Orange Gr Sheet Non-fiction

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 358
  • Pages: 2
G.R. Group

Book band ORANGE

NC level: 1A



TEXT TYPE: Non-Fiction

Book title: TARGETS FOR LEVEL 1A NON-FICTION Understand how simple diagrams and charts add information Recognize ways to create emphases in text, e.g. capitals and bold print Comment on events or ideas in stories, supported by teacher’s questioning Sustain independent reading to complete texts at an appropriate level Blend phonemes to read words containing consonant clusters Use my knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read simple texts with meaning

Decoding strategies (AF1)

Understand, describe, select or retrieve.(AF2) Identify and comment on structure...(AF4) Group Target Names

Strategies used:

A=phonic knowledge: sound out phonemes and words & blend them together. B=Graphic knowledge: look at the shape of the word C=Grammatical knowledge: which type of word would fit into this sentence? D= Context: What would make sense in the story? E= Pictorial clues : use the pictures in the book

Lesson Sequence: 1.Book introduction 2. Strategy checks 3. ‘Walk through’ the text 4. Independent Reading 5. Returning to text for teaching points 6.Responding to the text & follow up

I can read words from my teacher’s List 1. I can blend phonemes in words like string and catch in my reading. I can read new words by knowing what would fit or sound right in the sentence. I can find information in a text. I can tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction. I can find information in a non-fiction text, using the layout to help me. Strategies used


Target achieved

Key questions What is on the cover of the book? What does this tell you about the content inside? What is the title of the text? Who is the author of the text? What is the text about? What kind of things would you expect to see in this book? Find something that interests you from the text. Explain why you chose that particular part Where would you look to find out what a technical word means? Why have some of the words been written in bold? -Can you find examples of different features of this text type?


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