Globalizatin And Muslim Identity

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Globalization and the National Identity: An Islamic Perspective

By Dr. Mazin S. Motabagani Associate Professor Orientalistics Al-Madinah Center for the Study of Orientalism

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Once the notion “globalization” became widespread and discussed widely by intellectual circles, the idea of the national identity being in danger was one of the main themes of discussion. Learned people all over the world voiced their apprehension and fear that “globalization” is just another name for westernization or Americanization”. When you consult the internet on ‘globalization and culture’ you will find thousands of sites on this topic surpassing all other topics in the field of globalization. But in Islam even though such fear and apprehension exists, the basics for maintaining and protecting the Islamic identity are firmly established in the scriptures of Islam (Qura’an and Sunnah) and the behavior of the first generations of Islam (that is the prophet’s companion and the early period of Islam.) This paper will be divided into two sections: The first will look briefly into the definition of "Globalization" and its relation to national identity. The second will look into the methods globalization tries to alter or affect the national or Muslim identity and the sources for the basic principles governing the way a Muslim identifies himself. What are the basic characters a Muslim must posses in order to be a Muslim.


We will also try in this section to search the possibilities whether such teachings can stand the challenges of globalization and how we can use them as an effective tool for that purpose.


Section I Brief Definition of Globalization and the position of Islam The innocent definition of the term says that "Globalization is the spread and exchange of people, goods, and ideas across the globe" however, M. Miasami argues that "Islam is not against the process of globalization per se, but rather that the tension is due to the process of Westernization". (1) Another scholar defines "globalization" as the clear intermixing of all things economical, social political cultural and behaviour without giving political importance to the political boundaries of sovereign countries and without any need to governmental procedures. (2). The same author adds:" but globalization in contemporary perspective is not merely domination and control of politics, economy only, it is much more than that. It expands to reach the culture and identity of other nations. It aims at spreading patterns of behaviour and sets of values and ways of living. It carries American culture."(3) Even though we always hear that the world has become a small village or we all live in one place. There is still a big fight for the defense of the national identity. A western scholar wrote saying:" the emergence -- seemingly everywhere -- of identity politics whose 1

-Fountain ,August 2003 ‫ نقلً عن محمد آدم "العولمة وأثرها‬.‫ الكوكبة الرأسمالية العالمية في مرحلة ما بعد المبريالية‬، ‫ إسماعيل صبري عبد ال‬-


)‫ ( من النترنت‬2000 ‫ شباط‬42 ‫على اقتصاديات الدول السلمية" في مجلة النبأ العدد‬ ‫م ص‬14/3/1997 ‫الصادر بتاريخ‬603 ‫ المرجع نفسه ويشير الباحث إلى مقالة نشرت في مجلة السبوع الدبي العدد‬-




explicit aim is the restoration of rooted tradition, religious fervor and/or commitment to ethnic or national identities.(1) At the same time, we have in recent years witnessed the growth, in very many societies in all continents, of political movements seeking to strengthen the collective sense of uniqueness, often targeting globalization processes, which are seen as a threat to local distinctiveness and self-determination.(2) Other Muslim scholars are very fearful and apprehensive of the concept of Globalization. They insist that it is Westernization then Americanization of the whole world. Though such scholars do not mention specific examples of such trend but screening the hundreds of the T.V satellite channels one would come up with the idea that those owners of these channels are either agents to the globalizers or they lack goals and objectives or their only goal is to make money. But most likely they are westernized or Americanized themselves. Here are some of the examples of the television programs "who wins the million?", "super star", "star academy", the match making programs, and last but not least "the Big Brother". And would like to mention here that the programme "the big brother" has been suspended after two or three episodes, due to the objection of the Bahraini public and Islamists. Some Lebanese satellite stations adapted some American television programs that are more than thirty years old and added to them some Lebanese or globalized taste such 1

-Thomas Hylland Eriksen, "Globalization and the politics of identity" in, UN Chronicle, autumn 1999. 2



as unnecessary presence of women with minimum clothes on them and lots of seductive gestures. We have been infected with the twenty four hours a day fm radios that are established almost for some nonsense chatting between the very naive radio broadcaster and the men and women from around the Arab world. The shortest of the programs are those serious ones while the program about requesting songs is two or three hours long. Stuart Umpleby and two other scholars within the GW Center for the study of Globalization discussed the standardization of markets across the globe, privatization, and the spread of management methods. Umpleby's study showed a wide gap between developing and developed countries in relation to GDP per capita, business periodicals, Internet usage and ISO 9000 certification. (1)

True we have introduced privatization of the economy, but we have not transmitted the idea of transparency accountability. Some of the huge firms that have been privatized are still run by the same old bureaucratic ways.

ٍSome very optimistic scholars believe that globalization can never be a contradictory to the national identity and will never be a replacement to it. Globalization in this context and this conceptual understanding and in the 11

- Globalization and American Hegemony: Is Globalization "Americanization" in

Disguise? GLOBALIZATION BROWN BAG SERIES Globalization and American -Hegemony: Is Globalization "Americanization" in Disguise? Wednesday, April 23, 2003 -1

‫" الهوية والعولمة من منظور حق التنوع الثقافي في ضوء فلسفة حوار الديان والحضارات" في موقع‬،‫محمد عادل التريكي‬ ‫مركز المدينة المنورة لدراسات وبحوث الستشراق‬


light of the high level of dialogue between religions and civilizations is the only alternative left to humankind, and it will lead in the end to deepening the mutual respect between all nations.(1) However, some scholars feel that we have to join the forces of globalization, because it brings with it democracy and stability and prosperity: "globalization must be embraced because it significantly expands the horizons of individual liberty. Muslims now want political, economic, and social systems that better their lives, and in which they have some say. They want a system which features majority rule, fraud-free elections, a free independent press, protection of minority groups, equality of secular and religious political parties, and full women's rights in everything from the top dollar job in government to the right to have a driving license." (2) But do we really attain all these great benefits if we embrace globalization. I think that instead of troubling ourselves with such ideas as joining the forces of globalization we turn to out immediate problems such as the lack of real freedom of thought and speech, the lack of real human dignity, and the lack of real respect for knowledge and innovation. It seems that the west invents or creates such terms and we spend so much time in the Muslim word to identify these words of terms instead of doing the real work. Instead of writing hundreds of pages defending Islam and that Islam is not anti-globalization (or modernity, which is considered to be a by-product of globalization) in its original sense, we have to tackle the real problem.



- M. Miasami " Islam and Globalization" .

Archives > 2003 Issues > July-September 2003: Issue 43


We should also ask is it "Globalization" that is going to bring answers to all these questions? If we take the concept of transparency, do we really need globalization to attain this goal? Transparency and honesty are basics elements in the Islamic political theory and practice Qur'an criticized Pharaon for claiming that he owns everything in the kingdom of Egypt and the rivers of the land.(1) Islamic tenets called for the highest transparency possible. The prophet (PBUH) sent a man to collect the zakat, when he came back he said to the prophet this is yours ( the states') and this was given to me as a gift). The prophet became angry and addressed the people of Madinah:" we send the man for a chore and he comes back saying this is yours and this was given to me as a gift, let's see if he was staying in his parents' home whether he would be presented with any gifts. Omar Ben Al-Kattab when appointing any man to a post he would ask him to declare what he owns and when he resigns or asked to step down his wealth we be evaluated. Omar shared the wealth of some prominent companions of the prophet (pbuh).

)‫ ونادى فرعون في قومه قال يا قوم أليس لي ملك مصر وهذه النهار تجري من تحتي أفل تبصرون‬-



Section II The Muslim Identity in the face of Globalization: In his excellent paper Adel Al-Turky tried to define the term" identity" according to linguistic and philosophical definition saying that the general perspective of the term does not change as it means "what makes us differ from the others and makes us in harmony with ourselves. Or what distinguishes the individual or the society from others in terms of characters, values and basics. Al-Turky summarizes that the cultural and civilizational identity of any nation is the fixed amount and paramount and common which distinguishes a civilization from other civilization and which makes the national personality. (1 )

One of the main concerns of researchers and scholars about globalization is the apprehension of how globalization may affect Islamic Identity. This was stated in an article written by Abdul Kader Cheref who wrote:" " One of the underlying causes of such anxiety has been a multifaceted cultural concern: how to protect a unique heritage in the face of global pressure while upholding Islamic traditions; to preserve “linguistic purity;” to defend social institutions; and, ultimately, to maintain a viable identity in the midst of a rapidly changing (2)

‫ " أي منظور لمستقبل الهوية في مواجهة تحديات العولمة؟" في موقع مركز المدينة‬.‫ عادل التركي‬-1 ‫ صفحة النقاشات‬ ّ ‫المنورة لدراسات وبحوث الستشراق‬ - Abd-El-Kader Cheref." Globalization, Islam & Democracy " in 30 November 2002 2


But how what are the most effective tools for spreading the notions of Globalizations? Some would say the economic tools such as the multi national companies or the military might of the super powers or the only super power (USA) which justified to some to call "Globalization" "Americanization". As for Multi-national companies they are the vehicle which capitalism is using to pull the world economy towards globalization, because these companies dominates more than third of the foreign investment and two thirds of the international trade in field of goods and services.(1) Globalization as propagated by the Media and the "multi national companies" such as Nestle, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Shell and others who also support the media should be faced by the real understanding of the Islamic identity and the Muslim role in this World in the field of ethics, economics, politics and social issues. The basic lines for the Muslim or rather the faithful established in the Quraanic Chapter "Suratul Bagara differentiated between three types of people: the faithful, the unbelievers and the hypocrites: The faithful were described in five verses, while the unbelievers were described in two verses, the hypocrites were described in thirteen verses. It is rather outstanding that the faithful are those who believe in the metaphysical and perform prayers and spend from what they are given. They are unlike followers of other religions they believe in all revealed books and they also believe in the Day of Judgment or the .‫ مرجع سابق‬،‫ آدم‬-



hereafter. Those who have these characters are those who are guided and those are who are the successful. These five verses are enough to give us the true picture of what a Muslim is. The Muslim behaviour is governed by these verses and the teaching of the prophet -peace be upon him- from the minute he rises from bed to the minute he rests in his bed trying to sleep. A Muslim is the one who believes that he is responsible and accountable for every deed or word he utters, and he also believes that he is accountable for every penny he gains or spends. The Muslim's firm belief in the oneness of the creator and that He is who created and who has the well to take this life, and he is the one who is responsible for our welfare and wellbeing. This belief made the Muslim Umma the strongest nation on earth not in military power or materialistic might but Muslims were the best in terms of dignity of every person living with the boundaries of this great nation. One of the soldiers of the Muslim army attaching the Persian army was asked to come to the presence of the Persian ruler (Kisra). When he entered the court he immediately went to sit with kisra on his throne. The guards tried to prevent him. He said to them first "you called for my presence and I did not come from my own. Secondly we had an idea that you have social equality but in fact I found that you are enslaving one another." And added as a conclusion: such nation is bound to collapse." To comment one might say who has taught this soldier of Islam or this beduin this deep philosophy in rising and decline of nations and states?


And with all that he is required to say "Good things to people" (ً‫ )وقولوا للناس حسنا‬He is supposed to be Mercy to the whole world. A Muslim is required to treat nonbelievers with ( Allah does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. Allah loves just dealers (1) I love to mention some of the things that maybe looked at as trivial but surely are significant in determining the character of the Muslim. When Jaafar Ben Abi Talib was in the presence of The Ethiopian leader Al-najashi, he was asked to enlighten the king of this new religion. Jaafar said:" we were a nation in ignorance worshiping idols, we ate the dead animals perform wicked deeds, unkind to our relatives, unkind to our neighbors and the strong overwhelm the weak. Then a prophet from amongst ourselves whom we know his descent and honesty, he called us to leave our worshiping of what our fathers worshiped whether they are stones or idols. He ordered us to be honest, loyal, be good to our relatives, and neighbors. He ordered us to abandon the forbidden and killings. He forbade us from evil deeds, dishonesty in words and deeds."(2) The Muslim character is governed by a great message is to be moral. The Prophet summarized his message in the hadith saying:" I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals" (AlMuwata) Then the whole body of Islam is to attain the great level of 1


( Qur'an, 60:68) ( ‫ل ينهاكم ال عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا‬

‫)إليهم وال يحب المقسطين‬ .62 ‫م) ص‬1999/‫هـ‬1420 ،‫ مؤسسة الرسالة‬:‫ (بيروت‬24 ‫ط‬.‫ تهذيب سيرة ابن هشام‬.‫عبد السلم هارون‬-



morality. When we see the world around us deteriorating we immediately think that morals have fallen to a very low level or even have been superceded. Some like to think of the world in duality: good and evil, faith and unfaith, black and white. But when we refer to the Muslim Identity we are less fearful that he would fall a prey to the corrupted world. Muslim identity calls for spreading of love and kindness among Muslims. The Prophet- May peace be upon him- denies the Muslim to have full faith unless he loves for others what he loves for himself.(1) Another hadith tells the Muslim not to look down at the small things of good things even such as smiling in the face of his brother.( 2) The Arabic phrase cannot be easily translated because it means much more than just smiling. It describes the face of being open. There are other things in the identity of the Muslim, he is kind to women. One of the last advices of the Prophet peace be upon him is that men should be kind to women. During the last sermon of the farewell Hajj he also pressed the idea of men kindness to women. Identity and Economics: Muslim identity in the economic sphere calls for reasonable spending as mentioned in the characters of the "slaves of Arrahman" "those who when spending are between the lavish and the thrifty.(3) The hadith also stresses this point when saying "he who spends reasonably will not face poverty"(4) And even .‫ ل يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لخيه ما يحب لنفسه‬-


.‫ ل تحقرن من المعروف شيئا ولو أن تلقى أخاك بوجه طََلق‬-


(ً‫) والذين إذا أنفقوا لم يسرفوا ولم يقتروا وكان بين ذلك قواما‬- 3 .‫ما عال من اقتصد‬-



more striking that being gentle to the orphan and preaches the feeding of the poor is connected directly with believing in the Religion(1) A Muslim's faith is considered incomplete if he spends one night full and his neighbor is hungry (2). Islam calls for social welfare to the degree that you have no right to keep in your house anything beyond your needs. This was evident when the Muslims were coming back to Madinah from a battle when the Prophet – peace be upon him- said that he who has extra back to look for somebody who doesn’t have, he who doesn’t have food to give who doesn’t have food. The narrator of the Hadith said that he mentioned many items to the degree we felt that no one has the right to keep to himself anything beyond his immediate needs. To this effect the Prophet- peace be upon him- praise the tribe of "ashairah who face hardships when in the battle or traveling by bringing every thing they have in one place and then divide it equally amongst themselves. The prophet added I belong to them and they belong to me."(3) Islam brought a great economic principal which states that people have shared ownership in three things: fire, water and grass

)‫(أرأيت الذي يكذب بالدين فدلك الذي يدع اليتيم ول يحض على طعام المسكين‬-


.‫ وال ل يؤمن من بات شبعان وجاره جائع‬-


،‫ يقول الرسول صلى ال عليه وسلم ( إن الشعريين قوم إذا جاعوا أو كانوا في الغزو جمعوا ما عنده واقتسموه بالسوية‬-


)‫فأنا منهم وهم مني‬


(Shepard's grass), where in other nations some capitalists (and in Muslim countries run by Capitalism) own great wealth. Islamic identity socially. Allah has created humans in two sexes: male and female. Globalization lead by western culture invented a new term called "gender" to allow for the present deviations which allows the deviated practices such as lesbianism and homosexuality. The gender became a fixed term in the literature of the United Nations and most non governmental documents. Islamic society is built with great love. We have mentioned that a Muslim does not belittle



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