Green Gr Sheet Fiction

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 337
  • Pages: 2
G.R. Group

Book band: GREEN

NC level: 1B



TEXT TYPE: Fiction

Book title: *TARGETS LVELE 1B FICTION: Understand the differences between fiction and non-fiction and make predictions based on title, cover and blurb. Respond to events and ides in poems, stories and non-fiction, supported by teacher’s questioning. Use my knowledge of letters, sounds and words to establish meaning when reading aloud with support. Identify initial and final phoneme to help read unfamiliar words. Read, on sight, a range of familiar and high frequency words found in simple texts, from the NLS high frequency words (YR),

Strategies used: A=phonic knowledge: sound out phonemes and words & blend them together. B=Graphic knowledge: look at the shape of the word C=Grammatical knowledge: which type of word would fit into this sentence? D= Context: What would make sense in the story? E= Pictorial clues : use the pictures in the book

Decoding strategies (AF1)

I can read words from my teacher’s List 1. I can read familiar words in my books. I can blend phonemes to read words like play and push. I can blend phonemes to read words I have not seen before. I expect my reading books to make sense.

Understand, describe, select or retrieve.(AF2) Identify and comment on structure...(AF4)

I can talk about the main events in my texts. I can answer questions about events and ideas in my texts.

Lesson Sequence: 1.Book introduction

2. Strategy checks 3. ‘Walk through’ the text 4. Independent Reading 5. Returning to text for teaching points 6.Responding to the text & follow up

I can tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.

Group Target:*Highlight one of the targets specified above.


Strategies used


Target achieved


Key questions:


Where and when did the story take place? Who spoke to ….? Identify who….?


Describe what happened at….?


What happened after


Who are the characters in the book?


What did the characters/thing in the story look like? Who was s/he/it? Can you name the….?


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