Green Sheet - November 8, 2009

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NEWS AND NOTES FROM PEACE WITH CHRIST 1412 W. Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-4721 Pastor Ralph Patrick

December 20, 2009 Fourth Sunday in Advent

WELCOME TO PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH! We give thanks to God that you are joining us today! Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an “organization”. We are small enough to allow people to know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize” in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721. Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with you personally.

2 THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and preparation. Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize yourself with the service. A few moments spent this way will help make the service more meaningful. NEXT WEEK’S LUTHERAN HOUR MESSAGE: “In Christ, a Glad New Year” Guest Speaker: Rev. Robert Bugbee. Don’t pack Christmas away too fast! God wants you to meet His great Gift: that little Child who brought such gladness to an old, patient man named Simeon so long ago. (Luke 2:25-32) Listen to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver (AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310) at 9:30 a.m. Peace With Christ Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays. CHRISTMAS CHOIR It’s not too late to join the pick-up Christmas Choir! We have several services between the two days with choral pieces at each service:

♦ December 24 - 4pm and 7pm. Lessons and carols, 10pm Divine Service ♦ December 25 - 9am Divine Service. Contact Reena if you have any questions or if you would like to have the music early - [email protected]. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME! Rehearsals: Today at Noon Wednesday, December 23 - 6:00pm

Reminder: If you have not returned your pledge card please put it into the offering plate by TODAY. Extra cards are available from the ushers. Thank you Larry Siegfried, Vice President

The Kings Men study group will not be meeting for the rest of December. As you make plans for the new year, please consider joining us at 6pm during the FED study starting January 6.


LWML’s January Program LWML’s first program of 2010, to be held Monday, January 11th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall, will be a Bible Study entitled “Uplifted by the Lord”. Angela Myers will have devotions and mites and hostesses will be Norma Thaemert and Eunice Nierman. All ladies are welcome to join us and bring a friend! Craft Fair Update: As reported a couple weeks ago, a total of $6,352 was raised by PWC. Thrivent promised $1,250 in supplemental funding, however, we just found out an additional $250 was approved for a total of $1,500. Thank you Thrivent! A check was mailed to Stephen Heimer of Ysleta Mission for $7,852. The December 2nd Advent Soup Supper hosted by LWML raised $445 for Cameron and Andrea Heiliger’s work in Turkey. Including the $375 in donations collected during October for coffee treats, a total of $820 has been sent to the Heiligers! The next LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday, January 4th beginning at 6pm in the home of Bev Russman. All 2009 AND 2010 Board members are encouraged to attend.

Thrivent Representatives, Ryan M. Behm and Nancy J. Behm will be hosting Coffee Hour on Sunday January 3rd to share information on how Thrivent has supported our ministry and other important information from Ryan and Nancy. Please join us for coffee and goodies in between services.

Thank You to everyone who has volunteered to sing/play for Christmas Eve and Day services. At this time all openings for special music are filled and bulletins are prepared. Please come a little early if you would like to practice in the sanctuary, as people may want to pray before services.


Need a Christmas gift? Remember the Youth have many gift cards available for sale or you may order many cards also. Thank you for your support of this fundraiser. TODAY is the last day to order for Christmas Delivery! YOUTH ACTIVITIES Senior High Lock-in - Plan to be at PWC by 5:30pm remember to bring: $8, 1/2 yard of fleece abric, a Bible, comfy clothing, a sleeping bag, mittens, hat and warm clothes for the “Outing”! Sign-up!

College and Young Adult Group The College and Young Adult group will be on break until Tuesday, January 19 when classes resume. Safe travels if you are going home and Merry Christmas!

THANK YOU!! To all the students, parents, and volunteers who helped with the Youth and Children’s Christmas service. Your faithful service is much appreciated!

Peace With Christ has been blessed with the gift of a 15 passenger van. Guidelines will be will be prepared for the use of the van by the various committees and groups.

Parents and 2-3 year olds - A Sunday School class for two - three year old children and their parents has begun, and they have had a great time! If you are interested in bringing your child to the class, please plan to attend the Sunday School Opening at 9:30 am in the sanctuary, then class will be held in the Nursery. If you have any questions, see Chad Hamilton, Robin Hamilton, Reena Linke or Marilyn Lasich.


Jesus Wept. John 11:35

The shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.”, shows us that grief is a part of living on earth. We have all suffered a loss in our lives. From the loss of a small earthly item to the largest loss of a loved one, loss is inevitable. However, as we go through our deepest emotions, Jesus is with us. “So with you: now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy”. (John 16:22 NIV) God’s blessing is to have fellow Christians who care for each other enough to walk the path of grief together. Peace With Christ’s new congregational Grief Support Series and Grief Partners group is a new series of three (3) sessions to help members and non-members of Peace With Christ through your time of grief. We will explore how faith is an essential part of our healing. The sessions will be held monthly starting in January 2010. Each quarter we will start the series anew. Session I - Jesus Wept Help for the newly bereaved and all others who are experiencing a major loss & those who just want to learn more about what grief is, and understanding the symptoms. Session II - The Father of Compassion For those who are past the first shock of grief, and are now seeking relief as the world continues to revolve. Session III - In God’s Hands Session III addresses how we face the future as we try to rebuild our lives. The Grief Support Group is composed of PWC volunteers who are empathetic to families or individuals who have had a loss and are available to support members as they grieve. There is a volunteer training session, and we encourage members to become a part of this compassionate endeavor. Anyone with questions or wishing to participate can call Gail Neben, Grief Series Coordinator, 970-222-4715, or [email protected]. The first training will be Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 6:30pm and every third Tuesday there after at PWC.


Our Prayers: We rememberThose who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from surgery: Bill Watson, Leora Snyder, Gene Frank, Geri Koenecke (Sharon Wiesner’s mother), Barb Holder, Mac & Iris Bergen, Helen Leben, Louise Tuchenhagen, Linda Groeling, Kevin Rodenbeck, Marilyn Craig, Marilyn Hudson, Evelyn Marweg, Jason Shedd and family Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret Ziehm, Carolyn Brown, Arline Young, June Schwarck, Marie Rubel, Jean Upham. A Blessed Christmas to everyone at Peace With Christ Those who are traveling during the Christmas Holiday U.S. Soldiers throughout the world

The Lutheran Witness Subscriptions are coming due again. The cost for a one-year subscription, with the congregational discount, is $20.83. If you would like to receive the Lutheran Witness, make your check payable to Peace With Christ and give to Marcy in the office or to Wes Nierman or Dan Prevedel.

Thank You - Mark Leising, Sharon Wiesner and Cheryl Harsen, our congregational coordinators for Thrivent Financial. The READING FROM THE BOOK OF CONCORD was not available for this week.




Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour Hands in Harmony Adult Choir Rehearsal Broadcast Articles Due

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm

Monday December 21

Evangelism & Worship

6:00 pm

Wednesday December 23

Adult Choir Rehearsal

6:00 pm

Thursday December 24

Christmas Eve Services (Communion - 10:00pm)

Friday December 25

Christmas Day Service (Communion)

Tuesday December 22

4:00 pm, 7:00 & 10:00pm 9:00 am

Saturday December 26

Sunday December 27

Worship Services (Communion) Education Hour

8:00 am & 10:45 am 9:30 am

9 December 20 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

Nursery: Acolytes: Audio Support: Organist: Elder of the Month: 4:00 pm Greeters: Watsons Ushers: Ken Keeney Corey Dahlgren Gale Russman Karen Carlson Reader: Nursery: Acolyte: Krissy Petago Audio: Judy Dahlgren Choir Director: Organist: Greeters: Guest Book: Ushers: Reader: Acolyte: Audio Support: Choir Director: December 27 Materials: Greeters: Guest Book: Reader: Ushers:

Nursery: Acolytes: Crucifer: Audio Support: Organist:

8:00 am Millie Miller Bill &Fran Watson Lydia & Jenessa Dan Krueckeberg Randy Fiscus Sandy Fiscus Brian Molzer Adele Ahnstedt Cate Jesser Myah Boehnke Chris Dunker Shawna Prevedel Art Pforr December 24 7:00 pm Anne Foster Brian Molzer Dan Prevedel Chris Prevedel Tracy Foster

10:45 am Nadine Lueker Barb Prenzlow Michael Rohlfs Chris Dunker Nick Allison Jarryd Allison Paul Carlson Prevedel Marina Rohlfs David Nierman


Dan Krueckeberg Keller Foster Zachary Prevedel Amanda Nierman Martin Sampson David Nierman Reena Linke Reena Linke Ann Caspersen December 25 Sherri Norman Betty Heermann Mike Allison, Gale Russman, Jerry Buchleiter, Jon Buchleiter Wes Nierman Taylor Wiginton David Nierman Reena Linke Organist: Reena Linke Violin: Marilyn Lasich 8:00 am 10:45 am Sherri Norman Sharon Wiesner Millie Miller June Grueber Shirley Poppe Pastor Hein Pastor Hein Chris Dunker Doug Kettelson Loren Wiesner Nick Allison Brian Molzer Jarryd Allison Marv Grueber Chuck Black Jodi Allison Mackenzie Cheuvront Marina Rohlfs Libby Hoy Zach Diem Judy Dahlgren Scott Boehnke Ann Caspersen Pianist: Julie Ward


Prayer and Study Date: December 20 - December 26

Luther Quote: “The Word and faith should stand together, for the one cannot exist without the other. He who believes, but does not have the Word, believes as do the Turks and the Jews. They believe that God is gracious and merciful, but they lack a promise; for God will not be gracious without (ausser) Christ.”

Bible readings for the week: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:

Psalm 19; Isaiah 34-36 Psalm 20; Isaiah 37-39 Psalm 21; Isaiah 40-42 Psalm 22; Isaiah 43-45 Psalm 23; Isaiah 46-48 Psalm 24; Isaiah 49-51 Psalm 25; Isaiah 52-54

Papua New Guinea — December 16-31 Papua New Guinea is the world’s most linguistically-complex country—more than 800 languages are spoken in there! The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod began work in Papua New Guinea in 1948, at the invitation of a Wauni tribal leader in Yaramanda, Enga Province.


Daily Prayers: Sunday: For the head bishop of the GLC, Rt. Rev. David P. Piso. Ask the Lord to continue to refine him through the Holy Spirit’s power as he leads his brothers and sisters in Christ.

Monday: For the HIV/AIDS ministries that various LCMS missionaries have contributed towards over the years. These ministries include youth outreach and raising community awareness.

Tuesday: For GEO missionary Elizabeth Neuf, who serves in Enga province. Working with a local HIV awareness group, United to Be, Liz collaborates with various groups to help increase the services provided to victims of HIV. She reaches out to those who have been isolated from their communities, both local and ecclesiastical, and shows them the love and comfort they deserve as God’s children.

Wednesday: With thanksgiving for ongoing Bible translation in Papua New Guinea through Lutheran Bible Translators and other partners. Ask the Lord to bless ongoing translation efforts, so that more people will be able to read about Jesus.

Thursday: With thanks for the completion of the New Testament in the Ipili language, which was dedicated in August 2008. Pray that many people will learn of God’s love for them through reading His Word in their heart language!

Friday: For theological education in Papua New Guinea through Timothy Seminary. Pray that the Holy Spirit would fill students’ minds and hearts with His truth.

Saturday: With thanksgiving for the graduation of four new pastors from Timothy Seminary this month. These are the first pastors to graduate from Timothy since 2005. Praise God!



December 13 ATTENDANCE Worship Attendance: 143(8:00) 106(10:45 am)

Total 249

Education Hour Attendance: Adult Bible Study: 62 Sunday School: 30 Financial Update As of November 30, 2009 Budget - 2009






Net Income $856.33

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR: 9:30-10:30 a.m. ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room

NEXT WEEK'S SCRIPTURE READINGS (ESV) First Lesson: Exodus 13:1-3a, 11-15 Second Lesson: Colossians 3:12-17 Gospel: Luke 2:22-40

PRESS DEADLINES Green sheet articles are due by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Broadcast articles are due TODAY

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