



CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR: 9:30-10:30 a.m. ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room

NEXT WEEK'S SCRIPTURE READINGS (ESV) First Lesson: Isaiah 51:4-6 Second Lesson: Jude 20-25 Gospel: Mark 13:24-37

PRESS DEADLINES Green sheet articles are due by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Broadcast articles are due


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